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Dangerous Secrets

Page 22

by Chrissie Loveday

  ‘Maybe Bryce has got a safe at home. You say there’s nothing significant in this office safe.’

  ‘No, but he’s hardly likely to leave such sensitive material where anyone could find it. I expect he’s got one in his bedroom or office somewhere. I haven’t investigated his bedroom.’

  ‘Glad to hear it,’ Rick said with a grin.

  ‘I daren’t start looking in there. I’d be sure to get found out.’

  ‘Well, I’m sure you need to find an opportunity and the means to look. Is there anything I can do to help?’

  ‘Daren’t risk involving you anymore. Look, thanks very much for your help here. At least I now know something of what’s going on. I’m going to call Ryan and see if he has any clues about Dad’s recent business in Cornwall. Now, is there some way of making sure Bryce doesn’t know I’ve read this lot?’

  ‘I can delete recent history. I doubt he’d even be aware of the intrusion. He doesn’t strike me as the most computer savvy or it would have been more difficult to get there.’

  ‘You won’t tell anyone any of this, will you?’

  ‘Course not. You can rely on me. I don’t want to see this whole village ruined for ever and I certainly don’t like the way things have been done to get possession of the properties.’

  ‘I can’t believe two people had to die to achieve all of this.’

  ‘Just shows what greedy bastards are capable of. And don’t forget it could so easily have been three deaths if you hadn’t got out of the cottage in time.’

  ‘You’re right. Actually, whatever my father thinks of me, I doubt he’d have wanted me killed in the process. Maybe he isn’t involved after all.’

  ‘Maybe the murders were never planned. Things just got in the way. It still doesn’t answer the question of who actually vandalised the places and stole all the things. It may have been used as a ploy to get people out of their homes but somebody either has a stash of stolen goods or has made a nice little profit from them. How much would it actually cost to get someone to do these terrible things? So many questions.’

  ‘And we still have to find so many answers.’

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Ryan was feeling more depressed by the day. He had worked hard while his father was away, determined to complete his assigned work before Gerard returned. His father barely glanced at any of it, saying he had more important things to do. Now it was Monday again and he sat with the report still on his desk. He had sent a copy to his father but had still received no comment. He knew he was not valued as either a son or an employee. He was being kept busy for the sake of it. When his phone rang, he was inclined to let it ring but with a sigh, picked it up.

  ‘Hi, Jules. You OK?’

  ‘Ryan, you’ve got to listen to this. There’s a plan to totally redevelop the whole of our road in Trengillyn. All the properties, including Crofters, are going to be flattened and the whole place turned into a massive holiday complex. Hotels, night clubs, leisure centres, shops, you name it. That’s why they’ve been trying to get us all to sell. And what I read suggests they’ll make a compulsory purchase order on the Crofters land if we don’t agree to sell quickly.’

  ‘Sounds pretty dramatic.’

  ‘But it’ll ruin the whole place. Half the bay will be closed off to the public. There’ll be nothing left of the place we love. The existing shops will go out of business and probably the pub. There’ll be nowhere for the surfers unless they use the hotel facilities, doubtless as great cost. It’s some consortium doing it all and, well I suspect Dad may be involved. I really need you to make some investigations into it all. Hack Dad’s computer if necessary. You have to find out.’

  ‘You are kidding. He’d kill me if he discovered I was doing anything like that. Anyway, he’d hardly sanction anyone messing about with our cottage. Think about it. You could have died in the fire. He wouldn’t let that happen.’

  ‘Course I could have died. Perhaps the fire really was an accident. They were just trying to find ways to get me to leave. But we have to try and stop it all from happening. I think Bryce is a major player plus Dad and possibly someone else as well.’

  ‘Look, Julia, I don’t know what you think I can do. I’m sorry but it’s just not possible. I’ve got too much else messing with my mind. Sorry. Do whatever you think it best. And, Julia, do look after yourself. I do love you, you know. You’re now and always have been my best friend. Don’t think too badly of me over this. There’s stuff you don’t know and I hope you never have to find out.’

  He hung up. She stared at her phone in disbelief. She redialled his number but he didn’t pick up.

  ‘Oh, Ryan, what the hell is going on with you?’ she murmured. ‘What are you talking about?’

  Should she phone her father to ask what was happening with her brother? Clearly something was desperately wrong. But she couldn’t think of what she could say to Gerard. They were so estranged now, and it could possibly irritate Ryan and make things even worse for him. Why did life have to be so difficult? It had all begun when she insisted on going off on her own, leaving the family fold. She thought again about her mother’s end. She was still plagued by the thought, would it have happened if she had been there for her? It was something she would always feel guilty about.

  Somehow, she dragged her thoughts back to her current problems. If this complex was built, she could probably find a whole new range of opportunities for work. But could she bear to see her beloved Cornwall turning into some sort of Spanish Costa? Never.

  It seemed a long wearying day. She closed the office at five-thirty as usual and drove back to Bryce’s home. His car was already parked outside so she braced herself to deal with him in the usual way, hoping she didn’t raise his suspicions. Officially, she knew nothing and somehow had to convince him of that. She took a deep breath and made herself smile as she went into the kitchen.

  ‘Everything in order?’ he asked.

  She nodded. ‘I’ve just made some tea. Shall I pour some for you?’

  ‘Thanks. Oh, I’ve got your safe key and code here. I found the documents and copied and posted them as you said. Nothing much else. A few more bookings. I did have a request for a booking for the last two weeks in September,’ she fibbed, ‘but it’s blocked out in the booking plan. Is everywhere already taken?’

  ‘Not taking any more bookings after September eighth.’

  ‘Really? I thought we went on till after the October half term?’

  ‘Not this year.’ She paused, hoping he might give a reason but he said nothing.

  Her phone rang, preventing her from asking any more. It was Ryan’s number.

  ‘Excuse me. Ryan? What’s up?’ she asked.

  ‘It isn’t Ryan. It’s your father.’

  ‘Dad? Why are you using Ryan’s phone?’ She was annoyed. It was so she would answer, of course. He knew she wouldn’t choose to speak to him.

  ‘I’m afraid I have some bad news.’

  ‘Not something wrong with Ryan?’

  ‘He’s tried to take his own life. Like mother like son, I’m afraid.’

  She slumped down in the chair, feeling her blood draining and thinking she was about to faint. Bryce rushed over to her and held her arm.

  ‘What is it?’ he asked. He took the phone from her lifeless hand. ‘Gerard? What’s going on?’ He listened for a moment, looking grave.

  ‘Oh my God. Is he … is he …?’

  ‘He’s still alive, Julia,’ Bryce told her after listening to the message. ‘You should go him. Would you like me to drive you? Or shall I try to book you a flight to London?’

  ‘He’s alive? What did he do?’

  ‘Speak to Gerard. To your father.’

  ‘He’s going to be all right, isn’t he?’ Julia stammered into the phone.

  ‘We hope so. Fortunately, I found him soon after he’d taken the pills.’

  ‘I know he was desperately depressed. I wanted to ask you if you knew what was wrong. I should have come up rig
ht away.’

  ‘Why on earth was he depressed?’ Gerard snapped.

  ‘Work. Oh I don’t know. A whole heap of things I think. I’ll come back as soon as I can.’

  ‘Get Bryce to drive you. Don’t drive yourself.

  ’‘It’s all right Dad, I’ve got another friend who could do it. Bryce has a lot going on here at present.’

  ‘Oh, I know about that but I don’t want you setting off in an emotional state and crashing your car.’

  ‘I’ll call when I know what time I’ll be there. Where is my brother?’

  ‘He’s in hospital. Milton Keynes.’

  ‘Thanks. I’ll go straight there. I’ll see you later.’ She hung up and tried hard to compose herself and make reasonable decisions.

  ‘I could drive you if you like. I can drive back again in the morning and look after everything. Lucy is too busy doing wedding things so I’ll have to run the office myself. You need to be back at home. Don’t worry about anything here. I can always get a temp from the agency. Anyone can answer the phone and write out booking slips.’

  ‘You can’t drive all that way twice and still work. I’ll call Rick. I know he’ll be willing to help and he doesn’t have the sort of demands you do.’ She dialled his number.

  ‘Hi, gorgeous. What can I do for you?’

  She explained the problem and he immediately agreed to drive with her.

  ‘Pick me up as soon as you’re ready. I’ll be looking out for you.’

  ‘Thanks. You’re a pal. Can someone cover for you? It might take a few days.’

  ‘No probs. Just get yourself organised. I’ll be waiting.’

  ‘I suppose that’s the Aussie guy, is it? Are you sure he’s a sensible choice? I assume he does have a driving licence.’

  ‘He’ll be fine. Thanks anyway. I’ll just go and grab a bag and get off. Oh Hell. Why did he have to do it?’

  Bryce put a comforting hand on her arm. She smiled and touched his hand, gently dismissing him.

  Rick was a good companion and let her talk when she wanted to and remain quiet when she needed. He took a share of the driving and was pleased to see her resting for a while. The petrol gauge was low so he needed to find a garage. A pity as it meant disturbing her brief rest. She sat up as he stopped the car.

  ‘Sorry. We needed fuel. I’ll pick up something to eat as well. I’m starving and you need to replenish your energy.’

  ‘Sorry. I made you miss dinner and I know that’s not a good look for you. I’ll get something for us while you fill up the tank.’ She picked up an array of snacks and waited till the pump registered to pay. When she went back, she offered to drive again while Rick ate.

  It was nearing midnight before they arrived at the hospital. After some persuasion, they were finally admitted to the ward. Julia was unprepared for what she saw. She had never expected her brother to look so ill. Without Rick’s supporting arm, she knew she might have collapsed. Ryan was in a deep sleep and looked pale and waxy. There were wires and tubes connected everywhere. If it hadn’t been for the machine clicking away at his bedside, she might have thought he was dead. A nurse came into the room.

  ‘Come with me and we can talk,’ she offered. ‘Would you like some tea?’

  ‘Thanks. That would be good. Is he going to be all right? He looks so terrible. So ill.’

  ‘Come on.’ She led them into an office and sat them down. ‘You are Ryan’s sister?’

  Julia nodded.

  ‘And this is a good friend of ours. Rick. He helped me drive up.’

  The nurse poured them both a mug of tea. The inevitable cure-all Julia acknowledged.

  ‘So, what’s been going on?’

  ‘I understand he was depressed and took an overdose of painkillers with some alcohol. Fortunately, he was rather sick before they could become fatal. I’m afraid we had to pump his stomach but he was barely conscious so he was largely unaware of it.’

  Julia felt the tears running down her cheeks.

  ‘Poor Ryan. Did he leave a note or anything?’

  ‘I don’t know about that. You’d have to ask your father. It’s not my job to know the ins and outs of it all. Just to try to get him over it. He’ll be given counselling by our psychiatric department when he’s up to it and before he is released. We may get to the bottom of it after that. I’d suggest you should get some rest now. There’s nothing you can do till the morning. He’ll be well out of it till then.’

  ‘I’d rather stay by him, if I may. Rick, you could go and find somewhere to stay. I’ll be all right.’

  ‘Nonsense. I can doze in the chair and anyway, I want to stay with you.’

  The nurse nodded her agreement and they went into Ryan’s private room. At least they didn’t have to be among other people. Julia sat beside her brother for the whole night, holding his icy cold hand looking at his face as if it might yield some clue. She must have dozed off and woke when Ryan’s fingers moved, seeking her own. She jumped and was instantly awake. His eyes were open and staring at her. He tried to speak but his voice was cracked and his mouth obviously dry.

  ‘Cold. So cold.’

  ‘Shh, darling,’ she whispered, handing him a cup with a straw. ‘Take a little sip of this and it might help ease your throat.’ He did as he was told and she could see warmth and gratitude in his eyes.

  ‘Jules,’ he whispered. ‘So good to see you.’

  Rick awoke at the sound and sat upright in his chair.

  ‘Good to see you awake, mate’ he said quietly. Ryan blinked at him, his eyes slowly focussing.

  ‘Rick? What are you doing here?’

  ‘Someone had to drive this little lady all this way. I got to be the lucky one.’

  ‘Thanks,’ he mumbled. ‘Good of you. I wasn’t expecting to wake up again. I wanted everything to go away. The pain to stop hurting me so much.’

  His eyes filled with tears as he lay back, white-faced against the green pillows.

  ‘It’s all right. Things will get better very soon. I should never have let you go back to Dad’s. I should have insisted you stayed with me in Cornwall.’

  ‘I had to. You don’t understand Jules. I had to.’ He closed his eyes against and tears streamed down his face.

  ‘Why did you have to? Tell me, darling.’

  ‘You’ll never speak to me again. I couldn’t bear that.’

  ‘Of course I will. There’s nothing that could ever stop me loving you.’

  ‘There is. Dad’s been holding it over me. He knew all along’

  ‘What Ryan? Tell me?’

  Her brother sobbed uncontrollably.

  ‘I murdered our mother.’

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Julia stared. She was speechless. She had never believed that her mother would have committed suicide – but could Ryan have killed their mother? He had loved her just as much as she had. How could he have done this terrible thing?

  ‘You murdered her? Ryan, you can’t mean it?’

  He was her best friend and now he’d done the worst thing she could ever have dreamed of.

  ‘Do you want to say anything more?’ Rick asked. He saw the tortured look on his friend’s face. He was almost out of his depth with this family tragedy but he was already deeply involved. And he intended being a part of Julia’s life from now on.

  ‘Was it intentional or an accident?’

  ‘She begged me.’ Ryan managed to say. ‘She was in such terrible pain. She begged me. I had to do it. I had to help her.’

  ‘You helped her when she needed help,’ Rick prompted. Ryan’s eyes were tightly shut as if he were trying to blot out reality. Julia was trembling and Rick came round the bed to hold her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. She didn’t know what to think. Was it actually murder, helping her mother when she begged him to? Phrases like “assisted suicide” came to mind.

  ‘Why didn’t you wait for me to get home?’ she sobbed. ‘Why? I never got to say goodbye.’

  ‘She was dying and she coul
dn’t stand it any longer. We didn’t know when you were coming back. If you ever intended coming back. She begged me, Julia. Actually begged me to help her. Please tell me you understand.’

  ‘I don’t know. I have to think. I have to think,’ she repeated. She moved away from Rick and went over to the window. She saw her father’s car stop in the car park. She couldn’t face him and ran from the room. She knew that he must be partly to blame for Ryan’s attempt to take his life. The constant sniping and bullying. Putting him down all the time and never showing real interest in what he wanted to do.

  She went into the café which had a coffee machine in the corner of the room. She hid away, scared that her father might see her. He went up towards the ward and she sat at one of the tables, sipping the scalding liquid. Tears still rolled down her cheeks. Ryan had been afraid that she would hate him for what he had done. She knew that everything must have been very terrible for him to do what he did. Still her major resentment was that it all happened when she was away.

  Minutes later, Rick came in search of her. ‘Your father’s with him now.’

  ‘I know. I saw him arriving and I ran away. I’m can’t face him. Not yet. It’s his fault that Ryan did this. My father blackmailed him into staying at home and working for him.’

  ‘I think you need to be there with Ryan. He seemed to shrink right back when your father arrived. He closed his eyes again and refused to speak. He looked as if his life was draining away when you rushed off. I don’t think your father is the best person to be with him. He needs you. Be brave, darling. I’m here with you.’

  Reluctantly, Julia got to her feet and, holding Rick’s hand very tightly, allowed herself to be led up to the ward. Her father reached out for her but she shrank back.

  ‘Thank you for coming,’ he said. ‘I know Ryan needed to see you.’

  ‘I know he did. I suppose I can’t really blame him for what he did.’

  ‘He’s a foolish boy. He didn’t need to take an overdose just to get my attention.’

  ‘I doubt that was his reason. To get your attention. Probably the last thing he wanted.’


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