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Heir to the Sundered Crown (The Sundered Crown Saga)

Page 10

by Matthew Olney

  “Ah that’s better; let’s get some colour back into those cheeks eh.’ Thanos smiled kindly ‘The reason you blacked out is because you tapped into the highest ring of magic. I didn’t realise that your special talent would allow you to do so especially since you have very little training.’ He paused tapping his chin with his fingers.

  “Some might say you could be a wiz..., no, no that’s silly there hasn’t been one in Delfinnia for a good two hundred years...”

  Luxon shifted in his bed uncomfortably. Whatever Thanos had done had made him too hot.

  “What hasn’t been around for two hundred years?” he asked throwing back the heavy blankets to allow some air to reach his body. He was wearing his night shirt which he assumed Yepert had brought to him from their dorm room. Sweat was starting to pour from his forehead.

  “A wizard of course. The most powerful of magic wielders. I am strong in the ways of magic but even a wizard would out best me.’ Thanos stared at his young apprentice, his eyes boring into him. Luxon shifted again, something was definitely not right.

  “M-master I’m boiling up” Luxon said a hint of panic in his voice.

  Hannah re-entered the room concern etched on her face. Her eyes went wide as she saw her patient’s condition. Sweat was literally running off of the boy.

  “Oh my, what’s happened here” she said as she rushed over to him, she glanced at Thanos and scowled.

  “Did you do something Master Thanos? You shouldn’t be doing any magic in your state you breathed in far too much of those fumes from the alchemist’s district.” She scolded.

  Thanos simply shrugged his shoulders his eyes glazed. He was high.

  “He said he was cold” Thanos slurred. The grandmaster staggered slightly as Hannah gently pushed him out of the way. She leant over Luxon and pulled a bottle of brown liquid from the pouch tied to her belt.

  “Here drink this. Nurse!” she called out into the hall. A squat woman with greying hair hurried into the room.

  “Take the Grandmaster back to his bed and make sure he doesn’t leave. I swear, intoxicated mages are the worst.”

  The nurse took hold of Thanos’s hand and guided him out of the room like a drunkard, he staggered more than once. Luxon would have laughed at the sight, but the heat was becoming unbearable.

  Hannah opened the bottle, tilted his head back and poured the sticky fluid down his throat. It tasted foul but almost immediately the heat began to fade.

  “Gah, what was that” Luxon sputtered.

  “A dispelling potion. The grandmaster must have cast a spell... one that he couldn’t control in his...condition.”

  Luxon sighed in relief as the heat dissipated.

  “How long will I have to stay in bed?” Luxon asked sitting up and stretching his tired limbs. The tiredness was weighing him down like an anchor, but he had to get out into the world, he’d seen enough of the medica to last a lifetime and he was starving.

  “I’ll probably let you leave this afternoon if you feel well enough. I’ll get Yepert to get you some food and take you back to the dorms. I have a feeling that once the master recovers from his condition you’ll be a busy man’ Luxon’s cheeks flushed red; she called him a man! Without realising it he puffed his chest out.



  Luxon was happy. He’d eaten his weight in food, had slept for an entire day and was sat out in the sunshine. He’d also been able to spend some quality time with Hannah. Their walks through the woods and city had only made him fonder of her. The small balcony looked out over the main thoroughfare of the quartz district and was an excellent sun trap. The warmth was relaxing and allowed his mind to drift.

  Yepert said in a chair next to him his feet resting on the balcony’s stone rail and his eyes covered by the book he was reading. Life was pretty good.

  The bustle on the streets far below continued as usual as traders and craftsmen rushed to and fro. Parts of the city had been damaged by the Baron’s raid, the Rainbow quarter receiving most of the damage. Fire had ravaged a large portion of the alchemist district and the smoke was still seen drifting lazily in the midsummer sunshine.

  “This is the life,” Yepert exclaimed happily. Gravy from their earlier meal of mutton and potatoes was covering his face. “You know what Lux; I reckon things are going to be fine. That Knight I found in the alley outside the Arch tower is doing well I hear, that makes me happy.”

  Luxon smiled at his friend’s optimism. The wider world was in chaos but on the balcony peace reined supreme.

  “I hope your right, but from what I overheard in the dining hall the war is escalating in the south. One of those refugees from Kingsford said that the Baron of Balnor had regrouped and was launching an offensive against the Baron of Champia, who in turn is fighting the Barony of Blackmoor. It’s a right mess, and the news from the mountains of Eclin is just...well weird.” Luxon replied after taking a sip from his cup of tea.

  Yepert waved a hand dismissively. “These things always used to happen in the olden days. They always get fixed in the end. I am quite happy to stay here, learn my lessons and eat like a king.”

  Luxon chuckled.

  “What did you mean the news from Eclin is weird? Plock isn’t far south from its borders,” Yepert asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

  “I overheard a trader who had come from that region that a great battle had taken place in the mountains at Fuio pass and that the Baron of Eclin was in retreat. He wasn’t sure whether the battle had been against some of the mountain folk or something worse...” Luxon explained. As he spoke the sense of unease returned, and again he felt the cold breeze coming from the north.

  “I don’t like the sound of that...” Yepert fretted. ‘surely my ma and pa would have sent word if they were in danger.”

  Luxon shuddered slightly. The voice of the spectre drifted into his consciousness;

  ‘More in Eclin than you know’

  “What time is it?” Yepert asked suddenly sitting up with a wide yawn and snapping Luxon’s attention back to reality.

  He shook his head as the spectres rasping tones faded.

  “Er...I think it’s close to three. Why?”

  Yepert leapt to his feet, panic on his chubby face.

  “Oh heck. I was supposed to take you to the council chambers then. Master Thanos has called for a moot of all the mages in the city.”Yupert fretted. He ran inside to gather their mages robes and shoes.

  “C’mon no lying about, I promised I’d get you there on time, I reckon you’re going to get a big reward for what you did!” He added excitedly.


  The great chamber was huge. Its ceiling arched impossibly high until you could no longer see the ceiling. Huge stain glassed windows were hollowed into the blue crystal that made up the biggest structure in Caldaria, the Palace of Zahnia. The structure was only used for formal ceremonies and mass gatherings of the mages. The rest of the time it was used by the city’s crafters as a trading centre.

  There were no stalls or merchants in there when Luxon and Yepert filed through the big stone doors; instead the chamber was full of robed mages. Every magic user in the city was there from lowly student to the Grandmaster who stood on the dais at the heart of the room.

  The two boys pushed their way to the front. Upon recognising him the crowd parted and began to clap. Luxon flushed red in embarrassment; Yepert clapped him on the back and smiled proudly. Calls of ‘well done’ and thanks came from the mages. Both young and old smiled and applauded.

  Upon seeing Luxon in the crowd, Thanos held up his arms for quiet.

  “My fellow mages your applause for Luxon Edioz is indeed warranted...’ his voice echoed throughout the chamber ‘but I must insist that we save our celebrations for another time.”

  Yepert’s smile dropped. Luxon stopped. Something in the grandmasters voice halted the claps; the mages sensed that something was wrong. The crowd turned their attention to Thanos, the boy forgotten. Murmurs and rumour spread
through the crowd.

  “I have here in my hand,’ Thanos said holding his right hand in the air. Dangling from it was the N’gist amulet the Baron had worn. ‘A relic from the age of darkness.”

  Agitated murmurs spread through the crowd.

  “It is now clear that the events that have ravaged Delfinnia have been orchestrated by an enemy we had long thought defeated, an enemy whose sole purpose is to restore darkness to the world. This is an amulet of the cult of the N’gist, necromancers and the disciples of the dread lord Damon”

  Shouts of protest came from the crowd.

  “Impossible” yelled an elderly mage whose green robes were worn from decades of use and his grey hair was long and wild. “They were all destroyed in the magic wars. None survive!”

  Other mages took up the old man’s call. Thanos held a hand up to quell the crowd. The feelings of anger and fear were palpable.

  “It was with these that the Baron of Retbit and his forces infiltrated our city, bested our Nightblades and was immune to our powers. Tell me Yinger;’ the Grandmaster said glaring at the old mage, ‘how else do you account for what happened? The question now is what are we going to do about it?”

  Silence once more settled over the crowd. Yinger, the old mage looked at his feet uncomfortably as the truth sunk in.

  “What can we do? By the laws of the realm we mages are confined to using our power only in Caldaria. Even as the war rages we are bound by the law to not interfere. Only a King could give us the authority needed to do so and with no king our hands are tied. If we do intervene without a mandate then the realm will unite against us and destroy us, they do not trust us!” Master Duvak called from the front rank of the crowd. “Whilst the barons slaughter each other for power and we are bound here by law then the true enemy is on the march. Delfinnia is a land divided; it is the perfect time for them to strike!”

  “Damn the law!” came a deep voice.

  The crowd fell silent. Thanos’s eyes widened as he recognised who had spoken. The crowd parted as a tall man with shoulder length black hair strode toward the dais. He wore the black garb of a night blade a silver chain hung from his neck and a bow and quiver hung across his back. His face was fierce with a scar on his cheek as though a claw from some beast had raked it.

  The man leapt up onto the dais to stand next to Thanos.

  “You know me. I am Ferran of the Blackmoor” the Nightblade said. Another bout of whispering and murmurs spread through the crowd.

  Luxon wracked his brain. He had no idea who the man was. Yepert leaned closer sensing his friend’s confusion.

  “That’s the Rouge blade, the Nightblade that refused to return to Caldaria when the war started. He refused the summons and continued his work hunting the beasts of the void. Some say he’s a hero, others that he’s a traitor” Yepert whispered conspiratorially.

  “I have continued my mission to defend the realm from the fell beasts of the void whilst my brother Nightblades scurried back here to hide.” A roar of protest came from the crowd. Luxon noticed that the Nightblades amongst them lowered their heads as though they were ashamed.

  “I have seen the true face of the war that you choose to hide from. Innocents perish at the hands of monsters and men whilst you, those who have the power to defend them hide away because of your fear of some law made centuries ago. The King is dead and not one of those Barons deserves to replace him,” Ferran enthused drowning out the calls of protest.

  The Nightblade paced the dais his anger was visible in his energetic strides.

  “We could appeal to the Diasect for a repeal of the law,” a voice in the crowd said. Some of the mages nodded in agreement, most tried to shout down the suggestion.

  Ferran scoffed. “The Diasect! Where have they been these past few years? No one has heard from them in a decade, the self proclaimed guardians of the realm have been silent. No help will come from them.”

  Thanos placed a hand on the Nightblades shoulder.

  “I understand your frustration Ferran. Come let us discuss this matter privately,” The arch mage said softly but sternly. He faced the crowd. “This meeting is dismissed, a decision will be decided upon. Just know that you must be ever vigilant. If the N’gist cult has survived then we must all be on our guard.”

  The crowd began to disperse and the noise rose as the mages chatted amongst themselves. Arguments broke out over who was right. Should the mages break the old laws and intervene in the war? Most were opposed. The last time mages had interfered in political affairs or matters of war they had abused their power to take control and had caused the worst conflict in the lands history.

  Luxon and Yepert were just about to leave when Thanos shouted out his name.

  “Luxon! Come with me.”

  Yepert raised his eyebrows in surprise. Luxon’s stomach fluttered with nerves.

  “Now what,” he grumbled. Yepert simply shrugged his shoulders and clapped him on the back before he joined the other mages filtering out of the great chamber. Luxon took a deep breath and walked towards the dais. As he approached he noticed that a few other people had remained behind.

  The girl Alira stood nervously next to the Knight of Niveren. Kaiden wore the mantle of his order, his hair and beard impeccably trimmed, only the cane he was holding gave any clue to the injuries he suffered on the night of the Baron’s attack. Next to them was Ferran who was having an animated discussion with Welsly. The Nightblade was bent over slightly due to the bandages wrapped around the knife wound.

  As Luxon drew near the others stopped their conversations.

  “Really Thanos, you honestly think the boy is ready?” Ferran said doubt and scorn was evident in his tone as he appraised the boy.

  Thanos smiled kindly offering a hand to his apprentice and pulled him up onto the raised dais. “I do. He has proven himself capable, and I know that he has a part to play in coming events.”

  Luxon hesitated.

  “Ready for what master?” he asked nervously.

  The Nightblade strode over to the boy grabbing him by the scruff of the neck. He pulled him closer so that they were eye to eye. Luxon cried out in protest. Kaiden reached for his sword, but stopped as Thanos waved a hand in warning.

  “To go out into the big wide world, to go to see the Diasect firsthand, and to face danger from both mortal and un-dead foes alike,”

  Luxon stared into Ferran’s brown eyes. The man had seen so much, it was evident in the dark rings and the haunted look. Here was a man who had seen death, someone who knew of loss and definitely a man who knew hate. Luxon wanted to look away but didn’t, instead he held the Nightblades gaze. Ferran smiled wickedly and released his grip.

  “You have guts kid. Perhaps you are ready, not many men can hold my gaze for long let alone a boy.” Ferran chuckled offering his hand to the boy. Luxon sighed in relief before shaking it. The Nightblade had a powerful grip; respect had replaced the mocking look in his eyes.

  Thanos coughed impatiently. The group gathered about him.

  “I have a plan’; he said conspiratorially, ‘As you all saw, the mages are against breaking the old law. They fear that the temptation to use their power for personal gain will be too strong, that once more our kind will bring the world to ruin. I understand that fear. What I cannot do however is stand idly by as our enemies gather strength.

  ‘You five will leave this city and seek out the Diasect. From what Sir Kaiden tells me his order has a similar goal in mind albeit for a different purpose than what we seek.”

  The knight stepped forward placing a cloth map onto the dais floor. The realm of Delfinnia was laid out before them.

  “The order dispatched me and Alira here to find out about Luxon,” he explained gesturing to Luxon. ‘The rest of the order meanwhile mobilised, with a squadron of knights dispatched to the Diasect’s stronghold at Tentiv.’ He traced a route from the Niveren priory east to Tentiv. The stronghold was located deep in the heart of a forest known as the Fallen Wood.

“The masters of my order, like you Master Thanos want to know why there has been no word from them. As guardians of the kingdom they should have intervened a long time ago, instead only silence has emerged from Tentiv,’ Kaiden added.

  Luxon thought for a moment. He had read about the Diasect in a number of history tomes from the library. It was a council charged with overseeing the affairs of the realm. Several times in the past they had resolved disputes and offered guidance to the Kings. Mystery revolved about them though, and the common folk had little trust for them.

  Some books said that the Diasect was made up of the souls of dead kings, others that they were a council of solitude loving wizards or even creatures of the void. So rarely were they seen that many believed them to just be a myth.

  “I thought that it was forbidden for anyone to seek them out, that Tentiv is forbidden for all but those chosen by the Diasect to be their servants...” Alira said softly.

  Luxon frowned at the girl. Her face wore an expression of worry but there was something else there behind the nervous exterior.

  “It is forbidden my lady, but we must find out why they have not intervened, and we must also find out more about your visions,” Thanos said kindly.

  Ferran clapped his hands together loudly.

  “Right then, I want us to be on the road by the end of the week. The healers say that your leg should be better by then knight. As for you Welsly are you even able to come? We can’t have someone who can’t even move with us”

  Welsly tried to stand straighter but winced as his wound pinched.

  “I am afraid Ferran is right Grandmaster. I am in no position to travel let alone fight if needs be,” Welsly explained miserably.

  “Very well,’ the grandmaster said distantly, his eyes unfocused as though he was seeing some far off place. ‘Yepert, Luxon’s friend will accompany you,” Thanos said raising a hand to cut off Ferran’s protests. A twinkle was in the Grandmaster’s eyes. Luxon scowled slightly, what was Thanos up to? Both he and Yepert had no training in the martial arts and neither of them could cast the magic needed to fight, at least not consciously.


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