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The Brit

Page 8

by Jordan Silver

  "Son what do you want to do about the wedding?"

  "What do you mean mum?"

  "Well, with all this upheaval I thought you might want to put things off for a bit."

  "No, I will not put off my life because of this, no way; the wedding goes on as planned. You would punish Joanna for this mum?"

  "Of course not Jonathan, what a thing to say; I just thought..."

  "Leave it." Had everyone lost their damn minds?

  "Fine then, I see where your loyalties lie, I will take my fiancee and go back to the states..."


  "No dad, your son thinks hiding his wife away for a few weeks while she convalesces is punishment enough for what has gone on here. I don't agree, and since everyone else seems to be in agreement that this is enough, I think it best that I remove myself, and my fiancee. Shame on all of you."

  "Son you don't understand, I'm trying to do what's best for all."

  "What's best? What is Joanna's crime? What has she done to deserve what has been done to her? We still don't know what those two were doing in our room; it has to be gone over for her to feel safe again. She's been plotted against, set up to be raped, and you two think sending that awful bitch to some posh hospital, where she will be waited on hand and foot is good enough?"

  Mum choked at the word raped. I wonder what she thought would've befallen Joanna had those two slags been allowed to go through with their scheme? Donald hadn't said a word, but with every word from my mouth he slunk lower in his chair.

  "I'm going to check on Joanna, Sandra can you come up with me in case she needs anything? I don't want to leave her alone too much." That was a bald faced lie, but they were too preoccupied to notice.

  As soon as we cleared the room and was well away from the door I stopped her.

  "Where is she?"

  My little sister smiled and was only too happy to impart the information.

  Chapter 26

  She was still asleep when I returned upstairs. I had a lot to think about, major decisions that will affect the rest of our lives. I meant what I'd said downstairs. I have no problem heading back to the states and setting up a home there, if that's what she preferred. I knew with our guilty parties out of the way she would no longer be in any danger, but I don’t think she’d had a very good experience here, nothing to endear the place to her. I felt the guilt eating away at me. I’m the one who’d brought her into this madness.

  I climbed onto the bed with her, and drew her into my arms. She’d become my whole world in such a short time, and with very little effort. I knew there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. Nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her safe always. She’d given herself to me with no expectations. There had been no ulterior motives where she was concerned. To think that after dodging the marriage noose all these years, for fear of marrying for the wrong reasons, she’d just fallen into my lap. The perfect mate. Now others had tried to destroy her.

  My brother is my friend; I understood his need to protect his own wife. But there was no way she could be allowed around my Joanna ever again. I know how these things worked. She’d spend a few weeks in that hospital and be supposedly rehabilitated and released, only to do the same thing all over again. I can’t allow that to happen. As much as I love my brother, there was no way she was going to be allowed to be free again. Not as long as I believe she’s a danger to what’s mine.

  I nuzzled her awake with my lips on hers. “Wake up baby, I need you.” She awakened, soft and sweet, her mouth opening beneath mine to accept my tongue. I folded her body closer to mine so she could feel my need. “I need to love you Joanna, only I can’t be soft and easy. I almost lost you today. The need in me is too strong. Can you take me?”

  Her answer was to rise up over me and take over the kiss. Her hands were wild and hurried as she tore at my clothes. She wrapped her tiny hand around my cock and stroked, as she rubbed her tits into me. I bit into her neck marking her, as my cock grew to its full length. Throwing her to her back I tore the shirt from her back before pulling her jeans down her legs roughly. “Open for me.” She spread her legs wide and I plunged into her. I held still as her body adjusted around me.

  I needed to erase the horror from her mind and mine. Needed to replace it with this. Pulling her head back so I could look into her eyes, I thrust into her over and over again. “I love you more than anything in this world. I’ll always keep you safe.” She wrapped her legs around me and used her hands to pull me deeper into her.

  “Make me forget Jonathan, just make me forget.” I took her lips roughly as I tried to use my cock to wipe her memory clean. When fucking her missionary wasn’t enough, I pulled out and threw her to her hands and knees, before plunging back into her. Her loud screech didn’t stop me; in fact it spurred me on. I grabbed a fistful of her hair as I rode her hard and deep. “Take it.” She pushed back and arched her back, taking me deeper as I fucked out my rage and anger on her tight hot pussy.

  “If I hadn’t already bred you I would do it now.” That was my way of breaking the news to her. Her pussy tightened around me and she turned her mouth in search of mine. We came together, harsh and raw, as we fed on each other’s mouths. I stayed buried deep inside her as I took her down to the bed pressing her small body into the mattress beneath mine.

  “Jonathan, you think I’m pregnant?”

  “Yes baby, you haven’t bled since the first time I took you. I was waiting for you to come to the same conclusion, but I figure we could both do with some good news.” I pulled out and turned her over, placing her body over mine. Reaching down between her thighs, I led my semi hard cock back into her slippery heat. “I’m going to stay inside you all night sweet Joanna.” She laid her head on my chest and moved her ass slowly up and down being careful not to lose my cock.

  In the morning I carried on as usual, while sitting around the breakfast table with my family. Of course I kept up the pretense of banked anger, couldn’t show my hand. But the truth is I was no longer angry. I’d come to a decision during the night, as I held my love in my arms. It was cold and calculated, but when a man took a mate his only thought should be of her and her wellbeing. I wouldn’t stop to judge my intentions.

  I watched Joanna as she interacted with mum and Sandra. How she tried to put it behind her. I appreciated the way mum was with her, loving and kind. There was no mention of the activities of the day before, that wasn’t our way, to rehash things over and over again. There was talk of the wedding, which lightened the mood considerably. And she even laughed once or twice, as she started to relax. She’d told me before we came down, of her worry that my family might hold her somehow responsible for what had happened. I would’ve taken her out of the house in a hurry if such an abominable thing had happened.

  Dad had made arrangements to have the room gone over, but I had already made up my mind that if we did stay, she was never going back into that room. I can’t imagine that having the reminder could be any good for her. She was in an all fired hurry to get to the druggist to collect a pregnancy test kit. It was only as she mentioned it that I realized I was afraid for her to be outside. I know there was no danger to her out there, but that protective streak in me was going to need more time.

  I’m expecting to hear news any minute, of the things I’d set in motion for James. The seeds I’d planted should already have sprouted. By afternoon the wheels should be turning. Hopefully by week’s end the sod would be in handcuffs. Melissa was in hospital broken. I will wait and see if they thought she had a chance at recovery. If so, then I will make sure she never did. I’m still going through with my plans to have her charged all the same. None of them will be getting off lightly. As long as their minds were sound, they will remember the repercussions for going after what was mine. I could do no other.

  “I’m off to the office; Donald are you going in today?” He looked at me as if surprised that I was addressing him in such a cordial manner. It was part of my plan of course. But also, as I’d lain there
last night with her soft body in my arms, I’d given his plight some thought. I couldn’t fault a man for feeling for his wife, the way I felt for my love. Would I really be able to give up on her if the tables were turned? or would I do everything in my power to protect her? Hopefully I will never find out. With that said she’s the one who’d been wronged and it was up to me to rectify it.

  “Yes, I am going in. I have some things to catch up on that were missed with all the…” He broke off and looked at Joanna, who was busy listening to mum go on about some fashion atrocity that they’d seen in a magazine. I pretended not to notice his unease as I looked down at my phone.

  “Fine then I guess I’ll see you there.” I walked over to Joanna and kissed her goodbye. Normally after a day like yesterday I wouldn’t even think of leaving her so soon, but what I had to do couldn’t wait. The sooner it was over the better. “You’ll be fine without me sweetheart, you promise?” I nuzzled her neck as she laid her head on my chest.

  “Yes Jonathan I’m fine. Your mum and I have a full day ahead of us, so I won’t have time to get into any trouble.” How could she tease about what had almost happened to her? This morning she was acting as though nothing had taken place. We’d made love before coming downstairs, and she’d responded in her usual fiery way, giving as good as she got. There was no lingering fear, no worry as I’d expected. She was excited to be going on with planning our wedding it seemed, and that was the only thing on her mind. She was also more relaxed once she realized that no one was stupid enough to hold her responsible for the shit that had gone down.

  “I love you baby, I’ll see you later.” With one last kiss and a pass of my lips across her forehead I left the house. My body went into fight mode as soon as I climbed behind the wheel. My mind was already formatting my next plan of action. In order for me to pull this off I’m going to have to use cunning. I wasn’t worried about being found out, no. I was more worried about making whatever I came up with work. I no longer had the burning urge to end Natalie. Now I wanted her to live a long and miserable life. My only worry was what it would do to my brother’s life. Would he feel obligated to her, or will he be able to move on with his life?

  I stayed at the office long enough to be seen, before slipping out again. I had a few runs to make in some rather unsavory places, but it was the only way to get my hands on what I needed on such short notice. It wasn’t easy finding the source, but you’d be amazed at what doors money can unlock.

  Now I am sitting outside the posh facility, where the rich and aimless went whenever they’d been caught being naughty boys and girls. And wanted to give the world the impression that they gave a damn, and were willing to change their ways.

  My plan was simple really; cause my delightful, soon to be ex sister in law to self-destruct. That way my hands would be clean, relatively anyway. And I would be rid of her once and for all. I also wanted to free my brother of her, so my mission was twofold and will take longer than I would like, but it was for the best.

  There was no harm in anyone knowing that I was here really; it was just a precaution in case things didn’t work out the way I wanted. So for that reason there could be no record of me being here. I signed in under an assumed name and as with most places, as long as you looked the part you were in.

  I found the room I was looking for and watched from the door as she primped in the little handheld mirror. I saw no remorse for the harm she’d caused. She didn’t even seem too broken up about her friend lying broken in a hospital bed.

  Her eyes widened at the sight of me before her face twisted with venom. I had no need for anything she had to say so I moved as quickly as I could to do what I came for. If the reports were correct, this should work admirably.

  I pulled the envelope carefully from my pocket being sure not to inhale as I shifted the contents out onto the flap directly in front of her. “What…?” That was as far as she got before I blew the contents in her face causing her to fling herself back against the pillows.

  In small dosages it would wear off soon, but I was guaranteed that this particular strain had lifelong effects. My first order of business was to move over to the phone and punch in a number.

  She sat there with a bemused expression on her face, eyes glassy. Looking much like the porcelain doll she’s always dreamed of being. I placed the phone to ear and my lips close to the other. I heard my brother’s voice vaguely through the earpiece as I spoke softly and slowly to her.

  I felt no qualms as I coaxed her to ask for a divorce, as I fed her line for line what to say. I had no guilt when I spewed bile in her ear, which she repeated. How she was tired of being part of a family that was so weak as to let someone as inferior as Joanna become a part of it.

  She went on and on as I fed her line after line, reminding myself that this was for the best. That my brother might hurt for a little while but in the end he’d move on. I hung up the phone and with one last look at her, walked away. Now she could get the help that she needed, because the doctored dose of scopolamine was said to make one totally insane. Serves the bitch right.

  She was screaming gibberish before I cleared the hallway.

  I was back in my office by the time my brother wandered in to see me. He looked a bit shocked, but somehow, relieved; as he told me of the strange conversation he’d had half an hour ago with his wife. “So what are you going to do?” I played the concerned but disinterested brother. He knew how I felt about her so there was no use pretending otherwise.

  “I know how you feel about her. I just…I never knew she could be this way. This will destroy mum and dad. A divorce in the family…”

  “Don’t be an ass, it would destroy them even more to have a son married to a vicious harpy, trust me.”

  He sought my advice and I was only too happy to lead him to contact his solicitor as soon as possible. I shut down all talk of trying to work things out. I kept harping on the fact that he himself said she was crazy. I was pretty sure the next time he saw her, she would be well on her way there.

  With that taken care of I turned my attentions to Thornhill. A few inquiries revealed that he had been feeling the pressure since start if business today. People were asking all the right questions about his handing of their funds. It was not looking good for him and I was sure that by end of day he would either be looking down the barrel of a gun, or in handcuffs.

  Next was my former assistant, who I’d been informed upon calling the hospital, would never walk again. Feeling magnanimous, since things were going so smashingly, I decided that was good enough for me. Of course I made sure the git couldn’t counter sue and claim anything against Joanna for damages. I covered all the bases there and sent off a letter of intent, just in case her devious mind ever came out from under the fugue of whatever hell she was now in because of the loss of her mobility, and decided to play the fool again.

  By the end of that day I was feeling considerably better about things as I drove through the gates of home. I looked around at the grounds of the estate, something I hadn’t done in forever. The palatial beauty of the old stone castle that had been standing for centuries, the many gardens that were even now being tended and the miles and miles of lawn that seemed to go on forever.

  This is what I wanted for Joanna and our sons and daughters, my family home; the place where I myself, had found so much joy as a young lad.

  She met me at the door, eyes bright with excitement and love. I opened my arms, as she made a running leap, and caught her up against my chest.


  “Wait, you’ll hurt yourself.”

  “No I won’t hurry.” She was always like this in her last stage of pregnancy. Horny, bossy, and just plain sexy as all hell. She was on her hands and knees in front of me as I eased in and out of her, trying my best not to give in and give her the pounding we both needed. But two days overdue was a bit risky for the wild stuff, no matter how much she begged.


  “Shh…take what I give you.�
� I ran my hand down her back to her ass, reveling in the sweet softness of her skin. The plump curve of her ass as she pushed back against me. In the three years that we’ve been married, I still haven’t grown tired of this; still can’t ever get enough.

  “I love fucking you like this; when your pussy’s so hot from the baby. It’s like my cock’s being wrapped in a warm cocoon.” I reached around and held her tummy in my hands. The hard bulge where our twins laid, a testament to the love we shared.

  Our lives have been full and I’m happy to say, stress free. After the furor from the accident had died down our family pretty much put it all behind us and moved on. We had a wedding to plan after all, and a life to look forward to.

  The only cloud in my sky had been my brother’s pending divorces. I had a few dark moments beating myself up at the thought of sacrificing his happiness for my own, but each time the thought intruded, I only had to replay the event of that night at the ball to say fuck it.

  It was a relief when he went through with it without too much fuss and had washed his hands of her completely. Her family was now saddled with what I’ve been told is a screaming shrew with bouts of psychotic breaks thrown in for good measure. I couldn’t drum up the energy to care.

  As for Pendleton, she was still of sound mid, even if her body was now of no more use to her. A nice visit on her last day in hospital with a few veiled threats had convinced her that it might be best if she forgot she’d ever known me, or my wife.

  Thornhill was doing a nice stint behind bars for everything from embezzlement, to fraud to tax evasion. He wouldn’t see the light of day for quite some time. It seemed that once he’d been off the streets, a few young women finding it safe to come forward, had pressed charges against him for some rather egregious crimes.


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