Book Read Free

The Brit

Page 10

by Jordan Silver

  Is that the moment she stole my heart? It couldn’t be; wasn’t falling in love supposed to be some big bang event? Shouldn’t there be bells and whistles or some shit? Something to warn you that your life was about to be turned up the fuck side down?

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Even her voice had changed, it had gone smoky and dark.

  I was still moving inside her although I’d just emptied all I had left into her. I couldn’t seem to stop, didn’t want to stop.

  “I’m going to fuck you for the rest of tonight, you’ll probably get sore, I’ll take care of that, but I’m not stopping. I want you on your knees.” Pulling out I turned her onto her knees and pushed her head down into the pillow. I think I was subconsciously trying to push the envelope to see how far she’d let me go.

  Maybe she’d get pissed and storm out or some shit, saving me from myself. With her ass and pussy in the air I sucked her pussy again until my cock grew hard once more. Wiping the head of my cock up and down her slit I teased her virgin asshole. She didn’t scream bloody murder, just threw me a look over her shoulder so I guess that as a possibility. This debutante was not turning out anyway I’d expected her to.

  “Soon I’m going to have fun taking you here.”

  I went back to her pussy and eased in nice and slow, trying to see what it was about it that had brought me low. I took in the feel of her silk walls, the tight grip, the warmth, the rubbery feel of her cervix. And there it was again, that burst of feeling in my heart.

  I closed my eyes against the feelings, fighting for me, not willing to give in so easily. I was a bit of a bastard, fucking her like I would a woman of more experience. She took everything I threw at her and cocked her ass higher begging me to drill her harder.

  It was as if I had something to prove. I will not be ruled by pussy, I had to figure out how the fuck she’d done that. Like she had the magic pussy or some fuck. I pounded into her until the bed banged into the wall. Still she cried out in pleasure and begged me to fuck her. When I came that time I actually lifted her off the bed with my thrusts.

  That was the first night I’d had her and in the weeks since I took her over and over again. I never experienced that phenomena again, but fuck if she wasn’t the best sex I’d ever had. If that was all there was to it I would still be okay, but every minute I spent with her I felt myself falling harder and harder. I found myself fighting not to let her in but it was no use. She was in and she wasn’t budging an inch.

  Present Day

  After emptying my balls in her ass I untied her and took her off the swing.

  “How are your legs feeling beautiful?” She was always a little shaky after a round in the swing and we’d been at it for hours.

  “A little shaky yet.” I picked her up and took her into the bathroom, sitting her on the toilet seat while I ran her a bath. Yeah I was still taking care of her, still going above and beyond my norm where she was concerned. She was sneaky too, she never complained, never said anything was too much no matter how hard or how far I pushed. She was beating me at my own game. I looked over at her sitting there, my beautiful wild child.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous.” She blushed and gave me that cheeky grin of hers, the one I had grown to love so much.

  “Then marry me.”

  “Fuck baby.” It was an on going argument between us, one night in the heat of the moment I’d told her I loved her. We’d just made love and were just laying there her head on my chest my arms wrapped around her, and I’d fucked myself but good.

  “I’m in love with you Steff.” She’d picked her head up and looked down at me with this look of surprise and wonder on her face.

  “Don’t play around like that Dom, it’s not…”

  “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it baby.” Shit I hadn’t even meant to say it out loud. It was as much a shock to me as it was to her. She’d rolled fully onto my chest and stared into my eyes as if searching for the truth there.

  I guess she’d seen whatever it was she needed there, because she’d attacked me with kisses, and pretty soon she was under me and I was buried to the hilt inside her again. It was a week later that she brought up marriage for the first time. Obviously I understood that marriage was the logical next step, but I didn’t want to rush into anything. I was in love with her yes, and I knew that she had feelings for me. But her age and her lifestyle gave me pause.

  I knew that when I took the plunge it would be forever, that’s just the way it is. She’d had a different lifestyle before we met; she’s a young socialite after all. She has friends that like to party and she likes to party. I have no problem with that, it’s just that my wife won’t be allowed to be a party girl, there’s just no way in hell. I know she’s not out there getting wild and crazy. I’m the one who took her virginity after all. I just want her to be absolutely sure that this is what she wants. That she’s ready to hang up her party dress and settle down.

  It wasn’t easy for me to put things on hold once I’d made up my mind, but I know me. I don’t want her to stop having a life, or having fun. But marriage for me means settling down, having kids, the whole nine yards, and I’m not quite sure she’s ready for that. There were some things she’d admitted to not being ready for, things that I hadn’t given much thought to until her. But now that she was here, those things seemed like the most important things in the world. Only she wasn’t ready. It was fucked having the tables turned on my ass but such is life. I figured I’d bide my time until things swung my way.

  “Don’t start Stephanie, we’ve already been through this, give it some time. You’re not ready to give up your lifestyle and I don’t want a wife who’s out partying all night.”

  “I don’t see what one has to do with the other, so I like to go dancing so what? That shouldn’t be a reason not to get married.”

  “For me it is.” She didn’t say anything more but I could tell she was upset, which always happened whenever the subject came up.

  “Baby I’m not saying no, I’m just saying give it some time, think about it and be sure that it’s what you really want. A life with me would mean forever. There won’t ever be a divorce in our future. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  “I don’t understand why you think I’m not ready for all that. You act as though all I know is partying, it’s kind of insulting.” She was about to cry and I couldn’t have that. Seeing the women in my life cry was my weak point, I cant handle that shit on any day of the week, so picking her up I sat with her in my lap and held her close.

  “I don’t think that Stephanie, I just want you to be absolutely sure before we take that step.”

  “Fine, we’ll do it your way.”

  For at least a week things were quiet, we went about our life together growing closer and closer. She spent most nights with me in my bed instead of at her place. I was in the middle of a very hot case, tracking down a killer who’d bludgeoned an old woman to death in her bed, in the process of a robbery. Stephanie was busy doing her thing.

  She owns her own line of boutiques, which do very well as far as I can see, and she’s a sharp businesswoman. Another one of my preconceptions knocked on its ass.

  She’s not your average trust fund baby, my girl has a head on her shoulders and she uses it wisely. I don’t worry about her financial standing; I’m not one of those guys who can’t handle his woman making more money than he does.

  I’m not exactly poor myself; though I don’t have anywhere near the millions she does. But my inheritance from my grandparents and my cut in my family’s restaurant business has left me more than comfortable. Besides I’m not that into money anyway.

  I’ve got my truck and my Harley, with a fishing boat that I used to take out on the weekends. But Steff gets sick on anything smaller than a yacht, so I haven’t done much fishing since we met. I prefer to spend time with my woman.

  I haven’t really had time to think about our relationship; as far as I was concerned we were fine. The sex jus
t keeps getting better and we actually like spending time together outside the bedroom. But with this case on my plate I had to shift gears and put my all into the job.

  She’d been grumbling lately about being neglected or some shit, and we aren’t even married yet. Once I reminded her that if we took the step like she keeps harping at me to, that this would most likely be her life, she stopped her bitching and moaning.

  “This case is one for the books; I still say it’s someone she knew. There’s no sign of forced entry, which means she either let them in or they had a key. The attack was total overkill, which says personal anger. No run of the mill burglar is going to go that far. She was almost unrecognizable. I don’t know, this is looking more and more like an inside job, what do you think?”

  “I agree, I don’t think VICAP is gonna be any use to us on this one, I’ve run the prints but there’re no hits. We got the whereabouts of the nearest and dearest yet?”

  “Right here. I’ll take half and you take half. The daughter lives out of state, she’ll be here in a few hours. The son is some big time judge; he was at some to do when it went down. He has about two hundred eyewitnesses who place him at the palace at the time of death. We have to go through phone records, receipts and all this.” I picked up the overflowing folder from my desk. When working a homicide I leave no stone unturned. Having studied law I know how that shit works.

  Yes, I know it’s a little backwards, I have a law degree and I’m working as a detective. It usually works the other way around; but I’d always known what I wanted to do from a young age.

  With knowing that, I always knew it made more sense to have a tighter grip on the ins and outs of the way the law works. I can handle a case from beginning to end if I needed to. By the time I hit the academy I had learned that the criminals had more rights than the victims. Too many perpetrators were getting off with technicalities. That’s why when I work a case I’m meticulous, no slipups.

  I’d gained a reputation for it. That’s why I’m called on even when it’s not my turn at bat, if it’s a high profile case or if the situation looks dire, they call me in. Some of the more seasoned detectives on the force didn’t really appreciate that shit, but I didn’t too much care. I’d earned my rank as lieutenant fair and square, by hard work and determination. The fact that I excelled at what I did was just a bonus.

  We had to go back to the crime scene. I liked doing a second walkthrough to make sure we hadn’t missed anything the first time. Retrace the scene so to speak. The techs had already checked for prints but unlike TV that wasn’t always as helpful as it seemed. There were no known crimes in the area that fit the MO, and I kept coming back to the fact that most burglaries didn’t end in homicide. It was beginning to look more and more like a hit. But who would want to knock off an eighty six year old woman in her bed in the middle of the night?

  We checked and there were no reports of any kind involving Dorothy Picard. She hadn’t made any complaints down at the station; according to her friends she was a well-rounded lady who kept up with her social circle. She loved her children and grandchildren, and was basically just going about her daily life. Nothing had changed in her patterns except for some housework she’d had done the month before, as we learned from her son the judge.

  “I think we need to look into this, now the son said she got the carpenter’s name from a friend, we should go talk to the friend.”

  “Do we have the name of the company that worked on the patio?”

  “I’ve got it right here, Brewster and Sons.”

  “Did you find any paperwork? Does it give us the name of the person who actually went to the house?”

  I’d taken that side of the investigation while my partner was following up leads from the neighborhood watch. No one had seen anything the night of the murder, but there were still a few neighbors left to question. Like I said, I don’t leave any stone unturned, even though something may seem insignificant it could be the piece of the puzzle needed to make the others fit. It can be tedious but I don’t care, I’d rather get shit right than rush to judgment and fuck everything up.

  I spent the day running down leads and fighting thoughts of my frustrating girlfriend. Last night was a turning point in our relationship. She kept pushing the marriage thing on one hand, and on the other not willing to give an inch on her stand. I think she was under the impression that she could run me. Maybe all women think that if the pussy’s good enough you’ll give in to anything. I wasn’t about to fall into that trap.

  It was eleven o’clock by the time I came up for air.

  “Shit.” I checked my watch. I was supposed to take my girl out hours ago. I’d called to tell her I’d caught a case but that had been almost eight hours ago. She’s going to be pissed she hates being neglected. I stretched in my desk chair to get the kinks out.

  Picking up my phone I called her cell, it rang and rang before she picked up or someone did.

  “Who’s this?”

  “Who’s this?”

  “This is detective Draco where’s Stephanie?” I could hear loud music in the background.


  “Where are you?”

  “Well hello detective you finally remembered me, how sweet.”

  “Where are you?”

  She named a popular nightclub downtown, I hate that place and she knows it. It has a reputation for drugs among other things that she knows I don’t want her around.

  “Go home right now.”

  “Oh but the fun’s just started.” She laughed and said something to the asshole who’d answered her phone. My blood started to boil beneath my skin. Why the fuck was some dude answering her phone?

  I got up from my desk and headed for the door. On my way down in the elevator I kept cautioning myself to stay calm while I kept her on the phone. We haven’t really had a fight before, but I could feel one coming on. This is why I kept relationships short and sweet. I don’t need the fucking aggravation.

  “Steff are you drunk?” I would be so pissed if she was.

  “Of course not. A lady never gets intoxicated.” She giggled and I knew she was fucking lying. What the fuck was she thinking?

  I got in my truck and floored it. All the way there I kept telling myself to calm down but it wasn’t working.

  I flashed my badge at the front door and walked in looking for her. The music was thumping, bodies writhed on the dance floor and the bar was packed. I walked through looking for her in dark corners and getting more and more pissed off. I finally found her in the far corner at a table with a group of her friends. Some asshole had his arm around her shoulder and they were laughing.

  “Stephanie lets go.”

  The asshole, who I was now beginning to think must be the one who answered the phone looked up at me.

  “Who are you?”

  I ignored his ass and pulled her up from her seat. She was so blitzed she almost tripped. By now I was beyond pissed, she knew better. Everyone knows we’re together, there had even been pictures of us in the gossip column a few weeks back, ‘The detective and the socialite’.

  I hated that shit but there was nothing I could do about it, if I wanted to be with one of the city’s elite it came with the territory. She knows that because of my job her behavior now reflects on me.

  We’ve had conversations about that shit and she said she understood; that she’d never do anything to embarrass me. This was in no way acceptable. That aside, as a man I did not agree with my woman behaving in this way, so we had a big fucking problem.

  The asshole tried stepping to me but a hard hand to his chest put him back in his seat.

  “Back off.” I tried to keep a tight hold on my temper, couldn’t let my emotions get the best of me, but if he touched her again I would rip his fucking arm off at the shoulder and beat him with it.

  “I don’t want to leave yet.” She was almost falling down drunk.

  “You heard her, she doesn’t want to go with you.”

the fuck off buddy, you don’t want to go there.” I guess he saw his death in my eyes because he made the sensible decision to sit the fuck back down. Meanwhile the others at the table, some of whom I’d met before kept their mouths shut.

  I dragged her out behind me while she waved drunkenly at her friends.

  “Dom you’re gonna make me fall, slow down.” I was too pissed to answer her as I pointedly ignored the stares of the people we passed by on our way out.

  Outside the night was growing cool, so I took off my jacket and covered her bare shoulders.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  “What?” she looked down at herself like the dress up to her crotch with no back was Sunday church service wear.

  “I’m burning that fucking dress when we get home.”

  “No you’re not, I like this dress it’s cute.”

  I didn’t bother to answer her, her problem is that her dad spoilt her ass and let her get away with shit when she was a teenager, and though she’s smart and successful she does have times when she acts out like the brat she most likely once was. I’m not her dad and she was about to find that shit out in a very hard way.

  “Get in the fucking car Stephanie.”

  “But I’m having so much fun I don’t want to leave yet.” She leaned back against the passenger door blocking me from opening it.

  “In the fucking car now.” She opened her mouth but I didn’t let her speak.

  I put my hand around her throat and heard the click of a camera before seeing the flash go off. Fuck! I thought quick and kissed her hard before opening the door and seating her inside. Couldn’t have the front page screaming ‘Detective throttles high profile girlfriend outside nightclub.’

  I walked around to my side and jumped in, slamming the door before peeling out of there. I didn’t say anything to her as she folded her arms and pouted at me.


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