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Love Birds: The Complete Collection

Page 63

by Ruth J. Hartman

  “What gloves?”

  “The ones you sent me for.”

  He shrugged. “Oh, that. Think nothing of it. May I speak freely?”

  When don’t you? “Certainly.”

  “Your feelings for Leah appear to me to be strong. And I’m never wrong about these things.”

  Yes, you know it because I told you. But Daniel only nodded, wanting to get the strange conversation over with and back to his duties.

  “In the matters of love, one must be willing to go to extremes to protect the one he loves.”

  “Somehow it seems me that by running down Rotten Row through other riders and yelling at the top of my lungs for Leah to tug on the reins of a runaway horse, I had her best interest at heart.”

  “Pish. Child’s play.”

  Daniel lifted one eyebrow.

  “You might not be able to alone. But take heart. You have me.”

  What on earth was the crazy man talking about? “I have… you?”

  Percy edged closer and put his arm around Daniel’s shoulders. Good heavens, what did he have in mind? “I’ll tell you a secret.”

  Daniel widened his eyes, not at all comfortable with any secret Percy might bestow upon him. Hopefully Percy wouldn’t want to whisper something lovingly in his ear. “All right… what is your secret?”

  “As you know, my nephew Barrington is quite wealthy.”


  “I live here with him and my niece, but not because I am in need of a place to live.”

  “Go on.”

  “You see, I live with them because I love family. I just adore spending time with them.”

  I’d always thought it was because you were mad and without your nephew you’d be living at Bedlam. “I’m listening…”

  “I am in fact in possession of quite a bit of wealth of my own.”

  Daniel moved away from Percy a few inches. “That’s wonderful. Truly. But I fail to see—”

  “What it means is… I have much money and no one to spend it on. I’m unmarried, sorry to say, and obviously my nephew has no need of financial help. So…”


  “I will help you.”

  Daniel frowned. “What? No. No, you can’t possibly.”

  “I can and I will.”


  “I’ve grown quite fond of you, my boy. You’ve come to mean a lot to me. And I don’t mean as a servant.”

  Daniel blinked. “Thank you. I—”

  Percy held up his hand. “I’m not finished. The truth is, I want to help you because I like you, of course, but more because your situation with Leah reminds me of what I went through.”

  “It does?”

  He nodded. “When I was very young, a little younger than you, I fell in love. Deeply, madly, passionately in love.”

  “What happened?”

  “The young lady, Jane, was from a family whose rank was not as high as that of my father’s. I wasn’t concerned about that at all. I felt that since she and I were in love, nothing else should matter.” He sighed. “But of course, society has its own ideas of what should and shouldn’t be.”

  “Yes.” Daniel knew that fact very well. Hadn’t he lived his entire life at someone else’s beck and call? “So your father forbid you from marrying the girl.”

  Percy widened his eyes. “That’s right. How on earth could you have known that? Have a bit of the gypsy in you? Know things before you’re told?”

  Daniel bit his lip. Honestly, the man really was a loon. “No. Just a guess.”

  “Oh.” He slumped his shoulders as if disappointed to hear Daniel was not in fact a gypsy. “Anyway, yes, my father didn’t want me to marry a girl beneath me. I protested, and we got into a terrible row, one that lasted for weeks. One day, he told me to get into his carriage with him, and we went into a very poor section of London.”


  “My father knew that I loved the lifestyle we led. That I would be appalled if I were ever in the position of not being wealthy.”

  “So he took you to see what might happen if you did marry the girl. That he would cut you off from your inheritance?”

  “You really are a gypsy.”

  Daniel smiled. “I’m afraid not.”

  “Pity. It would have been so interesting to have one in our midst. But yes, you’re correct again. After repeated threats from Father that I would end up with absolutely nothing and very well might end up at one of the awful places we drove past, I capitulated and gave Jane up.”

  Daniel reached out, thinking to touch Percy’s arm, but drew back his hand. “I’m so very sorry.”

  “As am I. Though I have enjoyed opulence for all these years, I’ve never forgotten about Jane. A year after I made my decision, I heard she’d married another. Perhaps one day I will find another lady to love.” His eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he blinked. “But, since that is not the case right now, I have decided to help you.”

  “I can’t accept. I—”

  “Please. It would mean the world to me to help you. To see you happily wed with the woman you love.”

  A tiny flicker of hope began to warm his heart. Was it possible? If Percy helped him, would that give him a fighting chance to win Leah’s heart? Her hand?

  “Ah. A smile. Does that mean you’ll accept?”

  “I suppose I should ask what it is you’re offering. I mean… I don’t want to presume that you’d be giving me money or—” His face heated, suddenly embarrassed at the discussion of his lack of wealth.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, my boy. I’ve just told you my most intimate secret about losing my love. That makes us friends, you and I.”

  Daniel lifted one side of his mouth. As mad as Percy was, he liked the idea of having him as a friend.

  “What I have in mind is this. I will buy you the proper clothing for a gentleman, take you to places where the gentry like to visit, and there is one more thing… I have a property near Essex that I want to entail to you.”

  “No. I couldn’t.”

  “I’ve already discussed it with Barrington. He would have inherited that property from me upon my death, but he has so much already and has no need of yet another property. Since I love living here with him and Cecilia, it would please me very much to give it to you.”

  Daniel felt as if he’d been kicked in the chest by a horse. Property? His own? The words wouldn’t form into a coherent thought.

  Percy placed his hand on Daniel’s arm. “Please. I want to do this. For you and for my fond memories of Jane. Will you accept?”

  “I…” I’d be an utter fool not to. And it would be my only chance to offer Leah a stable future. “I accept. And from the bottom of my heart, thank you.”

  Percy grinned, for once with nothing to say.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Leah climbed the ladder to the loft, keeping a tight hold on the wooden side rail in one hand, her skirt in the other. Dust from some straw, kicked up from her movement across the floor, floated up, tickling her nose. Hugging the ladder, Leah waited to see if a sneeze would overcome her. Not now. I don’t want to land in a heap on the floor.

  A cautious deep breath brought reasonable assurance that the sneeze had fled Letting out a sigh, she reached the top of the ladder.

  And stopped.

  Oh no. Daniel was already there. Though he’d told her that Mr. Kensington was the better choice for her, that didn’t stop her heart from wanting him. Spending time with him alone would be even harder now that he’d made the choice for her.

  “Leah?” His face was tipped upward in her direction, a small beam of sunlight from the window highlighting a few red strands in his otherwise dark hair, which begged to be messed up by her restless fingers. He sat cross-legged in the straw, Rollo lying on her side at his feet and the kittens mewing around his legs.

  Leah closed her eyes for a moment and then willed them open again. Too late to leave now. Why hadn’t she found out his whereabouts before going up
there? He was as likely as she to visit the cats since they’d both witnessed the births of the kittens.

  She forced a smile. “Come to visit the kittens, have you?”

  He lifted his hand a few inches so she could see the small, sleeping bundle curled neatly in his palm. The sight of the man she cared about holding the kitten so tenderly nearly made her weep. Surely he would hold his own newborn babe as tenderly in his hands, cradling it, helping it to feel warm, safe, and loved. What would it be like to carry Daniel’s babe in her womb? No, I can’t dwell on that. Mr. Kensington is the one I must focus on now. He’s a kind man. Surely I can learn to love him, can’t I?

  “Here.” He edged nearer to the window. “Come sit with us.”

  Leah’s longed to turn around and leave so she wouldn’t have to engage in conversation with him. But there was nothing for it. It would be rude to do that. Especially after he saved her life only the day before.

  She sat down next to him, smoothed the wrinkles from her skirt, and reached out to Rollo. “How’s our mama cat doing? It’s still seems strange to think of Rollo as a female.” She shook her head, which dislodged small wisps of hair from her pins.

  Daniel tilted his head toward the ball of fur in his hand. “I’m fairly certain her gender is not going to change anytime soon.”

  “No. I’m sure not.” She bit her lip but sputtered a laugh anyway. How did Daniel have the ability to always lighten her heart even when it was breaking?

  Daniel placed the kitten next to its mother. Rollo started grooming her baby, beginning at the tips of its impossibly small ears. Her raspy tongue appeared large next to the tiny cat’s head as if one lick could cover and ear, eye, and nose all in a single swipe.

  Something rustled in the straw on the other side of the loft with a scratch and a squeak. A mouse, perhaps? Rollo stopped licking and raised her head, ears pricked forward to listen, pink nose scrunching. A few seconds later, she let out what sounded like a belabored sigh and resumed her grooming.

  The burdens and responsibilities of motherhood did not affect only humans.

  Daniel turned, his boot scraping against the wood flooring. “About yesterday. With the horse…”

  She swallowed, remembering her terror at not knowing what to do. “I was so frightened. You saved my life. I… I wanted to say more to you afterward but…”

  He brushed his hand against hers briefly. “It’s fine. I’m just glad I happened to be there.”

  Leah lowered her brow. “I had been so caught up in the moment that I hadn’t thought why you were even there.”

  “Percy had sent me on an errand, and I was walking past when I saw you. Believe me when I say that you were not the only one who was frightened.” He picked up a long piece of straw and twisted it between his fingers. Small bits of the straw splintered off and floated to the floor. “I wondered if, this is… uh…” He cleared his throat, the sound loud in the quiet loft.

  The built-up tension she’d experienced following her outing with Mr. Kensington when Daniel had saved her from that horse, the same tension she’d thought had ebbed away, was now back. With a vengeance. When she was away from Daniel it was a little easier to believe she could be happy with Mr. Kensington. But sitting so close to him now made her want to lean over and wrap her arms around him.

  “Yes? What… what is it?”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you about… that Mr. Kensington fellow.”

  “What about him?” Why was he asking this now when he’d told her Mr. Kensington was a better choice?

  “Has he asked for your hand?”

  “I barely know him. Isn’t it a little early for that?” And how was it any of Daniel’s concern anyway?

  Daniel shrugged and wouldn’t look her in the eye. “It’s been known to happen. Sometimes romances progress quickly.”

  Romance? Could she really apply that term to what was developing with Mr. Kensington? “No, he hasn’t asked.”

  “But you think he will?”

  Irritation caused her to grit her teeth. Why did Daniel think he had the right to ask these questions? “I don’t know his mind, of course, but… he does seem fond of me.”

  “Fond? Is that enough?”

  “Why are you asking me all of this? I was under the impression that you—”

  He pressed his finger to her lips. He leaned closer. The warmth of his breath caressed her cheek. “What if I’ve changed my mind?”

  She grabbed his hand and pushed it away. “Pardon? But you said I should—”

  “I know you’ve always called me the jester. And you were right. But a person can change, can’t he?”

  “Can he?”

  “If he has a good reason, then I believe so.” He started to reach out toward her hand then must have thought better of it, because he pulled back. Relief warred with longing as she watched his hand drop to his lap.

  Leah’s chest ached, remembering Daniel’s fingers caressing her face. His lips pressed firmly against hers as he pulled her tight against him until she could scarcely draw breath. She glanced down, feigning interest in Rollo, and gave a one-shouldered shrug.

  Tears burned the back of her eyes. Don’t cry. Don’t. He must never know how you truly feel about him. How you… love him. Though she’d been hurt when he’d told her to continue seeing Mr. Kensington, hadn’t he been right? Mr. Kensington was the better match to secure her future.

  She studied Daniel from the corner of her eye. His brow was drawn together in a crease. His fingers idly stroked the kitten’s fur along his back. Looking at Daniel’s profile, she could see how long his eyelashes were. Such beauty was wasted on a man. How many women would love to be as comely as him?

  She twitched her fingers in her lap. Leah wanted to reach out, touch Daniel’s cheek, and brush the thick lock of hair away from his brow. Move closer to him and lay her head against his chest, hear the constant thud of his heartbeat.

  He blinked, his lashes bumping his reddened cheeks before rising back up. When he angled his gaze to her, she didn’t have time to look away. Caught in his fiery gaze, Leah’s blood heated as well.

  She swallowed, knowing without a doubt that he meant to kiss her.

  I can’t. Not if I’m determined to let him go and be with another. Leah leaned away, intent on standing to leave.

  Daniel’s hand shot out, grasping her around the wrist. “Please. Stay with me.”

  Her mouth went dry. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Heaven help her, she couldn’t do it. Couldn’t leave. At least not right now. Her mind warred with her body, tugging her to and fro. Why couldn’t she have both what she wanted and needed? Why must she choose?

  It isn’t fair! But when was life ever fair?

  Leah, get a hold of yourself. It can come to nothing with Daniel.

  She tried to pull away, but Daniel’s grasp tightened, not hurting her, but tight enough that it was clear he didn’t mean to let her go easily.

  “I… must go.”

  He did release her then, but his eyes never left hers. She was free to leave, so why was she still there? “I need to—”

  “Wait.” The word floated out as the merest whisper, so soft, so small she wasn’t sure he’d spoken at all. He placed the kitten down next to Rollo. Quickly, before Leah could react, Daniel wrapped her in a warm embrace. She raised her chin, ready to beg release, when his lips, soft and warm, enveloped hers.

  All of the fight left her, her limbs and body going limp as his kiss melted away her fear, her worry, and her doubt. Nothing mattered but this moment. This tiny fragment of time where she was happy. Content. Truly loved and treasured. She pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his neck, running her fingers through the hair at his nape. Heat burned between them, leaving Leah in a sultry haze of want, need, and desire.

  Warmth from Daniel’s hands seared her skin through her dress. A sudden longing to not have anything separating their bare bodies shocked her. Though at the same time it felt right.

  He stru
mmed his fingers against her back as if she was a harp primed to be played. He ended the kiss, but before Leah could protest, he pressed tiny moist kisses down her neck to the top of her collarbone.

  Heavens above, the man knew how to kiss.

  Melting against him, feeling boneless and without an ounce of energy, Leah let out a small moan. Much as she tried to keep it in, the sound slid out from her lips, intent on being heard, would only be satisfied when the person of her heart’s desire knew of his affect on her.

  “Leah,” Daniel murmured against her skin. He ran his tongue below her ear. “I knew… knew you desired me. I feel it in your touch, the way your mouth molds to mine when I kiss you. That you would never choose Mr. Kensington over me. Over what we have. How we make each other feel. I’m so relieved. You have no idea how I’ve worried over this.”

  What? No! What have I done? With a gasp, Leah pushed against his chest. She stood so quickly she nearly lost her balance in a swoon. Leah, you must go. Now.

  She ran her hands over her swollen lips and then smoothed down her hair and dress. “I… forgive me. I know not what came over me. I was overcome in the moment and I… Perhaps it was only in gratitude for what you did for me yesterday.” She took a step back. “Yes, I’m sure that’s what it was. Please… don’t put any stock in what we’ve just—”

  Unable to finish the sentence. Leah fled the loft and hurried down the ladder.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Leah stood still as the maid finished fastening the back of her dress. Though Leah had risen in station, it was still strange to have someone else do her bidding. That would take getting used to.

  But if Felton did propose, she’d be mistress of her own house. She shook her head, nearly unable to fathom it.

  A knock came from the door.

  “Come in.”

  When the door opened, Cecilia poked her head around the edge. “Nearly ready? Mr. Kensington has just arrived.” She stepped inside. “Oh, how lovely you are.”


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