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Sweet Seduction Shield

Page 22

by Nicola Claire

  "I rather like the look of my cock between your tits," he rumbled, a sexy sound which coupled with his dirty words had me achingly wet. "But right now I want your mouth more."

  My breathing hitched, my pulse thundered, and my muscles contracted around a fluttering in my centre. I let a slow breath of air out and licked my lips.

  Ryan groaned.

  I dipped my face, my hand coming up to wrap around his shaft, as my tongue stroked across the head of his erection, giving me my very first taste of this man.

  And in the next second I was on my back, my head at the other end of the bed, as his body draped over mine.

  "Change of plans," he rasped, lifting one of my legs high and wide with a hot palm behind my thigh, and sinking himself home.

  "Oh, fuck!" I exclaimed.

  And all sanity fled.

  Chapter 23

  All The While A Soft Smile Coated My Lips

  "Oh, fuck," Ryan repeated, a copy of my own erotic expletive. "Yes," he hissed, and that one word held such power, such enormous emotion.

  Yes. Finally. This was what we'd craved, what that spellbinding electricity meant.

  "Oh, Marie," he groaned against my neck as his hips began to rock, a magical rhythm, an undulating wave of pure bliss.

  He filled me, every inch of me. I wasn't sure if I had taken all of him, but with each determined roll of his pelvis, I felt a little more complete. His lips trailed over my neck, then stilled in a spot he decided he liked. A lick of his tongue, a bite of his teeth, and then he began to suck. Softly at first, matching the gentle rock of his hips, the measured thrust of his shaft.

  Then with each further beat of our hearts he increased the pressure. At my neck. Where we connected. The roll became a thrust, which turned into drives, and segued into pounding. My breath expelled on each forceful push forward, and sucked back in when he withdrew. We'd both started panting, my fingernails digging into the flesh on his back, his hands moulded to my body; one firmly wrapped around a breast, the other around my waist above my hip, pulling me hard onto his erection with each thrust forward.

  I felt consumed by him. Owned by him. He controlled every single movement. He commanded the moment. Gone was the tentative man of before. He'd thrown himself into me. Lost himself in me. All other thoughts gone. Only here and now. Only this. Us.

  Sweat began to build between our bodies, his stomach smoothly gliding over mine with the ever increasing moisture on our skins. His finger and thumb squeezed my nipple, matching the firm suckle on my neck, making me arch my back and moan loudly, rub myself against him, begging for more.

  He gave it to me. Releasing my neck and moving his lips to my neglected nipple, his hand still working the other breast, his hips not slowing or altering their pace. With each thrust forward he let a little grunt out, so soft, almost just an exhalation, but with that sexy sound from the back of this throat it sounded so fucking hot. As though he couldn't help it. As though he couldn't get enough, wanted to fuck me right through the mattress and onto the floor.

  Ryan Pierce was one smoking hot man.

  His pace quickened, but his movements changed from a hard possessive thrust, to a deep grind, a circular roll of his hips, pressing exactly in the right spot. I gasped and then let out a plaintive sound. I was so close. My eyelids fluttered open and there he was, watching me. Dark brown intense eyes searching my face, learning my reaction, discovering what made me stop breathing. What made me pant for more. What would tip me over the edge.

  He looked fascinated. Completely captivated. Spellbound. The moment stretched, I couldn't tear my eyes away. I held his gaze, as he held mine, while he fucked me with perfection, so in command, so in the moment, both of us lost in the other. But firmly rooted to the spot.

  "Beautiful," he murmured. A bump, a grind, a roll of those sexy hips. My breath hitched, he made a growling sound with the next soft grunt, and then I was flying.

  The orgasm stealing all cognitive thoughts, my body acting on autopilot, or maybe, just being piloted by Ryan and no longer by me. It seemed to go on for ever, one wave and then another, and then abruptly another, taking me higher and higher, over and over again.

  I have never come so hard or for so long before. I have never come so close to heaven and then floated languidly back down. I have never met a man like Ryan. Who makes love with his body and his mind. Who gets utterly and completely lost in the moment, and yet makes you feel like nothing else ever existed outside of here and right now.

  My eyes opened, the lids far too heavy to lift too far. Ryan looked mesmerized, his lips slightly parted, his breath all but forgotten. His movements were purely instinctive, no longer consciously controlled.

  "Fuck," he breathed above me, and I offered a small smile. "Oh, fuck, Tiger," he exclaimed softly. "I wanna watch you do that again."

  "Nah-ah," I mumbled with a shake of my head. "Your turn."

  "No bloody way," he declared, lifting himself up and off my body with both arms braced at the sides of my head, creating space when I most certainly didn't want any, and letting cold air tighten my already budded nipples. He didn't pull out, just sat back on his heels, lifting my hips up off the bed with his hands, keeping up a slow rhythm of back and forward, thrust and grind where we met.

  The change in angle felt good. Really good. I writhed a little on the bed. And then one of his hands slipped between us and his thumb circled my clit. I jerked off the bed and felt a responding jerk along the length of his erection.

  "You like that?" he purred, looking down the length of my body, his eyes devouring all of me, from the moisture thickening where his thumb rubbed, where it coated his shaft. To my flat stomach and exposed ribcage, my hands having fallen above my head, stretching my body out. His eyes landed on my breasts and stayed there for a good long while, and then he lifted sex-crazed brown eyes to my face and he murmured, "Grab the edge of the bed, above your head."

  I did as he asked immediately, feeling my upper body stretch even further, no doubt lengthening the lines of my frame, making an erotic vision before him. His eyes widened, his jaw flexed and then his movements increased. The thrust of his cock, the rock of his hips, the swirl of his thumb over my little nub.

  "Ryan," I begged, for what I don't know.

  "Yeah, babe?" he rasped, his breaths as uneven as mine.

  "Finish this," I demanded, receiving a deep rumbling chuckle in return.

  "Having too much fun."


  "Ah, fuck, Marie. Say it again."


  "Jesus," he exclaimed, lifting my hips up higher as he came to his knees, removing his thumb from my clit and leaving me hanging.

  I groaned, but then all breath left me as he started to really let go.

  "Hold yourself steady," he panted above me. His glistening torso towering over mine, my head firmly pressed into the bed as my body rose at an angle up to where he impaled me over and over again.

  It was so fucking sexy. So erotic to watch his face, the way he looked down at my body laid out before him. The way he gripped my hips, pounding into me, his little exhaled grunts of air when we connected, the explosion of lust that ignited on every stroke of his hard length through my core.

  "Put your ankles up on my shoulders," he commanded, obviously not nearly done with me yet.

  I let a decidedly aroused yet frustrated groan out, but did what he demanded, wrapping my ankles around his neck, making his head tip forward slightly and freeing his hands up to cup my butt.

  And then he leaned forward, stretching me in all the right places, making it easier to go deeper, rocking his hips, his eyes locked on my face to see how far he could push me. Clearly he liked what he saw, because with a delicious sounding growl he leaned further over my body, until his hands came out and landed beside my head on the bed, holding himself aloft.

  He was dripping in sweat now, and rather than be a turn off, it was the most deliciously exciting thing I had ever seen. I reached up with one hand and ran my
fingers down his arm, smoothing the moisture lovingly beneath my touch. He groaned out above me, picked up the speed of his thrusts, and eyes still holding mine, slowly brought his hand up off the bed to slip between us.

  "When I touch you," he said between pants, "will you whimper? Or will you explode?"

  Definitely explode, I was thinking, but there was no way I had enough air to say that aloud. I didn't need to, he could see it written all over my face. Not only had I lowered my shield for this man, but I seemed unable to hide any emotion from him either. I was open like I had never been open for another before.

  "Marie," he said, holding my gaze. "I'm lost in you."

  I know, I wanted to say, but his thumb had found my clit and with one soft stroke I detonated. My body coming apart as I frantically tried to hold the scream of my release inside. I'm not sure I succeeded, I was barely in control of what my body was doing. Simply riding the exquisite bliss Ryan had created, feeling every single pulse of electricity as it surged through me, sparking and exploding with brightly coloured lights behind my eyes.

  For a moment I felt pure terror, scared I'd exposed myself in a way which I could never shield again. But when my eyes blinked open, there was Ryan, exposed with me, his head tipped back, his mouth open, muscles straining, pulse thundering in his neck, and his breaths leaving him in jagged puffs which matched the last few thrusts of his hips. Then he tipped his face down, eyes closed, absolute ecstasy gracing his features, as with one last deep, possessive thrust he grunted out his release.

  Oh. Wow.

  We were both sucking in air, our bodies coated in sweat, our chests rising and falling, blood pumping, skin flushed. His shaft jerking almost lazily as it slowly softened, still buried deep inside. He opened his eyes, immediately zoning in on mine, and held my gaze for several seconds. Then with soft caresses, he lowered my legs from his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist. Only then did he lay himself down on top of me. He still held most of his weight off my chest on his elbows, but he was determined to have skin on skin, or simply not to withdraw from where we connected.

  "We might have woken Daisy," I managed to whisper, my throat was dry and I licked my lips.

  "I'll check her in a sec when I grab us a drink," Ryan whispered back.

  We stared at each other as our heartbeats slowed and our breathing levelled out. His shaft still offering the odd jerk, which seemed to make me jerk in response. I think he liked that, every time it happened his lips twitched.

  "Are you OK?" he asked, his hand sifting through my hair softly, elbows still embedded in the sheets beside my face, holding his weight aloft.

  "Fantastic," I replied honestly, which received a wide satisfied grin in reply.

  "Tired?" he asked and I nodded. The grin became a smirk. Yeah, he'd worn me out. "Want a shower?" he added, while he moved his weight to one arm and let the other trail down my side.

  Oh, and now I wasn't tired anymore.

  "A shower would be good," I managed to get out before the moan of delight when his hand wrapped around my breast. His thumb swept over my nipple, his eyes target locked on my face, watching.

  "I might have to fuck you again," he whispered, and the soft words sounded so very naughty falling from his lips. "You want the shower first? Or afterwards?"

  "Daisy," I reminded him, he scowled, but leaned down and offered a peck on the lips, finally pulling himself free from between my thighs as he rose up off the bed.

  He'd hardened already. His erection halfway up his groin and still growing. My eyes couldn't look away.

  "You want me to check Daisy?" he asked, taking a step towards me, where I'd risen to sit on the side of the bed. His legs framed mine, placing all that delicious manhood right before my lips and eyes.

  And for the first time in over five years I did something I haven't done. If Daisy had woken she'd be calling for me, and there wasn't a sound in the house but for Ryan's and my breaths. I knew my daughter, she slept like a log. Until she'd had her nine hours mandatory sleep, nothing short of a shake would wake her.

  So, I said, "In a minute," and reached for his cock, wrapping my hand around the base while my lips wrapped around the head.

  "Oh, fuck yes," Ryan breathed out above me, his hands automatically coming to my hair, fingers twisting in the strands, holding me firmly, but not enough to pinch.

  I tasted me. I tasted him. And I loved it.

  He started to rock his hips, holding my head stationary, controlling the depth he entered my mouth. He didn't push too far, but with one flick of my eyes up to his face I could see him watching me. Testing. Learning. Deciding what I did and didn't like.

  I rolled his sac around in my hand, sucked hard and pulled against his grip in my hair until I felt him right at the back of my throat.

  "Oh, you like that, do you?" he said, an almost devilish delight in each word. "How fast, Marie? How much can you take?"

  I made a humming sound, receiving a groan that seemed to originate in his chest. He shifted his feet further apart, as though getting himself into position for a major event. And maybe it was, it certainly felt a little epic to me. He was so thick and hard again. So soon after the most mind blowing sex I'd ever had, and here he was ready to fuck my mouth. The bad boy in Ryan Pierce had been let out.

  And I loved it.

  From the moment I'd laid eyes on him in my office at work, I'd recognised something dark under his skin. Behind the intense brown eyes, disguised by clothing and formality, hidden beneath his role as a cop. But the goatee beard hinted at it. The way his eyes had undressed me as I stood up from beneath that desk. The fact that he couldn't stop touching me, found excuses to do so, and when he realised he was stepping over his well defined rules, he simply kept going.

  He'd hesitated tonight. But not because he'd changed his mind or reconsidered. He'd paused to make sure I was on the same page as him. Wanted this as much as he did and for the right reasons. Despite whatever it was about this house that haunted him and made him reach with pleading eyes, begging to get lost in me and forget. He'd taken the time to make sure I was OK, that I was all right. That I wasn't doing something I would regret.

  Ryan would always look out for me. Protect me from harm, in whatever form it could be found. Even if it was found in him.

  He pulled back, allowing me to answer his questions. Making sure, again, that I was on board with his wicked plans.

  "Don't stop," I whispered, reaching for him. "I want everything you've got."

  His hands stroked through my hair, cupping my head and tilting it upwards, and then he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. A tongue tangling taste explosion. A show of his devotion, his desire, his thanks.

  When he stood upright again he let me take him, my lips sealing tightly around his circumference, as my hands rested on each of his hips, holding myself steady.

  His hands fisted in my hair again, waited a beat for me to find my pace, and then he rasped, "I like it fast and deep. Got that, Tiger?"

  I smiled around him, nodded my head, and licked across the tip of his cock, tasting that enticing pre-come, making a growl of my own emit from the back of my throat.

  "You like that too," he whispered, a sense of awe in his words. "I think you may have been made for me."

  I hummed my agreement and that must have been the signal for the brakes to come off. He never went so far I couldn't handle it. Obviously watching every minute reaction I made. But he did fuck my mouth fast and deep, fully controlled by him right up to the end.

  The sounds he made were a wet dream. Like the road map to his body, I filed them away for future need. If this all ended tomorrow, I would have memories to last the rest of my life. Delicious, debauched, decadent memories of a protective and possessive man losing himself in my body.

  With panting breath and a slight hitch in his rhythm he came with another one of those sweet, sexy grunts. Coating my tongue, rolling down my throat. His legs shaking, his hands in my hair trembling, and his beautiful cock softe
ning as it slid from my lips.

  I was no longer thirsty.

  But I was incredibly turned on.

  Ryan coming is a provocative sight to see.

  He breathed heavily, standing before me, his hand slowly stroking through my hair, his eyes locked on mine.

  They said, fuck, and thank you, and you were made for me.

  My eyes replied with wow, and you are so hot, and right back at you.

  "Go turn the shower on," he whispered, voice both rough and sweet. "I'll check on Daisy."

  I watched him grab his jeans and slip them on, and then walk out of the room, all the while a soft smile coated my lips.

  Then I got up and crossed to the attached bathroom. And yes, that was a light skip in my step.

  The soft smile became a sunbeam.

  Chapter 24

  Just Like He Was Giving Me

  He was gone longer than I thought necessary, but no sound of disturbance came from the rest of the house, so I put his delay in return down to a security check. Something I could imagine Ryan performing even if he was still recovering from out-of-this-world sex.

  The shower began to fill the room with steam as I stared at myself in the mirror. I'd only switched on the halogen lights above the sink, so the rest of the room was coated in golden glowing mist and little else. But the illumination over the mirror was more than enough.

  He'd marked me. On my neck, where he'd suckled with ever increasing pressure. My fingers ran over the bruise, remembering the way he slowly sped things up; measured, purposeful, completely controlled. He knew exactly what he was doing. Increasing the pull on my skin, heightening the tingles that spread out from my neck and ran down the length of my body, all the while ramping up the thrusts of his hips in a way that accelerated my heart rate and made my breath come in pants.

  I'd never been with anyone who consciously seduced my body and mind while having sex. It wasn't just the physical sensations he'd elicited, it was the knowledge that he'd had a plan. A slow, inexorable increase in speed and pressure, designed to entice, to entrap, and to finally envelope every sense I had. Physical. Mental. Every part of me.


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