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EROTICA: 81 BOOK MEGA BOX SET: XXX MF ROUGH EROTICA ROMANCE SHORT STORIES (Alpha Male Straight Filthy Adult Gang Group Multiple Partner Erotic Books Collection)

Page 20

by Jessie Dame

  While Ethan slowly pumped in and out of my mouth, his hands in my hair, Carter disappeared for a moment, and when he returned, I felt two lube-coated fingers probe my asshole. Moaning, I arched my ass up and placed my cheek on the carpet, eager for more. We'd only tried anal a few times, always carefully, always slowly, and so far, it had been pretty damn fantastic.

  The first few inches were always such a tight fit, and I bit my lower lip as I groaned, waiting for the brief and mild discomfort to pass. Once he was in though, there was no turning back. Hands griping my hips, Carter began slowly, just as Ethan had with my pussy, but before long he was slamming into me, over and over again. Ethan watched a little, and it brought back memories of our cheering fans as Carter fucked me on our cabin retreat. My nipples hardened under Ethan's stare, and I almost begged him to do something to them—suck them, flick them, pinch them… anything!

  I didn't have to beg, thankfully. At Ethan's request to get me upright, Carter grabbed my hair and straightened me up, never once breaking his steady pace. His grunts, too soft to hear when I was bent over, were delicious in my ear, and I fell back into him, enjoying the hardness of his body against my back. Ethan, meanwhile, did exactly as I hoped he would: his fingers were relentless with my nipples, alternating between the two, pinching and plucking, the pain mixing with the pleasurable build-up of my third orgasm perfectly.

  Just as I was on the brink of coming, Ethan reached down to play with my clit, finally pushing me over the edge as Carter came in my ass. He groaned my name when he climaxed, burying his face in the crook of my neck and shoulder. Pinned to him, I was surprised I stayed conscious for the third climax, panting so hard that my tits bounced. Totally spent, as soon as Carter let go of me, I toppled forward, thankful that Ethan was there to catch me. Carefully, he helped me up and set me on the couch, smirking.

  "These are quite the movie nights you guys have," he laughed, and Carter and I exchanged knowing smiles. "Is there a shower, I can use?"

  "Oh, there most definitely is," I said with a sigh, taking his hand and holding my other one out to Carter. He quickly took it, and both men helped me to my feet.

  "We won't all fit in there, Aubrey," Carter noted as I led them back to the bathroom. Over my shoulder, I smirked. I might have been on the verge of exhaustion, but there was no way I was ready to call it a night yet.

  "Don't worry, boys," I told them, flicking on the light to the bathroom and grinning. "You can always take turns."

  Playing with Anna

  "Are you sure he won't mind me… joining in on the fun?"

  I raised my eyebrows as I slipped back a rather weak martini, eyeing my friend Anna from across the little circular table. She sounded genuinely worried, despite the fact I'd assured her a hundred times over since she agreed to everything that Carter would be one thousand percent up for a night with two women. After all, he'd dropped Ethan on me as a little surprise last month, and I thought it only fair to return the favor with a surprise of my own.

  I'd known Anna since my first year of college, and Carter had met her sporadically over the last four years. We'd taken the same intro to psych class, and in a sea of four hundred other students, we totally cheated off each other on just about every exam we wrote. Since then, we'd been friends, our cheating days falling to the wayside as we each got more serious about our schooling. While I graduated with a degree that set me up to do social work, Anna was well on her way to becoming a clinical psychologist, already prepared to take her master's in the fall.

  Which was creeping up on us. Dangerously fast. Real life was coming back into view, and now that I was done my undergraduate degree, I had no idea where to go from here. The only real stability in my life had been Carter, as always, and I valued our little date nights more than I cared to admit. We'd graduated from calling them "movie nights", because the pretense of coming to my apartment just to "watch a movie" got old. Now, we met up in different places: cafés, bars, bookstores, and the gym. Anywhere to keep things spicy, because the outcome was always the same: blissful fucking into the wee hours of the morning.

  Tonight would be different. We hadn't had anyone join in on the fun since Ethan, and I thought it was about time we brought in some fresh blood. Anna was just Carter's type too: tall, square-shouldered, big bust. The woman was an athlete, and while I should have been intimidated that we'd be naked with one another in just a few short hours, I wasn't. Carter worshipped me on our little nights, going out of his way to see that I couldn't move from all my orgasms—I'd lost any sense of self-consciousness around him months ago.

  "Oh, look, there he is!" I stood to flag my best friend down, waving at him from across the fairly busy bar. He smiled when our eyes met, waving back in a way that was just goofy enough to be embarrassing. As he approached, his smile faltered when he noticed Anna sitting across from me, and I could almost see him start to sweat at the sight of a very pretty woman.

  "Hey, Aubs," he greeted, leaning down to kiss my cheek, all the while giving my arm a little squeeze. Who is that? I could practically hear him ask—he had a terrible memory when it came to names and faces.

  "You remember my friend Anna, right," I asked as he settled in the chair next to me, gesturing to Anna as she took a sip of her tropical cocktail. His eyes darted up to mine, no doubt recalling that those were his exact words when he'd reintroduced Ethan to me, and his lip twitched upward as his brain clicked into place. I could almost see the gears working. "She didn't have any plans for this evening, so I thought she could hang out with us."

  Carter blinked at me, then leaned across the table to shake Anna's hand. I pressed my lips together, muffling a chuckle. Gorgeous women made him a little awkward sometimes, but I was sure that with a drink or two in him, he'd be fine in no time.

  "Anna, yes," he said, nodding as he leaned back in his seat, "We met at… uhm… the football game last year."

  "And the Christmas party after that," she teased, a twinkle in her eye that made me smile, "Glad to see I made an impression."

  Well, she was bound to make an impression tonight. Smirking, I flagged down a passing server and ordered another round of drinks on me, eager to get the night started.

  And what a night it was. Even before anything intimate took place, I was having a blast. The conversation flowed once the alcohol loosened all our tongues, and soon enough we were out on the dance floor with all the rest of the crazy college kids. Our bodies drifted closer and closer together with each passing song, and soon enough Carter and Anna had me sandwiched between them, my ass rubbing against Carter's slowly hardening cock while Anna's hands roamed both of our bodies.

  As the DJ transitioned to a somewhat mellower song, maybe to give the dancers a second to breathe, I glanced between Anna and Carter. There was a heat in their eyes, both when they looked at me and at each other, and I knew immediately that it was time to go.

  "My place is closest," Carter whispered in my ear, his arm around my waist as I grabbed Anna's hand. I nodded, then let myself be led by my two friends toward the door. We left the steamy, noisy bar behind, and Carter managed to flag us a cab to spare us the pain of walking drunkenly in heels to his apartment. We were fairly quiet in the car, Anna and me leaning on each other while Carter sat up front with the driver, but I knew it was because of the absolute palpable tension between us, waiting to explode as soon as we were alone.

  Carter's apartment was in a better neighborhood than mine. It was bigger, nicer, and more modern. We still generally had our hookups at my place, so I relished the fact that I wouldn't have to clean up whatever mess we made tomorrow morning.

  "Make yourselves at home," Carter told us once we were inside. He then excused himself to use the bathroom, and I led Anna to the living room. One of the walls was made entirely of windows, and from there we could see most of the city. There was never a need to turn the lights on at night in that room: the nearby towers and billboards were enough to keep the room comfortably lit.

  Leaning against the wind
ow panes, Anna brushed my hair out of my face, her hand, surprisingly steady, and when I felt Carter's presence lingering in the doorway, I leaned in to kiss her. As I expected, her lips were softer than Carter's, more supple and plump, and she tasted like a blend of her tropical drink and mint gum. The embrace quickly grew heated, our lips parting and tongues meeting, and I heard Carter stroll in, my ears pricking at each footfall.

  Breaking apart, Anna tugged me over to where Carter sat on the couch, positioning me in front of him, and then, as he watched, she peeled off my clothes. It shouldn't have taken long, I'd only worn a little summer dress tonight, but she removed each piece like she was unveiling an art exhibit. My nipples hardened as soon as they were free, a quiver of excitement passing through me as Carter watched her touch my body. She cupped my breasts from behind, squeezing gently, before one hand wandered down to stroke my clit. I shuddered in her arms, all the while pleased that I'd asked her to join us.

  Carter rose, his initial awkwardness gone, and stood before me, running his finger between my tits. Our eyes met, and he glanced down—which was the only cue I needed to drop to my knees and free his throbbing cock from its restraints. It sprang out, as if eager for my mouth, and I wordlessly obliged. Above, Anna and Carter were wrapped in a passionate embrace, their lips parted as they hungrily consumed one another with kisses. I looked up as best I could, watching with rapt fascination as I sucked him off.

  Clothing fell around me like a winter storm, naked bodies encroaching on my space as I swirled my tongue around the tip of Carter's thick cock, playing with his balls. My knees ached from kneeling for so long, but I almost didn't mind. Instead, I merely enjoyed the show as two beautiful people got to know each other a little better around me.

  The cock in my mouth suddenly disappeared, and I sat back as Carter scooped Anna up and pinned her to the window, fucking her with such ferocity that it took my breath away. She cried out, her arms wrapped around him for support, but from the look on her face, she was beyond enjoying herself. I bit my lip and leaned back to enjoy the show, one hand wandering between my thighs to play with myself. Unfortunately, I quickly found I liked being watched more than I liked watching, and I was soon on my feet, stroking and kissing Carter's back, not wanting to be left out.

  Perhaps sensing my third-wheel feelings, Carter carried Anna back to the center of the room, then set her on her feet. Giddy with excitement, I almost clapped as he made himself comfortable on the ground, beckoning for Anna to crouch over his face so that he could taste her. That left his glorious cock, still hard as ever, all for me, and while Anna made herself comfortable, I straddled his hips and sunk all the way down. Carter groaned noisily when our hips connected, his abs clenched tight, and I held nothing back as I rode him, seeking both my pleasure and his.

  Anna eventually faced toward me, and we shared a passionate kiss as we rode two perfect parts of Carter's body. When I sensed she was close, I leaned in and latched on her nipple with my mouth, using just enough teeth to make her squeal, Carter's hips bucking against mine as our third for the evening came undone. Anna was a quiet girl, but her face radiated pure bliss while Carter lapped at her cunt.

  As soon as she climbed off him, Carter reached up and pulled me toward him, his hands threaded through my hair as our lips met. He tasted like vodka, mint gum—and Anna. Or, I suppose, what I guessed Anna might taste like. I sucked his tongue, taking in all the flavors, experiencing the whole spectrum of it, as he pounded into my aching cunt, so close to coming that I could scream. As it were, some spanking, which began quite light and innocent before quickening and hardening on my poor cheeks, from Anna was what I really needed to push me over the edge. As she slapped my reddening skin, Carter's pace quickened, his thrusts so powerful that my teeth chattered together, and I tumbled over the edge with a shout of joy.

  Carter swallowed the sound, capturing it in his mouth as he kissed me and kissed me and kissed me until I was beyond breathless. He came ensnared in my arms, the pair of us clinging to one another as Anna watched. The woman sprawled out on the couch nearby, like a sphinx surveying her domain, and once more I got off on the thrill of being watched. Pleasure pulsed through me, my body almost convulsing, and when Carter rolled us over, I barely had the energy to prop my head up. Carter lay next to me, panting.

  "I'm just going to use the restroom," Anna announced as the dust started to settle. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her clamber off the couch and disappear through the doorway, leaving behind a comfortable silence.


  "Hmm?" My eyes had started to close as soon as Anna left, exhausted from a day of work and alcohol and mind-blowing orgasms.

  "I think we should stop doing these kinds of nights."

  I pressed my lips together tightly. These were the words I'd been dreading. Forcing myself to focus, I sat up on my elbow and frowned.


  "Because I want to go on actual dates with you," he said after a slight pause, and my heart swelled at the omission. "These nights out are kind of just pretend dates so we can justify having sex after, but… let's just… go out for real, and have sex whenever we want. You're my best friend, and I… think I've got the hots for you, so—"

  I cut him off with a kiss, smothering his words and taking them in with a smile.

  Date my very best friend in the whole wide world? The guy I have amazing sex with on a regular basis? It was a no-brainer.

  Hell. Yeah.

  Anna and Ethan

  Today was a good day. Anna was on her way to an interview.

  If truth be told, Anna actually already has this job bagged. This interview was just going to be a sort of formality. Her roommate, Karen, was already working for the bank and had given her a recommendation. Even better, Anna had already met the hiring manager while attending a work event with Karen months ago. She made a good impression, too.

  The bank was owned by a very prominent family who owned several other corporations across the country and even in some destinations aboard. She heard that the current CEO was a handsome billionaire who liked chasing girls. Anna had heard several rumors of the billionaire’s debauchery from Karen’s workplace gossip circle.

  Anna shook off her random thoughts as she stood in front of the building that housed the bank and other offices that belonged to the handsome CEO’s family. She was trying to remember the name of the man when someone almost pushed her towards the door.

  “Coming in, Anna,” asked a soft voice behind her. Anna knew who the voice belonged to even before she turned her back.

  “Karen,” Anna shouted excitedly as she was pulled into a huge hug by her roommate. Karen now sleeps at her fiancé’s apartment and after a brief chat last night left Anna to sleep alone in their shared place.

  Anna went inside, talked with the receptionist, and found her way to the interview. The hiring manager, Mrs. Woods, remembered her. Good sign. Anna knocked down the typical interview questions, “What’s your greatest weakness?” and “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

  The interview was a success, as expected. Anna accepted the offer and started the following week. She was excited for a new part of her life to begin, but she had no idea what she was getting into.

  Anna’s alarm clock screamed in her ear “6:45 AM!”

  An hour later, Anna found herself arranging papers on her temporary desk at work. She was smiling from ear to ear. Karen congratulated her and then went back to her own tasks. Anna felt a bit sad that she was to work from another part of the building than Karen. She thought all along that she was going to work at the same department as her roommate. But as Karen said, beggars can’t be choosers. Thus, she just shrugged her shoulders and followed Mrs. Woods – the PR person she was going to work for.

  Anna was just finishing with the papers she was arranging neatly on the files when Mrs. Woods tapped her on the shoulders to announce lunch break.

  Anna looked back and smiled, “Wow,” she exclaimed excitedly. “Lunch, already

  With a chuckle, she handed Anna an envelope. “You need to bring this to the photo shoot after lunch. I’ll text you the address.”

  “Photo shoot,” asked the now really confused intern. They were working for an investment bank, not a modeling agency. The confusion was so clearly evident on Anna’s face that Mrs. Woods couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Don’t look too confused, sweetie. There’s a photo shoot for an upcoming promotional ad for the bank and the big boss is there right now to oversee things. He asked for these files.”

  Simple enough, Anna thought.

  Anna took the envelope, packed her things and went out for lunch. She was not really hungry so she decided to bring the envelope first to the big boss. She took a taxi and went to the hotel where the photo shoot was taking place. She easily found the venue and she was suddenly star-struck when she saw who the model was: Carla Rose. She was one of the newest stars in the modeling world, and Anna really liked her. Anna was giddy with excitement about the prospect of meeting Carla, but a little nervous she might make a poor impression on the CEO with her girlish whims.

  She was directed into a chair to wait for the big boss and she was actually about to tell the girl who ushered her that she would just want to leave the envelope as she has yet to have her lunch. It was too late, as the big man suddenly approached and stood in front of her.

  Ethan stared at her with hauntingly dark blue eyes. That’s all Anna could focus on. She was oblivious to the color of his hair (short, brown with a streak of silver), his height (6’1”), his body (toned) and his clothes (a well-fitting suit). All she could see were those eyes.

  Damn, she thought.

  “You must be the new intern,” said the handsome man in front of Anna. Looking into those penetrating dark eyes, Anna was speechless. “What’s your name?” the voice continued.


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