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Coming In Hot Box Set

Page 63

by Gina Kincade

  Aleah rolled her eyes as she returned her attention back to the man the good doctor had just finished introducing.

  The man still standing met her stare, licked his lips again and gave a slow smile, “Hi there everyone. I’m really excited to be on this team.”

  His gaze never left hers as he returned to his seat. Aleah remembered how the blush crept up her face as the Endocrinologist’s attention finally moved back to the man who had gathered them all together.

  Dr. Morgan’s gaze fell on a woman sitting by herself on the other end of the table as he cleared his throat, “This is Ms. Rosa Devlin and she will be helping us study the brains of our patients as our Neurologist.”

  Rosa was a soft spoken Latin woman with straight black hair and serious chocolate brown eyes, “Thank you, Dr. Morgan. I look forward to working with you all.”

  The Director gave a nod and turned his attention to the man who had interrupted him, “This is Mr. William Wolfe and he is going to our Cardiologist. His methods are a bit unorthodox but his skills are unprecedented. He is going to aide in the study of the heart of all our paranormal patients…”

  The man stood cutting Dr. Morgan off, “Yes, yes, hello. I’m thrilled to be here and can’t wait to begin our studies. The chance to study our hearts and the stress of being different than humans, especially shifters, is a rare opportunity that I just couldn’t pass up.”

  As the Cardiologist returned to his seat, a smug grin on his lips, the Director gave a grim smile. Aleah remembered thinking that he must have been having second thoughts about including Mr. Wolfe on his team.

  He turned his attention away from the egotistical man preening in his seat to her, making her fight the urge to squirm under his scrutiny, “And finally, last but certainly not least, this is Ms. Aleah Macleod and her specialty is blood. Her skills in Hematology have yet to be matched and I couldn’t be happier to see that she accepted the challenge to be on this team.”

  Aleah felt the blush intensify as she stood to address the room, “Hey everyone. I can’t wait to get started.”

  As she returned to her seat her gaze met Wyatt’s again and she gave him a warm smile. Her body felt hot and her skin suddenly felt too tight. She remembered that Dr. Morgan had continued to discuss everything that was going to be asked of them but while the Endocrinologist and Aleah’s gazes remained locked on each other the good doctor’s voice became nothing more than an annoying buzz in her ears.

  Chapter Two

  Shaking her head she pulled herself out of the memory and looked at her reflection again. Happy that she looked more normal, Aleah left the bathroom and made her way into the kitchen. Getting her lunch bag out of the fridge, she checked the apartment to make sure she wasn’t forgetting anything then headed to the front door to begin her rounds at the hospital.

  She grabbed her jacket, made sure the lamp in the living room and porch lights were on as she walked out of her apartment to start her day.

  I’ll have to make time to check my iron levels while I’m working. Depending on the results I may have to suggest to Dr. Morgan that we skip a day or two of blood tests until we can level them out again, Aleah thought as she locked her front door.

  She looked around the hallway, half expecting to see William Wolfe lurking around her front door as he did every morning. Aleah wasn’t sure what his agenda was where she was concerned but ever since they had discovered they lived in the same building he had made it his morning’s mission to be at her door to walk with her to work. Not seeing him in his usual spot she sighed in relief and hastened down the hallway to the building’s glass door. She pushed her way through and started walking in the direction of New Hope Hospital.

  “Hi, Aleah!” William exclaimed cheerfully.

  She startled, placing her hand on her chest trying to calm her racing heart, “Damn it, William! You scared me.”

  He gave her a predatory smile, showing his perfect white teeth, a complete contradiction to his next words, “I’m sorry, beauty. I was just up the street getting some coffee, like I always do. Why didn’t you wait for me?”

  Aleah stifled the urge to groan and roll her eyes as William handed her a paper cup filled with the beverage he had gone to get, “It’s almost a daily routine so I can’t imagine why I frightened you.”

  She accepted the offered cup and sniffed the contents before taking a tentative sip.

  The man standing before her let out a frustrated grunt, “It’s exactly how you like it; French Vanilla creamer, blonde in color. The way you’ve had your coffee since the day we met. Why do you always do that?!?”

  Aleah took another sip and let the warm liquid slide down her throat before answering, “It’s perfect, as usual. Thank you for thinking of me.”

  She gave him a small smile, trying to ease his frustration. Aleah wasn’t sure why but she didn’t want William to be angry, with her or anyone. She couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something off about him. Instead of concentrating on what could be wrong with the Cardiologist, she gave a small gesture with her free hand, indicating that the two of them should start walking. Aleah needed to get to the hospital before her shift started so that she could locate Dr. Morgan and speak with him in private. The other team members, including the doctor walking beside her, weren’t aware of how closely she was working with Dr. Morgan and the Director of Supernatural Bio-Medicine preferred it that way. Until they found more volunteers to undergo the experiments needed to keep the humans who ran the hospital satisfied he wasn’t willing to sacrifice what findings he had in his possession for any reason.

  The two began to walk in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Aleah knew that once the team found out about the studies she was involved in the dynamic was going to change; in what capacity she couldn’t be sure but she was hoping for the better. She knew that every member on the team was “other”, they had shifters, a vampire, a witch and Deanna was still as much a mystery as Dr. Morgan was, but she hadn’t approached the Director to find out if he knew. Aleah had a feeling that Dr. Morgan needed to let the whole team in on their research together sooner rather than later. She could feel the tension building between herself and the other members of the team. She knew that tension wouldn’t be conducive to the kind of working environment needed to keep the humans at ease. Also, they needed another shifter to work on besides her because Aleah wasn’t sure how much longer she was going to last before getting too sick to continue.

  She turned right, glancing at the Cardiologist walking beside her. Aleah knew that he was one of the few shifters on the team but not what flavor. What she did know about William was that he wasn’t the right person to bring into the studies. He didn’t seem like someone who would sit and be experimented on, regardless of what the research was for. As the hospital loomed closer, a brilliant idea occurred to Aleah. It was time for her to speak with Wyatt, after talking to Dr. Morgan of course. Even though the thought of finally being able to tell the Endocrinologist the truth about where she and the Director disappeared to in the middle of the day gave her mixed feelings; she knew it was the right thing to do. And to be able to do that, she needed to have a valid argument to present Dr. Morgan. She was hoping her iron levels would do that for her.

  William rushed to the door, holding it open for Aleah; as if he hadn’t been frustrated with her fifteen minutes before. He was trying for the picture of innocence but she could feel the darkness brewing beneath the surface.

  Aleah put on a plastic smile and moved through the door, passed the shifter that was holding it open, “You’re too kind. Why don’t you head on up? I have a few things to take care of before this morning’s debriefing so I’ll just meet you there, okay?”

  She wasn’t sure how William was going to take that news. He consistently tried his damnedest to stay glued to her side for the twelve hours they were at the hospital together, but she needed to find their boss without him tagging along. She hoped he would just continue on to the fifth floor without making a big deal a
bout her announcement.

  The shifter opened his mouth as if to ask what she had to do that was so important, seemed to decide against it and closed it again without making a sound and nodded. He gave her a curious look before turning around and heading to the elevator. Aleah watched his back and sighed, glad that he had chosen not to ask any questions.

  Time to find Dr. Morgan, Aleah thought as she made her way to the stairs.

  She didn’t want to chance being stuck in the elevator with William because she was sure he would ask those unspoken questions that were surely spinning in his mind.

  She opened the door to the stairwell and walked through. Taking the steps two at a time in her haste to find the Director she kept her mind on the business at hand but it kept wandering to the night before.

  Wyatt had shown up at her apartment, intent on hashing things out. They had argued rather heatedly earlier in the any about her abrupt disappearances and the two had parted on angry terms. So when the Endocrinologist had appeared on her doorstep with a bouquet of flowers and an apology she had accepted with a flair all her own.

  Her footsteps echoed off the walls of the stairwell bringing her attention back to the serious situation she needed to take care of. Aleah had a pretty good idea as to the doctor’s whereabouts.

  She pushed through the door, stopping for a second to catch her breath. Aleah looked around the basement letting her eyes adjust to the dim light of lower part of the hospital. Her gaze swept the dusky, dank corridor for a minute longer before she headed in the direction she was she would find the good doctor.

  Aleah smiled as she entered the lab, “I thought I would find you here, Dr. Morgan. How are the tests coming along?”

  The silver-haired man turned from his microscope with a warm smile on his lips, “Things are becoming much clearer the more blood draws we test. And how are you, my dear? You’re looking a little pale.”

  She sighed, So much for the ‘a little foundation hides every blemish’ theory.

  Shaking her head Aleah answered, “That’s why I’m here. Dr. Morgan we need to talk.”

  The doctor took her hand, giving it a fatherly pat, “What’s on your mind, Aleah?”

  She sighed again, getting everything in order in her mind, “I think we need to test my iron levels. I’m sure the reason I’m so pale is because my iron levels are extremely low. If the levels read the way I believe they will we are going to need to find a new shifter to conduct some of these tests on sooner rather than later.”

  Dr. Morgan gave her an understanding smile, “I completely agree with you. Unfortunately no volunteers have stepped up. But, to be honest, I don’t really expect them to. You know how things have been. The supernatural community is having a hard time being exposed to the human world and no one is really coming in for regular checkups much less to volunteer to be poked and prodded for experiments being done to appease the humans who still don’t trust us. We have been lucky to get the few stragglers who have been too injured or sick to leave their survival to chance.”

  Aleah nodded, acknowledging the doctor’s worries, “I understand all of this, Doctor, but I don’t think we have much choice. I need to level out my iron levels before I give any more blood and that could take a few days. That being said, I do have an idea of who might be able to aide us in our research.”

  Dr. Morgan tipped his head to the side in interest, “I’m listening.”

  She let out the breath she had been holding in a rush, “Wyatt Masterson. I know you don’t like to ask any of us if we are “other” but when we started this research I knew we would eventually need someone else to undergo these experiments. So I started talking with Wyatt. I didn’t tell him what we have been doing, but in socializing with him I’ve discovered that he is a shifter. A unique one, like me as Fate would have it. I was hoping to put this conversation off for another week or two but it seems the amount of blood I’ve given since the beginning is starting to take its toll.”

  Aleah took a deep breath, “The decision is yours of course. This is your baby, after all. But if we continue down this road you will be treating me for anemia instead of conducting research on what makes us the way we are.”

  The Director took in her serious face and pale cheeks, “I believe you may be right, my dear. Go ahead and bring Wyatt down this afternoon. I’ll fill him in on what we are trying to accomplish. Now, let’s check your iron levels.”

  Aleah nodded and stood calmly, when inside she was trembling in her excitement. She was thrilled to finally be able to tell her lover everything. On top of all that, she would have more time with him if their boss included him in on the research.

  Chapter Three

  The results of the blood tests concerning Aleah’s iron levels confirmed what she had thought was going on with her; the levels were extremely low. Dr. Morgan agreed that they needed to bring Wyatt in. Aleah hadn’t told him what flavor of shifter the Endocrinologist was but she knew how much he liked a mystery. If the Director couldn’t figure out what Wyatt’s other form was by testing the blood then she would fill him in. But chances were good that the doctor would discover what shifter the Endocrinologist was with just his blood.

  She had left Dr. Morgan shaking his head and muttering in concern over her iron levels and made her way to the elevators, intent on getting up to the fifth floor to find Wyatt.

  She was walking by the staff lounge on her way to the conference room when the door opened and out walked the shifter she was looking for, “Wyatt! I was just looking for you.”

  The Endocrinologist gave her one of his lazy smiles, “I was looking for you too, sweets. Why don’t we talk in here where there won’t be any prying eyes?”

  The suggestion had her insides melting with desire. She gave Wyatt a smoldering look, sure that she was going to become a puddle of woman in front of him, “Prying eyes, huh? What do people looking at us have to do with us talking?”

  She followed him as he stepped back into the room he had left, “I have some good news for you, lover, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you. This is a discussion that we certainly couldn’t have in the conference room during the debriefing but we should have a few minutes before Dr. Morgan makes his way up to this floor…”

  Wyatt interrupted her by pinning her to the closed door and giving her a kiss that had her swimming in her panties. He raised her arms above her head, neatly taking both of her wrists into his right hand and successfully holding her in place as his left hand slid slowly down her side. Aleah moaned into his mouth as their tongues stroked each other and Wyatt’s hand slid under her blue scrub top, lightly skimming the underwire of the black lace bra she had chosen to wear that day. She whimpered when the Endocrinologist pulled away, still holding her hands above her head.

  “What was it you wanted to talk about, sweets?” Wyatt asked her as he put her top back to rights and stepped further away, letting her hands go.

  Aleah pulled her scrub top down further, using that movement to catch her breath and remember what it was she needed to talk to her lover about.

  “I think it can wait, handsome. Why don’t we finish what you started before we talk about that?” Aleah pouted.

  She reached for him and he moved further into the room shaking his head, “I don’t think so, sweets. I’m afraid that if we begin to have our fun you’ll forget everything that you think is so important. So spit it out now, my dear, while I stand safely over here and you have your thoughts in order. If you hurry we might be able to have our fun with plenty of time to make it to the conference room for the day’s debriefing.”

  Aleah could tell that his mind was made up and there would be no changing it so she sighed and leaned against the closed door, pointing to the table, “You’re going to want to sit down before I begin, darling.”

  She took a deep breath as she watched him take a chair, turn it around and straddle it, “As you know, there have been some things that I have been working on with Dr. Morgan that I have not been able to share with y
ou. I was looking for you because I have some good news. Dr. Morgan has agreed to let you accompany me the next time we have to disappear, which will more than likely be this afternoon.”

  The Endocrinologist gave her a wide grin and jumped to his feet, his long strides eating up the floor in his hurry to reach her.

  He pulled her off her feet and crushed her in a tight embrace, “That’s amazing news! Does this mean there’ll be nothing more for us to fight about?”

  Aleah let out a laugh, “Oh I’m sure we’ll find other things to fight about but you being brought into the fold makes our last fight seem pretty superficial.”

  She pulled away only to be snatched back into Wyatt’s arms as he crushed her mouth with his own. Together they moved to the table, the Endocrinologist bending her until her back hit the hard, cold surface. He slid his hand under her shirt again, moving the cup of her bra aside so that he could flick her nipple with his fingers. Aleah arched her back, pushing her breast into his open palm and moaning in pleasure as he added a small amount of pressure. He pulled the shirt up, breaking off their kiss long enough to get it over her head.

  “Mmmm, very nice. Did you wear that for me? Am I going to find the matching panties when I pull off your pants?” Wyatt said in a husky voice, letting her know that he was more than ready to enter her.

  Aleah gave him a sexy smile, a twinkle in her eyes, “This old thing? Nah it was just something I pulled on this morning. As for the panties, you’ll just have to take the pants off to find out now won’t you?”

  He didn’t waste any time, just moved away from her long enough to lock the door. He hurried back and slowly slid her pants down her long legs, enjoying the view of his lover standing before him in her matching undergarments waiting for him to make his next move. Wyatt looked up at Aleah from his position between her legs. He slid his hands up her smooth skin, spreading them further apart. Wyatt could see the damp spot in the center of the silk fabric as he licked the inside of her right leg and smiled. He slid his hands up to the waistband of her panties as his mouth moved closer to his prize watching as his fingers tips moved under the waistline. He pulled them off quickly, leaving her pussy exposed to the cool breeze coming from the air conditioner. She hopped up onto the table she had been using for balance giving Wyatt better access to her pussy. Aleah looked down at the man kneeling between her legs and gave him a wicked smile as she spread her legs a little wider giving him an unobstructed view of what he wanted. The Endocrinologist licked his lips then leaned forward and blew across the wet, heated flesh causing the female shifter to squirm in anticipation.


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