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The Davenport Christmas Chronicles

Page 8

by Piper Davenport

  “At least an hour,” I said. “After that, though, you’ll need to find a room.”

  He grinned, leaning down to kiss me. “You just say the word.”

  “The code word will be Beyoncé.”

  Laughing, he grabbed our bags while I grabbed the food and followed him inside.


  “Mom!” Flash called, and I turned from the sink.

  “Yes, love?”

  My son walked in with one of the best looking men I’d ever seen and I wiped my hands and smiled. This man looked like a modern-day Viking, and he was tall, taller than Flash, which was saying something, considering my child was almost six-foot and he wasn’t even thirteen yet.

  “Uh...this is Sweet Pea. He’s a Saint.”

  “Wonderful. Welcome,” I said, reaching out my hand, which he took and shook. “You’re the first to arrive. I’m Maisie, it’s lovely to meet you.”

  Sweet Pea gave me a slow smile and said in a low, deep voice, “It’s nice to meet you, too, Maisie. Can I help with anything?”

  “We’re good, love. Make yourself at home. Flash can introduce you to a few of the guys.”

  “Sweet Pea?”

  He turned just as Katie walked in, her arms laden with bags, which he promptly took from her.

  “Hey, Katie,” he said.

  “I didn’t know you’d be here.” She gave me a questioning glance. “I thought it was just officers.”

  Technically, it was officers and families of the other club. Everyone in ours had been invited, although, not everyone was able to make it.

  “Newly promoted.”

  “Oh, wow. Congratulations,” she said.

  Sweet Pea just nodded.

  Katie Jameson was the sister of Flea, one of Hatch’s soldiers and most trusted mechanics, and she was a registered nurse...although, she’d gone back to school to become a nurse practitioner.

  “How do you two know each other?” I asked.

  “I’ve been helping Gina out at her clinic. She’s married to Clutch, Minus’s VP.”

  “Well, how about you take Sweet Pea around and introduce him to everyone?” I suggested.

  “You don’t need help?” Katie asked.

  “I’m good, love. Go have fun.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she retorted and smiled up, way up, at Sweet Pea. “You ready to wade into the chaos?”

  “Do I need floaties?”

  She chuckled. “In the form of a beer, maybe,” she said and pulled open the fridge. “What’s your poison?”

  “That IPA’ll do me.” She grabbed the bottle, twisted off the top, and handed it to him. “Thanks.”

  “Welcome,” she said. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

  “Nice to meet you, Maisie,” he said, then gave my kid a nod. “Flash.”

  “You too,” we said in unison, and the couple left the kitchen.

  “Dad wants me and Jamie to move some more stuff around out back. It’s a total mess. Do you need me?” he asked hopefully, obviously trying to get out of whatever Hatch wanted him to do.

  I smiled. “No, sorry, darling, I’m good. Go help Dad.”

  “Okay,” he said, but he did it somewhat grumbly-like and I tried not to laugh.

  “I love you, Bubba.”

  “Love you, too, Mama.”

  He left me alone and I set the dishes in the sink to soak and moved on to chopping more veggies. I wasn’t alone for long when Tillie came rushing back into the room. “Auntie Maisie?”

  “Yes, love?”

  “Who’s that guy with Katie?”

  “His name’s Sweet Pea. He’s a Saint.”

  “Oh,” she squeaked.


  “No reason.”

  I forced back a laugh. Her face was bright red and her gorgeous green eyes were bright with curiosity. “He’s cute, eh?”

  “Oh my gosh, he’s so hawt,” she whispered.

  “Who’s hot, Till?” Cassidy asked, joining us.

  “Sweet Pea,” she said immediately.

  “Oh, the Viking,” Cassidy said in a sing-song voice.

  “Yes,” Tillie and I said at the same time.

  “Yeah, he’s relatively illegal looking,” Cassidy agreed. “And he’s way too old for you.”

  “What the fuck?” Ace asked, stalking into the kitchen. “Who’s too old for who? And you better not say Tillie.”

  Hatch followed Ace into the room, grabbing a beer before closing the distance between him and me, leaning down for a quick kiss.

  Tillie giggled. “Chill, Dad, I am a sophomore.”

  “You’re barely out of diapers.”

  “I’m closer to being back in them, Dad.”

  “Alright, you lot, hot diaper talk is right about the time I kick you all out of my kitchen.”

  Hatch grinned. “Can’t wait to get you out of your diaper.”

  “Bloody hell, that’s a visual,” I hissed, wrinkling my nose. Hatch waggled his eyebrows and I had a feeling he’d be fucking me well into our nineties...diapers or not.

  “How about you and I go play a game of pool,” Ace suggested to Tillie.

  She glanced around him. “Yeah, okay. Pool sounds great.”

  I noticed Sweet Pea and Katie were there, and chalked one up for Tillie.

  “I’m going to start my appetizers,” Cassidy said. “You two go play.”

  “You need anything?” Hatch asked me.

  I smiled. “Nope. I’m good, darling.”

  He leaned down and kissed me again, following Ace and Tillie out of the room. Once they left, Cassidy and I went about preparing food. We were soon joined by several of the other women and I opened a bottle of wine.

  * * *


  With the kitchen under control, and Maisie starting in on a bottle of wine, I joined the others in the great room where they had gathered to watch the game. Cassidy walked out with a platter of finger foods and set it on the coffee table.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why don’t you run the goddamned ball?” Ace was on his feet, shouting at the TV.

  “He can’t hear you, honey,” Cassidy said while tugging on his cut. “Now sit down before you stroke out.”

  “I swear to God, Mav, you’re the only one that could have saved this team from this idiot coach,” Ace said.

  Maverick had been a football star at both Notre Dame and Oregon State and could have easily had a career in the NFL.

  “He’s lucky I’m not playing for him,” Maverick said.

  “Why’s that?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Because you would have run onto the field and kicked the shit out of him by now.”

  “If you were on the team, we wouldn’t be down by thirteen points,” Ace said, taking a pull from his beer.

  “Maybe so, but if I was still playing football, you wouldn’t have a granddaughter,” Maverick retorted. “At least not yet.”

  Ace smiled wide and raised his bottle in salute.

  Maverick once had to choose between life under the bright lights of the field and his family. A family that not only included his wife, Lily, and baby girl, Charley, but the Dogs of Fire as well. Granted, he probably could have still had a life in the NFL, but it would have put his vet plans on the back burner and he wouldn’t be close to home, which would have made Lily twitchy.

  Okay, it would have made Hawk twitchy, but Lily loved her family as much as Maverick did, so the NFL didn’t make the cut.

  “I still can’t believe you’re a grandpa,” Sparky said.

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass,” he replied.

  “Sure, you can. With your cane,” I said to laughter all around.

  Ace flipped me off. “You’re older than me, asshole.”

  “Yeah, but I make getting older look good.”

  Over the next hour, more club members arrived, including my little sister and her old man. We made eye contact as they came in and Minus gave me a friendly smile. I responded w
ith a curt chin lift. Cricket made her way to me first and I pulled her in for a bear hug.

  “You seem happy,” she said, laughing.

  “I’m always happy,” I retorted.

  “Will you please be nice to Minus?” she whispered. “He thinks you hate him.”

  I frowned. “I do.”

  Cricket punched me in the arm, hard. “You do not. Now be nice, or I’ll tell Maisie.”

  “I’ll try.”

  “Thank you, oh magnanimous one.”

  I chuckled. “You’re so very welcome.

  “You think you can take a break from beating on me long enough to help Maisie out with dinner?”

  “Of course. I love her better anyway.”

  “I’m aware.”

  She grinned and headed to the kitchen.

  Minus approached and handed me a bottle of Glenlivet 18 Yr.

  “Is this for me?” I asked in shock at such a generous gift.

  “I wanted to personally thank you, not only for today, but for standing alongside our club through all the shit that’s been going on,” Minus said. “The changes the Spiders are making affect all of us in Portland. It’s as simple as that. If we don’t stand together, the Spiders are gonna take us all down. Crow understands that and so do I.”

  “True, but the Saints lit the fuse,” I countered. “Hopefully, Wolf and the Spiders back down, but if not, I figure you’re gonna need a shot or two from time to time.”

  “How ’bout we share a toast when we hear from Wolf that the Spiders are staying put in Gresham.”


  The Dogs welcomed Minus and the rest of the Burning Saints as they arrived. The past year had been a good one for our club and I was glad to see everyone in such high spirits. The Dogs of Fire had never been closer as a club, or as a family, and I had never been prouder to wear our patch.

  Booker, the Club’s Vice President and his wife, Dani, arrived with their family, and he waved me over the second we made eye contact. Booker was young for a VP, but Cookie had insisted he take the position when he retired. Booker was the perfect man for the just took a little time to convince him of that.

  “Merry Christmas, brother,” I said, greeting Booker with a warm embrace.

  “Thanks again to you and your old lady for taking point on this dinner.”

  “No problem. I know you have your hands full with the toy drive. This year, more than ever.”

  “You’re telling me,” he said. “Bikers for Kids are gonna be here tomorrow and Preacher isn’t done with the truck yet.”

  Ace had found an old U-Haul truck that was in relatively decent condition, other than the bum transmission, and since the club needed a write-off before the end of the year, the plan was to fix it up and donate it to BFK for their annual toy drives and shit. Unfortunately, the plan wasn’t quite going...well, as planned.

  “What the fuck has he been doing all week? He was supposed to have the transmission repaired three days ago.”

  “With this early frost, it’s been like bumper cars out on the road. Big Ernie’s has been slammed with body work.”

  Preacher owned his own shop. He’d started off working with me at mine, but we found we didn’t work well together, so for the sake of our club relationship, we concluded it would be better for him to move on. He ended up taking over Big Ernie’s Auto, which was where several of the club brothers worked, and he was doing well, which benefitted everyone. Big Ernie had several auto related shops around town, and the club had bought them out years ago but kept the names. The body shop’s lot was big enough for a club house, so we’d built the club buildings behind it. I should have taken on the truck repair myself, but we were sounded like they were having the same issue.

  “Do we need to put some more guys in the shop?” I asked. “Maybe I should put Flea on truck duty.”

  Booker shook his head. “I’m thinking we’re gonna need a little more than that. Listen, I don’t want today to be all about club business, but Crow and I do have some shit to talk to you about before the Saints show up. I promise it’ll be quick.”

  I shrugged. “Sure, man. Whatever you need. Just let me know when he gets here. I’m gonna go check on Maisie. I need to make sure our head chef hasn’t fired the staff and run screaming out the back door.”

  “Would you blame her?” Booker asked with a smile.

  “I’d only be pissed if she took the turkey with her,” I admitted. “I’ve been smelling that bird all day and I’m about to lose my fuckin’ mind.”

  “I’ve doubled my workouts for the past week in preparation for the holidays,” Booker said.

  “You’ve been in holiday training?”

  “Damn straight,” he replied in a completely serious tone.

  I racked my brain for a way to bust Booker’s balls but felt compelled to reply honestly. “Respect.”

  I found Maisie in the kitchen and despite my fears, she was doing great. She was now wearing an apron over her dinner clothes and looked like a cross between the perfect nineteen-fifties’ housewife and pinup girl. My dick hardened the moment I saw her and I began counting down the moments before I could take my wife to bed tonight.

  Maisie was busy putting the finishing touches on about a dozen dishes. She floated through the industrial-sized kitchen, cheerfully giving orders to her team of sous-chefs, which was comprised of children and low-ranking Dogs. A kitchen full of pups, if you will.

  Oh, and Cricket. I suppose I should stop looking at her as a kid, but old habits die hard.

  “You need anything, Sunshine?” I called.

  “Nothing that can be done in public, love.”

  Fuck. As if I wasn’t hard enough already.

  “Maisie,” I warned, and she smiled, walking to me and kissing me gently.

  “You want to do something in private, love?” she whispered.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “Team, I’ll be right back. Keep doing what you’re doing,” Maisie directed, and took my hand, leading me into my office at the back of the building and locking the door behind her.

  I turned her away from me, untying the top of the apron so I could get to her tits, pulling her sweater off, then her bra. I unzipped her skirt and pushed it from her hips. It pooled on the ground and left her in a red thong and black knee-high boots...and the apron.

  “Fuck,” I breathed out when she tied the apron around her neck again.

  It did barely anything to cover her tits, her rosy nipples hard enough to cut glass, and I couldn’t stop myself from drawing one into my mouth, biting down gently.

  “Hatch,” she breathed out. “Don’t make me wait, love.”

  I knelt in front of her, tugging her panties down her thighs and shoving my face between her legs. This was where I always started with her, and where I’d always start. Her pussy was like catnip to me and I had to taste her. Every time.

  She slid one leg out of her panties and slipped it over my shoulder, bracing herself against my table. I’d lost count the number of times I’d fucked her here, probably almost as many times as our bed, but I’d fuck her anywhere, anytime if she wanted me to. I had been blessed with a woman who wanted that as much as I did, and I vowed I’d never deny her.

  Even in the middle of dinner prep.

  I kissed my way down her belly, still flat even after giving me my babies. She complained that she was getting old on occasion, but she simply grew more beautiful to me every day. I didn’t see the extra laugh lines she pointed out to me, because I only cared that I made her laugh. She was constantly trying to minimize stretchmarks, but I loved the way her body reminded me of the sacrifice she gave when carrying our children. There would never come a time when I’d want her to change anything. She was perfect.

  I ran my tongue through her folds and slid two fingers inside of her, pumping my hand slowly as I sucked her clit. She gripped my head, her leg over my shoulder digging into my back as I tasted the beauty that was her pussy.

” she panted out. “Harder.”

  I slid another finger in and slapped my palm against her as I finger fucked her. Jesus, she was beautiful when she was turned on, but she was stunning when she came, so I worked her body until I knew she was close, then I drew her clit back into my mouth, blowing on the nub as she exploded around my fingers. I ran my tongue over her folds once more, before licking my fingers clean of her juices and standing to kiss her deeply.

  I took a minute to work her nipples until I felt her shiver, then I slid my hand between her legs again and slapped her pussy gently. I wrapped my lips around a nipple, biting gently as she moved her hips against my hand, dropping her head back and gripping the table as I built her another orgasm.

  Biting her nipple a little harder, she cried out and I felt her come again. I grinned, kissing her before turning her to face my desk.


  I forced myself not to scream as an orgasm washed over me. I had no time to appreciate it, as my man was on his feet and bending me over his desk.

  “Spread, Sunshine.”

  I spread, and he slid his dick into me from behind, his finger pressing against my clit.

  “Con,” I whispered.

  “What do you want, Sunshine?”

  “All of it, darling.”

  His fingers left my clit, and he slid one through my wetness, then pressed it into my tight hole.

  “Oh, god, yes,” I hissed as he worked my pussy and my ass.

  He thrust deeper into me, matching the rhythm of his finger with the rhythm of his cock, and I cried out as another orgasm swept over me. He wasn’t far behind, his cock pulsating inside of me as he leaned over me and kissed the middle of my back. “Jesus, baby, you’re perfect.”

  I grinned. He said that after sex every time. He said it outside of sex as well, just not as much. And he never said it when he was cross with me, which I planned to bring up next time we argued. I couldn’t wait for his response.

  Hatch pulled out of me, leaving me bent over the desk, while he grabbed the box of tissues on his desk and cleaned us up. He helped me with my clothes, then fixed his own, kissing me gently before we headed back to the kitchen.

  “Hatch!” Booker called. “You got a sec?”

  “You good, baby?” Hatch asked me.

  “Yes, love. Go.”


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