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Wooing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 14

by M. L. Briers

  “I don’t like to sleep anymore. I don’t like to dream anymore.”She looked away from him nervously, as if she’d shared too much of herself with him. He maybe her mate but she didn’t know him.

  “Perhaps I could lay with you, sooth you, if you’d be willing.”The gentle growl beneath his words had a soothing effect on her mind and body already, and she had no idea of what lying next to him would do, apart from the obvious, kick starting their physical need for one another.

  “That’s one way to get in bed with me.”She tried to make light of his offer, and yet the tension within her was obvious even to her ears.

  “I don’t need an excuse to do that. You were practically comatose when I brought you in here.”He teased back at her, trying to ease her burden, and if the simple fact that she wasn’t gripping the covers so tightly anymore was any indication it might just be working.

  Rick wasn’t immune to her charms. He knew that under those covers she was naked, just as he stood before her. But he also wasn’t about to dismiss her needs for fear that they would end up in a more intimate situation. That was inevitable.

  “Can you keep your hands to yourself?”Alma brought her eyes up his hard body, briefly stopping at the hardness of his erection as it stood out between them like an offering, and when she finally made it up to the chiselled features of his face, to his dark eyes she saw the amusement there.

  “What do you think?”He offered back to her on a playful chuckle and she bit down on the smile that wouldn’t be denied, snorting her laughter as she shook her head.

  “Men.”She managed, pushing herself back down in the bed as he narrowed his gaze on her.

  “Is that a yes?”He growled down. Knowing that the moment he slipped in beside her, touched her, held her, he would want her more than life itself, and that was what they were both facing, the prospect that this short window of time would be all they had together. One month.

  “Yes.”Alma lifted the covers and his eyes took in her nakedness. The low growl of desire that rolled through him and washed over her body was a welcome sensation.

  Rick slipped under the covers. The length of his body found hers and he growled out his contentment, his need, as he curled his body around hers protectively.

  “Sleep.”He growled gently, nuzzling her neck and taking in her scent.

  Rudd slipped out from under the covers and stepped into a pair of jeans. His eyes took in the sight of his mate sleeping peacefully. He hadn’t been able to sleep as the problems of their pack played on his mind.

  He was adamant about one thing, he wouldn’t lose Rick to becoming a rogue and that meant that he had to find a way to keep the pack safe from Alma’s beast and keep Alma safe from the pack, because he couldn’t fault any of his family from ending Alma if they sensed that she was a danger to them.

  Normally he would have called a pack meeting to hash out any issues and brainstorm some ideas, but this wasn’t one of those times. He needed to speak to the elders first, find out what they knew of Fae being turned into Werewolves and if they knew of any writings in their history documenting such occurrences, and then he needed to get started on building a place to house Alma during the three day cycle of her change, because he couldn’t take the risk that she may lose control during one of those nights.

  He yanked the shirt over his head and down his chest. With a final look to his mate he slipped out of their bedroom and started down the stairs to the kitchen. Food, coffee and a table full of elders wasn’t how he wanted to spend his afternoon, hell he’d prefer to stay in bed beside his mate, but having his mate only highlighted his need to help Rick.

  He pushed into the kitchen and was immediately greeted by the scent of his pack, sure enough, three elders were already seated at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and looking at him expectantly, and the slow smile touched his lips. How the hell had he missed that one?

  “Alpha, we thought you might need to talk.”Wilma, the wisest of all the elders by age alone, and the wife of a previous Alpha motioned towards the coffee pot, and his taste buds smiled at him. Wilma’s coffee was like nectar from the Spirits themselves and if anything was going to kick start his brain into action it was that.

  “I’m always glad of your counsel, and your coffee, Wilma.”He offered her the look that made her smile, the same look he had given her since he was a pup, a playful challenge for her to defy just how damn cute he was, how disarmingly handsome he had become over the years, but he was more like the son she had never had and she liked to think on him that way.

  “Looks like we landed in a whole heap of dung this time, Alpha.”Ramsey croaked out, his eyes narrowing, testing the Alpha as usual. But Wilma heaved a sigh of boredom and rolled her eyes.

  “You’re such an optimist, Ramsey, always a pleasure to be around.”She bit out dryly, and Rudd turned away on a grin, busying himself with pouring his coffee.

  “I like to call it as I see it.”Ramsey leaned back against his chair and Rudd couldn’t tell if it was the chair creaking or the elder’s bones.

  “Yes but when all you see are different degrees of blackness it’s not helpful.” Wilma bit out again.

  “So, tell me the bad news first…”Rudd offered an end to the bickering by giving them something else to work with.

  “It’s all bad news, she’s a Werewolf, where could be the good in that?”Ramsey grumbled and Wilma couldn’t help but reach out and give him a short sharp slap around the back of the head, bringing a low growl of annoyance from the man.

  “She’s Rick’s mate, and you’d do well to remember that.”Wilma warned with steely blue eyes that held the resolve of an old romantic. She’d been Alpha mother to the whole pack for more years than she cared to talk about, but cherished every single one of them. They were all her sons and daughters within her heart, but she had a special place for the two little monsters that had grown to become the pack Alpha and Beta, and now they both needed her to find an answer and she would take on the world before she let them down.

  Rudd slipped down onto a chair at the head of the table and felt a weight lift slightly from his shoulders. It seemed Wilma had the same mindset as he did, and with that knowledge he felt a whole lot better about the situation.

  “So let’s find a solution to the problem.”Rudd offered before sipping the brew and growling in contentment to himself, damn good coffee was a good start to the day…

  “End her…”Ramsey offered, getting another slap for him trouble from Wilma. “Woman, I’ll only take so much…”He growled, but Rudd knew that these two had been at this for years and no amount of scolding them was going to put a stop to it.

  “Then stop being an old windbag and be more helpful.”Wilma’s eyes sparkled with the amusement that coursed through her as she turned her attention towards the Alpha. “I’ve never heard of any human staying in control of their Were, but then I don’t know the complete Fae history. But if she can do it then we don’t appear to have much of a problem.”For Rick’s sake she prayed that was true. To lose one of her boys to becoming a rogue, to have to endure the pack ending him, well that was more heartbreak than she thought she could take.

  “She’s a newbie, there’s no saying how long she can keep control of her beast for, but I feel that if we can keep her contained somewhere comfortable, with her mate at her side, we can keep the pack safe from harm and the mates alive.”Rudd offered his thoughts on the subject, just so there was no mistaking where his needs lay in the grand scheme of things.

  “The pack should really take a vote on it…”Wilma offered and then with a thoughtful smile and a shrug of her shoulders she added. “But its Rick, I don’t see how anyone could vote him out of the pack.”

  “Good. Then I need someone here to speak to the elders in other packs, find out if anything like this has happened before, but let’s play it close to our chests, we don’t want to ruffle too many feathers considering the sentiment concerning Werewolves.”Rudd pushed up to his feet and strolled towards the refrigerator
. “Let’s eat.”He offered, yanking open the door and filling the room with the scent of food as the elders chatted among themselves.

  Link had spent over an hour in the shower. His mind had conjured up visions of his mate and all the wicked things he was going to do to her body when she finally gave into the mating urge and allowed him his rightful place at her side.

  He’d wrestled with the idea of sleeping a while, but the sound of her heartbeat in the bedroom kept his mind too active for that. Now she was stirring again, and his attention was fully on her. Just from the sound alone he could envision her exact movements beneath the covers, and then he heard her foot against the floor and his body snapped to attention.

  The moment she stepped into the room he could scent her arousal and something else, the little She-wolf was about to enter her breeding cycle. That was a pleasant surprise that he hadn’t expected, but was oh-so grateful for.

  “Don’t smirk.”Jack bit out. She’d seen his head move ever so slightly as he scented her, and she knew what he was scenting, damn her body betraying her like this. First The Fates give her a vampire mate and now her sexual appetite was about to go into overdrive. “At least there’s no risk of me getting pregnant.”She growled her annoyance with him, with her body, with the Fates, all in cahoots against her.

  “That’s a dead certainty.”He bit out, ecstatic on the inside, but trying to mute it for her benefit.

  Jack walked towards him as he rested back on the sofa and his eyes took in her body, covered only in a thin tee that dipped down between her breasts and just covered her sex between her inner thighs. The material clung to her curves as he waited for her next move, but there was none. She stood staring down at him, as if she was considering him very carefully.

  When she went to open her mouth he moved quickly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and yanking her down towards him. His hand went to her backside and he had her straddled over his thighs before she could say a word. His fingers fisted her hair and he claimed her lips with a vengeance for the time she had made him wait for her…

  Jack opened for the taste of him on her tongue. It shouldn’t have shocked her that he tasted so damn good, he was her mate, and yet it did. It shouldn’t have shocked her that her body responded to him with such a fever that she was already reaching for the fly on jeans, but he was a vampire and she hated them with a vengeance, just not this one. This one she needed with a vengeance, she wanted him so damn badly inside her that her body was squirming against his.

  “I still don’t like you…”She growled out as she dragged her mouth from his. His lips were already busy against her neck, his tongue playing over the rapid beat of her pulse until he hissed against her ear.


  She growled out her annoyance that he already knew her too well, and he was about to get to know her a whole lot better. His hands yanked at the fabric keeping her body from his touch and he ripped it clean down the middle, covering her breasts with his palms as he nipped against her neck with blunt teeth, but the desire to taste her was causing a frenzy within him that wouldn’t be denied for long.

  Jack tore the front of his shirt to shreds in an effort to get to his skin, she longed for the skin on skin pleasure that the tactile side of her needed…

  “It wasn’t one of my favourites…”He chuckled against her flesh before tossing her down onto the sofa beside him and coming down over the top of her. The unexpectedness of his movements hadn’t thrown her from her goal of getting him naked and her hands worked over his jeans, yanking the material down his hips as she brought her knees up around his waist and used her feet to push the fabric down to his ankles, that movement brought her sex against the hardness of his erection.

  Her breeding cycle kicked into gear and growled with the need for him inside her, her need for release. With one determined movement she used all of her strength to push against him, forcing him sideways and only remembering that they weren’t in a bed as hands locked against her hips and they fell to the floor.

  Jack was uncaring of the pain that went through her knees as they hit the wood, even more uncaring of the fact that she had embedded her claws into his shoulders as he lay beneath her, all she could feel was the fire in her blood coursing through her for him.

  She moved against him, trying to find the tip of his erection to take it inside her channel, but he was already flipping her onto her back. His hands reached for her wrists and he wrenched her claws from his skin. The scent of his blood making her wilder for a taste of him and her fangs descended in eager anticipation.

  She was strong, but he was stronger and he pinned her wrists against the polished wood of the floor and held her still with his hips as he grinned down at her.

  “You can taste mine if I can taste yours…”He teased, knowing that his feeding on her was a foregone conclusion, but still he liked to ask…

  “Now…”She growled up at him, trying with all of her strength to lift her hips. The first few hours of the breeding cycle was always the worst, but she knew about vampires, and she knew he would be more than able to keep up with her needs. She felt the ache within her turning towards pain and she whimpered…

  “Alright sweetheart…”It had taken her quickly, probably because of the mating urge was already strong within her, and even if he wanted to spend the next few hours slowly torturing her with foreplay, that wasn’t going to happen this time. She needed him…

  Link bit down onto her shoulder with blunt teeth, where a Lycan would place his mark into her flesh, and the place he knew would naturally open her body to him if she surrendered, and she did. The fight went completely out of her as her arms went limp above her head and her legs fell away from his thighs, but she whimpered again in her need.

  Link pressed the tip of his erection into the wet heat of her channel and felt her inner muscles contracting, searching for more. With one long thrust he buried himself to the hilt inside her as he released his teeth and her wrists.

  In a heartbeat she had flipped him onto his back, straddling him and moving with rhythmic thrusts up and down the length of him, taking him deep inside of her and revelling in the feel of him beneath her body.

  One hand found her breast and he cupped the fullness, catching her hard nipple between his finger and thumb and rolling it harder each time until she moaned and arched against him. He slipped his fingers against the wetness of her nub and pinched the flesh, rolling it between his fingers until she moved faster, became wilder around him.

  Her movements were becoming erratic as she searched for her release, and he let go of her breast and gripped her hip, thrusting his hips up to meet her downward movements as she gyrated her hips. Her inner muscles tightened around him as each thrust inside of her filled her to the hilt, stretching her to the limit, and rubbing over the sweet spot causing her tension to mount.

  When the orgasm hit her it took her hard and fast and she cried out as the fire shot through her body, every nerve coming alive with a hard pulsating pleasure that filled her with temporary satisfaction. Blinding her to the fact that by the time she came back to her mate she was already on her back on the floor and he was still buried deep within her, hard and ready to satiate her needs once more.

  He was moving inside her again, pulling back onto his knees, he placed his hand at the small of her back and lifted her against him, one hand cupped her backside and he held her in place, thrusting deeper inside her as she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and dropped her head back, revealing in the speed and the intensity of his powerful thrusts.

  Link ran his tongue over the rapid pulse beating in her neck, her blood called to him like never before, and his fangs descended into place without a thought going into it. He needed to taste her, take from her, feed…

  Jack could feel the release building inside her. She wanted to claim him as hers and yet her body wouldn’t comply with any thought other than what he was doing to her. She could feel his tongue working over the vein in her neck, teasing it t
owards the surface ready for his bite, and it only heightened the excitement within her.

  Link locked her in place with his arm against her back. Thirsting for her blood as he pounded into her, feeling her inner muscles clenched tightly around his hardness a moment before he sunk his fangs deeply into her vein and tasted her sweet blood over his tongue.

  Her body convulsed for the longest moment of his life and he sucked hard, her blood flowed down his throat, and he groaned with the pleasure of her inner muscles clamping down and then releasing the length of him as the bliss washed through her.

  Her body tried to buck against his, but his strength kept her in place. Drawing deeply on her blood and increasing the potency of her orgasm as she cried out, over and over, as he continued to thrust into her.

  Link felt his own release building within him. Pressure built in the base of his spine until it shot through him, taking him hard and fast as he buried himself deep into her, wave after wave of ecstasy soared through his body and he released his fangs, revelling in long moments of bliss and the feel of his mate within his arms.

  Jack dropped her forehead to his chest and curled into him. Her legs wrapped around his waist tighter as she languished in the aftermath of such a potent thrill. The feel of his tongue against her neck as he sealed the puncture marks in her neck felt like heaven, as did the gentle stroke of his fingertips down her spine as he soothed her body and mind back to him.

  “Did I hurt you?”He breathed against her ear, his fingers fisting her hair and tipping her head back to look down into her face, flushed with passion as her eyes devoured him.

  “Did you want to?”She breathed out before pulling a sharp breath back into her lungs.

  “No.”He chuckled. Reaching up and brushing the hair that clung to her face away.

  “Perhaps next time you could be a little rougher? You’re not going to break me…”

  “This time…”He moved inside her again, hard and deep and she moaned with the feel of him.


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