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Coming In Hot Box Set

Page 26

by Gina Kincade

  “And probably giving everyone a free checkup.”

  Shayne laughed. “I’ll visit you and your wife.”

  “That would be great!” Rolly jogged back to the guardhouse. Seconds later, the gate opened.

  Ty looked over at Shayne. Glad to see a smile on her face. “An old friend, princess?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, I forgot to introduce you.”

  “That’s all right. Just happy to see you laugh, princess.”

  “Oh, quit it.” Shayne pinched his side.

  “Yoww! Witch.” If he weren’t buckled he would have leaned in for a kiss. Instead, he just rubbed her cheek with his thumb. A habit that he’d acquired since they’d met. “So this is The Highlands. Heard of this neighborhood. So rich that you guys have your own zip code here.”

  “It’s just a neighborhood with houses hidden behind hedges and trees. I wouldn’t want to raise my children here. Most of the girls I’ve met growing up were accompanied by nannies. We couldn’t just play. There were always rules. Climbing trees wasn’t allowed because they might get hurt and the nannies would get in trouble. Going to McDonalds? No way. Even when we were little, girls were into their body image.”

  “So where do you want to raise your children?”

  “Anywhere they can run around barefoot, catch frogs and butterflies, roll around the grass, and enjoy nature. I want them to get dirty and eat brownies in the morning or…” She noted his grin. “What?”

  “Eat brownies in the morning?”

  Shayne laughed. “Yeah. As long as they brush their teeth.”

  Ty’s heart fluttered as he imagined Shayne’s little babies covered with chocolate, smelling like sunshine, running and shrieking while they called him daddy. Daddy? Something inexplicable akin to happiness bubbled deep inside him. Damn, he wanted to tell Shayne he loved her. Surprised, he stepped on the brake.

  “Why did we stop? You look…I don’t know. Confused.”

  Ty glanced at Shayne. Did he really fall in love with this woman in such a short time? Was that the reason why he didn’t like Les talking to her even though he was gay? Or why he got so irritated when they talked about Shayne’s ex. Or whenever a punch in the gut feeling was brought on by the thought of leaving her apartment permanently. When he thought of not seeing her again, after the case was closed—it nearly made his legs buckle. Could he really walk away from her?


  As soon as he shoved the assholes ass that tried to kill Shayne in jail, he would come clean. He would tell her about the deal he’d made with the governor. Adjusting his seatbelt, he leaned closer to Shayne. “You’re mine,” he whispered as if to state it as a fact, then he gave her a soft kiss.


  Did he mean she was his forever or while they were on this short term relationship? Ty never said anything about his feelings, but the way he made love with her…she could almost feel what was in his heart. Shayne wondered if he felt the same way. If not? Well, she would deal with it later. No use worrying about tomorrow. “So, if anyone asks, we work together.”

  “I got that, love, but an insurance agent? Do you think that’ll fly? Besides, I don’t know anything about insurance.”

  “Well, you can’t very well be a doctor.”

  “Right. How about if I’m your boyfriend? Easier to play that part than an insurance agent.”

  Shayne stared at Ty. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if he were hers? To keep—to love? “My family will ask more questions if you’re my boyfriend. You’ll be fine.”

  She gave Ty directions to her parent’s house. As soon as he drove around the circular driveway, she saw her stepsister come out of the front door. A man in black sports coat stood beside her.

  “That’s my stepsister and I’m assuming the guy beside her is the groom.”

  “Wow. She glitters.”

  Shayne sighed. “That’s Nadia.” Nothing had changed. Nadia would paint her skin with gold and replace her teeth with diamonds if she could….she’d always been crazy with anything that shines. “Don’t say anything about her jewels or she’ll never stop talking. I can’t say anything about Brett. Don’t know him. My stepmom…she’s as fake as her hair extensions. Don’t believe her big smiles and tears. Well, here we go. Welcome to the world that I’ve tried to leave behind.”

  “Stop it. I’m sure they’re okay.”


  He was wrong. After spending a few minutes with Nadia, Ty’s head began pounding. The woman could talk. And it was all about her. She hung on to Ty’s arm tight. Her breasts pressed against him. While she showed them into a room, the size of a ballroom where the wedding would be held Nadia ran her hand over his chest more than once. The woman was a fucking flirt.

  Brett, however, did nothing but hover behind and stare at Shayne with lust in his eyes. Ty wanted to punch him in the face until he choked on his own blood. Instead, Ty smiled when he met Shayne’s gaze.

  She wore a black short skirt and a white tank top, no jewelry except for a small wristwatch she’d inherited from her mother and yet, she outshone Nadia. The woman was beyond beautiful without even trying.

  “Dad will be down in a minute. Mom is with him,” Nadia said smiling while holding Ty’s gaze.

  “Is he okay?” Shayne frowned.

  “Oh, just feeling one of his usual chest pains.”

  “What? Just one of his…?” Shayne turned around. “…Why didn’t anyone tell me about this? Chest pains are not a usual thing, Nadia!” she shouted then left the room.

  “That is the reason why,” Nadia retorted flatly. “Dad knew she’d overreact.”

  “She is his daughter.” Ty thought to remind Nadia.

  Nadia rolled her eyes. “Don’t I know that!”

  “Is the Governor okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s working too hard. And overly excited because his princess is back. I’m glad she left, you know?”

  “Sibling rivalry. You probably understand that, Ty,” Brett finally spoke. “Darling, I don’t think our guest is interested in hearing about you and Shayne’s teenage squabbles.”

  So he talks. Ty smiled at Nadia. She didn’t know who he really was. Since the woman acted so open about her feelings toward Shayne, he thought to dig deeper. “You didn’t get along with Shayne?”

  “No. She’s a pebble in my shoe.”

  “Nadia.” Brett shook his head.

  “What? Darling, go see if the table is ready for us. Please?”

  Brett glanced at Ty first then at Nadia. Nodding his head, he turned around and left the room.

  Nadia faced Ty. Her hands flat on his chest. They stood so close, one would think they were hugging. Ty didn’t step back. Since Nadia was in talking mood, he wanted to know how deep her jealousy went. This could help the case. “You and Shayne didn’t get along?”

  “How? She stole my boyfriends, and always a straight A student. She made me look like a rusty nail. Shayne isn’t the kind of sister one would expect. So freaking perfect, you know? It’s just annoying. Thank God, for the small birthmark below her left breast, otherwise she would be perfect.”

  Oh, he knew about Shayne’s birthmark. He licked it so many times until she begged him to lick her breast instead.

  “And I know she’ll get everything when Dad dies. Including my vanity chair. Mom and I came from nothing. Someday, we’ll leave this house with nothing, because Shayne and her dead mother still occupies Dad’s heart.”

  “Why did Shayne leave?”

  “Because she’s all that. Independent. I got tired of being in her shadow. She’s beautiful without a doubt, but I know more.” Nadia licked her lips, her thumb rubbing Ty’s flat nipple.

  “But you asked her to be your bridesmaid. Aren’t you afraid she might outshine you?”

  Nadia pouted. “I’m not so evil to exclude my stepsister. Besides, her presence would mean Dad’s happiness. Although, if you asked me, I’d rather hire someone to shoot her.”


  Ty turned toward the stern vo

  A woman in long, black dress and like Nadia, glittering from head to toe, stood by the door.

  This must be Shayne’s stepmother. He could see why the governor fell for her. She was striking.

  “I apologize for my daughter. She’s been working hard preparing for the wedding it’s affecting her manners. Nadia, there’s a delivery for you.”

  “More presents, I’m sure.” Nadia stepped away from Ty, but not before giving him a squeeze.

  “I’m Rebecca. You’re Ty.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Just Becca, please. Glad Shayne brought a friend. Last time I’ve seen her with someone, she was just seventeen with braces. How was your flight?”


  “Good. So you two worked together?”


  Rebecca’s gaze pierced him. “Well, we prepared a small meal. Let’s have a seat before the wedding party arrives. They already know what to do, but Shayne doesn’t. So we’ll have a run through. Drinks?”

  “Yes, please.” Ty felt relieved when Rebecca didn’t ask more about his job. Although, he had a feeling she didn’t believe him. He followed Rebecca toward the back of the house, but his mind hovered around what Nadia said.

  Shoot Shayne.

  Chapter Eight

  Shayne couldn’t tell whether Nadia wanted to punish her or was just showing off. Five times now, Shayne walked the aisle, her steps in tune with the music, but each time, Nadia had something to complain about. While the groomsmen drank, the bridesmaids, which consisted of Nadia’s blonde and twittering girlfriends, sat by Ty—flirting.

  Ty, however, didn’t seem interested in them. His gaze remained focused on her.

  Lord, the man could melt her bones just with a simple stare. Shayne wanted to go to him and curl up on his lap. But what was the chance of that happening? As far as everyone knew, they were just friends. Well, they were friends. But…what do you call their relationship anyway? Fuck buddies?

  Oh, god.

  “Shayne! Please pay attention!”

  Shayne blinked. “I am, but—?”

  “Maybe this is not important to you, but to me it is.”

  “I’m sorry, Nadia. I think I got this down already.”

  “So you say. Just make sure you don’t ruin this important day of my life.”

  “Not my intention.” Shayne let out a sigh when her phone rang. Glad for the break. She answered her phone and rushed into the backyard. It was Les again, asking how she was doing and wishing she would come fly back to North Carolina right away. Bodies were piling up on the operating table waiting for her, he said. Shayne didn’t really expect Les to keep touch with her while she was gone, but it was nice of him to call.

  She ended the call then decided to walk in the backyard for a few minutes. The ballroom, despite its size, felt so confining. And she wanted to get away from Nadia. God, the woman was so domineering. Nothing had changed.

  When she’d been little, the backyard had been her playground. Alone, she would create games here. Most of the time playing doctor with her stuffed toys as her patients. She never wanted to be anything else. But she didn’t grow fast enough to become one. Her mother died when she was just eight.

  “Another call?”

  Shayne didn’t have to turn around. She would know that voice anywhere. Closing her eyes, she let the sound of it caress her skin. A minute passed then she felt his arms around him. “Yeah. It’s Les again. He must be bored.”

  “I thought you doctors never get bored?”

  “There is a downtime.”

  “What did he tell you now? He’s operating on two hearts at the same time?”

  “More like what I am doing and how the wedding preparation is progressing. He asked me to describe the whole house, and where I hang out all the time. Didn’t know he was that nosy. He got excited about the backyard. He never had one, he said, growing up. I told him this was my sanctuary, where I spent most of my time.”

  Ty’s eyes narrowed as he nodded. “So what are you doing out here?”

  “Taking a break from Miss Bossy Bossington.”

  Ty chuckled. “I miss you. You’re right. We should’ve thought about an excuse not to come here.”

  Shayne leaned back against him, giving him her weight. “But then I would miss the gaudy dress Nadia picked for me.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing it.”

  “It’s blood red.”

  “Hmm…I’m sure it’ll look good on you.” Ty kneaded her hips.

  “Hmm. That feels nice.”



  “I’m so addicted to you. What am I going to do when this is all over?”

  When this is all over? Shayne’s shoulders sagged. “I’m sure you’ll find lots of things to do.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll go back to my routine.” And will try to forget this ever happened.

  “That’s your solution for my addiction?”

  Shayne faced Ty. “What do you have in mind?”

  Ty grinned. “For a start? Let me show you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Ty felt glad when the wedding finally took place. He wanted to take Shayne back to North Carolina where he knew she would rather be. Back to her routine—jogging, visiting the rehab center, and working at the hospital while he worked the investigation. Her friend, Les, had been calling Shayne, keeping her up to date on what was happening at the hospital, although Shayne explained that they weren’t that close. He didn’t like Les from the get go and his constant calls to Shayne bugged him. If he didn’t know that Les was gay, he would go nuts from jealousy.

  Ty had friends in GBLT community. They were really great, but not one had been as nosy as Les. The man wanted Shayne to tell him everything about the wedding and what she was doing. The fuck was that about? He supposed the man was just being overly friendly. After all, he was Shayne’s hankie first.

  Hankie. He wanted to be Shayne’s shoulders. No one else. When all of this was over, he would talk to her about them. But not while the fucking shooter was loose.

  The past weeks proved that she was more than just a case. He faced the fact that he loved her and if he were right, she had feelings for him, too. He’d been infatuated with Shayne the first time he saw her picture. Now, he was crazy for her. He couldn’t imagine waking up without her beside him. He wanted to be near hear her all the time, feel her warmth, watch her shower, dress and cook. He also learned to love her habit of feeling for his heartbeat whenever they lay in bed at night.

  Ty watched Shayne talking to people she knew, neighbors who wanted to hear her stories. A few even asked if she could give them a quick diagnosis. Ty smiled remembering the shock on Nadia’s face when she saw Shayne. If Nadia’s intention was to give Shayne a dress that resembled a bed sheet to make her look frumpy, she failed miserably. His love looked so radiant in her ankle length Grecian style dress that showed her back. Her hair being piled high gave her a look of a goddess. Everyone oohed and ahhed when Shayne walked. Men, married and single, eyed her openly. Shayne could wear a potato sack and she would still command attention. The perfect thing about her was…She didn’t even seem to know this.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Ty grinned at Shayne’s father who handed him a tall glass of wine. “Yes, sir.”

  “What’s your intention, son?”

  “I’ll marry your daughter,” he answered immediately “With or without your permission. If she’ll have me.”

  “I think you’ve already won her heart.”

  Ty stared at Shayne. Could the Governor be right? That in a such a short time this wonderful doctor fell for him, too?

  “Are you going to tell her that you’re working for me? Or you want me to?”

  “I think she should hear it from me, sir.”

  “Good. Find the one who wanted to hurt her. I don’t care who she or he is. I want the fucking bastard punished.”

  “You and I want the same thing, sir.” Ty felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He excused himself then moved toward the back of the ballroom. “Hey, Grady. What’s up?” While Grady explained why he called, Ty scanned the floor for Shayne but didn’t spot her. “God damn it. I don’t see her.” He hung up the phone. Rapidly punching in Shayne’s number. Her voicemail picked up. “Come on, baby.” He hit her number again while his heart pounded against his chest. He should’ve guessed it was Les behind the shooting. The motherfucker wanted Shayne out of the picture, so he could get the lead position at the hospital. Grady said he had Les in custody already spilling his guts and snot. However, his boyfriend, Andy, was still at large—the perioperative fucking nurse.

  Fuckin’ A. Grady had people looking for Andy now, but the asshole left North Carolina a few days ago and could be here already. He scanned the room one more time, then went into the backyard.

  Baby, where are you.

  Shayne’s father noticed his tension. “Tell me.”

  “Call for backup.” Ty saw the governor’s expression turn dark before he turned around to find Shayne. He had an idea where she was. He took off running.


  “Hi, Andy. Yes, the wedding was beautiful,” Shayne greeted Les’ boyfriend. “I’m out in the backyard. Nice out here. Cooler and quiet.” Shayne wondered why Andy sounded so serious. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything will be okay from now on.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let me show you, bitch.”


  Shayne was surprised to see a figure emerge from behind the tall hedges. She took a step back but stopped when she recognized him. “Andy?”

  Andy took a step forward. “Hello, Shayne.”

  Both of them stood in the dimly lit part of the garden, but Shayne could tell he was hiding something behind his back.

  “What are you doing here?” Something wasn’t right. Why would Andy be here, in the dark, wearing all black?

  Her heart started pounding. She wished someone from the party would come out to the backyard but then rapidly wished for the opposite. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt. Because, she knew Andy was here to hurt her. But why? If Andy was here, could Les be here somewhere? “Is Les with you?”


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