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Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1

Page 5

by Karen Erickson

  She moaned, her hands holding onto his head, her body arching into his mouth. He encouraged her with a groan of his own, savoring her taste, the fresh gush of cream that coated his tongue. He sucked her swollen clit between his lips, his index finger sliding deep inside her tight sheath. She moved her hips against him, and he added another finger, curling them so they nudged against her G-spot.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” she chanted, her movements faster, her breathing heavy. Already she was close, he couldn’t believe how responsive this woman was.

  As if she might be made for him.

  Yeah, those thoughts were not allowed in a moment like this, in a situation such as theirs. It was casual, it was explosive and it was fun, but that’s all it was.

  He reminded himself of that daily. He wanted to believe that. There was no time for serious relationships. Work kept him busy, she had a life and she’d certainly never let on that she was interested in him for more than just a fling.

  Remember that. Keep it light, keep it fun and keep her satisfied.

  Increasing his pace, he flicked his tongue against her clit before sucking it between his lips once more, keeping up a pace he could tell she liked.

  Considering she ground her pussy against his face like a wild woman, he figured that was a positive sign.

  She reached for it. He could tell by the stiffening of her body, the tremor he felt run through her. And then she shattered. Her clit throbbed upon his tongue. Her entire body shook with the force of her orgasm. He continued his ministrations, softening his approach, slowly licking her until she came down from the powerful climax that had him standing at attention again already.

  “Was that more to your liking?” he teased after giving her a few moments to catch her breath. Her body still trembled, and he smoothed a hand over the sloping plane of her stomach before he moved up and positioned himself onto his side next to her.

  “It worked,” she said, giving him a little shrug, her voice indifferent.

  Brett nudged her shoulder with his knuckles. “I think it more than worked.”

  “It was all right.” Once again, her seemingly indifferent attitude appeared though he swore he caught a small smile curve her lips.

  Lips he wanted to kiss. Again and again and again.

  “Yeah, so all right your body is still shaking.” He trailed his fingers across her smooth shoulder, down her arm. Gooseflesh formed in the wake of his touch, and she turned to look at him. Unrecognizable emotion shone in her eyes.

  “It was perfect,” she confessed, the expression on her face said she hadn’t wanted to make that admission.

  “Yeah.” He sobered, allowed his fingers to curve about her soft cheek. “So far everything is.”

  Her delicate brows drew down. “Everything is what?”

  He wondered if her confusion was a put on. Did she not want to go where he was unwillingly taking it? He’d just told himself to keep it light and yet here he went, sending it straight into serious.

  But he couldn’t seem to help it.

  “Everything between us so far is just…perfect.”

  The doorbell rang, and she jolted into a sitting position, her eyes glancing about wildly. “I think the pizza’s here.”

  Saved by the bell. “I guess so.”

  Crawling out of bed, he yanked on his jeans and threw on an old T-shirt. Jenna settled back against the pillows, pretending she wasn’t looking at him though he’d caught her glances. He knew she was probably pondering what he’d started to discuss.

  So was he. And he wondered if he should pursue it.

  Pursue her.

  Pursue them.

  Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1

  Chapter Six

  “I think I’m in love with the firefighter.” The second the confession slipped from her lips, Jenna pressed them together, regretting she said it.

  The words hung between them, heavy in the air as Morgan stared at her with bug-eyed wonder. As if she had never heard such a strange thing.

  Which was true since Jenna had never admitted being in love with any man.

  “Jen—na.” Morgan drew out her name in some sort of weird singsong voice that gave Jenna the creeps whenever she used it. And she always seemed to use it when Jenna did something she disapproved of.

  Jenna heard that creepy singsong voice a lot.

  “You don’t even know this guy,” Morgan continued, shaking her head slowly. “You’ve only been dating him for what, three weeks?”

  Less than that but Jenna didn’t want to correct her. She’d only freak out more. “It feels like I’ve known him forever.”

  “That could be a bad thing,” Morgan pointed out, always the practical one.

  “It’s the good kind of known him forever, not the bad.” Jenna shook her head, feeling like a fool. “I should’ve never told you. Now you’ll work your hardest to convince me there’s no way I can be in love with him.”

  “Well, it is pretty farfetched don’t you think?” Morgan immediately shut up when Jenna sent her a dirty look.

  They’d gone out to dinner, one of their usual single girl weekly forays full of gossip and yummy cocktails. Her gossip quantity was low, pretty much non-existent. She’d spent as much of her free time as possible with Brett when he wasn’t working. Because of that, Jenna wasn’t feeling so much like a single girl anymore.

  No, she sat in the loud restaurant with a new drink at her fingertips to try and appetizers headed their way via the flirtatious and very cute waiter but all she could think about was him.


  What was he doing? Was it busy tonight at the fire station? Was he safe? Did he miss her? Did he think of her as much as she thought of him?

  She had a feeling the answer to the last one was yes.

  “You just wait,” Jenna muttered after the waiter dropped off the plate of hot artichoke dip and thick tortilla chips. She scooped up a glob of steaming dip with a chip. “Someday you’re going to fall for some guy, and it’ll happen so fast your head will spin. You’ll meet him in some weird way, a way you’d never believe could happen and then blam-o, you’re in love.”

  “I doubt that.” Morgan shook her head and reached for a chip, dunking it into the steaming, cheesy dip. “I love this stuff.”

  “It goes straight to my butt.” Jenna swallowed, her cheeks flushing at the thought of her butt and how much Brett seemed to like it.

  Since he couldn’t keep his hands off it, she assumed he had a thing for it.

  “Well you’re the one with a man so quit your bitching.”

  Jenna felt immediately contrite. She knew her friend had to be lonely. Morgan had been single longer than Jenna had and they’d enjoyed nothing more then getting together and lamenting their horrible dry spells.

  She should ask Brett if any of his fellow firefighters were single and as hot as he was. She’d fix Morgan up with one of them in a quick minute.

  Ugh. Yet again, her thoughts circled right back to Brett. She had it bad.

  She really, really hoped it wasn’t a one-sided feeling.

  “Whatever happened to that guy you talked to on the Internet?” Jenna snapped her fingers again and again, trying to conjure up his name. “Don? Dan?”

  “Doug,” Morgan answered, her lips thinning. She picked up her drink, polished off almost half of it in one swallow before she slammed it down on the table. “I don’t talk to him anymore.”

  “Why not?” She thought they had a good thing going, were even planning on meeting in person. And she hadn’t given Morgan a hard time over finding someone over the Internet. She couldn’t judge. Especially now that she was involved, in over her head more like, with some random guy she met on the street.

  Something unrecognizable fluttered in the pit of her stomach, and she frowned. Was she a complete slut for falling so fast for this guy? Did he find her amusing, just an easy lay to use and abuse until he grew tired of her? She bet all Brett had to do was don the uniform and he’d have women swarming over

  Was she just another uniform-addicted groupie he’d set aside eventually, ready to move on to a new one?

  Oh God, she hoped not.

  Jenna couldn’t help but find it kind of hypocritical that Morgan gave her grief over Brett when she found no problem spilling all of her secrets to some dude over the web. A guy who could’ve been anyone or anything, who might’ve lied like crazy just to get in her pants.

  But Jenna couldn’t judge her friend. Not that Morgan judged, she just…worried too much.

  Besides, Jenna judged herself harshly enough for the both of them.

  “He got weird on me. Like almost stalker weird and I freaked out.” Morgan shrugged. “Good thing I gave him a fake name and my rarely used email address that he can’t trace.”

  “Dang, Morgan, done this before have you?” Jenna shook her head. Morgan went to a lot of trouble trying to find a guy when she should just let it happen.

  But no way could she tell Morgan that. Her friend was a planner. She had everything mapped out just so. It made Jenna want to yank out her teeth with pliers, just thinking of those many plans.

  “You can’t be too careful these days, even with Internet dating. Hell, especially with Internet dating. It’s a weird world out there.”

  “No kidding.” Jenna swirled her straw in her drink, her appetite gone and she’d only eaten one pitiful chip slathered in dip. She hadn’t had much of an appetite since she started seeing Brett. She’d probably even lost weight. Giddy lust proved to be a great diet.

  Better be careful though, she didn’t want to totally lose her butt.

  The thought made her smile despite her lingering worry.

  “You’re thinking about him right now, aren’t you?” Morgan pointed an accusing finger in her direction.

  Jenna immediately frowned. Guilty as charged. “Fine, I’m thinking about him. Is that such a crime?”

  “Yes, when you look so happy and dreamy-eyed, it’s a total crime.” Morgan shook her head, her hand dropping to her lap. “I’m just jealous, ignore me. I’m happy for you, Jen. He sounds like a good guy despite you not having known him long enough to feel this way.”

  “Gotta get that last jab in don’t you?” But Jenna wasn’t mad. She was surprised that her friend was being so supportive. Well, supportive for her. Which made her think being with Brett was even more right than she originally thought.

  Right? Oh God, the sudden doubt wouldn’t let her go.

  She wished she could see him. Reassure herself that everything was going smoothly. What would happen if she dropped by the fire station? It was still early, and if he wasn’t there, then she’d go home.

  “I can clearly see you’re not into this tonight.” Morgan smiled faintly. “You should call him.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t leave you like this. That’s like breaking the girlfriend code or whatever.” Jenna waved her hand as if dismissing Morgan’s suggestion but she couldn’t help the little kernel of hope that formed within her at the thought of seeing Brett tonight.

  She was addicted. Like a crack addict or something. Her choice drug was a man, a specific man.

  And oh, what a high she got when she first caught sight of Brett, let alone when he actually touched her. Kissed her. Stripped her of her clothing one piece at a time…

  “You’re out of it tonight and I have to admit, I don’t have much of an appetite either.” Morgan tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. “I’d rather you go hang out with your new boyfriend if you can.”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking of stopping by the fire station for a surprise visit sometime. Maybe we should do it tonight. Want to come? I bet there’s a bunch of cute firefighters for you to check out.” Giddiness filled her at the thought of watching Brett in his element, at the fire station. Seeing a new side of him.

  “And watch you two hang all over each other and get all lovey dovey? I don’t think so but thanks for the invite. Scope them out for me though.”

  “Are you sure?” Jenna felt bad. She didn’t want to become one of those girls. The type who ditched her friends so she could be with her man. She usually hated those types. She vowed never to turn into one.

  She’d just turned into one. Even if Morgan had given her permission to do so.

  “I’m totally sure, don’t feel bad. I had an invite anyway from someone. A new woman at work told me to stop by the bar where she works part-time on the weekend. She invited both of us.”

  “Who is it?” Jenna asked.

  “Her name is Mia. She just started. She’s the CFO’s new assistant.”

  An image of a pretty woman with shiny blonde hair came to her. “Ah I know who you’re talking about. She seems nice.”

  “She’s really nice. We should all get together sometime,” Morgan suggested, a hopeful smile on her face.

  “I would like that.” And she would. She needed to remember the importance of friends, of united girl power.

  Not allow herself to become too wrapped up in a man.

  But oh, what a man to find herself wrapped up in…

  “Some fine looking chick just pulled into the parking lot.”

  Brett glanced up, a tingly sensation sweeping up his spine. Something told him this wasn’t just any fine looking chick.

  He had the distinct feeling it was his fine looking chick.

  “Man, she is gorgeous.” Patrick, the one who uttered the original statement gave a low whistle as he continued to stare out the window. “Nice set of tits on her too.”

  That’s it. Brett pushed away from his spot at the desk and went to the window, glowering out into the distance to where Patrick pointed.

  Yep, there stood Jenna, glancing about the parking lot with a look of trepidation on her pretty face. As if she wasn’t quite sure if she should be there or not. She wore jeans that did amazing things for her legs and a sparkly shirt that clung to her breasts.

  Jesus, she really was fine, and she did have a nice set of tits. He just didn’t need some young new firefighter punk reminding him of that.

  “She’s mine,” Brett growled like some sort of primitive asshole who’d just crawled out of his cave. “So quit with the comments.”

  “Hey, sorry, dude, I had no idea she was taken. I didn’t have any idea you were even seeing anyone.” Patrick backed away from him with a laugh, his hands held up in front of him in a defensive stance.

  “Well, I am,” Brett muttered. “So back off.”

  He headed toward the front of the station without a backward glance, eagerness quickening his steps. The rest of the crew stared at him with wide eyes as he strode by, most likely since all of them had heard the exchange with Patrick.

  Swinging open the front door he found her standing on the porch, nervously gnawing at her lower lip. Her eyes lit upon seeing him, and a hopeful swell rose in his chest in answer.

  She was gorgeous. She was sweet. And she wanted to be his.

  He hoped. He definitely wanted her to belong to him.

  “Hi,” she said shyly, not approaching him.

  So he approached her instead. Not wanting anyone to spy on them, he pulled the door shut with a final thud. Wrapping his arms about her slim waist, he yanked her close so their bodies met. His cock instantly reacted. “Hi.”

  “I, um, hope you don’t mind if I stopped by to see you.” She rested her hands on his chest, fingers playing with his badge.

  “I never mind when it comes to you.” He nuzzled his face against her fragrant hair, breathing deep. Damn it, he wished he wasn’t working. Wished like crazy they were back at his place, or hers, snuggled up close in bed, nothing between them but hot, damp with sweat skin.

  His cock stiffened even more just thinking about it.

  “You are so sweet,” she breathed, her lower body pressed hard against his. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are in your uniform?”

  “No, I don’t think you have.” He hoped she wasn’t some sort of freaky hanger-on who only liked being with him because of his occup
ation. He hated that shit, still couldn’t believe women like that existed.

  But they did. Some of them staked out fire engines as if their life depended on it.

  “I never cared about men in uniform before. That was one of the first things I noticed about you, though. Well, that and you were completely drenched from the rain.” She rested her hand against the center of his chest, fingers splayed, palm flush against his rapidly beating heart. All a reaction to her. All because of what her close proximity did to him.

  He’d never felt like this over a woman before. Ever.

  Reassurance flowed through him at her words. He knew she wasn’t some weird firefighter stalker-type, but he couldn’t help his natural defenses. Though they seemed to be shedding more and more every day he spent with her.

  “I’m still thankful you were kind enough to share your umbrella with me,” he teased, bending down to press a brief kiss to her lush mouth.

  She smiled, her eyes warm, her body melting into his. “Do that again.”

  He did it again, allowed his lips to linger this time, his tongue darting out for a quick lick. She murmured against his mouth, unintelligible words he knew indicated she wanted more but he withdrew. Pushed her away from him gently so he could gather his bearings.

  “I shouldn’t maul you in front of the station in my uniform,” he said with as much dignity as he could muster. Inside his lust for her delicious mouth, her delectable body raged like a wild beast, ready to get primitive and tear the clothes from her sexy body. Run his hands and mouth over her fevered flesh before he sunk himself deep inside her.

  Yeah, he couldn’t do that today. He couldn’t do that for the next couple of days so instead he took a deep breath and tried not to focus on the hurt expression on her face. He hadn’t meant to do that.

  “Want a tour?” he offered, a faint smile on his face, also a look of apology he hoped. She nodded in agreement, an answering smile curving her pretty pink lips and he offered his hand, which she took.

  Brett escorted her around the station, giving her a view of his almost daily life. The living quarters, the large kitchen and pantry, the barracks, the small office. He ended the tour in the garage where the two red engines sat, gleaming and shiny from the thorough wash and dry they received this afternoon.


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