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Fallin' for You: The Echo of Love series

Page 13

by Anna T. Pope

  “No. There is nothing to talk about.”

  “Aria?” she suddenly heard a third voice and looked up to see John standing behind Will.

  “Hey, John.” she said, only then remembering what she was supposed to be doing in a couple of minutes and sighed.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” the boy asked while nervously eying Will up, while the man in question sent daggers with his eyes at him.

  “No, you are right on time. We are finished here.” Aria said while picking up her jacket and locking the door. Will looked at her pleadingly and gripped her hand before she had the time to run.

  “Where are you going? Please just talk to me, Aria. Just give me five minutes to explain everything.” Will started to beg and Aria almost succumbed at the pleading look on the man’s face, but the image of the same man in another woman’s arms flashed through her mind and she shook her head and sneered.

  “Let me go. I have a date, as you can see and you need to leave.” she said harshly and saw Will flinch at her acid words. Her hand slipped from Will’s loosened grip and looking at the man, Aria saw a flash of pain flash through his eyes.

  “A date?” Will whispered and she nodded, before turning around and leaving the building with John.


  Aria sighed as she watched Jonathan drive off and shook her head. The guy was great; smart, attractive and funny. And yet, the only thing Aria kept thinking about throughout the dinner was the man that she had left behind.

  John had of course noticed, and being the great guy that he is, told her that it was alright if Aria was not ready for anything. So, they ended the date after they ate and John drove her home.

  Aria had almost reached the door of her apartment when she noticed a figure sitting on the floor next to it.

  “You are back.” Will said, while quickly scrambling to get up.

  After recovering from shock at seeing that he was still there, Aria allowed herself to really look at him for the first time in what felt like forever.

  The man was a mess. He had purple bags under his eyes that were turning almost black; his eyes were red-rimmed like he had been crying, the once impeccable clothes were now rumpled and his hair was sticking at every end like he had been running his hands through it for a while. He looked exhausted and ready to fall asleep on his feet.

  “You stayed?” Aria whispered as their eyes locked in a loaded gaze.

  “Yeah. How did the... date go?” Will asked her, his voice breaking a little at the end as if the idea of her on a date with someone else made him physically ill.

  “Good.” Aria lied as Will closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.

  “That’s... good.”

  “Why are you still here? I told you to leave.” she said harshly as Will opened his eyes and looked at her with so much sadness, that Aria lost her breath for a second.

  “I... I don’t know. I guess I just wanted to see you one last time, but I’ll go now. I understand that you don’t want to talk to me and I’ll respect your wishes. I just...” he stuttered, his eyes full of unshed tears and then he turned around to go.

  “Goodbye Aria.” Aria heard him whisper and at the pain, so obvious in Will’s voice in that moment, something in her broke loose.

  “Wait.” she said before she had time to think about what she was doing, as she grabbed the man’s hand and pulled him back.

  They were standing so close, their breaths intermingling and Aria sighed and closed her eyes, as the familiar sensation of having Will so near, swept through her.

  Aria knew that she had missed him, but she only now realized just how much; these three months apart suddenly seemed like an eternity. Will was looking at her intensely, his eyes searching for something, what, Aria wasn’t sure, as his fingers came to rest on her bottom lip.

  “I love you, baby. I swear. There was never and there will never be anyone but you. You are it for me. Please, please believe me.” he whispered as a one, lone tear escaped his beautiful green eyes. Aria swiped it away with her knuckles and in the next moment closed the distance between them and kissed him.


  Will once thought that he knew what pain and heartbreak felt like after Antonia and Bradley had betrayed him, but the moment he lost Aria, Will knew that what happened all those years ago, was nothing compared to this.

  Those long months without his baby; without her beautiful face, her laugh and voice, her smell and her destructive touch, were the hardest he had ever had to live through.

  Having gotten used to seeing Aria almost every morning upon waking up, his heart broke just a bit more and the hole in it that was left behind after Aria left, kept getting bigger and bigger every time he was met with the sight of empty, cold sheets.

  When Will had come here earlier and saw Aria walk out of the building with another man, he had never felt a similar pain to that; it was like someone had stuck a hand into his chest and squeezed so tightly that he thought that he was already dead.

  But he still stayed, even though he knew that Aria didn’t want him there; Will stayed. First, because he was actually unable to move a muscle, the pain of it all gripping him from all sides and preventing him from running to hide and, secondly, because, even though Will knew that it was a big possibility that Aria would not come back alone, and wasn’t that thought heart wrenching enough, he still wanted to see her again; just once.

  So, he waited, and thankfully, when his baby came back, she was alone without ginger in sight.

  “I love you baby. I swear. There will never be anyone but you. You are it for me. Please, please believe me.” he managed to somehow whisper, even though his throat hurt from repressed emotions, but the moment those plump lips touched his, he completely unraveled.

  His hands flew and wrapped around Aria’s smaller body and gripped her hard as if trying to prevent her from leaving him again. The tears he had held off for so long broke out and Will found himself sobbing like a baby for the first time in his life. His knees buckled and he slipped to the ground pulling Aria along with him.

  “I am sorry, baby, I am so sorry! Antonia kissed me even though I told her to leave. She took me by surprise and I swear to you I didn’t want her; I don’t want anyone but you. Please believe me, baby, please.” Will begged her while he kissed her face and neck as a man starved.

  “Will.” Aria whispered, stopping him, and his stomach rolled in fear of, yet, another rejection. He was looking down, unable to look at those eyes anymore, when he felt Aria’s hands cradle his cheeks which made him look up.

  “I know.” the girl whispered before her lips crashed into Will’s in a scorching kiss that left the man breathless.

  They kissed for what seemed like forever, their hands flying in every direction, desperate in their want to touch every part of each other. They were starved in their frenzy, and it took Will more strength than he had thought possible to get up and carry Aria into her apartment unless he took her right there in the dark corridor.

  Once they were safely tucked away from the prying eyes, Will slammed her into the wall and started to devour her. Their tongues clashed against each other, fighting for dominance as moans filled the silence around them. He ripped Aria’s shirt off, his tongue lapping at the hot skin of her chest, while Aria moaned and trashed in his tight grip.

  “Please, I need you, Will. I need you so fucking much.”

  “Yes, fuck yes, baby. I am yours, only yours.” Will said and then kissed her again, their hands interlacing between them, as they tried to get rid of their clothing as soon as possible; the need to feel each other’s skin like air to breathe.

  Will stepped away from the wall, with Aria still in his arms, and proceeded to carry her to the bedroom and the bed he knew was waiting there.

  He laid her down gently and stopped for a moment, wanting to just look at the perfect sight that the girl made. Aria was breathing hard, her whole body shaking, and her eyes so full of unbidden desire and love that Will felt his throat starting to close up. />
  “You are so beautiful.” he whispered, before draping his body over hers and kissing her softly, trying to show Aria, without any words, just how much she meant to him.

  Aria’s hands wrapped around Will’s shoulders and pulled him closer, even though they were as close as they could get.

  “I want you Will; now. I don’t care if it hurts. I need to feel you, love, please.” Aria begged him and Will nodded while kissing down her neck, in no need to be persuaded much more.

  He situated himself between Aria’s thighs and looked up to see those blue eyes boring into his and urging him to continue, but he was still afraid to proceed because the last thing he wanted to do was hurt Aria again.

  “It’s okay. I am okay.” Aria whispered and Will finally let go.

  His vision blacked out and fireworks exploded in his stomach in the exact moment he entered her. It had been so long for both of them that Will knew it wouldn’t take long before they both fell apart.

  “God, baby! I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you, too. I love you, Will. I don’t know if I should, but I do.”

  Will kissed her roughly then, cutting all further words, and the only sounds that could be heard were the slaps of their skin and their moans of pleasure that they took from each other.

  Will could feel in every bone of his body that this time was different, it was just the two of them holding for dear life as they made love.

  “Harder!” Aria moaned, making Will quicken his pace while growling and biting on her neck. He could feel Aria’s muscles tightening around him, and her body shaking beneath his.

  “Cum, baby. Let me feel you.” he whispered in her ear. Aria screamed at the top of her lungs, her body going rigid for a moment before a look of pure bliss spread over her face and that look was all it took for Will to let go and come undone.

  “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad...”

  “Tonight, is going to be epic!” Nura screamed, yet again, and Aria slowly stepped away from her, just a little, in an attempt to preserve what was left of her hearing.

  The two of them were at Aria’s place, lazing about before they had to start getting ready to go out and enjoy Nura’s final weekend as a single woman. As of Monday, she will be married to Nate and let’s just say that she was pretty extreme in her excitement about it.

  “Where are we going anyway? I know that you have said that it was going to be a surprise, but knowing you I am not so sure that your idea of fun is the same as mine Ari.”

  “Thank you, honey, for such kind words. You make my heart flutter.” Aria joked and stuck her tongue out at the girl.

  “I didn’t mean it like that love. It’s just that you are pretty tame when it comes to partying. So, tell me, please!”

  “Nope. I told you that it was a surprise, so you are just going to have to wait and see.” Aria said with a little smirk playing around the edges of her mouth, while Nura pouted at her.

  “You are no fun!” she whined and it just made Aria laugh harder as she went to her room to secretly pack.


  “A private plane! We are going somewhere on a fucking private plane!?”

  Aria smiled at the girl’s obvious excitement and nodded. It hadn’t exactly been her idea to do this, but after getting accused of not being fun enough, Nura didn’t have to know that.

  When Aria had started to panic a few days before, having forgotten all about the stupid bachelorette night that she was apparently expected to throw, Will came to the rescue. He mentioned that it would be a great idea if Aria took Nura to Vegas, and when she agreed that it would but that they couldn’t get there and back in time for the wedding, the man just offered them his private plane like it was nothing. Aria was astounded by the gesture and wasn’t sure about accepting it, but Will was quick to dismiss her concerns before proceeding to kiss her senseless.

  “Yes, we are, Nura.”

  “Oh my God! And where are we going?” Nura exclaimed with a wide smile as Aria smirked and bent over to whisper in her ear.

  “Vegas, baby.”

  Then, knowing the reaction she was going to get, Aria stepped away quickly and was proven correct just a second later when Nura started screaming and jumping up and down while laughing like a lunatic.

  “You are the best Made of Honor ever!”


  Once they arrived at Sin City, they were immediately escorted to a five-star hotel that made their mouths drop; the place was practically a palace.

  But the moment they stepped into the room that Will had booked for the two of them, Aria seriously thought that she was going to die of a heart attack.

  The “room”, as the hotel receptionist had called it, was anything but it since the place was bigger than her and Nura’s apartments combined.

  There were four rooms scattered around the apartment, two bathrooms, and a fully stocked kitchen with the dining room and a huge open-space living room with beautiful wall to wall windows, giving them a perfect view of the entire city.

  “Well, if I wasn’t getting married to Nate, your man would have been in so much trouble. This is crazy Aria!”

  “I know.” Aria breathed out; her brain still unable to function properly from the shock of it all.

  She quickly took out her phone, planning to call Will and ask for some other, normal-looking room that didn’t cost a gazillion dollars per night, when she saw that there was already a message from the man waiting for her.

  * Hi, baby. I know that by now you are settling into your room and most probably freaking out about it.


  I know that it looks like a lot of money, but it is not a lot for me. You deserve everything and I am going to make sure that you get it. So just relax and enjoy the time with your friend and I will see you when you come back.

  Love you, baby. Xoxo *

  Aria smiled at the message and shook her head; the man knew her too well. She quickly texted Will back to thank him and then went to choose a room, seeing as Nura had already happily skipped to hers.

  After they were done with unpacking, they decided to go out and explore the city before dinner. Nura was ecstatic, her eyes glazed over like a child’s in the sweets shop at the sight of barely dressed people having a good time, which was not a surprise at all since Nura’s equivalent of a good time was sex, alcohol, and gambling.

  They wandered around for a few hours, went shopping and then people-watching before it was time to get back to have dinner, after which Aria took her to a strip bar, making Nura, once again, proclaim her as the best Maid of Honor.

  “So how are you doing now that you and Will are back together?”

  Aria looked up from her drink, only then realizing that the lap dance she had bought for her friend had already ended. She had tuned herself out during it, because it was just plain weird for her to watch as her best friend enjoyed having a strange, half-naked guy rubbing on top of her.

  “Good. We have been taking it slow for the past month. The wounds are still fresh so we didn’t want to rush anything.” she said at the end and it was true.

  After that night in his apartment when they made up, the two of them had talked about everything that had happened and Will apologized for hurting her, even if it wasn’t his intention. They then made a deal to take it easy for a while, but it had been almost a month since then and Aria had to admit that she was getting a bit tired of it.

  She did want to proceed with caution, but Will took it to the extreme. The man kept apologizing even though Aria had assured him that it was alright and that everything was now in the past. And the worst thing was that the man wouldn’t touch her, aside from a few heavy make-out sessions that left Aria feeling anything but satisfied. To put it lightly, she was frustrated.

  “But?” Nura prodded, making Aria sigh.

  “We haven’t slept together since the night we made up.”

  “Oh... that sucks! It had been a month since then, for fuck’s sake!” Nura exclaimed, her f
ace showing just how much she disagreed.

  “Yeah, I know. I think that Will is just too scared of hurting me again that he now acts like I am a porcelain doll or something. Honestly, I am this close to tying him up to the bed and having my wicked way with him!”

  Aria’s statement cracked them both up and it was long minutes before they managed to sober up after which Nura signaled the waiter for another round of shots and raised her glass to Aria once they arrived.

  “Well... “If the mountain will not come to Muhammad...””


  The cold water sprayed across his heated body and Will felt his tense muscles slowly begin to relax. He sighed and leaned his forehead on the tiled wall when he suddenly felt a presence behind him which made him turn around quickly. A harsh breath escaped him when he saw Aria standing behind him completely naked with water droplets cascading down her chest, breathing hard, and with her eyes almost black with desire.


  “Shh...” Aria whispered while moving closer to him, before graciously sliding down to her knees. Not breaking their eye contact, she stuck her tongue out and gently licked the tip of Will’s rapidly-filling cock, teasing him for a second before pulling back. Will moaned quietly, but stood frozen, his eyes never leaving Aria’s.

  “Baby? Are you sure?” he asked her and Aria smiled sinfully, making him even harder than he was, before she leaned again, swallowing Will’s entire length as she started to bob her head up and down, licking and moaning around him.

  “Oh, fuck baby! Just like that” Will growled, his hand gripping on her hair tightly as his hips snapped forward, pushing even more into Aria’s eager mouth. Aria took it all in stride, her hands squeezing Will’s thighs and her nails digging into his skin.

  Will felt the orgasm rush over him so suddenly, that his knees buckled and he barely managed not to fall. He groaned loudly, filling her mouth, before dragging her up to her feet and kissing her roughly. He could feel himself on Aria’s tongue and his cock stirred to life once again not even a minute later. He turned Aria around, her back to his chest and slammed her into the wall.


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