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The Davenport Christmas Chronicles

Page 21

by Piper Davenport

  “Love you, too,” I said, and hung up.

  Once I read through the instructions, I felt like it wasn’t going to be that hard and set out to make my own dinner.

  * * *


  “Probee!” my captain bellowed.

  I dragged my hands through my hair as I swept it into a tight bun on top of my head, and rushed into the firehouse kitchen. I was a probationary firefighter for the Savannah Fire Department, and I was taking my lumps. Much like when I was as a prospect for the Dogs of Fire Motorcycle Club. I don’t know why I was taking this double barrel of abuse to the face, but I’d found my dreams colliding and I decided I’d take whatever they dished out.

  Thankfully, I was now a fully patched member of the club and didn’t have long before I’d earn my stripes as a new firefighter.

  “Yes, sir?” I asked, as I walked into the room, and stalled.

  I glanced around and found my crew sitting at the large dining table.

  “Goddammit, probee, it’s your night to cook, we’re all sitting here starving to death.”

  “I’m sorry, Cap, I thought it was Rondle’s night.” I rubbed the back of my neck as my stomach churned. The cardinal sin of any firehouse was to miss a chow shift, and I was exhausted, so it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility that I forgot. I was working my twenty-four hour shifts, forty-eight off, but I was coming up on the max I was able to work in a month, which meant I had a week off starting the day after tomorrow. “I must have got my days mixed up. It won’t happen again.”

  “You’re goddamn right it’s not going to happen again. ’Cause this is your last screw up as a probee...”

  Shit, I couldn’t lose this job.

  “...and your first as what I’m sure will be many as a member of SFD.”

  The room erupted into cheers as everyone gathered around me, slapping me on my back, then the rescue team walked in, our head EMT Marney, holding a cake complete with sparklers in it, and I grinned. I fuckin’ loved cake.

  Rondle handed me a can of whipped cream. “Time to put out your first official fire.”

  I laughed and used the can like a fire extinguisher, smothering the fireworks.

  “Since tonight is a celebration night, we’ve ordered from Boon’s,” Sarge said, and I grinned.

  “I fuckin’ love Boon’s.”

  “Yeah, we know,” Rondle said with a laugh, punching my shoulder.

  Boon’s was a local, hole in the wall, barbeque joint and it was a favorite among pretty much anyone who loved food.

  “Have a seat,” my captain ordered and a plate of ribs was set in front of me.

  I rubbed my hands together, lifted a rib to my mouth and took a bite... just as the alarm sounded.

  “Engine Twelve, residential fire, 5-1-5 Montgomery Street,” our dispatcher said over the intercom.

  Shit. The Bowery could mean multiple apartments could be at risk. We all pushed back from the table and made a run for our boots. We suited up and then it was go-time. I climbed into the truck after Rondle and tried to stamp down the excitement as we hauled ass to the site of the fire.

  * * *


  I stood outside my apartment building and covered my face with my hands.

  “It’s okay, darlin’,” my elderly neighbor, Sharon, crooned, wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

  The flashing red lights of the fire truck lit up the exterior brick and a small crowd of residents gathered around me. I was mortified.

  “This wasn’t a 9-1-1 level emergency,” I breathed out.

  “Your kitchen was on fire, dearheart,” Sharon reminded me.

  “I was putting it out!” I cried, my face flaming.

  “Better safe than sorry.”

  Hailey Calloway waltzed into the crowd and gave me a scowl before turning to her friend and shaking her head. Hailey was twenty-two years old and her father owned the building. He’d given her the top floor apartment, four times the size of mine, and she was the epitome of what you’d call a rich bitch.

  “I heard she tried to cook the box,” Hailey said nastily.

  I turned away with a quiet groan. I didn’t try to cook the box, the instructions just didn’t mention you were supposed to take the food out of the box before putting it in the oven. I was never going to let my mother try to talk me into anything cooking related again.

  “Who’s the resident?” a very severe fireman bellowed.

  “Um...” I raised my hand. “I am.”

  He walked over to me, another firefighter following. “Ma’am, you have some minor smoke damage to your wall, but nothing structural that I can see. You will need to replace your range, but otherwise, you were very lucky.”

  I nodded, my gaze drawn to the young firefighter next to him. He was beautiful, but he was also smirking. Obviously judging me and judging me harshly. I scrunched up my nose and focused back on the man in charge.

  “Next time, make sure you don’t cook the box,” he suggested.

  “I didn’t mean—never mind. It doesn’t matter,” I grumbled, my face blazing again.

  “Everything’s clear, folks. It’s safe to go back to your homes,” the young, ridiculously gorgeous, and Judgy McJudgerson, firefighter called out.

  With my head hung down in shame, I escaped to my apartment and closed and locked the door. Just as my phone rang.

  “Shit,” I breathed out, then answered the call. “Hi Mr. Calloway.”

  “What’s this about a fire?”

  “It was a small accident in my kitchen,” I said. “Everything’s fine.”

  “Hailey said it was much, much worse.”

  “It really wasn’t,” I rushed out.

  “Do I need to come down and look at the damage?”

  “No,” I stressed. “It’s fine. It’s all fine.”

  “Well, I’m going to be in town at the end of month. I’d like to see for myself.”

  “I’m fine with that, Mr. Calloway. I’m sorry anyone bothered you.”

  “I’ll see you then, Posey.”

  “Okay,” I said, and hung up. Then I called my mom.

  * * *

  “Honey,” Mom spat out on a laugh. “You didn’t really put the box in the oven, did you?”


  “I really have failed you as a mother.”

  “Focus, Mama. I’m going to lose my apartment if I can’t figure out how to fix this damage. I have three weeks to get this kitchen back to status-quo.”

  “Isn’t that something your landlord will take care of?”

  I frowned. “I’m the one who nearly burned down his building, Mom, he shouldn’t have to take care of it.”

  “Okay, okay. Maybe I didn’t raise you all that wrong. At least you take responsibility for your mistakes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I would think that was more important than being able to cook.”


  “Okay, okay, you’ve made your point.”

  “I’ll give Sterling a call.”

  “Who’s Sterling?”

  “My friend from high school. He a contractor. He’ll know how to fix it.”

  I sighed. “And how much will this cost me?”

  “He’ll take care of you, honey. I promise. He won’t rip you off.”

  “Okay. Thanks. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Love you, sweetie.”

  “Love you too, Mama,” I said, and hung up.

  I glanced around my kitchen and tried not to cry. A little smoke damage was an understatement and I felt like I might throw up. Instead, I turned off the light and walked out of the room.

  * * *

  If you like the sneak peek of Fanning the Biker’s Flame, you can order it HERE!

  Welcome to the Family

  Davenport Family Band

  The Guardians Series




  Dogs of Fire MC Series

  Road to Desire

  Road to Redemption

  Road to Absolution

  Road to Passion

  Road to Victory

  Road to Peace

  Road to Forever

  Road to Hope

  Road to Grace

  Road to Freedom

  Dogs of Fire Spin-Off Stories





  Kissing the Biker’s Boo-Boo

  (Children’s Book)

  The Davenport Christmas Chronicles

  Dogs of Fire MC: Savannah Chapter

  Saving the Preacher's Daughter

  Stealing the Biker's Heart

  Redeeming the Biker's Past

  Quieting the Biker’s Rage

  Keeping the Biker’s Oath

  Hacking the Biker’s Code

  Calling the Biker’s Bluff

  Fanning the Biker’s Flame

  Primal Howlers MC

  Primal Howl

  Primal Need

  Primal Heat

  Primal Hunger

  Cauld Ane Series

  Bound by Blood

  Bound by Fire

  Bound by Secrets

  Bound by Song

  Bound by Dreams

  Bound by Tears

  Bound by Light

  Bound by Joy

  Bound by Sight

  Bound by Fate

  Limelight Series

  Broken Road

  The Road Back

  Civil War Brides Series

  The Bride Price

  The Bride Found

  The Bride Spy

  The Bride Ransom

  The Rebel Bride

  The Bride Star

  The Bride Pursued

  The Bride Accused

  The Brides United

  Connecting Books



  Road to Desire

  Road to Redemption

  Road to Absolution

  Road to Passion

  Road to Victory

  Road to Peace




  Road to Forever


  Saving the Preacher's Daughter

  Road to Hope

  Stealing the Biker's Heart

  *Bound by Sight


  Road to Grace


  Road to Freedom

  Redeeming the Biker's Past


  Quieting the Biker’s Rage

  Sweet Pea

  Keeping the Biker’s Oath

  Primal Howl

  Primal Need

  Hacking the Biker’s Code

  Primal Heat

  Calling the Biker’s Bluff

  Primal Hunger

  The Davenport Christmas Chronicles

  Fanning the Biker’s Flame


  *Dalton’s book Bound by Sight can be read after Stealing the Biker’s Heart, but I recommend reading Bound by Blood first.

  **DUKE is a prequel novella for the Burning Saints (prefer to read after Minus)

  ***Primal Howl ties in with Keeping the Biker's Oath

  Piper Davenport is the alter-ego of New York Times Bestselling Author, Tracey Jane Jackson. She writes from a place of passion and intrigue, combining elements of romance and suspense with strong modern-day heroes and heroines.

  Like Piper’s FB page and get to know her!


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  Jack Davenport is a true romantic at heart, but he has a rebel’s soul. His writing is passionate, energetic, and often fueled by his true life, fiery romance with author wife, Piper Davenport. A musician by day, his unique perspective into the world of rock stars provides an exciting backdrop for his new romance series.

  Like Jack’s FB page and get to know him!


  Sign up for his mailing list!

  Jack and Piper currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with their two kids.

  Join their FB Group and get to know them!




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