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Dandelion Dreams

Page 5

by Amali Rose

  Her eyes narrow under my scrutiny before she pulls my head down and brings those lips that are swollen from my kisses to my ear, and whispers exactly what I want to hear.

  “Get your dick out, Sunshine, and fuck me.”

  Nipping her earlobe, I tug gently before letting my breath whisper across it, relishing her accompanying shiver. “Careful what you wish for, Crazy.”

  With no further hesitation, I undo my belt and tug my zipper down before Cassidy’s hand dives into my boxer briefs and frees my cock which is already straining toward her. Grabbing her wrists, I move them behind her back, and firmly take hold of them with one hand. Using the other hand, I move her panties to the side, and line myself up with her entrance. Then with one hard thrust I slam into her until I am fully seated. I can feel my balls already tightening, and I know this is going to be a quick fuck. Using my thumb to circle her clit, I listen to all her little noises as I continue to slam into her at a frantic pace. Her breathing speeds up, and just as I feel her tightening around my dick, coming for me, her head falls forward, her teeth bite into my shoulder, and I feel her strangled cry muffled into my shirt. Continuing to pound into her relentlessly, I feel my orgasm barrelling through me with an intensity I haven’t felt in a long time. It hits me a moment later, her pussy milking every last drop from me, and in a moment of madness my mouth finds her ear again. “I fucking own you.”

  We slump into each other, our breathing ragged. I release her wrists and my hand moves to her hair, grasping it firmly as my forehead meets her shoulder. Her hands wander under my shirt, teasing the ridges of my abs, and it’s as my cock starts to thicken again that sanity returns, and I realize what we just did.

  “Fuck,” I hiss. “We didn’t even use—”

  “I’m clean,” she interrupts me. “And I’m on the pill. So as long as you’re clean, then we’re all good.”

  “I am,” I assure her distractedly. My mind is a fucking mess right now. This was a major fuckup on my part. I don’t have time for a relationship. And Cassidy isn’t the type of woman you can fuck every now and then. She’s the type of woman who consumes you.

  As I listen to the sound of her breath slow, I try to figure out how best to handle this situation. It can’t happen again, for so many reasons, but mainly because it would inevitably end in a fireball of mess and recriminations. I can’t be what a woman like her needs, and I suspect when all is said and done, I would be the one with a broken heart. Fuck if I have any self-control with her special brand of crazy, though. If anyone is going to keep this relationship platonic, it’s going to have to be her. And I can only think of one way to make sure that happens.

  My forehead rests on her shoulder, and I close my eyes in an effort to protect myself from what I am about to do to her.

  “So, do you fuck all your bosses on the photocopier, or did I catch you at an especially low moment?” I bite this out, injecting every ounce of venom I can into that sentence, while my chest tightens painfully. I feel her entire body tense at the sound of my words before she roughly pushes me away.

  “Are you fucking kidding me, Sunshine? Are you actually pulling your prick pants on while your dick is still nestled in my pussy, and your cum is dripping down my thighs? Is that what’s happening right now?”

  Breaking our connection, she hops off the copier before removing her panties, and using them to clean herself up. Tucking myself away, I watch her, careful to keep my eyes impassive.

  Turning to face me, those eyes I was admiring just twenty minutes earlier, are now full of hostility. “I’m sure there’s nothing else I can do for you, so I’m going to head home now, Mr. Alexander.” Her voice drips with disdain, and I inwardly cringe.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I attempt to sound as professional as possible, but it’s hard to play the proper boss when you just fucked, and then dismissed, your assistant in less time than it takes to watch an episode of Arrested Development.

  Cassidy’s eyes flicker with something I can’t decipher. Something I’d give my left nut to be able to figure out. Then just like that her eyes clear, the sneer disappears, and she flashes me a bright smile.

  “Later, gator.”

  And as she struts out of the room with a dignity I wouldn’t have thought possible, it dawns on me. She’s going to make me suffer for this moment of weakness.


  “Kimberly!” I plop my ass on her desk as Kim regards me suspiciously.


  “You free for lunch? Tanya’s coming down to go over some files with me. I figured we could try to make it somewhat enjoyable by making it a girls’ lunch and adding some cocktails to the mix. You in?”

  “Sure, sounds good. I’ll ask Rachel too.”

  “The more the merrier, babes.”

  “We should try that new—” Kim’s face twists comically as she stares at something over my shoulder, a look of curious fear alighting her features. Twisting slightly, I glance back and spot Mason storming down the hallway, his glare fixed on me. Shit.

  “Gotta go.” Jumping off the desk, I race down the corridor as fast as these devil heels will take me, and throw myself into my chair. I snatch up the phone receiver in a race to occupy myself before Mason arrives, but much to my dismay, a large hand grabs it from me, and slams it into the base.

  “Good morning, Mr. Alexander, how was your meeting this morning?” I force every bit of sweetness I can muster into that sentence.

  “Fine,” he spits out through clenched teeth. “I want you in my office. Now.”

  Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. It’s been three weeks since his fuck and run, and I have spent those weeks making him pay for that humiliation and enjoying every second of it. How exactly have I been torturing the delectable dastard? You know, the usual stuff. Wallpapering his office with pictures of Justin Bieber. In his underwear. Booby trapping his chair. And my personal favorite; hiding a small tape recorder in his office that played the sound of a toilet flushing every thirty minutes. The volume was set so it could just barely be heard. I swear I thought he was going to have a nervous breakdown trying to figure out where it was coming from. Yeah, that was a good day.

  But even I had to admit that I might have crossed a line yesterday.

  I make my way into the lion’s den as slowly as possible; I have a feeling that this isn’t going to end well for me. Looking up, I see Mason is already seated at his desk.

  “A happy ending, Cassidy? Seriously?” I scowl at him with an intensity that surprises even me. I know that I’m in the wrong here, I really do, but his tone of righteous indignation tickles my bitch bunny, and she wants to come out and play.

  “Are you offering, Sunshine? Because, really, been there, done that, and all I got was some lousy cum-stained panties to show for it.” A fleeting look of something that resembles pain crosses his face, causing me a moment of regret. That is, until the memory of trying desperately to hold onto my dignity as I walked away with his cum dripping down my thighs overwhelms me.

  “My massage. What was supposed to be a remedial massage. Sound familiar?”

  “Yes, Mr. Alexander. I made the appointment myself. Was there a problem?” His eyes widen, as if he can’t believe my audacity. But really, I’ve been working here for how long now? He should know me better than that.

  “No, there was no problem at all. Until she insisted on massaging my dick, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I actually had to pay her not to suck me off.”

  “Was that a change of pace for you? More used to it being the other way around, huh?”

  Mason is practically vibrating with rage at my words, and if I didn’t hate him so much right now, I might be able to admit that pissed off is a good look on him. But I do, so I won’t.

  “Cassidy.” His shoulders slump, and it’s as if saying my name has broken him. “You crossed a line. That was just… too far.”

  He’s right. Of course he’s right. And I wish I could apologize to him. But that would mean acknowledging how muc
h he hurt me. And I wasn’t about to admit that the first man since Aidan to ignite any feeling in me, had in turn, made me feel like nothing.

  “I’ll pack my things and be out of here in fifteen minutes.”

  I move to leave, but before I can take more than two steps, Mason’s startled voice stops me.

  “What? I didn’t fire you, Cassidy.” Sighing, he pinches the bridge of his nose between his fingertips, grimacing. “Can we maybe just agree to no more practical jokes involving my cock? Maybe stick to things like replacing the cream in my donut with mayo, okay?”

  I can’t control the smile that explodes across my face. I had forgotten about that little trick.

  “Yeah, I guess I can make that work.” Shrugging nonchalantly, I ignore the fluttering in my belly.

  “Good. Now get back to work, Crazy.”

  Giving him a mock salute, I make my way back to my desk. Don’t ask me why, but I may also add a little extra sway to my sashay.

  “You did what?!”

  “Oh my god, how are you not fired?”

  “I’m sure the fucker deserved it.”

  Looking around the table, I take in the shocked expressions. Well, Kim and Rachel’s shocked expressions. Tanya’s could more accurately be described as gleeful.

  “In my defence, I never actually believed there would be any touching involved. I totally thought he would figure it out before that. Can I really be blamed for his lack of attention to detail? I don’t think so.” To punctuate my point, I take a big slurp of my mudslide. Day drinking really is the best.

  “I can’t believe he didn’t fire you. He’s such a moody fucker. I’ve never met a man that terrifies me, and turns me on in equal measure. I honestly don’t know how you two work with him.” Kim wiggles a finger between Tanya and I.

  “I have to admit he’s getting worse.” Tanya sighs. “He’s always been a total workaholic, but it was always tempered with a sense of fun, you know? We could always have a laugh, but lately he’s been like a bear with a sore head. If he’s not careful, I’m finally going to give him that ass kicking I’m always threatening.”

  “Maybe he needs to get laid?” Rachel waggles her eyebrows at us as she takes a sip of her Midori illusion, and I almost spit my drink out.

  “I don’t know, he’s not too bad when I’m working with him.” I shrug, unsure why I’m defending the dickhole.

  “Really?” Tanya draws the word out while eyeing me up and down in a manner that I find all kinds of exposing. Time for a subject change.

  “How’s the baby?”

  Tanya’s face immediately softens. “She’s perfect. She’s just started sleeping through the night, thank God. For a while there I had Reagan waking for feeds during the night, as well as Trinidy up a couple of times a night with nightmares. It was horrific.”

  “I remember going through that with my girls. The twins were awful. As soon as Sienna went down, Harper would wake up. It was like they had made a pact that one of them must be awake at all times. I really thought I would lose my mind at one point.” Rachel frowns at the memory.

  “I got really lucky, Madelyn was a wonderful sleeper as a baby,” Kim chimes in, before grimacing. “She’s making up for it now though.”

  Talk around the table turns to all things kids, husbands, and general domestic drudgery. I lean back in my chair, inhaling my drink far quicker than I should, especially considering I still have an afternoon of work ahead of me.

  It’s moments like these, though, that I struggle with. Moments where it slaps me up the side of the head just how different my life could be right now. If my life hadn’t been torn apart by one moment of horror. Maybe Aidan and I would be married right now. Maybe we would have a couple of chubby babies that I could squish to my heart's content.

  Or maybe we would have ended. Weeks, months, or even years later. For the first time, it occurs to me that maybe he wasn’t my forever.

  An hour later, I am on autopilot as I make my way slowly back to the office. The pounding in my head is hard and fast, and if I was feeling better I might be capable of making some sly innuendo about the correlation between that and my fucking preference.

  Hearing my phone buzz, I pull it out of my purse, and my whole body sags in relief when I see the name on the screen. Skye. Thank the sweet lord Channing Tatum for Skye. Walking into the lobby of Cook Enterprises, I take a seat on one of the elegant feather-gray chaises in the seating area. Checking my watch, I note that I am already ten minutes late back to work, but Sunshine will just have to deal.

  SKYE: Drinks tonight?

  CASSIDY: Babes, I have had a life-altering epiphany over lunch. So, yeah, drinks tonight.

  SKYE: WHAT?!?!

  My hand tightens around my phone. I haven’t told Skye what happened with Mason, yet. I’m not sure why. I’d like to think it was for some noble reason like I didn’t want to put her in an awkward position, what with Mason being her boyfriend’s best friend. But the truth is, I think I’m more scared that I’ll have to face the fact that I’m not her person anymore, Ben is, and if she’s forced to choose, I could lose my best friend. I need her though, so pulling on my big girl panties I rip off the bandaid.

  CASSIDY: I fucked Mason.

  SKYE: Cassidy Jensen I am going to KILL YOU!!!

  CASSIDY: If it helps, Balls, he pretty much blew me off while his dick was still inside of me.

  SKYE: I am going to fucking KILL HIM!!!!

  CASSIDY: There you go. Welcome back to the light side. Maybe Mae’s at 7?

  SKYE: I’ll be there.

  SKYE: Cass?

  CASSIDY: Yeah?

  SKYE: I love you.

  Rushing through the door, my eyes scan the crowded bar searching for Skye. Which is easier said than done, since she’s a total shortass, and is easily lost in a crowd. Finally spotting her extended arm waving madly over in the corner, I motion toward the bar to let her know that I’m going to grab a drink on my way through to her. Shaking her head, she holds up a cocktail she must have snagged for me, and my mouth waters at the sight of the chocolatey alcoholic goodness she is proffering.

  I push my way through the crowd. It’s rowdy tonight and I’m not really in the mood to deal with drunk assholes. At least not until I’m one of them.

  Finally reaching the table, my hand immediately goes for the drink, but Skye grabs it out of my reach before my fingertips even graze it.

  “What the fuck, Balls?” She scrunches up her nose at the term of endearment I know she hates.

  “Nope. Sit.” Pointing her finger at the chair, Skye has her hardass look firmly in place. She’s so fucking adorable.

  “Fine.” Taking a seat, I prepare myself for the inquisition that is sure to follow.

  “Spill, Jensen. When I am satisfied, you’ll get your drink.”

  “Well damn, Skyeballs, I thought you had Spanky to keep you satisfied these days, but if he’s failing in his manly duties, then I’m happy to help out.” Waggling my eyebrows at her, I take great delight in her small shriek of horror.

  “Ben is more than keeping me satisfied, thank you very much. In fact, last night he did this thing with his…” She pauses, and even in the dark bar I can see the blush that flushes her cheeks.

  “Finish that sentence, Skye Emery. Finish that fucking sentence.”

  She giggles, and brings her Pina colada to her lips. “Later. After some more of these,” she replies, raising her glass with another giggle. Right then I vow to get Skyeballs fucking sloshed tonight. I love her sordid Spanky sex tales. Who would have ever thought a goofball like Ben could sink the sausage like a porn star?

  “So, you and Mason?” My shoulders slump at her question. Me and Mason. Is there a me and Mason? Nope.

  “We fucked. It was a mistake. Which he made very clear before his dick had even left Princess’s warm embrace. That’s it.”

  “Ugh, you need to stop referring to your vajayjay by name, Cass. It’s not normal.” I snort out a laugh. Little does she know, the day she
stops being horrified, is the day I’ll stop calling my fingerhut Princess.

  “Explain better, Cassidy. I still feel clueless.”

  Sighing deeply, I turn imploring eyes on her. “Please let me have a little sip first? I need it, Skye, I neeeeeeed it.” She rolls her eyes at my dramatics before reluctantly handing over my mudslide. Taking a less than dainty slurp, I close my eyes and try to figure out where to start.

  “I want to fuck him all the time. Like, all. The. Time. Pretty much anytime he makes eye contact I’m ready to drop to my knees and blow.” Skye almost chokes on her drink at my confession, and I thump her on her back until she can breathe again.

  “Okay, well what’s the problem then? It’s not like you to get twisted up over some guy. This is a temporary job, yeah? Have some fun. I honestly can’t imagine Mason being an asshole, not on purpose anyway. He’s probably just under a lot of stress and doesn’t realize how he’s coming off. Talk to him. Let him know he crossed a line, and then let him know how he can make it up to you, nudge nudge, wink wink.” And just in case I couldn’t infer her meaning, she nudges me, and winks a couple of times. My face freezes in horror. Both at her nerdiness, and in confusion. Because it’s not that easy.

  “He asked me if I fuck all my bosses. While he was still in me. So, yeah, I don’t think it’s that easy.”

  Skye’s face contorts into a look of rage unlike any I have seen before. “I am going to fucking cut his balls off!” she shrieks as she pulls her phone out of her purse. Making a mad grab for the cell, I ask her what she’s doing, my voice tinged with desperation. “I’m going to tell the fucker off! He’s dead to me, Cass. Dead!”

  “Okay, calm your tits, Balls, and stop.” Ignoring me she continues to type away. “Stop!”

  Something in my tone must get her attention, because her fingers stop racing across the keyboard, and she slowly places the phone on the table in front of her, her eyes scanning my face while my heart starts to slow its frantic pace.


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