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Love Birds: The Complete Collection

Page 59

by Ruth J. Hartman

  A man, tall and thin, stood beside the trunk of a large tree. He was talking to someone. Daniel squinted to see better. It looked like… no, it couldn’t be. The woman turned slightly, and Daniel got a clearer view. It was Leah!

  Daniel jumped when someone knocked on the door. Not wanting to tear himself away from watching Leah but knowing he had no choice, he answered the door.

  Bradington’s butler stood straight as pole in the hallway. “I’m to inform all valets and lady’s maids ’tis time to see to your masters and mistresses for tonight’s festivities.”

  “Thank you.” Daniel gave a single nod and headed to Mr. Radcliff’s rooms. But everything in him wanted to climb right out the window and make haste to save Leah from that man.

  He knocked, was given permission to enter, and took his usual care in helping Mr. Radcliff dress, but Daniel’s mind was elsewhere. Why was she outside with the gentleman? Did the other man have pure motives where Leah was concerned?

  No. Surely not. But then, Daniel had felt protective of her ever since she’d come to stay with the Radcliffs. Daniel expertly tied Mr. Radcliff’s cravat, which finished dressing his master.

  Mr. Radcliff glanced in the looking glass. “Perfect as ever.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “You’re quiet this evening. Something amiss?”

  “No, sir. Can I assist you with anything else?”

  “Thank you, no. We’ll be quite late, I’m sure. Lady Bradington announced today that the dance would last until past the twelfth hour. You’re free to do as you like until then.”

  “Thank you, sir. Enjoy your evening.”

  He nodded. “I shall. And you as well.”

  Daniel let out a breath as soon as Mr. Radcliff had departed. Making quick work of it, Daniel straightened the room and then left, hoping to see Leah.

  He waited at the end of the hall in a darkened corner, knowing that if Leah went out, she’d have to pass by him. That was, assuming she didn’t get lost. Daniel chuckled, remembering how he’d teased her about men being better at direction than women. But she’d given as good as she’d gotten, demanding that he not finish his thought about it.

  A door clicked softly from a few rooms away. Was it Leah? Was she coming? His fingers tingled, and he bounced on his toes. Only a few seconds had passed but it felt like a month. Where was she?

  Leah rounded the corner and crashed right into his chest. “Oh! You must stop doing that.”

  He’d grabbed her shoulders right as she’d met him. “Pardon. I wasn’t trying to startle you.”

  She raised one eyebrow.


  She shook her head. “And why should I believe you? You’re always up to something, are you not?”

  He lifted his mouth is a one-sided grin then remembered her observation of his doing that when he wasn’t being completely honest.

  “Aha.” She pointed to his lips. “There it is. The sign that you meant to do it after all.”

  He shrugged. “If I could but help being playful, I would. Alas, ’tis part of who I am.”

  “You have an explanation for everything, don’t you?”

  “Is that wrong of me?” He tried to remain serious, but his lips quivered.

  She lightly smacked his arm. “You are incorrigible.”

  “You speak of that quality as if it’s not in the least good.”

  Leah sputtered a laugh.

  Desired task accomplished. Daniel chuckled and held out his arm. “Care for another stroll around the grounds? It’s dark enough that I don’t think anyone will see us.”

  “As long as it’s not to the brook. As lovely as that was, it would be too chilly this evening to be by the water.”

  “As you wish.”

  They made their way down the servants’ stairway and out the door. That gave them a better chance of not being seen by anyone. The evening was lovely with bright stars giving them enough light to see their way. A warm breeze caressed Daniel’s face. He glanced at Leah as she brushed a few strands of hair away from her face.

  How I wish it was me smoothing her hair. Touching her face. Kissing her.

  But even though she’d not protested his holding her briefly at the brook she’d not yet allowed him the privilege of a kiss. His body yearned for it, to taste her, touch her, and hold her close. He knew she favored him, felt it in his soul, but something held her back. He’d told her if she’d but say the words, he would be hers. The way she’d laughed made him wonder. Had she assumed he was joking?

  And why wouldn’t she, Daniel, as that’s all you do when around her?

  Part of that was nervousness. Ever since he’d been a boy, he covered unease with mirth.


  He was startled out of his reverie. “Hmm?”

  “You’re so quiet. I’m unused to that with you.”

  “Pardon. Woolgathering.”

  “It’s fine. Actually, I’m not opposed to silence on occasion. Something about it restores my mind and soul to balance after a busy day.”

  When had Daniel given silence much of a try? He was too quick to fill awkward moments with something amusing so as not to be uncomfortable.

  They walked along a path, the opposite direction of their journey to the brook. A low sound, something from an animal, came from an out-building ahead.

  Leah pointed. “I think that was a cow. Shall we go find out?”

  Daniel glanced around. No one else appeared to be near.

  “Do you think we’ll be in trouble if we do? I always love seeing the calves when they’re little.”

  Daniel patted her hand on his arm and grinned. “Let’s go say good day to the babes. If we see anyone else, we can always sneak quietly away.”

  “Good.” A gleam of starlight caught her hair, giving it the appearance of a golden halo. She really was an angel. His angel.

  Daniel tensed at the squeak of the door, but a quick perusal of the interior showed that he and Leah were the only ones of the human variety in attendance.

  “Oh look.” Leah took Daniel’s hand and led him to a low stall. A brown cow mooed at them but otherwise kept her attention fully on her charge. The calf, its eyes half-closed, blinked at them. Leah’s smile outrivaled the moonlight streaming in through a nearby window. How was it possible that she was even more beautiful every time Daniel saw her?

  “Isn’t it sweet?” She sighed.

  “Yes. Very sweet.” But Daniel had scarcely glanced at the bovines. He couldn’t tear his gaze from Leah. Her eyes. The curve of her soft cheeks. Her full pink lips.

  Daniel widened his eyes as time seemed to stop. He’d fallen head over heels in love with her. When had that happened? Not that he minded or was even surprised. But the revelation had snuck up on him. Much as he delighted in sneaking up on Leah to hear her gasp.

  It was no more than he deserved. Ambushed by love. Taken unawares. The jester had been bested. He chuckled.

  Leah tilted her head. “Going to share the joke? Usually you’re quick to do that.”

  What could he say? It wasn’t as if he could come out and declare himself right on the spot. He’d frighten her away, for sure. He tilted his head toward the stall. “Amused by the calf. Its large eyes seem to take up nearly half its face.”

  She lifted the corners of her lips in a smile. “You’re right. It does.”

  A memory of Leah standing beneath the tree with that gentleman suddenly intruded on Daniel’s thoughts. He wanted, needed to know what that was about. At the risk of sounding rude, he plunged ahead. “Leah.”


  “I… well… happened to glance out my window earlier and saw you.”

  She frowned. “Saw me?”

  Heat crept up Daniel’s neck. Would his questions make him come across as mad? Delving into something so personal? Making him sound like a peeping Tom?

  “Daniel? What is it?”

  He pushed away his discomfort. “Earlier, I saw you speaking to… a man.”

nbsp; “Oh?”

  “He was tall and thin with light hair.”

  Her throat moved and she swallowed. Was she nervous about having been seen with the man? Was she trying to hide something from Daniel? “I…”

  Daniel reached out and grasped her hand. “I wasn’t spying on you. I only happened to see you and… and him.”

  “I see.”

  Was she not going to elaborate? “Who… who was he, Leah?”

  She sucked in a breath as if she’d been caught doing something terrible. “His name is Mr. Felton Kensington.”

  He waited for her to say more, but she kept silent. She wasn’t making it easy for him. “At the risk of sounding presumptuous, may I ask what he wanted?”

  She shrugged. “I know not. Today was only the third time I’ve ever seen him. I hadn’t been aware he was even one of the guests until he came up to me as I stood for a respite from the heat beneath the tree.”

  Daniel took a slow breath and let it out. “Someone like him, a gentleman, well…”


  “If he is paying you attention, there’s only one reason.”

  “And what might that be?”

  He rubbed his hand down the back of his neck. “With him being a member of the gentry and you a companion…”

  “Are you saying he might have nefarious purposes in mind where I’m concerned?”

  Relieved not to have to say it himself, Daniel nodded.

  “I think not.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “Since he had come upon Mrs. Radcliff and I very recently in Hyde Park, I’m sure he was only being polite in speaking to me here.”

  Did she not know her allure, her beauty, the pull she had on men? He placed his hands on her shoulders. “I’m not so certain about that. You see, you’re very…”

  She peered up at him from beneath her long lashes. “I’m very…”

  Daniel’s tongue felt too big for his mouth as he forced out the word, “Desirable.”

  She blinked. “Oh.”

  Soft notes of a slow ballad reached them from the house. With the windows in the mansion being open this evening, it was no wonder they could hear the music. Suddenly feeling shy, Daniel couldn’t find any words except one to whisper. “Dance?”


  Emboldened by the corners of her lips rising, Daniel went on. “Simply because we’re not guests at the party doesn’t mean someone as lovely as you should miss the opportunity.”

  “Thank you. I’d be delighted.”

  Daniel’s world was complete as soon as Leah stepped into his arms. He gazed into her incredible blue eyes, not quite believing that he finally embraced his love. Their boots shuffled in the straw strewn on the floor and the soft lowing of the cows only added to the heavenly notes floating through the window.

  Leah’s hand was warm. He squeezed gently, pleased when she pressed with her hand in return. How he’d been allowed to be there, holding her in the moonlight, he’d never know. But it was a gift he was determined not to waste.

  He pulled her closer and placed one finger beneath her chin, angling her face toward his. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “You probably tell all the girls the same.”

  “No. I really don’t.” He leaned forward, ready to give it one more try. One more attempt to do what he’d longed to do since he’d first caught sight of Leah.

  Kiss her.

  He pressed his lips to hers, only half believing it was true. When she didn’t pull away as before, Daniel tilted his head slightly, allowing better access to her lips. He wrapped his arms around her waist, delighted when she circled his neck with hers. Applying more pressure, Daniel deepened the kiss, nudging her lips open with his tongue.

  Leah moaned, sending hot pulses of need through Daniel. He massaged her back with his fingers, allowing them to drop dangerously close to her bottom.

  Still, she didn’t push him away.

  The kiss continued for what seemed like hours, yet when it ended, the length of time their lips were pressed together had felt as short as mere seconds.

  Leah blinked. “Well, that was…”

  “Incredible. Wonderful. Superb?”

  She laughed. “I was going to say unexpected, but, I think your words work as well.”

  Daniel grinned. “I’m no fool. I’ll take any of those you’d like to give.”

  “The words or kisses?”


  Chapter Eight

  The weekend with Leah had been magical. Now home, it was back to the usual duties. Sadly, Daniel wouldn’t see Leah as much as he had the last three days. He let out a sigh as he glanced around the library. Standing on his toes, he stretched out his arm to return the book Mr. Radcliff had lent him to the proper place on the shelf. As he perused the titles surrounding it hoping to find another that was of interest, voices from the adjoining study startled him.

  The door connecting the two rooms was open a couple of inches. Time to vacate the library. Wouldn’t do for someone to enter and think he was listening in on his master’s conversation.

  Daniel stopped in his tracks halfway across the room. He tilted his head to the side. Had Leah’s name been mentioned? Edging closer to the door, glad for the carpet that muffled his steps, Daniel pressed his ear to the partly open door.

  “Felton, surely you’re not serious?”

  Felton? Mr. Radcliff is speaking to the man who had been standing beneath the tree with Leah.

  “Yes. I am quite serious.”

  “Months ago when you came upon Miss Hunter with us as our chaperone at Hyde Park, you’d come across as quite…”

  A chair squeaked on the wooden floor. Someone sighed. “I regret that now. I wasn’t… At that time in my life, I wasn’t ready to settle down. I was only looking for fun.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I’m looking to wed.”

  “And you’ve an interest in Miss Hunter.”

  “I do.”

  Daniel gasped. Mr. Kensington wanted to wed Leah.

  A light tapping sounded on wood. Was Mr. Radcliff drumming his fingers on his desk? “I would be pleased, of course, if Miss Hunter were to make a good match. I’m only concerned for her well-being.”

  “I assure you. What you witnessed in Hyde Park will not happen again.”

  “And why is that?”

  “There’s something about her. She’s… a beautiful, desirable woman.”

  “Yes she is.”

  “But it’s more than that.”

  “Go on.”

  “When I first met her months ago, I regret to say that I’d been drinking. A lot.”

  “I see.”

  “As a matter of fact, I was so foxed that I could have sworn you’d referred to her as a maid. I… I treated her as such. I should have known you were jesting since a maid shouldn’t act as a companion.”

  Someone cleared their throat. Was it Mr. Radcliff? Did he not want Mr. Kensington to know that Leah actually had been a maid at one time?

  “Besides,” continued Mr. Kensington, “I should have known she was actually a companion by her behavior. I knew she was beautiful and desirable, but I wasn’t taking life very seriously then.”

  “And now you are? Has something changed?”

  “I regret to say that my father is dying.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear it.”

  “Thank you. When I learned of his poor health, it was like a slap to the face. Of course because I will mourn him, but also because I realized it’s time for me to grow up. Start taking life seriously. Settle down.”

  “And you think Leah is the woman for that?” Mr. Radcliff’s voice had lowered. Was he starting to agree with Mr. Kensington?

  “When I saw her in Hyde Park recently, I couldn’t take my eyes from her. And I don’t know if you were aware, but I had a chance to speak with her again, more at length this past weekend.”

  “No, I wasn’t aware. But… if you’re serious about all this?”
  “I am. Quite serious. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to speak to Miss Hunter on my behalf. Only because she might still have a negative impression of me from our first meeting.”

  “I shall be pleased to speak to Miss Hunter about your intentions.”

  What? Daniel’s eyes widened. No! This couldn’t be happening.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are quite welcome. My wife and I are very fond of Miss Hunter. We only want the best for her. If you’ve really changed your ways and are serious about settling down, then I think it would make a good match for both of you.”

  A shuffle followed and the chair squeaked again. “I appreciate you speaking with me today.”

  “Happy to do it. I’ll speak with Miss Hunter straightaway, and you and I can talk again soon.” Footsteps sounded on the floor and a door opened. “The footman will show you the way out.”

  “Thank you. Good day.”

  “Good day.”

  Daniel slid down the side of the wall into a heap. No. It can’t be. Leah is mine. I care for her, and I believe she has feelings for me as well. But what do I have to offer her compared to someone like this Mr. Kensington?

  I thought I’d have more time to woo her, to make her see how much I care about her. If Mr. Kensington is to spend time with Leah, then I must act now to win her heart.

  With determination, Daniel stood, brushed off his pants and hurried from the room. It was Leah’s habit to sit in the garden for a few minutes of a morning after she had finished preparing her mistress for the day. Please let my fortune hold true today. Let Leah be alone in the garden. I must speak to her.

  He rushed to the servants’ door and out into the bright sunlight. He walked along the path until he came to an area hidden behind some trees. A smile curved his lips when he spotted her. Seated on a low stone wall in the shade of an oak, Leah sat with a black and white cat on her lap.

  She glanced up at his approach. “Good day, Daniel.”

  “Good day. May I join you?”


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