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Valentine Wishes (Baxter Academy Book 1)

Page 22

by Jane Charles

  Jackie bites her lips and looks down at me. The worry is there in the depths of her green eyes. “Go. Call me later.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yep, that’s more important.”

  She turns but I hold tight to her hand and pull her back. “What, no kiss goodbye?”

  Her face turns pink as she sneaks a peek at my aunt and then quickly kisses me. I guess it is all I’m going to get with my family still standing around, but I’ll live with it. Later, when we are alone, we’ll make up for it.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  “What was that about?” Theo demands when I get in to the car.


  “Brett asking about school. What did you tell him?”

  I just blink at Theo. “Why all defensive all of a sudden?”

  Theo bangs his fist against the steering wheel. “What the hell did you tell him, Jackie?”

  “The truth. You had an injury when you were a kid and reading gives you headaches so school is a pain in the ass.”

  He narrows his eyes on me. “That’s all?”

  “What else is there?” Besides your mood swings?

  He starts the car and backs out of the driveway. I’m almost afraid to say anything too him. He could shut down completely if I don’t keep the topics general. “How is the camp? Anything happen while I was gone?’

  “You were gone for what, three days? Not even that. All is good.”

  “So, are you going back to high school or not?”

  He rolls his eyes, but at least he didn’t bite my head off. “Nope.”

  “Homeschooling it is,” I announce.

  “Not doing that either.”

  That gets my attention and my fears of what Brett and I discussed bubble to the surface. “You need to graduate high school. It’s a requirement of the foundation.”

  “No, it’s a requirement of the trust. One Grandma is in charge of.”

  “It’s the same difference,” I remind him.

  “Nope. She has the power to make exceptions.”

  He can’t be serious. “She’s going to make an exception?”

  “For me, yeah.”

  “Why are you so special?”

  He just shakes his head and keeps driving.

  “What makes you so special that you don’t have to jump through the same hoops as the rest of us?” Not that it ever occurred to me not to graduate high school. I would have done that even if it wasn’t a requirement.

  Theo knocks on his head.

  “That’s not an excuse. You had a brain injury but it didn’t affect your intelligence.”

  “Sometimes I wish it would have and then I wouldn’t realize how shitty I have it.”

  “Don’t even say that,” I yell. “You are damn lucky and you know it. You could be suffering a lot more. Stuck in bed for the rest of your life. Not know your name.”

  “Instead, I live in pain every fucking day. My concentration is shit. Even when working on the stuff for the school, Grandma has to remind me of where we are and what we still need.”

  He takes a cigarette out and lights it. I want to ask him not to smoke in the car while I’m in it or at least crack a window, but I don’t want him shutting down on me. So, I crack mine and all that does is pull the smoke in my direction. Well, at least I’m getting some fresh air and open the window further.

  “I’m getting dizzy out of the blue. I don’t know what one day is going to bring and if I‘ll be able to go outside and take pictures, or if I’ll be curled up in a ball under my blankets praying nobody opens the curtains to my room.”

  If I remind him that the doctor has given him meds, he’ll just get pissy.

  “At least get your G.E.D.”

  “Why? It’s not like I’m going to college.”

  “Grandma is letting you slide on that rule too?”

  “Well, the armed forces sure as hell aren’t going to take me.”

  “So what are you going to do without an education?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He dismisses me. “It’s all going to be okay.”

  “Quit fucking telling me it’s going to be okay and you know damn well it isn’t. Are you just going to have Grandma take care of you for the rest of your life?”

  “I do have a trust fund, not that I’ll be needing it.”

  The hair stands up on the back of my neck. “Why won’t you be needing it? What are you going to do?”

  He’s silent for a bit, just staring ahead, jaw tight.

  “What are you going to do?” I bite out.

  “Maybe I’ll just stay at the plantation house.” He shrugs. “Or, maybe pick a piece of land and build.”

  Those are future plans. Good. As long as he is thinking about the future, I don’t need to worry about him doing something drastic.

  “Maybe I’ll even work for the school. Make sure it’s going good and everything is as I dreamed.”

  “That’s assuming the foundation allows it.”

  This time he grins. “They won’t be able to turn us down after Grams is done with them.”

  I hope to God he is right because I’m afraid the only thing keeping Theo going right now is hope for that school.

  “Just quit worrying about me, okay. Everything will be fine and as it should be.”

  His words aren’t near as comforting as he probably intends them to be.

  “So, tell me about Mr. FBI man. Did you at least have a few good days?”

  I practically snort. “One good day. The next day we went hiking and he was bit by a snake so we came home today.” Theo doesn’t need to know were planning on doing that anyway.

  “Are you in love?”

  I can’t believe Theo is asking me that. He’s never really cared about my relationships before. At least not until Brett.

  “Well, are you?”

  “Yeah, I am.” Just thinking about how much I’m in love warms me from the inside out. But, it also scares the hell out of me. I’ve never felt this way about any guy in my life.

  “Does he feel the same?”

  “Why are you so concerned all of a sudden?”

  “It’s not sudden. I like Brett, but I want to know where things stand.” He looks over at me. “I am your brother and playing the protection card.”

  As if Brett would hurt me in any way. The idea was almost laughable. “He has told me he loves me too.”

  Theo smiles at this. “Good!”

  “Well, I’m glad you think so.” I laugh.

  “He’s a good guy. I’m glad you have him it means you’ll be okay.”

  And the hairs on the back of my neck stand up again. “You don’t have to worry about me being okay, Theo. As a matter of fact, I’m more worried about you.” There, I said it.

  “Me? I’m good. Everything is going to be as it should.”

  That’s what worries me. His what should be and mine may be two different things and for that reason, I am not leaving the plantation until I’m positive he’s not going to do anything rash or stupid.

  This is stupid. Why don’t I just come out and ask him?

  That would only piss him off. What if hurting himself isn’t even on his radar and I’ll risk pushing him away. He won’t tell me a damn thing if he thinks I’m going to jump to the worst case scenario. Just because Brett’s mom had checked out after assuring herself that everybody would be okay didn’t mean Theo was doing the same thing.

  I’ll just watch him. Be alert. See how things go. Besides, he isn’t going to do anything before he and Grandma meet with the Foundation again.

  Jackie didn’t want to leave the plantation or the camp and since I don’t really want to go a day without seeing her, I’m joining the activities. Theo thinks it’s because she wants to spend more time with the campers. He doesn’t need to know that she’s keeping an eye on him. I don’t blame her. Even after she told me about the conversation they had, I’m not convinced he is planning a future.

  Still, I need to remember that he is not my
brother and he is excited about the school. Maybe I have it all wrong. If he were planning on ending it, I wish he’d give some clues like tell her he’s tired of living like this, though he kind of did. Better yet, just come out and tell her he wants to die or end it all. Then she could get him help. But the cryptic comments that my make my stomach knot is all she gets.

  Just because they are the same words Mom used doesn’t mean he plans on exiting this world. Theo actually could just be feeling positive and I pray that’s the case.

  So far I’ve tried to participate in painting, which didn’t work out well for me. Then ceramics. Another fail, but I can only use one hand so there is that. Nor can I play an instrument and I sure as hell am not going to try and sing. Now we are in the theatre area. The kids are rehearsing for the performance tonight and Jackie is there to help see that everything is set.

  Of all the places in the camp, this is where she is the most comfortable and knowledgeable. I’m lost. I can’t remember ever going to a play or a musical, but since I’m dating Jackie and she keeps mentioning shows on Broadway and off Broadway that she wants to see, I guess I better get used to sitting in a theatre.

  After she’s done talking to the staff and the campers Jackie finds me sitting in the back. “Ready to head out?”

  “Sure.” I have no idea where we are going, but she leads and I happily follow.

  “I’ve got some great pics from this summer,” Theo yells at us from across the lawn as he’s walking to us. “I’ll get ones of the performance tonight and then put my final album together for the Foundation.”

  Did he just say my final? “Why final?”

  He grins. “Because this time next year Baxter will be building a school. I plan on making sure of that. No more camp and no more camp photo albums.”

  My nerves relax. At least he is looking to the future, which has got to account for something. Maybe Jackie and I are worried for no reason. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything to her to begin with.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  The last play was great, as it always is. The kids worked really hard on the sets, fitting the costumes, memorizing the choreography and everything from the actors on stage to the very last tech person. I hope they are all proud of themselves. And, in the tradition of theater, a cast party is being held, with all of the camp involved. We don’t make the kids strike. At least, not when it’s the last night in the camp. It’s their last night of fun before going back to the real world.

  I’ve said my congratulations and Brett did the same as we went from group to group. A few of the goodbyes made me tear up because I really like these kids. The last group is usually the older ones who have been with us before. They are usually here for a month so I’ve had a chance to get to know them over the few years they’ve been here. Theo still knows them better. Then again, he was allowed to start working here and hanging out with them at the same time the older campers first showed, so he has four years of friendships that have been built.

  Sometimes I think Theo is closer to these kids than he ever was to his friends before the accident. These kids get him. They may not come from the same background, but they all have their own issues they are dealing with. I just hope his positive attitude remains.

  There are rounds of groans as the counselors start sending them off to cabins to sleep. Tomorrow will come early and the buses will arrive to take them all back and I’ll be standing in the drive watching them all leave yet again.

  “Care to take a walk?” Brett grabs my hand. We haven’t had a moment alone all day.

  “Sure. Where to?”

  He looks around. “Where can we be alone?”

  There isn’t any place, unless we walk to the lake, but that is too much in the open for what I want to do. I may have lost my head that first night we were on the beach, but I’m not willing to risk it again. I’d die of mortification if any of my aunts and uncles found me. “The carriage house.” It comes to me in an instant. I’m the only person who is ever in there at night and there is a very comfortable couch in my office.

  He follows me up the drive and then we duck inside and I lock the door behind me. It’s dark and nobody is in here. Brett pulls me toward the small bedroom that we use when a camper needs to be separated from the others, which we thankfully didn’t have to use after that first night. I don’t want to be in that room. It’s just too weird. Instead, I pull him up the stairs. The only light we have is from the full moon, but I pull all the shades and then flip on the lamp. Even though I locked the front door, I lock the one to the office too. I want nobody disturbing us.

  “Alone at last.”

  I laugh and fall onto the couch beside him.

  “I had fun today,” he finally says.

  “Me too. It’s hard seeing them leave, but I also appreciate the break.”

  “Theo seems good too.”

  “Ya. I was worried, but he has plans for the school so I think as long as he has that, he will keep moving forward.”

  “Which leaves us.”

  I turn to Brett. “What about us?”

  “Well, first I’m going to start looking for a place again. One that is between here and Albany.”

  “I like that idea”

  “With you here and me in my uncle’s basement, I’ll never be able to do this.” He slips his hand under my shirt and rubs his thumb across the tip of my breasts. My nipples harden immediately even though the soft padding of the bra is between our skins.

  “Every time I sneak off with you I feel like I’m a sixteen-year-old hoping not to get caught.”

  “I know what you mean.” I have to laugh.

  “But, we are alone now.” He wags his eyebrows at me.

  “Yes, we are.” I pop the button on his jeans.

  He pushes my bra up until its over my boobs and then pushes the top up too. “Come here.”


  “Straddle me. I’m down to one hand.”

  I forgot his injury. “Are you sure we should? Aren’t you in pain?”

  “I have a totally different ache I’m worried about right now.”

  “Shall I ease your suffering?”

  “All in good time.” He pinches my nipple. “Now, get on my lap.”

  Quickly I scramble but before I can totally sit, he puts a hand on my back and pushes me forward, taking a boob his mouth and teases the nipple with this tongue and teeth. My head goes back with a groan. When he switches to the other side I have to brace my hands on his shoulders to keep my balance. Especially since he is pushing up my skirt and has slipped the fingers of his good hand inside my panties.

  “I’ve been thinking about getting under that skirt all fucking day.”

  He rips one side and they loosen as I gasp, then the tears the other side. “What if those were my favorite pair?”

  “I’ll buy you new ones.”

  I can’t even remember which ones I have on and honestly don’t care if they were my favorite. I am about ready to explode just from the sheer power and orders from him.

  “I can’t keep you balanced so you’ll have to do that yourself.” That was my final warning before he slips his fingers into me, deep, teasing the sensitive spot and I’m about come immediately. My fingers dig into his shoulders as I try and concentrate on not falling or letting my legs give out as he draws the moisture forward. As he goes from one nipple to the next, his fingers pump in and out of me, his thumb circling my clit. I want to reach down and unzip his pants and get his cock but if I let go I’ll probably fall over.

  The tension builds, the walls tightening, my legs stiffen and then release explodes through my entire body.

  My legs give way. I can’t hold myself up any more and fall against his chest.

  Just a minute, that’s all I need, but he’s got to understand I need a bit of recovery after what he just did.

  Once my breathing calms and my heart returns to a normal beat I look up and grin. Scooting back a bit, I unzip his jeans. “Lift,” I order. He doe
s and I slide them down his legs.

  Brett nudges me forward. I know he’s expecting me to sink down on to him, but I have other plans and drop to the floor between his legs and admire his hard cock, standing proud and waiting. Teasing the sack I pull him forward and take him in. All the way and suck. His hips lift as he groans. Teasing the head and running my tongue along the underside I take my time enjoying him, teasing him, savoring.

  “You’re killing me,” he grinds out and I can’t help but smile. It was my intention after all.

  Grasping the base, I set a rhythm with my mouth and his hand grasps the back of my head. He swells further and I know he’s close.

  “Not in your mouth.”

  With the head of his cock at my lips I look up at him.

  “I don’t want to come in your mouth.”

  What guy doesn’t want that?

  “In you.” He bites out as he grabs my arm and tries to lift me.

  As I want him in me I happily oblige, straddle him once again and sink down. We both groan. With his uninjured hand, Brett holds me in place.

  Did I do something wrong? Then he caresses my cheek and leans in for a kiss. I can’t even remember if he kissed before now.

  When he pulls back his eyes are even darker than before. “I do love you.”

  With that, my heart melts with the rest of my body. “And I love you.”

  With a nudge, I start moving over him, slowly and steadily, our eyes locked. He’s thickening, but I get the feeling he is trying to hold off and the reason I don’t pick up tempo. I’m tightening too and it won’t be long. Steady and easy. Love. We are making love, I’m not sure I ever knew the difference between fucking and making love until now. He is a part of me. Not only is he filling my body but my soul. Yes, it’s corny, but I get it now. I get the poets and the song writers. All that matters is this moment, with Brett and him deep inside.

  His breathing is heavy and jaw clenched. I tighten my walls, squeezing him.

  The cords in his neck stand out. “Not fair.” He brushes a thumb across my clit.

  “Not fair,” I return.


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