Coming In Hot Box Set

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Coming In Hot Box Set Page 76

by Gina Kincade

  Moving in between her legs, I got comfortable.

  "Wait, I want you inside me."

  There was nothing I wanted more—except to taste her. "I will be." She'd always been impatient, and I knew her brief nod was a concession.

  My lips moved against the material in between her legs and her body shivered underneath me. The silkiness of her knickers tickled my lips as I moved them up and around her vagina. Her taste was amazing, everything that I remembered from when we were together—only more so.

  Sid opened her legs up further, allowing me more access. My tongue swirled across the material, dampening it and mixing with her natural wetness until at last I moved her knickers over a fraction to gain access to her.

  She bucked her hips as my tongue hit her clit and I quickened my pace. Time and time again my mouth moved across her pussy lips, bringing her a little closer to her orgasm every time.

  I pulled my mouth away as she was about to come and her complaint filled the bedroom. "Alexeeeee, why did you stop?" She was panting and her hand moved to my hair to grasp a handful and push me back there. I laughed softly, enjoying her frustration.

  "Well I needed your cute little panties off and I didn't want to rip them—"

  "Rip them, who gives a fuck. Just get on with it."

  I laughed again at her aggression and reached for them. She lifted her hips up off the bed and allowed me to slowly pull them down her body. "I don't think so, sweetheart. I like this way much better." I'm pretty sure she cursed under her breath at me.

  I took my time taking them off her, before letting them drop to the carpeted floor on top of all her other clothes. Standing up, I pulled off my t-shirt and unbuttoned my jeans but left them on.

  "Shuffle forward to the edge of the bed."

  Sid immediately moved, not questioning what I was doing. She sat there, flushed face, glistening pussy, as prim as you like, waiting for me.

  I sat on the bed next to her and my fingers touched her hair. "I've said how much I like this shorter hairstyle." I brushed the fingers of my right hand through it, enjoying the satin touch of her glossy tresses. "But there's one thing you forgot when you had it cut."

  Sid glanced at me, a knowing look in her eye. "No, I had that done on purpose." She stuck her chin out as she stared me out. "When you left, I never wanted another man to do what you did to me. I didn't want to orgasm as hard as I ever did with you because I lose myself too much around you. I lost part of me when you left, whether you want to hear that or not. So yeah, I knew exactly what I was doing when I had my hair chopped." She looked away as I swallowed down whatever I was feeling. It didn't matter that I ached for her; I had been the one to do this.

  "But it's still long enough if you get a good grip." My mouth twitched in a sad smile at her soft words.

  "If you say so," I said as I rubbed my fingers across her scalp before fisting a handful of her hair. "I want to see if this affects you as much as it used to. As much as I remember."

  My left hand reached in between her legs and touched her wet pussy, fingering her slit gently up and down. Then my hand tugged on her hair. Instantly she was soaking wet and I rubbed her clitoris in the way she loved.

  "Have you missed this, baby?" I asked gently. Really wanting to ask whether she'd missed me. I couldn't, though. I didn't have that right.

  Her groan was answer enough. Sid had her little sexual quirks. She loved having her hair pulled, loved the occasional spanking, but would never be tied down or whipped—which was absolutely fine with me.

  "I need to taste you," She said, picking up my hand and tasting her own juices. "I want to feel you in my mouth."

  She also loved to give blow jobs. Which was pretty fucking amazing since I loved having them. But this wasn't the time. I needed to fuck her. I needed to feel her connected to me once more. If this would be the last time, I was going to remember her as one with me.

  "No, turn over, arse in the air."


  "Not yet, sweetheart." She nodded and turned over, her delectable rump straight in front of me. I pulled out some protection from my back pocket, ripping open the foil. Slipping it down over my shaft, I rested my knees against the edge of the bed, positioning myself against her vagina. Touching her, I let my finger slip inside her first of all. The warmth surrounded me completely. If it was possible for my dick to harden more, it did.

  "Please." Her plea almost sent me over the edge. I pulled out my finger, replacing it with my cock, and slipped inside her as slowly as I could manage.

  "Fuck me, Alexei. Hard." I couldn't resist her command. Reaching around to her pussy, I flicked against her clit as I thrust in and out.

  Slowly at first, then quicker. Sid's body tightened around mine, and I knew it wouldn't be long until she was falling into her own pleasure. And it wouldn't take me long, either.

  Her arse bucked and I gritted my teeth as I knew there wasn't any fight left in me.

  "I'm coming," I heard her mumble as my pace quickened and my own orgasm followed on the tail of hers. Moments later, I pulled out, getting rid of the rubber, and fell into a heap next to her.

  "Well that was nice," Sid said as she threw her leg over mine. A sexy sheen of perspiration covered her skin.

  "Want to go again?" she asked after a moment.

  "I thought you'd never ask." I reached over and tugged her bra down to expose her jiggling boobs.

  One night to forget the past and my future. One night to claim my bride.


  Chapter Eight – Sunday, 5:45AM

  Sidney Washington was a workaholic. And I thought I was bad. Difference was, she was good for their health and I definitely wasn't.

  I helped her in an amiable silence. Neither of us ventured into the subject of sex, but I found her watching me on and off. We'd had hours of making love before she'd got up and begun her morning work routines before dawn. Yet we still hadn't spoken about all the important stuff. It was definitely the elephant in the room.

  After cleaning out pens, feeding animals, and administering medication, we came to a break and went to the kitchen. I made a coffee; she had a diet soda. It was now or never.

  "Sid, are you ready to listen to me, now?"

  Her can of drink hesitated right before it made it to her mouth. Pausing for a long moment until at last she carried on, taking a long sip.

  "I'm not sure this will change anything," she said, throwing her can into the recycling bin. "We both know the score at this stage."

  "I'm not like you, Sidney." She looked up, startled. "Maybe. But we were compatible enough to find ourselves together. And if you've only worked that out recently, we have bigger problems." Her grin was infectious. I stepped forward and took her lips in a quick kiss.

  "You're cute when you're taking the piss out of me. But quit distracting me." She laughed, the noise filling the room.

  "Well, Alexei, tell me why you're not like me, then. I've studied human and animal biology so I doubt I'll learn anything."

  "I'm a demon—"

  "You're an asshole, yes. A demon? Not sure what the criteria is for that." Sid chuckled as she walked to the kitchen door. "But if that's everything, I'll get on with some work, now."

  I was already shaking my head, but it didn't matter. She was dismissing me. The main phone rang, a shrill sound that made me cringe.

  Sid immediately picked up the receiver. After a few moments of listening, she responded. "Of course, bring him in immediately." The moment she hung up, she was flying out of the room and toward the treatment areas.

  "What's going on?" I said, discarding my coffee mug and jogging after her

  "Emergency. An owner found one of his puppies in a bad way. They're on their way in. I'm pretty sure he thinks it's bad enough for the pup to be put out of his misery."

  I nodded, not that she would see me. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

  Sid stopped outside of the small, immaculately clean room she used for surgeries. "Yes, you can be my nur
se. Are you okay with lots of blood?" I almost snorted and she turned to give me a 'what the fuck is wrong with you' look. I sobered quickly.

  "Sure, that's fine."

  "Here, put these on after you let Mr. Watson into the treatment room. I'm going to prep this suite for a quick start on surgery if need be. From what the man said on the phone, I think this puppy needs its spleen out." Sid gave me a clean pair of scrubs and a clean pair of crocs.

  "Okay, I'll send them straight in."

  "And don't forget to wash your hands and put your gloves on in the utility room before coming through into surgery, if we do go that route."

  I nodded but was distracted as I could hear someone banging on the front door so I disappeared out front. Opening the door, I saw a man holding a small Labrador puppy. It was barely moving, looked like it had a bloated stomach, and it was panting for breath. "Sid's waiting for you, go right into the main treatment room." I pointed in the direction of where he should go.

  The man had a completely blank expression on his face. Instantly my hackles went up. There didn't seem to be a rush on getting inside as he slowly stepped passed me.

  I took a few deep breaths in the reception area, attempting to put my finger on what it was about this fucker. At last I shook my head, knowing this wasn't the time or place to be doing this. Sid needed me. Pushing through the door into the treatment room, the first thing I noticed was the puppy looked in distress.

  "Jester was found right down the road, near some dustbins. A car must have hit him and left him for dead." Again the man was emotionless. I leaned closer, taking a good whiff of him. I figured out the problem. If my instincts were right—and they usually were—I was in the presence of a particularly mean demon. It took one to know one.

  Sid was in work mode. She was checking the puppy out, feeling around his abdomen. Then moved to his mouth and eyes, checking both. I stayed quiet at the back of the room, glaring a hole into the dick in front of me.

  "Little Jester has some abdominal swelling and is exhibiting signs of a ruptured spleen. What I'd like to do is give him an x-ray to see the extent of the problem, and then extract some fluid from his abdominal cavity to see if it contains blood. If it does, like I suspect it will do, we'll have to take out his spleen immediately." She stopped examining to look up at the man in front of her but still she gently stroked the animal. "We'll have to move quickly to save his life, Mr. Watson. If you consent, I'd like you to sign some forms so we can move ahead to try and save your puppy's life."

  The man stood there for long moments, maybe contemplating what Sid had told him. I hoped he was going to turn into a concerned dog parent. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

  "Couldn't we just put him down?" I saw the fire in Sid's eyes before it erupted and boiled over. I stepped forward.

  "Mr. Watson, why don't you follow me outside for a moment and we can talk about your next steps while Sidney preps him for the procedure."

  "I don't want to be paying for that mutt any more than I have to. I never wanted them anyway. It's my wife's idea to keep all of them."

  My fingers dug into his shoulder as I showed him out of the room. "Don't worry; it'll be covered by me."

  "And who are you?" He turned just as we made it out of the room. I closed the door behind me, seeing Sid start getting ready to move the dog into the surgical suite.

  "I'm a very rich animal lover," I lied. "Let me walk you to your car, and you can tell me what really happened to the dog."

  "I told you—"

  "You told Sid something entirely different to what you're about to tell me." He walked out of the practice and toward his car, maybe ten metres away. The demon inside him wanted to boast of his cruel acts, I could feel it a mile off. This one wouldn't need much prodding to get to the truth.

  "I don't like the fucking things. And that particular one in there keeps shitting everywhere. My wife wanted to sell them on and make some money, but she's become attached to them."

  I nodded, pushing my temper down. "Well, it's your lucky day. I'll take them off your hands. We can discuss money later. We have your address on our records?" He nodded. "I'll be around later to make the deal with you."

  The man looked at me long and hard. He was probably wondering what my angle was. By nature a demon isn't trusting, but when it comes to the prospect of money—and especially when you're a magpie demon or a Grava to use his proper name, he likes to have riches surrounding him as it overrides their protective instinct. He took out his hand ready for me to shake it. I slowly did before turning and jogging back to the building, locking the door behind myself.

  "Fucking asshole."

  Stepping into the utility room, I pulled on my scrubs, leaving my jeans and t-shirt to one side. I kept my underwear on. Then I washed my hands thoroughly and pulled on a pair of disposable gloves. Pushing the door open into the room where the puppy and Sid were, I noticed she already had him under with an IV catheter in his leg.

  "How is he doing?" I asked, standing opposite her.

  "I'm not sure if he's going to pull through." Her lips thinned into a line and I wondered how she could deal with it all. "Pass me the tubing, please."

  I did as she asked and went back to my position. "I need you to monitor his breathing once I place this tube down his oesophagus. Can you do that?"

  "Yup." I watched as she quickly got the tube into place. "What's that for?"

  "In case of emergency and we need to clear the airways and help Jester breath." She then connected it to a small machine. "And this will administer further anaesthetic when needed."

  I nodded, awed at her sure movements. All I could do was take lives. This woman could save them. It was a much tougher thing to do.

  "We'll be ready to move into the other room in just a second." She expressed the puppy's bladder, then quickly shaved his abdomen. "Right, let's move quickly. Don't touch anything with your hands as we move into the other room unless I ask you directly.


  The other room was prepped and ready to go. Sid hooked up the machine, plugged the dog in and she seemed ready to rock n' roll.

  "I have everything I need at the moment, but if you could make sure the lamp is always in the correct position?"

  "Sure, just tell me what you need."

  "We'll do a quick x-ray and I'll take a fluid sample. Then we'll know what we're dealing with."

  Within five minutes, both of those things were complete and she was starting a surgery.

  "I need you to make sure I have enough towels. Also, if he bleeds out, I want you to be ready at my command to clean him. Do you think you can do that?"

  "I'm ready to help in any way I can."

  Thirty minutes later, after a gradual cutting of the skin and a slow removal of the attached spleen, Jester was one organ short of a full pack and he was in recovery. Sid had cauterized the wound, stitched where needed and was now suturing the poor animal. Throughout, I was keeping him warm at Sid's request, and monitoring his breathing and heart-rate.

  "That was intense." I said to Sidney as she tidied up, after she taken the dog into recovery and settled him.

  "Yes, it was." She looked tired and I knew she'd been running on adrenaline throughout. "It's still a bit touch and go whether the dog will make it. But I don't think this was a simple hit and run. I've seen too many and he has very little in the way of other wounds, except suspected cracked ribs."

  My blood boiled. The demon had been busy. Well, he would be meeting me soon. Let him pick on someone his own size.

  "At least Jester's safe for now." Sid looked up at me and smiled. It was wet; I could see she was battling the tears. I couldn't hold her now, though. Yeah, I'd already cleaned up, but it was also time to actually do what I promised little Jester as I watched him prone and completely reliant on the woman who had my heart wrapped around her little finger.

  "I'm going to sit with him for a while, make sure there are no problems since I have no nursing staff here yet."

  "I'm just going
to pop out. I won't be long." Disappointment flooded her face and it stopped me in my tracks. "I'll be back soon." Did she think I was going to run off again?

  "It's fine. I know you've got other things to do. You go ahead. It's fine," She said again.

  "It's obviously not fine."

  Sid slammed a tin tray on the side and turned to me. "It's fine if you want to leave now. I'm used to it with you. You don't stick around, I get it."

  "I have a chore to do. I'll be back in an hour, probably less."

  "Whatever, Alexei. Just go." Sidney walked out of the room and I itched to follow her, to tell her to trust me, even though I didn't deserve it. Time was out for us and Balan could arrive at any moment, though I knew he preferred to do his work at night.

  The truth. It was sitting heavy on my conscious. If she rejected me after this, then that was her decision, I was still going to be here for her at the end.

  "So, here's what you need to know about me. I'm here because you're going to die because it's your birthday. Happy birthday, by the way." I paused as her mouth dropped open as she watched me. I carried on regardless. "I don't want you to die, but unfortunately, I'm cursed to watch this happen, time and time again. I'm part demon and work for one of the Princes of Hell. There's no way to sugar coat this, but I'm a killer. My job is to stop pissed off demons from infiltrating the human way of life or fucking up the plans of the big guy. I'm here with you again because today, the same demon prince that I work for will come to take your life. And I'm supposed to watch it over and over again in my lifetime. Because I'm cursed." I was sure I was repeating myself at this stage but it was such a release to tell her, I didn't care. I'd kept talking until the words refused to come.

  A long, drawn out breath escaped from Sidney. Her bottom lip quivered.

  "I'm not sure how many times I have to say this, but I think you should leave, Alexei. There's something wrong with you that I don't think I can help you with."

  I stepped toward her but she raised her hand. "Let me show you." There weren't a lot of differences between a type one demon like me and a human, but there was one thing I could show her. "Look at my eyes."


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