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The Brit

Page 6

by Jordan Silver

  I have to admit to being just slightly intimidated; when Jonathan was through violating me in the sitting room earlier, he'd presented me with a beautiful set of emerald and gold jewelry. It looked like something an empress of a bygone time would've worn. In fact, he said it'd been in his family for generations, like a couple hundred years. I was almost afraid to wear them after hearing that, but he just laughed and said when I became his wife I would own some that were even older.

  My dress was an empire waist, floor length, ivory gown, with cap sleeves and a gathered bodice. It was simply elegant, and made me feel like quite the princess. The fact that I was bare assed naked underneath was no one else's business.

  Jonathan, bless his heart, understood my anxiety and stuck close to me; everyone seemed nice enough, so that midway through the festivities, I relaxed a little.

  That's when I decided it was okay to go to the ladies or the loo as they called it here, all on my lonesome.

  Sandra was with a group of women otherwise I would've asked her to come with, since the place was so huge. But I thought I should act like an adult and ease out from under Jonathan’s shadow; this way he wouldn't start feeling stifled and grow tired of his American bride.

  The bathroom looked like something out of an old thirties era movie. All gilded mirrors and marble pillars. One wall was all glass, with a marble sink top, with gold basins in the shape of shells. Everything was gold, or white marble with gold; simply gorgeous. Talk about intimidating.

  Chapter 20

  "Can you imagine that thing, trying to fit in with the rest of us? What a joke, I mean what is Jonathan thinking?"

  I stopped in my tracks as my heart fell to my toes; I knew that voice, I'd heard it the last time in the states. What was she doing here? I hadn't seen her on the dance floor, or anywhere in the hall; then again the place was so huge it was easy to get lost in the crowd.

  "Just do as I say and everything will work out just fine. Do you believe he had the nerve to try to set the family against me for her? Me, the one who's been here for years. The fact that Sir Avery admonished me was bad enough, but then later even Donald took her side as well, it's not to be borne. I won't have that tainting our family line. I mean think of my children, a long line of pedigreed ancestors and then that, Jonathan's yank slag, I won't stand for it."

  I didn't know what to do; they were around the corner from me, so they had no idea I was there. My first thought was to get the hell out of there; I wanted to cry and run all the way back home, but that's just playing into their hands. That'll just leave my man open for that beast to get her claws into him. So I did what any self-respecting yank would do. I reached into my little evening purse for my state of the art hundred thousand dollar cell phone that crazy Jonathan had got me, because heaven forbid I should carry an iPhone like everybody else, and I pressed the neat little button that let me record.

  I got some good stuff on there, and the whole time they were talking and plotting, I stayed as still as I could, after finally creeping towards the stall nearest them, just in case someone else came in and saw me. I'd watched enough TV to know how to be a sneak, so first I'd taken off my shoes and tiptoed into the stall. This place, as old as it is was so well run, that the door didn't make a peep when I eased it open, so it was no problem.

  Of course I had to pee even worse now, but I held that shit in. If they kept talking, maybe I could get them off my ass once and for all.

  I waited until they were done and had left, before taking care of what I'd come here for in the first place.

  When I got back to the ballroom Jonathan scowled at me, he's so cute.

  "Where were you? I almost sent out a search party.” He pulled me under his arm and kissed my temple. I so loved when he did that, it always made me feel giddy somehow.

  "I need to show you something, it's important." He pushed me back and looked at me searchingly. I guess I hadn't been quite as successful as I’d thought, in hiding the strain from my voice.

  "What is it sweetheart, you okay?"

  I happened to catch Natalie's face over his shoulder; she was looking back the way I came with a concerned look on her face, probably trying to figure out where I'd come from. Good, let her wonder.

  "Can you get your dad and your brother too Jonathan please? Maybe Margaret too and Sandra, its a family matter, it'll only take a few minutes."

  He was back to scowling again.

  "What is this, you planning to break up with me or something?"

  He joked, but I could see he was really worried about what I was about to do or say.

  "Don't be silly, of course not; if I was gonna do that I wouldn't have come all this way in the first place."

  "I don't know, maybe this evening have been too much and you've decided you don't want to bog yourself down with an old stuff shirt like me."

  It was my turn to offer a kiss of reassurance.


  "Okay then, let me go extricate the others and we'll meet in one of the libraries."

  I stayed with him as he rounded up his family; the whole time I could feel Natalie's eyes boring into my back. I hadn't seen her little playmate so my guess is she'd been hiding out somewhere and was either now gone, or was back in her hole.

  “What's going on where's everyone going, if this is some sort of family thing shouldn't I be included?"

  Natalie of course addressed Jonathan, like I wasn't there. The others had gone ahead to the room Jonathan had suggested, and since I'd had about all of this ass that I was going to take, I took this one.

  "It's for the bloodline only, we'll get around to you soon enough."

  Her face was comical and I could see I'd thrown Jonathan with my words, as he looked at me like ‘what the fuck?’

  I ignored that and just kept him heading in the direction of the others; Natalie meanwhile was standing there mouth open, looking even more worried than before.

  Good twit stew in your own worries and doubts, I hope they kick you out on your ass.

  "What's going on Jonathan? this is a rather odd thing to do in the middle of a party."

  "I'm sorry Margaret it was my idea, I have something that I just didn't think could wait."

  "Just let's hear what Joanna has to say without interruptions shall we?"

  Jonathan intoned, after it looked like Sandra was about to ask me something.

  I just pressed the button as I explained.

  "This is what I walked into when I went to freshen up in the bathroom upstairs."

  On the taped recording Natalie and Melissa could be heard plotting to set me up with some guy that was apparently Jonathan's nemesis. Supposedly they were to catch me in a compromising position, pictures and all, and if they couldn't get me and this person in the same room together, there were always doctored photos.

  There was a lot more said, but that was the gist of it. I felt bad for Donald, poor guy, his face had fallen, and he looked like he'd aged ten years. He was the first to leave the room and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. What if I'd done the wrong thing? What if they got mad at me for dividing their family? maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

  "I'm so sorry..."

  "What nonsense, why should you be sorry? you've done nothing wrong. It is us who should be offering you apologies; that one of our own could think of doing such a thing. I hope you accept my sincerest apologies Joanna and believe me when I say welcome to our family. Now I have to go see about my son."

  Avery left, and Margaret and Sandra soon followed, after first hugging me. Jonathan still hadn't said anything as yet, but I could feel something weird gong on with his body, which was flush against mine. It felt hard as steel and tense.

  I tried soothing him with a hand on his chest.

  "It's okay love, no need to worry." He reassured me. I got another kiss to the temple, but one glance at his face told me all I needed to know. Jonathan was pissed.

  Chapter 21


  It wasn't easy going back out
to the party; eating, drinking, smiling, like nothing untoward had happened; I wanted some action. Donald had disappeared with the viper; whatever came of that she was finished. It's sad, he's my brother, she's his wife, but she would never set foot near Joanna again not as long as there's breath in my body.

  I kept her close to me all night after that little reveal; no way I was going to let her leave my sight. In fact, the way I felt right now it would be a long while before I was able to do that without being eaten away with worry. What she didn't know, and the rest of my family was unaware of due to my own silence, is that the one they'd chosen as their protagonist would've gladly enjoyed the charade; only he wouldn't have left it there.

  Good old James has a bit of a dark side when it comes to women. I'd severed all ties with him back at Eton, because of what he'd done to the daughter of a pub owner the next town over. His family's money kept it all hushed up, but I never forgot. He resented me for separating myself from him after that, but there's no way I could've done any differently; I have a mother and a sister after all.

  Now with the thought of him having his hands on what's mine, my precious girl, I'm almost sick. Looks like I'll be paying him a long overdue visit soon. As for Melissa, there're no words for what I want to do to that female. In our circle, it's frowned upon to engage in outward demonstrations of displeasure. Everything must be kept swept under the rug; not this time, my destruction of her is going to be very public.

  "It's almost over love, then I'll take you home."

  I kissed her hair again, seems I'd been doing that all evening. If I wasn't kissing her hair, I was hugging her close. Who knew what my peers thought of my public displays? but I no longer cared.

  I think my Yank's lack of restrictions, like the ones I'd been brought up with were rubbing off on me. With Joanna, what you see is what you get; she puts on no ears. She's open and free and sweet, and I'm the luckiest bastard in the world to have found her, my gem. The fact that others and been plotting to destroy that, I could never let go.

  Chapter 22

  I didn't so much make love to my girl, as devoured her later that night. Nothing more was said about the night's happenings, nothing needed to be said. I'll do what must be done, but for now I just wanted my hands on her, all over. I needed to reassure myself that she was here and mine, all mine, only mine.

  "Anyone ever touches you I'll kill them." She arched her back beneath me, as I kept up my steady thrusts in and out of her depths. This night I needed to go deeper than I'd ever gone before.

  With my eyes holding hers, I rocked into her, before taking her lips in a seething kiss, her hair caught tightly in my fists.

  "Say it..."


  Her voice caught on her words, as she concentrated only on that part of me that was inside of her. I buried my cock deep and stayed still.

  "Say the words Joanna."

  It took her a few seconds to catch her breath, but eventually she gave me what I wanted, what I needed.

  "I'm yours."

  Pulling out, I made my way down her body, licking and nipping as I went.

  "Open…wider…good girl."

  With her legs spread as wide as they would go, I licked her sweet pussy; her essence on my tongue drove me mad. Her hands in my hair, nails digging into my scalp; was all the encouragement I needed.

  Spreading her little flower open, I ate her to my heart's content; sticking my tongue as far up inside her as I could reach, her sweet ass held firmly in my hands, pulling her tighter against my mouth.

  "Jonathan..." She writhed under my ministrations. I felt the slight trembling in her body, before I was rewarded with a mouthful of her juices.

  She covered her face with a pillow to hide her screams. Couldn't have that, I wanted to revel in them, wanted them to ring out in the room.

  Nipping her thighs, I made my way back up her body, and without a word spoken, turned her onto her hands and knees, and sunk home.


  Her long, drawn out breath, her fists clutching the sheets, was all I needed to know that she was enjoying this, my rough treatment of her. I latched onto her neck with my teeth; it had been a while since I'd marked my territory. Her pussy clenched around my cock as she pushed back against me taking me in deeper.

  The slap, slap, slap, of our bodies in the room was almost vulgar, but it just added to the intensity of what I felt, what I always felt, when she was under me.

  My teeth in her neck my cock in her belly, that still wasn't enough, I needed more, needed all of her. I took her tits in my hands, palming the hard nipples as I squeezed and pulled on them.

  "I'm going to fuck you until the sun comes up, then I'm going to give you a bath, bring you back here, and fuck your sweet ass..."

  I'm not sure yet of what happened overnight, but the next morning there was no sign of Natalie at the breakfast table, and I couldn't drum up the energy to care one way or the other. Everyone else seemed to be in decent spirits including Donald, who was busy putting away his usual healthy helping of what's called a full Irish.

  Joanna had been a bit unsure of her welcome. Silly girl was under the impression that she'd muddied the waters so to speak, but I'd gone above and beyond the call of duty to assure her, that nothing could be farther from the truth. She was looking none the worse for wear, considering I'd kept my word and ridden her hard last night and into the wee hours of the morning.

  She'd proven her mettle, by staying with me all the way. Even after I'd given her a nice leisurely bath, where I'd once again taken her up against the tub, before taking her back to our bed to carry out my diabolical threat of ass fucking her. That too had been spectacular; in fact I could hardly wait to do it again.

  "Good morning kids, I trust you had a good night after all the evening's theatrics."

  "Thanks mum we did." I had to answer since my wife to be's face had become blush red, and she was busy trying to disappear into my side, before I sat her. It would be fascinating as time goes on, to see how long it took her to overcome her innate shyness. I quite enjoyed it, truth be known, but if she kept it up, I'm afraid people would always know when I'd had her.

  I sat with my arm on the back of her chair, after I'd filled a plate for her. We were both ravenous, and plowed our way through our meal of eggs, toast and turkey bacon, with breakfast potatoes, while mum went on about the wedding plans. I didn't bring up the night before and neither did anyone else, that's my family for you, no unpleasantness at the table.

  After breakfast, dad asked Donald and I to come to the study before we headed out to the office. I'm sure I knew what it was about and though I felt badly for Donald's position, there was no way I'm going to give in on this. What she'd attempted to do was criminal; it could've ended in a young girl's demise. The fact that that girl was Joanna made me even less inclined to give a damn.

  "Okay boys, lets get right to it then shall we? Right, Donald, you have the most to lose in this situation, Jonathan you'd agree, so we'll hear from you first."

  Donald took a deep breath as he paced the room like a caged animal; my brother, for all his playfulness and overgrown loutishness, is a very soft- hearted sort. Nothing at all like me, who would destroy the enemy without a second thought.

  I hope he knew that I wouldn't let things end here, that my sense of justice would call for me to exact retribution against the ones who sought to harm my love.

  "Jonathan, I know how you must feel about all this mess, but I'm asking you as your brother, let me handle Natalie."

  I studied him for the barest of seconds.

  "And as my brother you know that's not going to happen; you know me, you all know me. Joanna's mine, I take care of what's mine.


  "She's fucked dad, James fucking Thornhill? Of all the blokes in our circle, she chose the worst of the fucking lot. Do you have any idea what could've happened to her had they carried out their scheme?"

  "What about the Pendleton girl? You can't go around ex
acting your own brand of justice son, it's just not done."

  "Watch me."

  I left the room more pissed than when I went in. Now I had something else to add to the column against Natalie, as this will no doubt cause strain between my brother and I.

  I heard her laughter as I reached the morning room; she'd gone there with mum and Sandra. The room was a mess of wedding paraphernalia, and the girls seemed to be enjoying themselves, if the silly grins were anything to go by.

  Just then, the sunlight shone through the plate glass window; catching fire to the deep reddish brown streaks of her hair. My heart clenched at the sight of her, so young, so amazingly beautiful. And to think had I not taken that trip to the states I'd never have met her; the thought almost brought me low.

  No, I couldn't let it go. I'd brought her into my home, the bosom of my family, where she was supposed to be safe. They won't get away with any of it.

  She must've sensed my stare, because suddenly she turned to me, while mum and sis had their heads together over some book. The smile still on her face as the laughter faded.

  With just the lowering of my eyes I called her to me.

  She came without question or hesitation, and I took her hand and led her from the room.

  "Oh my..."

  My mother's softly whispered words reached my ears, as I changed course and headed back to our rooms. Looks like I was going to be late to work after all.

  Chapter 23

  I left a very well satisfied fiancee home in our bed, as I headed out to work. I hadn't seen Donald since our meeting with dad, and wasn't sure what, if anything he'd decided to do about his wife, and the fact that I was going after her. For his sake, I would've gone easy, but I can't get the words she'd said on that recording out of my head.


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