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Page 10

by Marcus LaGrone

  “I understand. Honestly I doubt I could feel it there are so many drugs in my veins, but it is the thought that counts. I do appreciate that.”

  “Anna, can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, dear, anything.”

  “What happened to my mother?”


  Anna closed her eyes and smiled, saying nothing. Chloë rolled with it for a moment and then panicked, “Don’t you die on me! Not after all of that!”

  Anna opened her eyes slightly, “Sorry, my little princess, I didn’t mean to cause a fright. It is just that I’m conflicted: you are old enough to know, and you ought to know. But I fear if I tell you, you may do something foolish or dangerous.”

  “Foolish and dangerous we have covered,” beamed Heather.

  Anna laughed in spite of herself and cringed from the pain it caused, “Please, oh please, lovely Highland girl, careful with the jokes. A laugh is good for the soul, but it hurts the flesh horribly right now.”

  “Ah! So there we have it. Answer Chloë’s questions and I won’t be forced to tickle you!”

  “You have found quite the live wire for a friend, my little princess. The room—is it secure?”

  Chloë looked around, the door was open but the security guard stood there keeping others at bay. She walked to the door, “Um, is it okay if we close the door?”

  “Of course, Princess Chloë. There are two call buttons in the room if you need help. The red button summons the doctors, the black summons more security. Take all the time you need. I assume you still wish to keep Raymond clear or did you wish to invite him up?”

  “Oh! Um, please keep him clear a little longer please. Thank you!”

  “Glad to be of help, Lady Amsterval.” The guard smiled broadly and closed the door for Chloë.

  “You still love your mother, don’t you,” began Anna.

  “Of course I do! What type of a question is that?”

  “It has been so many years…”

  “The only truly happy thoughts I ever had at the palace were with my mother. Time has not changed that.”

  Anna nodded. “And you were such a good daughter too… Your mother, she spoke out against your father’s plans for you. She would not have you in a loveless marriage and she definitely was opposed to marrying you off early. If any of the parents object at the wedding, then it is called off. You father was not about to have your mother upset his plans and political ambitions.”

  “He didn’t have her killed did he?” asked Chloë suddenly horrified. She knew how determined her father could be and was well aware that those that opposed him were often dealt with severely.

  “No, oh heavens, no. For one, he couldn’t risk further offending your uncle,” sighed Anna. “She was sent to live with your grandmother on Bervik VI. She too was under house arrest, but at least they are together.”

  “Why is Grandmama under house arrest?”

  “Because she protested your mother’s marriage to your father. You see, your mother had already been through a political marriage. There was no way she was going to let that happen to you.”

  “Mom was forced to marry Dad? That isn’t right!”

  Anna smiled, “Forced was a strong word. She was guilted into it, more accurately. All those long speeches of duty and honor and doing the best thing for the various Houses. Not like the men of those Houses ever had to make sacrifices: married and had a mistress. Such devotion!” snarled Anna. She regretted that! The snarling—it hurt as she tensed her ravaged and mangled body. Between the anger and the pain it took a while for her to regain her composure. “There was no way she was going to let what happened to her, happen to you.”

  “So she had you help me escape…”

  Anna smiled, “She had one last supporter: Earl Kevin. He… he helped me escape with you. He arranged to have a security drill with all the cameras and electronics off. Trying to recreate the panic from the Hands of Kali was his story. With all the confusion and so many systems off line, I was able to escape, taking his ship. He was supposed to join us. He couldn’t be there in time so he sent me on alone.”

  Chloë grinned, “Did you have something going on with the Earl?”

  Anna grinned, “Hush, girl, none of your business.”

  Suddenly Chloë was nervous again, “Um, do they know he helped us escape?”

  “I have no idea. None. Getting you out safely was my primary concern.”

  “And so you left your lover behind?”

  “And I was able to rescue the daughter of my best friend. I was able to keep a promise from ten years ago. Sometimes there are no good choices, only bad and worse choices.” Anna took a breath and turned her attention to Heather. “You cringed at the ‘Hands of Kali’ comment. Are you Penn’s daughter by chance? You have his eyes…”

  “No, ma’am,” replied Heather somewhat surprised, “but close. I am one of Llewellyn’s daughters. You knew my uncle Penn?”

  Anna smiled, “In passing. One of the other court ladies had a major crush on him. Back before that dreadful night, they saw each other from time to time. She was young but devoted…”

  “Elsabeth?” asked Heather curiously.

  “Yes, indeed. That was her name.”

  “There is an Elsabeth, an offworlder that is Second Mother to House Merryfield of Clan Silverglade. Soft brown and white fur coat…”

  “With long streaking rosettes,” finished Anna with a pleasant sigh. “I’m so glad to hear she did finally get her man.”

  “Wow! I had no idea she was from the Bervik lands. I knew there was some story going on there. That is so sweet!”

  “And now my concern is to make sure there is a sweet ending for this young lady,” countered Anna as she gestured to Chloë. “But I fear all I have done is accidentally sent you back to the very lands we escaped from to see your mother.”

  “Oh, come on! Chloë doesn’t want to see her mother,” began Heather with a grin, “she wants to rescue her!”


  Chloë glared at Raymond across the hotel lobby. It had been two days and every day he had requested to see Anna, and every day Chloë had forbidden it. Now Raymond was requesting an audience with Chloë. “You have ten minutes to speak your piece, and then I don’t want to see you again.”

  “With all the publicity, I think it is obvious your father won’t be trying anything overt. I think you should relax, Princess Chloë,” began Raymond. “He just wants to talk with you.”

  “No, he doesn’t want to talk. He wants to marry me off to the Estherdales.”

  Raymond nodded, “I do believe that even your father realized that a match with the young Duke Estherdale was not a good match. But there are a multitude of others he would like you to meet.”

  Chloë stared at Raymond and grinned with her teeth showing. “Before I will talk to that man, I want to see my mother, here.”

  Raymond gulped, “It might be easier to arrange visiting her back home…”

  “I don’t believe I care how easy or hard it is; my mother, here.”

  “But, my lady…”

  “Did I stutter?” asked Chloë with teeth flashing.

  “No, my lady. It is just… well… complicated.”

  “Well then, you had best be getting after it then. It is not an unreasonable request, to see one’s mother. You are dismissed.” Chloë glared at Raymond until he finally got up, bowed, and left the room. As soon as he was gone, Chloë melted into her seat. “I’m not cut out for this, Heather.”

  “Hey, you did fine!” beamed Heather as she hugged Chloë. “It was a practical request even if it may be politically complicated. Like you said, you just want to see your mother.”

  “Heather? Can I ask a favor of you? Would you teach me how to fight?” asked Chloë. “I need to do something to help build my self-confidence and that seems like an excellent choice.”

  “Of course!” beamed Heather. “One condition, you teach me how to speak Tisamarir.”

  Chloë grinned, “Th
at’s more than fair. Just don’t get any wild ideas about going off to the Bevrik lands.”

  “Never even crossed my mind,” replied Heather, echoing Chloë’s grin.


  “Whatcha writing?” asked Chloë as she sneaked a peek over Heather’s shoulder.

  “Too curious a thought gets your tail in a knot!” grinned Heather.

  “Oww,” laughed Chloë. “Some idioms don’t translate well.”

  “Well that, or they were lame to start with. Writing to my Second Mother. The family is all happy that I helped you, but Second Mother let me know I still have a week and a half to go in Edmundshire. Either that or find a job in the lowlands. Not too keen on the latter, I have to confess. I miss the trees!”

  Chloë laughed, “My first two days, wandering the Highlands in the rain, I started to hate trees. Once I was dry and had a full tummy, however, I started to love the trees.”

  “Bleah! Yeah, cold, wet and hungry can really put a damper on even the best of places.”

  “I have a question for you, and your letter seems to suit the question well…”

  “Spill it girl; Second Mom is psychic, not me!”

  “Why don’t we head back? Anna is starting to give me grief about ‘wasting my life at her bedside’ and all that. I figure we pop back over here for a couple days every month or so until she gets better. I think she wants to at least visit the Highlands when she is better, but that will be Spring easily.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea and would make all parties happy in addition to being practical. I’ll tell Second Mother that, and that we’ll leave here in just a few days. Sound like a plan?”

  “Sounds like an excellent plan,” agreed Chloë. “Speaking of plans, how about we go shopping this afternoon?”

  “Oh, no! Don’t twist my tail!” grinned Heather. “Sounds like a wonderful idea. But whose money are we spending?”

  “My father’s. The embassy has forwarded a monthly retainer for my stay here. I figure we goof off with some of it… I was going to donate the rest to some charity, but I can’t. The account is technically in Ivy’s name as far as this canton is concerned. She did take me in after all.”

  Heather laughed, “I’m pretty sure First Mother would be happy to donate the balance.”

  “Sounds great, especially if we can find some charity that would annoy my father…”


  Heather and Chloë looked giddily out the window of the monorail as they pulled into the station to the local shopping district. Anything and everything of class and style that was to be found lay spread out in a vast array of malls and high-rises. Chloë was in her element as all things fine, refined, and elegant lay out before them. Heather was new to this level of opulence but enjoying every minute of it knowing where the money was coming from.

  “Let me guess, clothes first?” asked Heather.

  Chloë shook her head, “Nope. Not a chance. The things I got back at your village were better tailored than what I can find here. I am after fabrics!”

  Heather laughed and smiled; it was fun to see that with all that was on display before them, Chloë still prized the quality, workmanship and attention to detail that the Highlanders held so dear. “You have no idea how many people back home would paint themselves blue to hear you say that.”

  “I’m just curious what the vendors here are going to say when I request that their wares are drop shipped to Highlands!”

  “This place is huge! Can I make a suggestion then?” prodded Heather.

  Chloë turned and laughed as the girls in unison said, “Food!” Chloë shook her head. “I should have known you would say that! How can you eat so much is beyond me!”

  “Well for one, I never stop moving!” countered Heather.

  “Food it is then. That should also give us time to sit with a map and figure out where all we are going.”

  “Planning! Heaven forbid! Now let’s eat!”

  The girls wandered the upper levels asking various party’s opinions and quickly settled on a restaurant one level down. It was early enough in the day that they shouldn’t have to worry about needing reservations. Prices were certain to be ludicrous, but they all took satisfaction that Chloë’s father was paying. With the restaurant in question found, the only remaining problem was getting a proper seat. A slight gnashing of teeth with the maître d’ was quickly resolved when Chloë flashed the diplomatic services identity card which was quickly followed by a great many highly colorful apologies.

  “Princess Chloë Amsterval and Lady Heather Stratford-Silverglade, your table is ready.”

  “Should I give them grief about your last name?” asked Chloë with a grin.

  “Nah, it’s close enough and it still gets the point across,” replied Heather, honestly unconcerned. “They tried at least.”

  Chloë smiled, it was nice to be around Heather. Confident without being pushy, direct without being snotty. Chloë suddenly wondered how different she would have been if her mother had stayed around. Much different! Chloë sighed as she realized the obviousness of her mother’s removal; if Chloë had had half the confidence and poise of Heather, there would have been no way Father could have tried to ram the marriage down her throat.

  Chloë shook her head and tried to clear such thoughts from her head; she was here with a friend to enjoy a nice meal. The beginning of a fun outing away from it all. The maître d’ soon had them seated in a back room with a large window overlooking a private grove of fruit trees that served several of the restaurants. It wasn’t nearly as enchanting as a wild forest, but the greenery proved to be pretty enough to distract them from the omnipresent cityscape. Menus gave way to hors d’oeuvres which in turn gave way to the first course. The wait staff wasn’t as elegant as she would have expected from such an establishment, but they were courteous and quick. Chloë was lost in thought and for once was happy that Heather just let her be; she needed time to think. So much was going on, so much was left to happen. Oh! How she wanted to see her mother, but it was going to be on Chloë’s terms, not her father’s!

  “Heather, do you think there is any way Anna could ever find a way to fit in there in the Highlands? I would love to see more of her, but she, more than I, is a creature of the cities.” Chloë sat there in silence gazing at the simple trees below. “Heather?” Chloë turned to find out why Heather had been so quiet: she was asleep with her head resting on the table. “Come on girl,” teased Chloë as she carefully nudged Heather, “I didn’t wake you up that early in the morning. We can take a nap after shopping.” Chloë’s humor faded to confusion as Heather remained asleep. The confusion turned to panic as she stood and approached Heather’s chair: the room was spinning! The more she moved, the worse she felt. Over and over the room seemed to churn. Chloë tried to call out as the obviousness of the situation hit her: they had been drugged!


  Chloë woke with a splitting headache and a queasy stomach. What had happened? Her mind fought her as she looked around. She was in a small room that was simply but cleanly furnished. There were several utilitarian chairs, a futon against the wall and a simple kitchenette. As she stood she had some difficulty maintaining her footing under her. The room seemed to have vapor trails; well, at least it wasn’t spinning. Spinning! The restaurant with Heather! It all came back to Chloë in a flash and so did the panic! Windows, doors! Must escape! She lurched across the room and tried the main door: locked. She slid over and inspected the windows behind the curtains: covered over with some sort of steel barrier. Not good! She quickly searched the room and found it to be a small apartment as it were: a bathroom in the back and a single bedroom in the front. It was with mixed feeling that she viewed the bedroom; in the middle of the bed lay Heather in a deep sleep. She was glad for the company but horrified that poor Heather had gotten mixed up in it all.

  Chloë sat in a small but comfortable chair in the diminutive bedroom and just cried. She was angry and scared all at once, and had no idea what to do o
r what was even happening around her. Tears were all she knew; they were not going to solve any problems. She was never much of a problem solver she was… well… a puppet. That thought raged through her mind and she howled out loud. No, she wasn’t going back to that life. She knew precious little, little about where she was going or what life had in store for her, but her mind was clear: puppet wasn’t going to be an option.

  “Turn off the sound on the movie… it’s too late to still be up…,” murmured Heather.

  Chloë bolted upright in her chair and stared at Heather. “Heather! Are you all right?” She sprang from the chair and gently shook Heather’s slowly churning form.

  “Oh! My head! Don’t slosh me like that, my head will fall off and roll across the floor…”

  “Heather! Wake up please! We are in trouble!” bayed Chloë.

  “Of course we are in trouble; we left the restaurant without dessert…”

  Chloë laughed in spite of herself. That was Heather: more concerned about food than anything else. “You get us out of here and I’ll go fetch you dessert myself!”

  That seemed to finally claw its way into Heather’s clouded mind, and she slowly sat upright and tried to stabilize her head. “Let me guess, we went out for drinks with Raymond after lunch and this is his cheesy apartment… That is why we aren’t supposed to drink at our age now isn’t it…”

  Chloë shook her head as she stared into Heather’s bloodshot eyes. “No such luck. Lunch, there at the fancy restaurant, someone drugged us.”

  “That explains why the staff wasn’t as sharply dressed. Looking at the prices on the menu, those guys should have been polished and shining….” Heather started to look around as she fought to focus clearly, “Okay, a clean but simple bedroom… Where are we?”

  Chloë shook her head. “I don’t know. It is a small apartment, just this one bedroom and then there is a small sitting room and kitchenette with a small bathroom in the back. The door is locked and there are steel covers over the windows.”


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