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Coming In Hot Box Set

Page 94

by Gina Kincade

  “Deal,” I replied.

  “Great sex.” She went silent, and I didn’t know if she was waiting for my response, or trying not to die from embarrassment that she said it.

  Deciding to egg her on, and not feeling satisfied by the answer anyway, I said, “Details.”

  A whoosh of air came over the line. “Come on, Joy.”

  “I didn’t think you wanted a menage,” I teased. “But if you insist.”

  Her laugh filled the line, and I found myself smiling in return. I’d never wanted to kiss a girl in my life, but I certainly loved my best friend. And I loved that we had such a fun, open friendship. “It’s important.” I added a touch of singsong to my voice.

  “Fine. He came over, gave me the best sex of my life, and I forgave him. I also took your words to heart when you said Doms are people too, and sometimes it’s just as scary for them to go out on a limb as it is us. Now, explain what is going on, please.”

  I shifted the phone so it was between my shoulder and jaw, and walked into my kitchen to stare at the contents of my fridge. Even as I spoke, I scanned the items and dismissed them, then did the same to my freezer. “One of your boyfriend’s war buddies friended me on Subspace a few days ago. Apparently, he also wanted to meet and greet without giving me a head’s up of who he was. I went to an appointment to see some horses this morning, and there was this majorly hot guy there who just moved here. Long story short, I come home to a message on Subspace from my new friend telling me he liked seeing me.”

  Hope burst into laughter. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she said after a couple of minutes. I could imagine her wiping the tears from her eyes as she said it. “It’s just…now you know how it feels. You razzed me so hard, and look at you. It’s great!”

  “I love you too!” I shot back. My mood had lifted considerably since being on the phone with her, and I appreciated it. “Problem is, I don’t know what to do now.”

  The sound of a man’s voice sounded in the background. Before I could ask what Wes said, Hope spoke. “Big guy here says you can either let the guy make the first move, or you can take the bull by the horns.”

  An idea popped into my head and I let a wicked grin spread across my face. “Take the bull by the horns, eh? Oh, I’ll take him by the horn all right. Tell your boy toy to be ready for a phone call when his war buddy comes crying to him for R&R.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked.

  “I’m going to invite the man to dinner.” Good thing too. Even my cabinets were coming up with nothing to offer. “Now, get back to watching your porno movie,” I teased.

  “Not watching,” Hope said immediately. “Making.”

  Startled by her response, I barked out a laugh. “Well then, have fun with that one. Bye!”

  “Go get em!” she said, then the phone beeped as she hung up.

  Wes is good for Hope. She always used to be so uncomfortable with her own desires, like she thought there was something wrong with wanting them. She’s really opened up.

  Steeling myself, I went back to the living room and clicked on Striker’s message. Several responses came to mind, but I wanted to tempt the man to play with me, not scare him away permanently. If anyone else had sent me that message, I’d have called them a creeper and gave them a verbal lashing so intense, they would have needed stitches. But this guy…the way he’d interacted with those horses this morning, and the fact he was so sexy I could stare at him for ages without losing interest, had me willing to play this game.

  Force2NJoy: Want to see me again, do you?

  As expected, the little moving periods that show up when someone is typing appeared on the screen. You could almost set a watch to the times the man was online. Probably thanks to the years in the military.

  MasterGS: Seeing you, touching you, tasting you. Taking you.

  A ripple of pleasure coursed through my body. Forced seduction. My dirty little kink. A confession I used as both a shield and a sword to weed out the men not strong enough to satisfy me. The problem with finding a man strong enough to dominate me was that most of them crossed the line from Dom to asshole. I didn’t do asshole.

  Force2NJoy: I might be interested, but I want to get to know you better first. The man I met this morning was a client, nothing more, so you have the advantage.

  MasterGS: Fair enough. You aren’t the wine and dine kind of girl though, so what would you like to do?

  Force2NJoy: Actually, dine sounds perfect. I’m starving. There’s a little mom and pop burger joint downtown. Be there in 30.

  MasterGS: Feisty. Don’t wear panties. If you do, I’ll spank you in the parking lot where everyone can see.

  I clicked the computer off without responding to that. How was I supposed to? I’d tried to dominate him, flat out. The man had effectively turned the situation around to his advantage. As much as it chafed, it also thrilled me. Maybe I’d well and truly met my match. But would I give in to his command?

  Knowing time was of the essence, I darted to the bathroom and took a shower. The idea of going to dinner wreaking of barn, antiseptic, and cleaning agents didn’t appeal to me. I was sure it wouldn’t exactly incite desire in my dinner date either. Then again, he’d seemed perfectly at home in the barn. Normally, I would have enjoyed my little friend I had stashed in the shower, but I’d set a pretty restrictive time limit so the vibrator would have to wait…again.

  “If I don’t get some kind of action before this night is over, by his hand or mine, I’m going to scream,” I grumbled to myself as I towel-dried my hair.

  I picked out a cute little sundress that fell just past my knees. A date was a date, after all. When it came time to slip my panties on, I hesitated. Would he really spank me in the parking lot? How would he know if I didn’t wear them? Maybe I should wear them, then decide over dinner whether they stayed after I had a chance to get an idea of his personality.

  Yes, that’s what I’d do. I would wear the damn things, and see if he was even worth taking them off for.

  With that, I selected a pair of flower printed ones and slid them on under my mint-green sundress. I had eight minutes to get to the restaurant for my date, but I still took a moment to apply some soft-pink lipstick. A girl had to have priorities, especially when she spent most of her day elbow deep in animal, sometimes literally.

  Satisfied, I headed out the door.

  Chapter Three

  Even if the burger joint had been crowded, I’d have spotted Striker a mile away. His muscular form and aura radiated from him like a beacon. I should have known better than to think he’d be late. That man seemed to embody precision in the brief time we’d spent together.

  I made my way over and took a seat. “Hey,” I said, trying to keep my tone nonchalant. Easier said than done considering my heart galloped a mile a minute.

  “You look nice,” he offered in way of a greeting. “I like it almost as much as I like you in blue jeans.”

  That pulled me up short. Normally it was the other way around. Men preferred high heels and dresses, right? They just wanted a walking blow up fuck me doll. Sensing the sincerity in his tone, I bit back a snarky reply and flashed him a smile.

  “Like me down and dirty, do you?”

  He grinned at me, and his predatory nature peeked through at me like a caged animal. “Earlier was not down and dirty. The things I want to do to you…that’s a different story.”

  How did so few words turn me on like throwing gasoline on a flame? He made his intentions clear, yet left everything to my very active imagination. And right now, the things I imagined involved some extremely primal urges.

  “Hello you two, what can I get you to drink?” a chipper voice asked, interrupting my inner debauchery.

  “I’ll have a Coke, please,” I said.

  “Pibb.” Striker raised an eyebrow. “Appetizer?”

  “Whatever you want. I’m not picky.”

  “Loaded fries,” he told the waitress.

  She nodded as she scribbled o
n her pad. I glanced her over, and realized she was probably only about sixteen. “Everything on it? Bacon, cheese, chives?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  “I’ll get that right in for you and bring your drinks shortly.” She pranced off and I tried not to roll my eyes at the peppy exuberance of youth. The days when working at a burger joint was cool were way behind me.

  “So, big shot, what’s the deal with not letting me know who you were this morning?” I asked, cutting to the chase.

  His deep chuckle caressed me, sending shivers of delight straight down to my personal happy place. “And here I thought you’d rather keep work and play separate.”

  “You broke that line of thinking when you messaged me this evening,” I pointed out.

  If anything, the grin on his face broadened. “Indeed. But sometimes rules need to be broken. I knew you were sexy, but I had to meet you to make sure you were sassy in person and not just when hiding behind a screen. Besides, you hit me as the kind to put on a good bluff when you think a potential master is around.”

  “Oh wow, a veritable sermon from Mr. Strong and Silent.” I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide the fact he’d hit so close to home. Had he spoken to Wes and Hope about me? Was that how he seemed to know me in intimate ways that no other man did? My best friend reserved the one and only right to know me through and through.

  “Point made,” he said, leaning back a little with an assessing look on his face.

  A flush heated my cheeks and I thanked whatever god was watching that the waitress chose that moment to bring her chipper ass back with our drinks. She sat them down and flashed us a huge smile that looked as fake as her nails. “Your appetizer will be out in a few minutes. Can I take your order?”

  I glanced at Striker and saw him watching me with an expectant look. Right. Of course he’d be a gentleman too, on top of everything else. “Can I get a honey barbeque burger?”

  “Sure! Lettuce, tomato, pickle?”

  “No pickle, please. Kenzie,” I added when I read her nametag.

  She turned that smile on Striker, and amped it up about a thousand watts. To his credit, my date didn’t even look at her. His gaze remained completely fixed on me. Even though she was probably half his age, part of me took a personal victory in having his full attention.

  “What can I get for you?” she crooned.

  “Bacon cheeseburger, nothing but burger, bacon, and cheese,” he answered in a monotone fashion that surprised me.

  “Fries okay with that, you two?”

  “Yes,” we both answered almost simultaneously.

  Kenzie strolled off, probably to put our order in, and I eyed Striker. Slowly but surely, his posture seemed to relax a little. It’s like she set him off with her flirting. Wonder if there’s a story there? Maybe he dated her older sister once or something.

  “Are you from around here?” I asked.

  He gave a rough shake of his head. “Washington state.”

  Puzzled, I steepled my fingers and tilted my head. “What brought you here?”

  “The horse ranch.”

  Irritation flared within me. He was back to near basic speech and minimal answers. I was too tired and too hungry to play games fishing for simple fucking answers. “Well, that’s a fascinating story. Really. So in-depth. Hasn’t anyone told you it’s really not proper to divulge that kind of information to a near-stranger? Especially one you met on the internet. Ghastly what people like me are capable of.”

  A smile cracked through that emotion-free façade he wore for a face, giving me hope. “I don’t really have anywhere I call home. The horse ranch fit what I wanted to do with my life once I got out of the military, and one of my unit members lives nearby. It worked out.”

  Oh, progress. Note to self, when in doubt, activate my sarcasm power. I fiddled with a napkin, trying to appear less excited than I really felt. “What do you plan to do with the horse ranch, anyway? Breed?”

  “Absolutely not. Horse rescue. There’s too many unwanted horses in the world as is. I don’t need to add to the problem.”

  I paused, shocked at the common passion we shared. Mine extended to include pretty well any breed of domestic animal, but I didn’t dare think he dismissed other species. Simply that horses were his passion, what he was good at. I knew that from watching him handle the gelding earlier.

  “That’s why you took on Chivalry and Charity. They aren’t an inconvenience you’ve been stuck with at all.” At his nod, I continued. “Do you have your rescue certified yet?”

  “Nope. Just moved in, remember?” He gave me a crooked smile. “Going to have to research it too. Not sure how to get started on the legal side of things.”

  Wheels turned in my head as I thought of various ways to help him. “Well, my best friend runs a dog and cat rescue. Mostly dogs. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to sit down with you and tell you how to get certified. Her boyfriend is an animal control… That’s the unit member you mentioned living nearby. You’re here because Wolfe is!”

  He gave a brief nod. “Wolfe’s a good man. He covered my ass several times. Pretty well the only family I’ve got.”

  The waitress reappeared with a loaded fries, and we fell silent. I did manage a brief, “Thank you,” before she wandered off again. Once she was gone, I resumed the conversation while we divided up the fries. I didn’t know the man well enough to share a plate—yet.

  “So, how did I end up in all of this? You looked up local vets online and called my office?”

  “Referred by a friend,” he responded, the lopsided grin returning.

  I didn’t have to say Wolfe. It hung in the air between us, fairly obvious. “Did he tell you to look me up on Subspace too?” I asked quietly.

  The grin disappeared, leaving a serious expression on his face. “Joy, I was already interested in you. I’d seen your photo before the day I called your office. I just didn’t send you a friend’s request. I don’t like getting involved if things are uncertain, and it was uncertain whether I’d manage to purchase the property until that day. Being able to call and make an appointment was the perfect opening to break the ice with you, in person.”

  “I see…” I munched on a fry, welcoming the silence that lingered between us. It gave me time to think. To mull over this man and his abrupt entry into my life on various levels. Could I see myself having sex with him? Hell yeah! But I wasn’t sure he’d be into the love ‘em and leave ‘em lifestyle I embraced.

  “Now what?” I finally asked.

  He gave a shrug. “We eat our burgers, talk, and see where it goes.”

  Despite my attempt to stifle it, a sarcastic laugh erupted from me. “Way to call the shots. I guess you’re only a Dom when behind a screen or in the bedroom, eh?”

  He narrowed his eyes and the set of his jaw indicated I’d just hit a nerve. Well, there goes this date. At least he made good eye candy. Too bad he’s just like every other man and all bluff when shit is real.

  “Joy.” The soft utterance of my name, bordering on a growl, caused my hair to stand on the backs of my arms and a chill traveled down my spine. The tone held a note of promise, pain, and dominance all on its own. “My willingness to respect you as a person should never be confused with submission. If you want, I will make you get on your knees while I hand feed you your meal. But that’s not what you are into. You marked no on both pet play and slave on Subspace.”

  I bit my lower lip, trembling with a strange emotion I had no words for. A mixture of desire and shock. A little voice in my head screamed in glee that I’d poked the beast enough to awaken this side of him. But warning bells were also going off that this was a man who would not be toyed with. He’d take my snark and sass and enjoy my sense of humor, but if I pressed buttons—and God did I have a habit of doing that—there would be consequences.

  “I know what you really want, Joy. Has anyone ever given it to you? Have you ever actually experienced forced seduction, or is it just a fantasy?” He’d leaned closer as he
spoke, his voice still the quiet growl.

  “I did…once. With the guy who taught me about BDSM to begin with.” A sudden wave of anxiety clenched my gut.

  “And where is he now?” Striker asked, his gaze never wavering from my face.

  I met him head-on as I schooled my face into a deadpan expression. “Jail. Domestic violence.”

  Once again, the man seemed to put off an aura of power. Except, instead of it being a soothing dominance like he’d used on the gelding, this one felt composed of a strictly controlled fury. “You?” he asked, his voice deadly calm.

  “No. I saw warning signs before it got that bad and broke it off. The woman he dated directly after. He beat the shit out of her in the name of BDSM. I was told she used her safe word several times. The monitor had to physically stop him.”

  His posture relaxed but his features remained almost guarded. “Good thing he lost his shit at a public place and not behind the doors of a private residence.”

  “Agreed.” I crossed my arms and tried to stave off the memories. No, I’d not been the one to send the fucker to jail, but I hadn’t exactly told the truth when I said I’d left before he hurt me. It was because he hurt me that I’d left. I wasn’t ready to open that Pandora’s box though. Not now, not ever. Only Hope knew everything.

  Kenzie showed up with our burgers, issuing another simpering smile at Striker. Once more, his face went completely stoic. And once more, she seemed oblivious to his lack of response to her sugar-sweet tone and teenage, awkward flirtation skills. I almost wanted to pull the kid to the side and give her some pointers and gentle reminders that it was bad form to flirt with a man while his date was present. Almost.

  When she left, I fought the urge to ask him if he knew her. He couldn’t possibly, unless it was within the past couple of days. I looked across the table at him and realized that I did want to take my panties off for him, like he’d instructed. That I did want to see what it would be like to obey him. For him to praise and pleasure me. For once, there was no urge to lock horns with the guy offering to dominate me.


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