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In Byron's Wake

Page 58

by Miranda Seymour

  Crosse, Mary Anne (née Hamilton), 303

  Crosse, Robert, 305, 367

  Crosse, Susan (née Bowman), 321

  Cruickshank, George, 125

  Cruickshank, Isaac: The Separation (sketch), 125

  Cunningham, Revd Francis, 129

  Cunningham, Revd William, 129–30

  Currie, Henry, 330–1

  Currie, William, 217, 239

  Curzon, Sophia Caroline, 8

  D’Aguilar, Colonel George, 166–7

  Daily News, 425, 451

  Dalhousie, James Andrew Broun Ramsay, 1st Marquess of, 350n

  Dallas, Robert, 42

  Daphne, HMS, 344, 350, 378

  Darnell, Revd William, 24, 26, 59

  Darwin, Charles, 293

  Davison, Flora, 152, 171–2

  Davison, Thomas, 437

  Davy, Humphry, 303

  de Clifford, Lady, 313

  Delmé-Radcliffe, Mr, 453

  De Morgan, Augustus: coaches Ada in mathematics, 12, 220, 224–9, 245–7; marriage, 214; and Ada’s fanciful view of mathematics, 230; and Ada’s departure for Paris, 242; letter from Ada in Ashley Combe, 256; praises Ada’s Babbage ‘Notes’, 278, 293; Annabella offers loan of house to, 428

  De Morgan, Mary, 456, 459

  De Morgan, Sophia (née Frend): visits Ada with father, 160; told of Ada’s visit to royal court, 180; on Ada’s understanding Babbage’s machine, 191; marriage, 220, 225; on father’s impatience with Ada’s impulsiveness, 226; memoirs on Ada, 229; Ada confides in, 280; supposed revealer of Ada’s relations with Crosse, 349; house in Cheyne Row, 456

  De Morgan, William, 430

  Devonshire, Elizabeth, Duchess of (formerly Foster), 16, 22, 29, 78, 81

  Devonshire. Georgiana, Duchess of: Werner (play), 86

  Dickens, Charles, 192, 326, 389–90, 431

  Dictionary of National Biography, 457–8

  Doncaster Races, 354

  Donkin, William Fishburn, 434

  Dorchester, Charlotte, Lady (née Hobhouse), 452n, 459, 462

  Doyle, Diana (née Milner), 14

  Doyle, Sir Francis (Frank): marriage, 14, 93; on Annabella’s overtrusting nature, 110; favours Annabella’s permanent separation from Byron, 111–13; on risk of abduction of Annabella’s baby, 118

  Doyle, Selina: friendship with Annabella, 14, 25; on Annabella’s marriage, 59, 111; correspondence with Annabella, 68, 110–11; remains unmarried, 111; visits Kirkby Mallory, 114; Augusta snubs, 123; on Mary Montgomery, 131; learns German, 172; on Ada’s adolescent liaison, 177; and Edward Noel’s marriage to Fanny Smith, 217; represents Annabella in Paris over Medora, 269–70

  Drew, John, 376

  Drummond, Henry, 217, 327, 332, 412n

  Drury, Henry, 130n

  Drury Lane Theatre, 39, 54, 88, 95

  Dumas, Alexandre, 442

  Dyce, Alexander, 72

  Ealing Grove (school), 175, 207, 231–2

  East Horsley Place, Surrey, 240, 314, 328; see also Horsley Towers

  Ebrington, Elizabeth, Viscountess, 419

  Ebrington, Hugh Fortescue, Viscount, 205

  Eden, George (later 1st Earl of Auckland): courts Annabella, 20–1, 23, 34, 37, 71

  Eden, Sir John, 20

  Eden, Mary Dulcibella, 21

  Eden, Revd William, 169

  Eden, William (George’s brother): suicide, 20

  Edgcumbe, Richard: Byron: The Last Phase, 462

  Edgeworth, Maria, 184, 297

  Edinburgh Review, 30, 126, 135, 260, 310

  Eglinton, Archibald Montgomerie, 13th Earl of, 354, 366

  Eliot, George, 276n

  Ellenborough, Anne, Lady, 16–17

  Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Baron, 15–16

  Elliotson, John, 248–9

  Elphinstone, Mercer, 123

  Elwin, Malcolm, 464–5

  Ely, 129

  England: poverty and social unrest, 324

  Espourrin, Miss d’ (harp teacher), 209

  Fagnani, Emma and Giuseppe, 455n

  Fanshawe, Captain Edward, 344, 350, 363, 378

  Faraday, Michael, 187, 213, 294–9, 301, 305, 374–6

  Fellenberg, Dr Emmanuel: educational principles, 157–8, 174, 207, 232; death, 292

  Fellows, H., 217

  Fenwick, Dr, 10, 26–7, 42

  Ferrers, Laurence Shirley, 4th Earl, 121

  Fielding, Henry, 174

  Fields, James T., 448n, 449

  Fitton, William Henry, 234

  Fitzhugh, Emily, 384, 391

  Fitzpatrick, Lady Augusta, 422

  Fleming, Mr: in Ada’s gambling circle, 364; and Ada’s life insurance, 389, 403–4

  Fletcher, Ann Rood (Annabella’s maid), 112, 114, 117, 122

  Fletcher, Julia, 456

  Fletcher, William, 81, 91–2, 98, 117, 142–3, 151

  Florida (ship), 151–2

  Flying Dutchman (racehorse), 354, 366

  Follen, Eliza Cabot, 406, 424, 433, 448, 454

  Ford, Gerard, 436, 447–8

  Ford, Mary, Lady (née Molesworth), 365

  Ford, Sir Richard, 364–6

  Fordhook (house), Ealing, 174, 209, 244

  Fortescue, Lady Hester see King, Lady Hester

  Foster, Sir Augustus, 21–4

  Foster, Caroline, 23

  Fox, Charles James, 14

  Fox, Sir John, 75n, 117, 452–3; Vindication of Lady Byron, 445–6

  Frend, Sophia see De Morgan, Sophia

  Frend, William, 12–13, 160, 166, 181

  Fry, Elizabeth, 307

  Fuller, Margaret, 386, 422

  Fyne Court, Somerset, 302–8, 312, 405–6

  Gamlen, Revd Samuel, 204, 288

  Garvey, Michael, 283

  George, Prince Regent (later King George IV), 14n

  George’s Terrace, Primrose Hill, London, 434

  Gibson, John, 412

  Godwin, William: social circle, 12; Caleb Williams, 121

  Goethe, Ottilie von, 323

  Gordon Riots (1780), 10

  Gosford, Lady Annabella, 193–4

  Gosford, Archibald Acheson, 2nd Earl of, 14

  Gosford, Mary, Countess of (née Sparrow): friendship with Annabella, 13, 31; marriage, 13, 25; as chaperone for Annabella, 18, 28; Annabella stays with in London, 28–9; letter from Annabella on Byron’s marriage proposal, 39; and Annabella’s resuming relations with Byron, 47, 51; and Annabella’s engagement to Byron, 59; in Lowestoft, 129; in Hastings, 147; religiosity, 147; and Ada’s ambition to become farmer, 177

  Gosford, Millicent, Countess of, 12

  Grant, Eliza, 9

  Great Cumberland Place, London, 331, 347, 351, 391

  Great Exhibition (London, 1851), 350n, 363

  Greig, Agnes: friendship with Ada, 249, 288, 412n; chaperones young Annabella in Europe, 350, 379; helps nurse Ada, 381; Annabella asks to console Ada, 386; cares for young Annabella, 441; and Ada’s swollen face, 475

  Greig, Mrs: Laplace unable to identify as Mary Somerville, 185

  Greig, Samuel, 184

  Greig, William, 343

  Greig, Woronzow: and Ada’s adolsecent fling, 178; on Ada’s appearance as girl, 186; studies at Cambridge with William Lovelace, 199; as William’s confidante, 201; Ada invites to Ockham, 209; marriage, 219; on Ada’s happiness at studying with De Morgan, 229; letters from Ada, 238, 245, 249, 256, 272n, 279, 308, 313; belittles Ada’s ambitions, 257; Ada visits, 288; and Ada’s proposed use of electricity and magnetism, 294; and Ada’s proposed study of the brain, 300–1; presents Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation to Ada, 300; Ada confides in, 309– 10; Ada asks to negotiate loan from Henry Currie, 330–1; retails gossip about Ada, 349; reveals Crosse to be married, 384–6; and Ada’s marriage difficulties, 388; and Annabella’s taking over at Great Cumberland Place, 392; at Ada’s death, 394–5, 399; attempts to reconcile Annabella and Lovelace, 400–2, 406; attends Ada’s funeral, 400; on Ada’s life insurance, 403–4; condemns Crosse, 404; and Annabella’s dispute wi
th Babbage, 408; and Ada’s health problems, 475

  Grimes, Mrs (nurse), 102, 105, 145

  Guiccioli, Contessa Teresa see Boissy, Marquise de

  Hahn-Hahn, Countess Ida von, 319

  Hallé, Charles, 418

  Halnaby Hall, North Yorkshire 8–9, 19, 70–4, 463

  Hamilton, John see Crosse, John

  Hampstead: Annabella rents home in, 151

  Hanson, John: Augusta lodges with, 44; and sale negotiations for Newstead, 45; and daughter’s questionable marriage to Earl of Portsmouth, 52, 60n, 75, 109, 171; Annabella visits, 93, 104; and Byron’s weak condition, 109; warns Byron to protect claim on Annabella’s expected fortune, 120; Mrs Fletcher’s deposition to, 122; declares Augusta Leigh mad, 171

  Hanson, Mary Anne see Portsmouth, Countess of

  Hanwell asylum, Middlesex, 307n

  Harrow, Middlesex, 129–30

  Hastings, Lady Flora, 368

  Hastings, Sussex, 147–8, 155

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel and Sophia, 353n

  Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 233

  Hayter, George, 28

  Hayward, Abraham, 452

  Heavitree House, Devon, 364

  Herford, Mr (tutor), 316, 320, 336

  Herkomer, Sir Hubert, 463

  Herschel, Caroline, 183, 185

  Herschel, John, 189, 297n

  Heywood, Sergeant-at-law Samuel, 99, 113

  Hickson, Willam, 311

  Hoar, William, 68–9, 93

  Hobhouse, John Cam (Baron Broughton de Gyfford): Byron confides in, 54; and Byron’s engagement and marriage to Annabella, 68–70; Byron tells of debts, 75; visits Byron in Piccadilly Terrace, 82, 98, 109; on Byron’s intention to abandon Annabella and go abroad, 98–9; influence on Byron, 120; Lady Melbourne reports to on Annabella’s strained appearance, 131; and return of Byron’s body to England, 151; obstructs Colburn’s publication of Byron letters, 165; Medora demands money from, 275; affection for Ada, 317–18; shocked by Ada’s disbelief in immortality, 317; supports Augusta at Reigate meeting with Annabella, 361; promotes plan for Byron monument in Westminster Abbey, 453–4

  Hodgson, Francis, 56, 80, 100

  Hofwyl, 157–8, 174–5, 231, 337

  Holmes, John, 109

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 449

  Hoppner, John: portrait of Annabella, 3–5, 347, 459

  Horsley Towers, Surrey, 268, 313, 326, 327–8, 402, 417–18, 459, 463

  Howitt, William, 425–6, 451

  Humboldt, Alexander von, 189

  Hunt, Leigh: The Siege of Rimini, 94

  Hunter, John, 103

  Inflexible (ship), 421

  Ireland: potato famine and emigration, 323

  Irving, Washington: Bracebridge Hall, 353n

  Isola, Signor, 157

  Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 223, 243, 265

  James, George Payne Rainsford: Morley Einstein, 312n

  James, Henry, 456–7, 459–60, 461; Aspern Papers, 456; The Turn of the Screw, 459

  Jameson, Anna: Mary Somerville silences, 184n; Annabella meets and befriends, 206, 215; on Annabella’s indiscretion, 236; and Ada’s difficulties with Medora, 251, 256; on William’s meanness to Ada, 268; on Annabella’s health decline, 292; unable to find Annabella in Brighton, 313; on Teresa Guiccioli’s lost looks, 319; raises money for Irish poor, 323–4; congratulates Annabella on grandchildren’s upbringing, 337; lends money to Ada, 347; denied visit to dying Ada, 392; on Babbage’s proposal to publish memoir of Ada, 408; estrangement from Annabella, 410–12, 426; introduces Crabb Robinson to Annabella, 431; death, 435

  Jeffrey, Francis, 30, 135–6

  Jernyngham, Hubert, 442

  Jersey, Sarah, Countess of, 123

  Johns, Mr (embezzler), 325

  Jones, Anna, 128, 146–7, 434–5, 438, 461n

  Jones, Edgar, 475–6

  Jones, Inigo, 9

  Karslake, Henry, 404

  Kay(-Shuttleworth), Dr James, 232, 248–9

  Kean, Edward, 62

  Kemble, Adelaide, 258

  Kemble, Fanny: Records of Girlhood, 359

  Kensal Rise see Reformers’ Memorial

  Kensett, Mr (Ralph’s tutor), 363

  King, Ada Mary (Molly; Ralph’s daughter) see Wentworth, 14th Baroness

  King, Lady Anne Isabella (Annabella; Ada’s daughter) see Blunt, Lady Anne Isabella

  King, Charlotte see Calliphronas, Charlotte

  King, Hester see Crauford, Hester, Lady

  King, Lady Hester (née Fortescue; Ada’s mother-in-law): property and wealth, 199–201, 204; tyrannises son William (Lovelace), 200–1, 283; and William and Ada’s change of name and title, 210; London house, 211; Ada attempts to conciliate, 213; as source of gossip about Ada, 309; wariness of William Lovelace, 319; causes trouble between sons, 328–9; letter to Crauford on wife’s death, 335; enquires about dying Ada, 395

  King, Judith see Wentworth, 16th Baroness

  King, Lionel Fortescue, 441, 458–9

  King, Lord see Lovelace, 1st Earl of

  King, Louisa (née Hoare; Locke’s wife), 211, 213n

  King, Peter Locke, 200–1, 204, 211, 213, 253, 328–9, 400, 419, 441

  King, Ralph Gordon (Ada’s son) see Wentworth, 13th Baron

  King, Dr William, 166, 180–2, 186, 192, 270, 341, 422, 425

  King, Mrs William, 317

  Kingsley, Charles, 432–3

  Kinnaird, Douglas: friendship with Byron, 76, 86, 88, 94–5, 131; reports Annabella living with Augusta, 131–2; resigns as Byron’s executor, 166

  Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire: inheritance of estate, 7; Judith Noel (Milbanke) visits, 55; Noels inherit, 84, 93; Annabella and Byron invited to relocate to, 92–3; Annabella stays at, 108, 111, 114, 146, 369; new schools, 233; hospital, 399; memorial to Ada, 411; present state, 464

  Knebworth House, Hertfordshire, 352

  Knight, Charles, 214

  Knight, Frederick, 245, 272, 309

  Koh-i-Noor diamond, 350n

  Kraemer, Dr (tutor), 284–5

  Lafontaine, Charles, 248

  Lamartine, Alphonse, 442

  Lamb, Lady Caroline: affair with Byron, 18, 23, 32–4, 36–8; slashes wrists, 44; and Byron’s relations with Augusta, 54; congratulates Annabella on engagement to Byron, 59; Augusta Leigh mocks, 110; reads others’ letters, 111; anti-Byron gossip, 116; death, 210; Mme de Boissy on, 443; Glenarvon, 128–9

  Lamb, Caroline (Mrs George Lamb; ‘Caro George’), 18, 23, 35, 129

  Lamb, William see Melbourne, 2nd Viscount

  Lamé, Gabriel: Cours de Physique, 246

  Lamont, Miss (Ada’s governess), 148– 50, 172, 336, 338

  Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de, 189, 262; Mécanique céleste, 184–5

  Lardner, Dionysius, 191, 260

  Larkin, Charles, 451

  Lawrence, Arabella, 148–50, 160, 166, 171–3, 427

  Leamington Spa, 369

  Lee, Harriet: The German’s Tale, 86

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 189n

  Leicester: Annabella funds public hospital, 233

  Leigh, Augusta Mary (Byron’s half-sister): birth, 30; Annabella first sees, 43; at Six Mile Bottom,, 43, 47, 63, 78; relations with Byron, 44, 46, 50–1, 56, 58, 98; Byron’s incest with, 53–5, 79, 85, 110, 123, 133; birth of daughter, 54; at Newstead, 57–8; urges Byron to marry, 57; on Annabella’s engagement, 60–1, 64; Annabella unaware of incestuous relations with Byron, 63–4; encourages Byron on engagement to Annabella, 63; character, 67, 80; declines Annabella’s invitation to wedding party, 67; Annabella’s goodwill and trust in, 73, 77; reaction to Byron’s wedding ceremony, 73; on Byron’s declaring guilty act, 74; hints at Byron’s sexual practices, 75; and Byron’s sexual practices with Annabella, 76–7; Byron’s love for, 77; Annabel stays with, 78–80; Byron and Annabella stay with, 78–9; appointed Woman of Bedchamber to Queen Charlotte, 82; stays with Annabella in London home, 83, 85–6; and Annabella’s longing for Seaham, 90; Annabella’s fondness for, 91; on Byron’s drinking, 95; joins
Annabella in London, 96–8; and Annabella’s proposal to leave Byron, 99; fears for Annabella’s safety, 100; and Annabella’s leaving Byron, 105, 114; letters to Byron on leaving, 105–6; asks to keep Byron under close supervision, 109; Byron commissions Holmes portrait of, 109–10; on threat to Annabella’s life, 112; intercepts Sir Ralph Noel’s letter to Byron, 114; pleads with Annabella to return to Byron, 116–19; Annabella protects from scandal, 118, 120; on Annabella’s gaunt appearance, 118–19; on suspected murder by Byron, 121; refuses to shake Selina Doyle’s hand, 122–3; snubbed socially, 123, 132; resumes friendship with Annabella, 132; shares Byron’s private correspondence with Annabella, 132; careless of public reputation, 137; and custody of Ada, 141n; favours Henry Trevanion as suitor for Georgiana, 163; financial difficulties, 164; Annabella accuses of lack of moral principles, 165; and Trevanion’s editing of Byron letters, 165; quarrel with Annabel over appointment of Byron exeutor, 168; and Medora’s pregnancy, 169; and Trevanion’s affair with Medora, 170; Annabella criticises, 180n; instructed by William King, 180–1; withholds financial help from Medora, 234; rift with Annabella, 235, 237, 252; and Medora’s downfall and untruthful accounts, 236–7; sponsors John Thomas (harpist), 238; seen by Medora on trip to London, 254; gives up £3000 deed, 271; Medora demands help from, 275; Annabella blames for marriage failure, 339; and Annabella’s retrospective view of Byron, 358–9; destitution after husband’s death, 358; Reigate meeting with Annabella, 360–1; death and funeral, 362, 372n; Byron describes Teresa Guiccioli to, 443; posthumous image romanticised, 454–5, 457; letters from Byron, 460

  Leigh, Elizabeth Medora (Augusta’s daughter with Byron; ‘Mignonne’; ‘Libby’): birth, 53; Byron sends greetings to, 63; Annabella told of paternity, 79, 416; Caroline Lamb on birth of, 111, 123; attends Trevanion-Georgiana wedding, 164; entertains Trevanion, 165; affair and children with Trevanion, 169–71; parentage, 171, 231, 235, 241; destitution in France, 234; Annabella helps, 235–7; meeting with Annabella, 235; appearance and character, 236, 243; lying tales, 236–7, 243; Ada’s reaction to revelation of paternity, 241–2; known in France as ‘Widow Saint Aubin’, 241; Ada meets in Paris, 243; housed in England, 244; as threat to Ada’s claim to be Byron’s only heir, 249; jealousy of Ada, 251; tantrums, 251–2, 255; letter to Annabella disparaging Augusta, 254; returns to France, 255–6; seeks legal redress in Paris, 261, 269–71; Dr King negotiates with in Paris, 270–1; possible insanity, 270; status as unmarried mother, 273; acquires controversial deed of £3000, 275; death and grave, 276n, 339; marriage to Taillefer, 276n; account of Byron’s and mother’s relationship, 359


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