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Loving Alex (The Alexandra Drake Series)

Page 5

by Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

  I climb out of the pool and march towards him. He’s still laughing hysterically, with all my strength I push him towards the edge of the poolside but he’s much heavier than I expected and puts up a fight, struggling I push and push until he’s on the very edge of the pool, with one last shove he topples into the water, sideways with an almighty splash. Now I’m standing on the side laughing my head off, pointing at him.

  “Got you back you…you…bloody rogue! And I’m going to tell my Father what you did, so there,” I put on a girly voice and stick my tongue out at him.

  He throws his hands to his face, “Oh No! Please don’t tell Ramiro!” He’s begging and laughing at the same time.

  I smile at him again as he climbs out of the pool.

  “I’m really cold. I’m going to get dressed.” I shiver and grab a towel from the loungers making my way to the changing room. James follows carrying the champagne, glasses and his precious strawberries.

  We’re soon towelled dry, dressed and seated in James’ office with a hot drink and several punnets of strawberries which he’s picking his way through slowly.

  “What time’s Anna home on Saturday?” He looks up from his paperwork.

  “Flights due in at twelve. Lunchtime.” I look down, at my legs, slumped in one of the comfy chairs feeling so sleepy.

  “Will they be staying here on Saturday night? Do you need to book a room for them?” He asks, just sat behind his desk looking at me, into me.

  “No, I think Katie’s parents are coming to pick her up, they’re away but come home before the girls, I’ll have Anna to myself.” I run my fingers through my still damp hair, raking it as best as I can. “We’ll need to get on and sort her an apartment out for when she goes to uni., I thought we’d head off to Birmingham for a day next week. You up for coming with us?” I look up, yawning.

  “I can do. It’s years since I’ve been to Brum. Quite cosmopolitan now isn’t it?” He shuffles some papers and picks up a pen, half concentrating on his work and half looking at me.

  “Parts of it. We can look at some apartments and have some lunch.” I yawn again, feeling so very tired on the verge of sleep.

  “Sounds like a plan.” He concentrates on his work, not looking up.

  I sit in his comfy bashed leather chair and doze as he works. I don’t know how he does this, travelling this morning, working this afternoon and still working this evening and through the night, barring one or two pleasant pauses of course. I wish I had his energy. I close my eyes and must sleep for a little while, not deeply, I’m conscious of the constant tapping of his keyboard and papers being shuffled.

  Chapter 4

  I’m roused from my sleep by the activity outside in the staff corridor and the early August morning sunshine spilling through the window of James’ office.

  “Morning sleepy head.” He looks at me, smiling. He’s either worked through the night or been awake for a little while.

  “Morning yourself. What’s the time?” My voice is croaky as I stretch, uncurling myself from the chair.

  He looks at his watch, “Seven”, he stands and walks towards his kettle, turning it on “tea?” He asks.

  “Umm, please. I’m hungry too!” I announce, placing my hand on my stomach. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so hungry for ages, the grinding hunger pains telling me that I need to eat.

  “Alex Drake claiming to be hungry! That has got to be a first! There’s plenty of strawberries.” He points towards the Tesco bag sitting on his other leather chair.

  “I need something more than strawberries. Shall I send for some pastries? You want some too?”

  He nods as move towards his desk and lift his telephone from its cradle to call for room service, which always struck me as a little odd, room service in an office.

  “So Bossman, what’s the plan for today?” I move towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his back as he makes tea.

  “Not much, here for a little while then Marcus will step in until Robbie starts back on his night shifts.” He turns towards me whilst waiting for the kettle to boil, kissing to top of my head. I really do feel so loved and protected. I’m so very happy, as long as the bastard leaves me alone.

  “We need to get your job advertised, so that you can start your new one!” I smile, looking up at him.

  He looks at me, dubiously, “Umm. You’re not pushing me Blossom, are you?”

  “No.” I’m defensive. “Well, sort of I suppose. I told you before, I’m not indecisive, once I’ve made my mind up about something I go for it, well most of the time anyway.”

  The pastries arrive and I grab one, plonking myself back down in my chair with the tea that My James has just handed to me. “I’m starving!”

  He smiles at me as he returns to his side of his desk, whilst he breaks off manageable pieces of his pain au chocolat I’ve already gobbled one down and have started on another. He looks at me, wide eyed and with disbelief.

  “Tell me I’ve not hooked up with a cave woman! You really were hungry! What’d you eat last night?”

  “Weight Watchers curry.” I mumble through a mouthful of delicious French pastry and chocolate.

  “Weight Watchers! Why are you buying Weight Watchers? There’s nothing of you as it is?” He looks confused as to why I would be buying Weight Watchers foods. “Please make sure you eat properly Alex, please.”

  “It was in the freezer and I needed to eat.” I shove another piece of pastry into my mouth. I’m famished.

  As we sit in silence simply enjoying each other’s company I am aware that the hotel is coming to life, the staff corridor outside James’ office sounds busy, the early morning comings and goings as the staff go about their duties.

  “Are you going home?” He asks.

  “I think so. I’ll get Archie to drop me. I could do with seeing Muriel and I thought I might go shopping, you know - on my own. If I take Anna the trip invariable ends up about her! I need to talk to Shauna as well, just to make sure that there are no hiccups with the divorce, it’s all a bit too quiet.” I’m sure my tone turns to one of worry and concern. It really is a little bit too quiet as far as my divorce is concerned.

  “Okay.” He takes a deep drink of his coffee, “Well, I’m handing over to Marcus at four. Shall we go and eat with Roberto and Gia?”

  “I’d love that, assuming you’re still awake after this incredibly long shift!” I look up at him, I’m worried at the length of time he’s been here, in any other circumstance, any other employment this would be against the law. “I was also thinking, and it’s only a thought, that I should ask Ramiro to come and stay with us for a few days - before Anna goes off to uni. I think she’d love to meet her real Grandad and I’d love to spend some more time with him, but we’ll need Roberto to talk for us, or Gia.” I set out my thoughts, what I’d planned in my head, I wash the pastry down with some of my tea my knees to my chest as I stay sat in the big leather chair.

  “I think it’s a lovely idea, I really do! You going to get yourself off now?” He walks around to me.

  “You trying to get rid of me? Archie should be here shouldn’t he, to run me home?” I start to unravel myself again, placing the side plate on the tray and finishing my tea before brushing the crumbs off me and generally straightening myself out.

  “I’ll take you, they can do without me for an hour – come on Blossom, get your stuff.”

  I pick my bag up as he takes my hand and we walk out of his office. We walk along the dim corridor passing various staff as we head towards the stairs, all greet us with a smile and a “good morning” until we pass Lola, she looks angry, not herself. She grunts at us as she marches past almost pushing me out of the way.

  We stop dead in our tracks, “Wait there,” James says to me as he walks after her, I can see from his body language and the length of his strides that he’s really not impressed at all.

  “Lola, stop there right now!” He shouts along the corridor.

  She sto
ps and turns towards him, hands on her hips and face screwed up. Yes, this is how I expect most teenagers to be at some point, thank God that my Anna has never been as horrid as this, I am so lucky. We’ve had our ups and downs and from time to time she’s been awkward but never like this. Surely Lola should have passed this stage of growing up, this me against the world stage!

  I listen to James as he gives her a dressing down.

  “What’s up with you Lola, only a couple of weeks ago Mrs. Drake was saying what an impeccable attitude and manners you have, now you’re barging past her, practically pushing her out of the way, and that bloody face – change it before you go downstairs! You understand me!” I watch as he waves a finger in front of her face. “You do not bring an attitude like that to work. If you’ve got boyfriend problems, or whatever this is, you leave it at the door. Understood?” His voice is firm, slightly raised but he doesn’t shout.

  She nods at him.

  “I said understood Lola – YES or NO?” James repeats firming, not happy with a nodded reply.

  “Yes Mr. Aconi.” She has a sarcastic tone as she replies.

  He backs away a step, his shoulders appear to be flaring out, facing up to the sullen teenager stood before him. “Cut the tone Lola. Change the face and get yourself down to the restaurant or Go Home – your choice but I do not want to see that face and that attitude downstairs, you can apologise to Mrs. Drake as well. Go on, now!”

  She looks at me, her face still like thunder and shuffles her way towards me, lowering her head as she moves along the corridor, her unkempt hair needs sorting before she goes anywhere near the public area. She lifts her head slightly and I’m drawn to those pale blue eyes, they’re so familiar. I banish the thought, of course they are, I’ve met Lola many times.

  “Sorry for barging past.” She huffs in a typical teenager fashion.

  “Okay Lola, go on and get yourself ready for work.” I employ my motherly tone. She’s had one telling off, she doesn’t need another.

  She doesn’t acknowledge me, just turns and heads off towards the staff room.

  James catches me up and holds my hand, when we’re out of ear shot of any staff I ask him about Lola. “How old is she? She must be eighteen at the most!”

  “I can’t remember. It’ll be in her file.” He dismissive just holds on to my hand tightly, leading the way.

  “Well, she seems very young. I hope that Marcus can handle her, if she has an outburst like that with him, I think he might cry! Or sack her on the spot.” I muse.

  “He’ll do something, I’m pretty sure. You’ve seen him in action!” He laughs as we continue our walk through the hotel hand in hand.

  We head through the foyer, past the orangery and pool that we had fun in last night and out to the car park.

  “I wonder if that couple will say anything.” I whisper as we walk past the pool.

  “So what if they do? You own it, you can do what you want with it and anyway they were pissed, probably won’t remember a bloody thing!”

  We reach his Audi and climb in. He starts the powerful engine which rumbles to life and pulls out of the car park and onto the London streets. It’s busy, but not as bad as it will be in an hour or two. He navigates the rat runs and back streets with ease and we’re soon outside my home. The home I feel uncomfortable in, not scared and not so bad that I don’t want to be here just, well unsettled I suppose, I don’t feel like it’s my own. It’s the sort of house that if I was looking to buy as a prospective purchaser I would be saying, “I really like the house, really, really like it but it just doesn’t feel right.”

  We leave the car and walk up the few steps. I open the door and deactivate the alarm walking straight through to the kitchen. As I reach my island my mobile pings with a message, rummaging through my bag, my phone is at the bottom as it always seems to be, I retrieve my phone and check the message.

  “Muriel won’t be in today, apparently she’s ill!” I say.

  “Is that a problem?” James asks as he fills the kettle.

  “No, not really. She did a grand job last week, wouldn’t be much for her to do anyway. Do you think I should call her?” Should I be the concerned employer.

  “If she’s still off tomorrow I would, you could do with knowing how long she’s going to be out of action I suppose.” He mumbles as he sorts two mugs.

  He finishes making our tea and turns towards me pulling me close and kissing me deeply, I put my arms around his neck and weave my fingers through his curls, his lips are so soft. He pulls back, “You’re tea’s here.”

  “Tease!” I snap, smiling.

  He laughs as he passes me a mug, “So, when are you going shopping?”

  “Once you’ve gone I’ll shower and change and then I’ll head off. When you get to Reid’s can you ask Archie to pick me up?” I pick my drink up holding the warm mug in my hands, “Do you think Gia would like to come with me?”

  “I’m sure she would, ring her!”

  “I’ll shower first, get myself ready.” I walk into the hallway taking my tea with me.

  “I could do with getting scrubbed up too!” He follows, grabbing my hand and pulls me forwards through the hall towards the stairs. I put my mug down on the hall table before it spills and follow behind him as he all but drags me upstairs and to our room.

  We shower together and as always, every time that James and I make love I have to remind myself that this is real, in the short time we have been together he has shown me more love, more care and attention than the bastard did in the twenty-two years that we were together. I feel so special, so wanted and it scares me, it scares me that it will end that this is just a fling. Why do I feel so insecure? Will these feelings ever pass?

  “You really do mean the world to me Alex.” He says softly as he holds me close.

  “I wish that it will never end.” I whisper.

  He takes my shoulders and pushes me back so that I’m at arm’s length. “Why would it end Blossom?”

  “I don’t know, it just seems so surreal – everything, you know. Finding out about Maggie, meeting Ramiro, my new aunt and uncle and you! I could never, ever have dreamed up anyone as kind and caring as you. You and Lewis, you’re worlds, light years apart, so different. I don’t want it to end!” I look down, I feel so emotional, the feelings course through me, feelings of want, of trepidation of lust and confusion.

  He pulls me to him, “It won’t Alex, I love you, you know that.”

  We stay wrapped in each other arms, “I love you too, so very much!”

  We both dry and dress, James in his usual white shirt with double cuffs, black trousers and black Chelsea boots, it’s always the same but the look is so elegant and clean, sexy too, he carries it off beautifully. I go for the jeans that Anna doesn’t approve of and one of my new shirts, finished off with my comfortable tan flat pumps.

  “I’m off then Blossom. I’ll send Archie for you. You’re going to call Gia?” James turns towards me as he leaves. God, he is so handsome.

  “Umm, as soon as I find my bloody phone I’ll give her a ring,” I look down rummaging through my bag, “I have to buy a new bag today I can’t go on like this, it’s stupid.” I curse as everything comes out of my bag, my purse, my old dairy, a packet of tissues, lipstick, atomiser, packet of Polo’s –you name it, everything’s on top of the phone, which I eventually find lurking at the bottom.

  I quickly scroll down my contact list and locate Gia’s home number. I know she won’t be at the bistro yet.

  “Ask her to save us a table for tonight.” James says drinking the remainder of his now cold coffee.

  The call connects and is answered quickly by Roberto.

  “Hi Roberto, its Alex.”

  “Morning Alex, how are you? Did you and James have a good trip back yesterday?” He asks. It seems like ages ago since we said good-bye to him in Italy, him and Gia returning a few days before us.

  “Absolutely great. I wanted to know if Gia would like to come shopping. I’m
going into town and would love the company, maybe some lunch – my treat!” I ask.

  “I’m sure she’d love to. Give me a second, I’ll call her.”

  I hear Roberto call his wife to the telephone, asking her if she wants to go shopping with her new niece, there’s some fumbling, she’s clearly taking the phone off him.

  “Hello Alex, are you okay?” Her Italian accent not completely lost, unlike Roberto.

  “I’m fine. Would you like to come shopping Gia, I need to get a new handbag and some other bits and pieces and generally have a mooch around, we can have some lunch as well, if you’d like?” I set out my plan for a shopping trip.

  “I would love to. What time?” She sounds delighted at the prospect of a girly hour or two, I can hear her smiling.

  “James is going back to the hotel now, he’s going to get Archie to come and pick me up, then we can come to yours, I suppose about 11.30. Is that okay?”

  “Fine, absolutely fine. I’ll be ready for then.” Her tone is just so happy, she’s a lovely lady my new aunt.

  “Before I go Gia, James asked me if you would reserve us a table for tonight about…” I look at James for his preference for time, seven thirty he mouths, “for seven thirty Gia, is that okay?”

  “It’s fine Alex. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Okay, bye.” I end the call.

  James kisses my cheek gently as he leaves, his big hand on the top of my arm, “I’ll see you later – give me a ring when you’ve finished.” I hug him back as he leaves watching him exit through the shiny front door and down the steps to his Audi and pulls away from the kerb.

  Closing the door I go through to my kitchen and tidy up in Muriel’s absence.

  I only have to wait for around forty minutes before Archie arrives in the Mercedes. I’m waiting by the living room window for him and leave the house before he’s had chance to exit the car. I walk down the few steps and meet Archie, who insists on opening the back door for me, I choose not to argue today because, well honestly I don’t think I’ll win.


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