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Page 7

by Munro, Shelley

  “Don’t listen to him,” Gaby said. “This time I want you to describe the sensations you feel when I apply the lube. If my touch becomes painful or uncomfortable, let me know.” As she spoke, she laid her hands on him. Icy tingles shot from the point of contact, so cold his breath caught. Liam lifted up on his elbows and watched the mesmerizing stroke of Gaby’s hand. Up and down. Up and down.

  Gradually the cold tingles transformed. “The lube started off cold. So icy-cold it was a shock. It was like the jolt of a snowball down my back.”

  “And now?” Fletch asked.

  Liam stilled, his attention shooting to Fletch. He forced himself not to look away. A flash of heat filled Fletch’s eyes and he didn’t even try to hide it. Fuck me. This weird shit between them wasn’t his imagination.

  “Liam?” Gaby’s determined voice broke the spell between the two men. “How does that feel?”

  Liam swallowed, heat suffusing his cheeks when Fletch winked at him. “Your hand has heated the lube. The tingling is sharper. It hasn’t faded even with the heat of your hand. I’m not sure if it’s the lube or you, but I’m not gonna be able to hold back much longer.”

  “Does it hurt?” Fletch whispered next to his ear.

  The puff of warm air zapped straight to his shaft. Aw, hell.

  “Fletch, this should work on nipples too. Liam, is it okay if Fletch applies some to your nipples. You won’t get funny about him touching you?”

  Hell, no matter what he said he was screwed. Either he disappointed Gaby or he let Fletch touch him and add layers of experiences, memories to an imagination that didn’t need help thank you very much.

  “Liam, you gonna let me touch you?” The siren whisper next to his ear sent another jolt straight to his cock.

  “Bastard,” Liam muttered.

  “Say the words, Liam. I want your permission.”

  Gaby applied more lube and swished her hand up and down his shaft. The initial chill pulled him back from the wall, giving him a semblance of control.

  “Go ahead,” he said, tension killing some of his eagerness.

  “Comments?” Gaby demanded.

  She was kinda cute in her bossy inventor role. “When you added more lube, the chill helped me step back a bit. I don’t feel as if I’m going to come any second now.”

  Gaby released his cock for an instant to jot a note. The absence of heat from her hand caused another different sensation—a prickling awareness. Anticipation of good things to come.

  “I’m going to use my mouth on you soon to test the taste of the lube and I want you to describe how my touch feels. Fletch, you go first. Spread a little lube with your fingers. Give Liam a chance to catalog the sensations and describe them to me. Then I want you to use your mouth.” She must have caught the trace of panic in his expression because she paused. “Will you mind Fletch touching you? Do you want me to do it?”

  “You worried people are gonna think you’re gay?” Fletch drawled.

  “Don’t be stupid! No one thinks you’re gay,” Gaby said. “Women have been chasing you since you turned sixteen.”

  “Rachel Scott watches you every time you’re in the same room,” Fletch added with a faint smirk.

  “You could do worse,” Gaby agreed. “Helping me test my inventions won’t get in the way of your relationship, will it?”

  “I’m not interested in Rachel.” To his intense shame, he’d drunk a little much one night two weeks ago and succumbed. They’d slept together and he’d spent the whole night imagining he was fucking Gaby. He’d been ducking Rachel ever since, embarrassed by his behavior. Not his finest moment. Probably time to man up and talk to Rachel, let her down gently.

  “Does she know that?” his friend asked.

  Liam glared at Fletch. “I’ve been busy lately.”

  Fletch sent him a mocking grin before squirting lube into the palm of his hand. Liam’s breath caught. He watched Fletch dip a forefinger in the lube.

  “You ready?” he murmured for Liam’s hearing only.

  “Bring it.” Fighting words.

  Fletch merely grinned and skimmed his finger around one of Liam’s nipples. A chill swept him, much like the one when Gaby applied the lube to his cock. Gradually, Fletch changed the pressure and the way he stroked Liam’s nipple. He swapped between firm and whisper soft. Pleasure darted through Liam, firing erogenous zones to life all over his body. Women had played with his nipples before and he’d never experienced much sensation. Maybe it was the lube, but each touch seemed sharper and did interesting things to his libido.

  He hesitated, trying to put his responses into words for Gaby. He didn’t want to give Fletch the wrong idea. His throat worked in a swallow before he could formulate the words. Go on, get it out, man. “The lube seems to intensify sensations. There was the same initial shock of ice when Fletch applied it.”

  “And now?”

  Yeah, she was gonna make him tell her everything. Liam sucked in a deep breath. “Every time he touches my nipple, it feels as if there’s a direct pathway to my cock. You’re not touching me now. Only Fletch. That should make me soften. Instead I feel as if I could hammer nails with my dick.” There. He’d confessed. Fletch touching him didn’t turn him off. He obviously wasn’t a normal male.

  “Good. Perfect. That’s the response I was looking for. I had the same reaction when I tested the lube on my nipples.”

  Fletch’s head lifted. Mischief sparkled in him, and Liam guessed the words zapping through his friend’s mind. “You have a cock? It must be a retractable one because I can’t see a dickie bird.”

  “You’re an ass sometimes, Fletch.” Gaby flashed her pussy in their direction. “See anything retractable?”

  “No, sweetheart,” Fletch said.

  “Now you know.” She wrapped Ms. Inventor mode around her again and tapped her pen on the clipboard. “Use your mouth. Tell me how you like the taste. Tell me if the lube causes any irritation.”

  “Yes ma’am.” A verbal salute.

  Liam braced himself for the heat of Fletch’s mouth. His hands clenched at his sides. Fletch spread on a little more lube, painting some on each nipple this time. Before he could fully categorize the sensations, Fletch lowered his head and sucked hard on one nipple. Pleasure streaked down his body. Sharp like a spear, it cut straight to his cock. His hips jerked. A moan squeezed past his lips, and before he knew it, his hands were in Fletch’s hair and he was holding Fletch too him, his cock stabbing into empty air.

  “Jeez, Fletch. Stop,” he croaked as climax started to roar through him.

  “You’ll have to let me go first.”

  A flush swept over his face. He had to force his fingers to unlock and release his friend.

  “Why did you stop?” Gaby demanded.

  “I didn’t think Fletch would appreciate me coming all over him,” Liam said hoarsely. His pulse was still thundering as if he were running a race.

  The stiff tension left Gaby and she grinned. “Good. That’s good. The lube made me super hot but I wasn’t sure if it was a one-off.” As she spoke, she reached for a condom and rolled it on his cock. “We still need to test the sex toys but this should help ease some of your tension.” She impaled herself and rose leisurely up and down.

  Liam relaxed a fraction, sinking into the mattress and letting the sensations roll over him.

  Fletch leaned close and whispered in his ear. “Do you want me to touch you?”

  A curl of heat writhed through his groin, hunger consuming him like a rogue wave. His nipples drew painfully tight on hearing the husky note in Fletch’s voice. “Yeah.” His voice merged hoarse, a touch uncertain, but his friend never hesitated.

  Fletch painted his nipple with more lube in a deliberate manner. Heat flowed from his nipple, switching to ferocious the instant Fletch applied his mouth. Oh hell. His hips snapped upward, the hot, tight suction driving him past the point of no return. He exploded into climax, unable to hold back an instant longer. Liam shoved Fletch away from him,
the contact too much. His chest rose and fell as he dragged in huge drafts of air. “Sorry,” he said. “I could not hold back.”

  “Simultaneous climax is not expected, especially when we’re testing products. Besides, I can demonstrate an attachment now.” She separated their bodies and turned to reach for her clipboard. After jotting a few notes, she leaned over and picked up the vibrator. She exchanged attachments, clicking one with a set of rollers and a curving part.

  “What does that bit do?” Liam asked, fascinated despite the lethargy from orgasm.

  “Wait and see.” She stretched out beside Liam and parted her legs without the slightest hint of awkwardness.

  “So pretty,” Fletch said. “Can I touch?”

  “I would like to test the lube on my nipples.”

  Fletch saluted, a cheeky grin in place. “Certainly, my lady.” He reached for the lube and squeezed a dollop on his palm. He lifted a brow in Liam’s direction. “Gaby has two beautiful breasts.”

  Liam finally stirred and pushed to a sitting position. He dipped a finger in the lube on Fletch’s hand and turned back to Gaby. A drone filled the bedroom when she switched on the vibrator. Liam watched her insert the vibrator into her pussy and position the roller attachment to revolve on either side of her clit rather than giving direct stimulation.

  “That bit stimulates the G-spot. Right?” Curiosity propelled him to ask questions. “Does one size fit all? What about the women who don’t know their bodies?”

  “Find me one,” Gaby said instantly, raising her voice over the buzz of the vibrator. She angled it slightly, a shudder going through her. A faint flush colored her cheeks. Beautiful. Just beautiful. “I’d like to talk to someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Most teenagers learn about sex early these days. They’re more aware of their bodies. Ooh, damn that feels good.”

  “Ready?” Fletch asked.

  “Yes,” Gaby wailed, her back arching upward.

  Liam chuckled, totally understanding the need coursing through her. “I think he was talking to me.”

  “Stop talking,” Gaby ordered. “Apply the lube.”

  After a quick glance at him, Fletch applied the lube to Gaby’s nipple and Liam followed suit. Together, they licked and sucked. The buzz of the vibrator became louder and Gaby let out a whimper, her hips gyrating. A body shudder swept through her. Liam lifted his head and watched the fog of desire take her. She was gorgeous in her surrender, her cheeks flushed and her head thrown back.

  He grinned at Fletch and his friend tossed back a smile. Job well done.

  Chapter Seven

  Gaby met them at the door a few days later. “Hey, I thought you’d never get home.”

  “You look beautiful,” Liam said, and it was nothing less than the truth. She’d done something with makeup to make her eyes mysterious and smoky. They were used to seeing her in jeans and T-shirts. Today she wore a figure-skimming dress that hit a touch above her knees.

  Liam’s heart sank, and he sent a swift glance at Fletch. His best friend didn’t seem any happier than him. Despite the intimacies and the fun they’d had testing Gaby’s inventions. The pretty sunset-colored dress told the story, one he didn’t like a single bit.

  “Do you have a date?” Fletch opened the fridge and pulled out two cans of beer, handing one to him.

  “I’m going to dinner at my parents’ place. It’s my nephew’s birthday.” Gaby wrinkled her nose. “It’s a command performance. I try not to give my mother anything to complain about. No doubt she’ll find something.”

  Relief struck Liam in a heady rush.

  “You look great,” Fletch said, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. “Are you wearing panties?”

  Liam barked out a laugh as Gaby’s brows shot upward.

  “I’m visiting my parents,” she said, disbelief coloring her tone.

  “Work with me here,” Fletch said. “Are they at least sexy ones?”

  Liam chuckled at the glint in his friend’s eyes. “He wants to take a peek.”

  Gaby backed up, holding her hand in front of her in a silent stop sign. “You’ve just come off a building site.”

  Fletch sent her a wicked grin and advanced half a step.

  “I have to go or I’ll be late,” she said in a breathless rush. “I’ve left a package of toys for you guys to test for me. They’re on Fletch’s bed.” Gaby seized her handbag, her bunch of car keys and fled.

  Liam took a sip of his beer, his gut bucking at the idea of testing more toys. Why had Gaby mentioned the toys now instead of waiting until she’d returned home? So far, they’d spent the last three nights in Fletch’s bed, testing toys together. He slid a glance in Fletch’s direction and caught him staring. “What?”

  “I was wondering why Gaby mentioned the toys now rather than later.”

  “Me too.”

  “Gaby slept with us the entire night again instead of returning to her bedroom like she did after testing the first lot of toys.”

  “Do you think that means anything?”

  “Hard to say.” Fletch paused, frowned. “You’ve stayed every night since we started this.”

  A swirl of heat started in the base of his gut and swelled until it reached his cheeks. He slurped his beer in an attempt at nonchalance. Yeah, it was true, and Liam wasn’t certain what to make of his willingness to get close and personal with another male. The day before yesterday he’d woken wrapped around Fletch. His friend hadn’t stirred, and he’d moved away before things became even stranger between them.

  So far, the weirdness hadn’t affected their working relationship.

  Liam swallowed the last of his beer before setting the can on the counter. “I’m gonna have a shower.”


  “Who are you calling a coward?”

  “Don’t you want to check out the package Gaby left for us?”

  “It’s in your room.” Liam turned before Fletch came up with something else to embarrass him. He was fine at work but once they reached home, he didn’t play by the rules. Liam didn’t know what to think. Hell, he tried not to think about Fletch because for some weird reason he’d started getting a hard-on.

  Liam stalked from the kitchen without looking back. The weight of Fletch’s stare followed him until he reached the passage, making him edgy. Restless. Hell.

  In the bathroom, he stripped off his clothes, leaving them in a heap on the floor. He flipped on the taps, setting both showerheads going. After stepping under the water, he absently grabbed the soap to lather his chest.

  He wouldn’t put it past Fletch to burst in on him. His friend went out of his way to touch him when they were alone. If he told Fletch to fuck off and knock off the touchy-feely shit, he’d probably obey without comment. Part of him wanted Fletch to back off, yet the other part—he cast a disgruntled glare at his erection—wanted to follow the possibilities and damn other people’s perceptions.

  Gaby and Fletch had led him astray.

  Liam barked out a sudden laugh. He hadn’t exactly fought them, merely followed like a docile lamb.

  * * * * *

  Fletch heard the shower start, but not a shred of the tension left his shoulders. The ring of a cell phone snared his attention. Liam’s. He glanced at the screen and replaced it on the counter, his mind drifting back to Gaby and Liam. Something on Gaby’s face made him suspect the toys she’d left for them would push them farther than they’d traveled to date.

  With his beer in hand, he wandered down the passage toward his bedroom. His steps slowed as he passed the bathroom. He forced himself to keep moving when what he wanted was to push open the door and step into the shower with Liam. His cock pressed against his fly, echoing approval of his thoughts. Despite his constant hard-on, he’d managed to keep his seduction subtle enough to escape the notice of others. During work hours, he’d kept things strictly businesslike. He didn’t want to scare Liam off before he’d hooked and reeled him in.

  In his bedroom, he stripped to his b
oxer-briefs before sitting on the bed to investigate the contents of the bag Gaby had left for them.

  Well hell.

  Butt plugs in several designs. One looked as if it might vibrate while another was the standard type—not that he’d had much experience with plugs. One of his past girlfriends had liked using them, saying she experienced fantastic orgasms with a plug stuffed in her rear passage. There were a couple of smaller ones that didn’t look so scary, along with more bottles of lube. Gaby was big on her lube.

  “Butt plugs?”

  Fletch’s head jerked up to see Liam standing in the doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist. “Yeah. You ever used one?”

  “Once,” Liam said with a cautious glance at him.

  “Yeah? How did it feel?”

  “It hurt a bit at first.”

  Fletch frowned. “And after?”

  “I had a great weekend,” Liam said. “Have any of your lovers stroked your prostrate while sucking you off?”

  “Yeah, a couple.” Fletch stared at his friend, uncertain of what to say, how to proceed. Gaby’s presence made it easy for him to touch Liam. She made their intimacies seem natural. Now alone with his friend, indecision tied his gut in knots. “Hey, your cell phone rang while you were in the shower.”

  “Who was it?”

  “Rachel. I didn’t answer, just glanced at the screen.”

  “I’ll ring her later.”

  “You still going out with her?”

  “No. We went out twice. I haven’t asked her out again. No chemistry.”

  “Ouch. Did you tell her?”

  “No. I don’t want to talk about Rachel.” Liam stepped into his bedroom, and Fletch’s pulse did a quick two-step before resuming its regular pace. “You normally have a lot more to say.”

  “I don’t want to spoil our friendship. It means a lot to me,” Fletch said.

  A snort emerged from Liam as he stepped closer to the bed without taking his gaze off Fletch. “Having second thoughts about touching me?”

  The undercurrents swirling between them took a sharp dive into a different beast. Tread carefully. “I don’t want to mess things up between us.”


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