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Wooing His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

Page 17

by M. L. Briers

  Rudd’s mind and body was as close to feral as it could be without him shifting. He pushed his wolf back, but he was still filled with the desire to mate her, take her hard and fast and have his pleasure.

  His hands found her hips and his fingers dug into her flesh as he pounded his hips against her backside. The sound of skin meeting skin echoed out through the clearing along with his grunts and deep growls of pleasure and her small gasped moans as he took her back up towards another release.

  Macy wasn’t sure if her body could take anymore pleasure, the tightness of her skin, of her muscles, and the sensitivity of her sex was becoming close to painful, every thrust nudged against her womb and sent a jolt of excitement through her womb. His power, his strength was more of an aphrodisiac to her body than she could have imagined, and as she felt the rush to release within her she curled her body down towards the ground and waited for the ferocity of what he was thrusting her towards.

  Macy felt the orgasm rip through her like the impact of a freight train. Every muscle within her convulsed in pure pleasure, every nerve felt the fiery release, and every part of her throbbed with such intensity that she cried out, over and over.

  Rudd felt her muscles tighten around the length of him and then the hard massage around his shaft as they clenched and released, literally sucking the seed from within him as he buried deep within her and roared his release. The power of it tore through him, making every muscle quiver, every inch of his skin tingle, and every nerve ending throb with an uncontrollable devouring of his body.

  Over and over he pulled back and thrust into her, spilling his seed and losing himself to the feel of a second orgasm that hit him harder than the first and he tried to howl with the pleasure but found he was speechless as he planted his seed within his mate’s body.

  Rudd didn’t know how long he was lost to the sweet madness of such an earth shattering climax, but when he finally buried himself within her, sated, he felt weaker than a pup, and he dropped to one knee and then the other as he reached for his mate and pulled her back against his chest.

  His back hit the fairy stone and he tightened his hold around his mate, protecting her as they rested out in the open. His mind fought to come all the back as he realised he had never been so weak in his life. He was outside and exposed to attack as he tried to recover from their bonding. He drew on his senses to check for danger around them as he soothed her back to him.

  “Are you hurt?”Rudd growled against her ear.

  “Don’t think I’ll be walking for a bit…”She admitted. There wasn’t a bone or muscle in her entire body that would be strong enough to hold her upright, she was almost certain of that, and she might have to sit down a little more carefully for the rest of the night, and maybe some of tomorrow, but damn, it was more than worth it, she admitted to herself. She’d wanted to know his strength, his power, his other self and she’d found it more potent than she ever could have imagined.

  Rudd felt his strength returning as he eased out of her, turning her around on his lap and bringing her cheek to rest against his chest as he put his palm against her back to hold her in place as he reached for his shirt.

  “Put this on, sweetheart…”He helped her, taking care of her in her weakened state. “I’ll carry you back.” He pulled the oversized top down around her hips as he pushed up on still weakened muscles, taking her with him as he cradled her in his arms.

  “My clothes…”She sounded as if she would be asleep long before he got her back to the cabin.

  “Don’t worry…”

  “My shoes…”She sounded woeful and he had to grin.

  “City girl. We’ll buy you a pair of willies…”He teased and heard her snort her contempt.

  “You bit me…”She ran her fingertips against his chest and he gently growled at her touch. “It hurt…”

  “I know, sorry…”

  “It’s throbbing…”She informed him as her upper body curled against the heat of his chest and she nestled into him. “Like the rest of me.”She giggled and he grinned as he shook his head.

  “What am I going to do with you city girl?”He chuckled, feeling the love for her warm him right through to his very soul.

  “Bit some more…Link was right. I like the biting part.”Her gentle sleep filled laughter made him smile.

  “Good because I like to bite…”

  “And nibble…”She offered, sounding even closer to sleep than before.

  “And nibble.”He assured her as he nuzzled into her neck and took her scent as they walked.

  “And growl…”Rudd let a gentle growl roll through his chest and felt her totally relax against him as she fell off to sleep.


  Two months later….

  Rudd reached out across the seat and wrapped his arm around Macy’s waist, hoisting her towards him. He pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her as she leaned back against his chest. Nuzzling into her neck he growled his disapproval…

  “It’s was just going to be a sip of coffee…”She chuckled and then moaned when his tongue rolled over his mark in her neck.

  “And our pup will be bouncing around the walls of your uterus on a caffeine high…”He growled against her skin, the rumble over her flesh making her inner muscles search for him out of habit.

  Alma snorted against her hand as she tried to cover the grin on her lips and not meet the annoyed stare of her Alpha as Rick wove his hand around her shoulders and pulled her towards him.

  “I caught this one at the red wine the other night…”Rick growled out, a wolfish grin on his lips at the memory.

  “And I paid my penance…”Alma assured him, raising both of her brows high on her forehead as her mate growled down at her with the memory fresh in his mind.

  “She did…”Rick assured them.

  “I heard and that’s something we need to try.”Macy grinned with an air of excitement that bubbled up within her. She wasn’t sure if being pregnant had given her an increased libido, or being pregnant with a Lycan pup had done it, but whatever it was she seemed to be insatiable twice a day, from sun up to sundown and from sundown to sunup, and her mate was very obliging.

  Rudd’s ears pricked up as his mate squirmed against his half mast and turned him harder than a jack hammer.

  “What?”He frowned up at her and she grinned over at Alma as her eyes filled with mischief.

  “You’ve never done it?”Alma batted back, in league with her pregnant friend. They had become closer than sisters over the last few months, even finishing each other’s sentences when the need arose.

  “Done what?”Rudd growled out this time, feeling somewhat left out of the conversation and eager to know what his mate wanted to try.

  “Nope. Rudd’s a little conservative in that department…”Macy half whispered back and heard her mate growl long and hard at the very thought of it.

  Rick grinned and shook his head in mock disbelief, “Oh man, I can’t believe you’ve never tried it.”He added to the teasing, knowing it was driving his Alpha insane not knowing what the hell everyone was talking about.

  “Done what?”Link dropped down into the armchair and reached for his mate as she tried to walk past him, yanking her down onto his lap she chuckled as she back elbowed him in the chest and his breath left his body on a groan of pain.

  “My penance from the other night.”Alma offered and noting the twinkle of understanding in the vampires eyes as he read her mind.

  “Oh, I heard about that…”Link tossed the Alpha a look of disbelief. “And you’ve never tried it? You don’t know what you’re missing my friend.”Link offered as he stilled his mate from squirming on his lap. “We’ve had this discussion, Jacqueline. You will learn to play nicely with others.”He teased and heard the low, long hissed on annoyance come from her lips as he caught her elbow before she could plant it permanently between his ribs.

  “And we’ve had the discussion where you know there is only one place you can call me by tha
t name…”She glared down at him and his lips slowly spread across his face as the glee etched over his face.

  “Yes, but make up sex is so much fun that I like to start a fight with you…”He shot back and she growled at him. “And maybe we could do that thing that the Alpha’s never done…”He offered her and she frowned. She didn’t have a damn clue what the lot of them were talking about, she guessed it was wind-up-the-Alpha-Monday, which was pretty much any day when the mates got together since Alma and Macy had become pregnant, but any sex with Link was always more than orgasmic so she nodded her agreement.

  “What have we never done?”Rudd bit out on a low growl and Macy managed a shrug off her shoulders.

  “You probably wouldn’t do it, don’t worry honey…”She tapped his knee as if placating a child and he growled harder, but she was planning to ignore him for as long as possible. “So, if being pregnant stops a Werewolf from shifting, how many babies are you planning on having, exactly?”She heard her mate grumble under his breath but continued to ignore him.

  “As many as possible…”Alma chuckled and Rick frowned on a half snort.

  “You’d better make sure you like being pregnant first, love…”He nuzzled into her neck and she shrugged her shoulders.

  “As long as it doesn’t stop us from having sex like we did the other night…”Alma heard the deep rumble that sounded like a motorbike revving harder and harder until all eyes were on the alpha.

  “What damn sex haven’t I done, which I should do, which my mate wants to try, which is amazing, and which all of you know about but are planning to keep me in the dark over?”Rudd bit out. He’d had enough, he wanted to know what he was missing, more importantly he wanted to know what his mate thought she was missing out on. “As your damn mate it’s my job to see to all of your needs, and that appears to be one of them…”He added, turning her on his lap until she was facing him.

  The slow light of mischief sparkled to life within her eyes as they widened in glee and a slow chuckle started deep within her throat and rolled through her as he realised that once again that he had been had.

  “Damn it to hell woman…”He growled long and hard at her as the others sniggered around him.

  “It’s just too easy man…”Rick offered and Link snorted his amusement as Rudd fisted the hair at the nape of her neck in his hand and devoured her mouth with so much raw passion that it left her momentarily speechless.

  “You’re going to pay for that one later.”Rudd drawled at her as he let her go and she motioned with her thumb over her shoulder towards Alma and Rick.

  “Can we do Alma’s penance?”She chuckled as she snorted her laughter and he grabbed her backside and hoisted her around his waist as he stood up with her.

  “Right now.”He assured her as he spun her around and she whooped in shock and she tightened her grip around him, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling against his shoulder as he carried her off into the house.

  “Night all.”He growled back at them. Each and every one of them would get what was coming to them, but not in the way that he was going to make his mate pay for her teasing.

  “That sounds like a plan, I’m sure I can come up with some misdemeanour or another and make you do penance for it.”Link offered to Jack as her eyes sparkled with desire for whatever he had in mind.

  “Or perhaps I could turn the tables on you…”Jack informed him a moment before he jumped to his feet and hoisted her over his shoulder.

  “Just hang there til we get back, I’m sure between us we could come up with something.” Link slapped her backside and she growled at him. Her claws slipped out and she embedded them into his backside and he yelped in pain. “Ok, now I’m more than motivated.”Link groaned out and in an instant he was gone.

  Alma couldn’t help but chuckle her amusement. Every single day was something different within the pack, and every single day she was more than grateful that she had found her mate.

  “So how many pups are you thinking…exactly?”Rick asked as he reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers. Hell he liked the idea of a big family, it was the Lycan way, the more pups the merrier, but wasn’t there a limit of how many times she could actually get pregnant, she was still human after all.

  “I have no idea, but even when we stop having pups, we can still keep trying for them…”Alma grinned up at him with a wicked smile and he chuckled back, raising his brows suggestively.

  “Wanna go try to get pregnant now?”He teased and she chuckled.

  “One pregnancy at a time is good…”

  “Wanna go practice for the next one?”He nuzzled against her mark and ran his tongue over it.

  “Again and again and again…”She didn’t get any further than that. He’d already reached for her and turned her, bringing her onto his lap so she straddled him, running his hands under her skirt and up her inner thighs.

  “No time like the present.”He growled. Claiming her lips and demanding she open for his tongue, and when she did he devoured her with a passion that meant he wasn’t getting up off the sofa until he had her sated and curled against his chest, and then he’d carry her home and make love to her in their bed until she slept curled up against him until the morning when she’d reach for him again.

  He liked this pregnancy plan. He liked it a lot.

  The End.




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