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(2014) Accused

Page 10

by Jack Parker

  "Hello, Chad," Nemo's eerie voice came from the recorder. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you in person, but I couldn't risk you bringing your detective friends with you, despite my instructions. I told you I'd meet you halfway, so here it is: I killed your parents for my own reasons, which I won't share with you until we meet in person. If we meet in person, that is."

  "W-What does he mean by that?" Nicky shuddered, her eyes wide as she stared at Chad in terror.

  Her question went unanswered for the moment when they heard the door they'd entered through slam shut, making them both shoot wide eyes to it, and Chad ran toward the door, dragging Nicky with him. He tried opening the door as Nicky breathed heavily in panic. The door was somehow barred, and though he stepped back to kick the door out, as he'd done before, but it didn't budge.

  "I was going to tell you everything, Chad," the recorder went on as Chad struggled with the door. "But I thought better of it. You would just go back to your little friends and tell them all about it. I'd like to keep all of this between you and me…brother."

  Nicky gasped and Chad froze just as he was about to try breaking down the door again. He stared at the recorder with wide eyes filled with disbelief and confusion.

  "Chad…" Nicky breathed. "Aren't you an only child?"

  "I don't know," he replied, honestly. "I was…adopted."

  They both froze when they heard low growls at the far end of the room. Nicky gripped Chad's arm as they turned slowly toward the sound, and they both froze when they caught sight of two Doberman Pinchers bared their teeth, menacingly, their eyes wild and both teens could tell they hadn't been fed in who knew how long.

  "I hope you can run fast, Chad."

  Chad dropped the recorder, knowing there wouldn't be anything else on it, and one of the dogs barked, but neither they, nor the teens, moved from their spots as Chad gripped Nicky's hand.

  "We're gonna have to run, Nicky," he murmured, neither one of them looking away from the dogs. "They'll attack eventually. When I tell you, run for the door behind you as fast as you can. We'll find a way out."

  "What about you?" she shuddered, visibly trembling.

  "I'm keeping myself between you and the dogs," he replied. "Don't argue with me, just do what I tell you."

  He didn't fail to notice the dogs lowering their upper bodies, pawing lightly at the ground, and he knew they were getting ready to launch at them.

  "Go, Nicky! Now!"

  Chad let go of her hand to shove her away from him just as she turned to run, and he followed her, hearing the dogs growl and bark before he heard their claws tapping against the cement floor as they ran after the teens.

  "Chad, where the hell am I going?!" Nicky shouted, reaching the door and hurriedly opening it.

  He didn't answer her question as she felt herself being shoved past the door and it slammed shut behind her. She stood in the room, hearing only her heavy breathing and the growls and barks of the dogs on the other side of the door. Nicky slowly turned huge, terrified eyes at the door before jumping with a gasp when she heard slams and growls of pain…and they didn't sound like growls from the dogs.

  "Chad!" Nicky screamed and grabbed the handle of the door to open it, but it resisted, and she didn't have the strength to overpower whatever was keeping it closed. It didn't stop her from slamming her fists against the door. "Chad! Chad!"

  * * *

  Chad's back slammed against the door he'd shoved Nicky through, ignoring her cries as he growled in pain from one of the dogs jaws clamping down onto his forearm. The other Doberman was charging toward the two and Chad thought fast, grabbing the collar of the dog biting his arm to spin around, smacking the rump of the Doberman into its partner's face and swinging it off his arm at the same time.

  The dogs slid across the floor, hitting the chair and toppling it to the floor. He braced himself when the dogs carefully stood, shaking the rattling from their heads before growling at Chad. He only growled back defiantly at them before the Dobermans charged at him and he waited until they were nearly on him before moving quickly to dodge them, and they both ran into the wall behind Chad with yelps of pain.

  Chad ran to the door that he'd shoved Nicky through and swung it open to reveal Detective Parker with his gun drawn and aimed at him. The teen stumbled back, his eyes wide as his heart leapt into his throat at the sight of the barrel then looked up at Parker.

  "Out of the way!" he shouted.

  Chad ducked below his gun to run behind him and Nicky threw her arms around him as Kat rounded him, her own gun drawn. He gripped at Nicky when two shots rang out and the dogs yelped each before a pair of thuds sounded and silence followed. The detectives lowered their guns and Parker turned to the teens with a stern expression.

  "You could've been killed, Chad," Parker scolded, holstering his gun, as did Kat. "What were you thinking?!"

  "Chad?!" Nicky called with a start when he sunk in her arms. She lowered him to the floor when his legs gave way beneath him and she stared at his wide-eyed expression in growing concern. "Chad, say something!"

  "What's the matter with him now?" Kat demanded as Parker hurriedly knelt down next to him.

  Chad clutched Nicky's arm as she wrapped it around his chest, sitting behind him, his eyes staring through everyone and everything, his breaths coming in short, sporadic pants. Parker noticed the wound on Chad's arm and realized the dogs had gotten to him before he and Kat had and he looked to her.

  "Go get the first aid kit in my car," he ordered and Kat hurried to fulfill her orders as Parker looked back at the two teens to question Nicky. "What happened?"

  "When we got here there was only a recorder on a chair," Nicky explained, Chad unmoving and still clutching her arm. "Chad dropped it by the door over there. It's got Nemo's voice on it." Parker stood and headed into the room again as Nicky lifted her free hand to cradle Chad's head, lowering her mouth to his ear to whisper to him. "Chad, you have to breathe normally. You're gonna hyperventilate. Listen to me. Breathe with me, ok?"

  She started breathing deeply, soothingly encouraging him to do as she did. A few breaths later, he obeyed and soon calmed enough to loosen his grip on her arm. She bit her lower lip, fighting the tears coming to her eyes as she pressed a kiss to his head, hugging him close. She'd seen him like this before. A month after his parents' murders, he'd start having flashbacks during the day of finding their bodies. Hallucinations that they were standing in his room, covered in the wounds that had killed them and the blood they had shed. She'd gotten so many calls from his uncle asking her to come over because he couldn't handle the boy's chaotic behavior.

  Nicky's attention shot to Parker when he returned…empty handed.

  "It's not there, Nicky," he explained, making her eyes widen in disbelief. "Are you sure—?"

  "I'm positive!" she snapped. "I heard his voice! I saw Chad play the message! Go look again! Maybe one of the dogs ate it!"

  "They didn't have time…while they were chewing on my arm."

  The two looked to Chad as he stared a glazed look up at Parker and asked, "Where's Jared?"

  * * *


  Kat hurried toward the rental car she and Parker were using and leaned into the driver's side to pop the trunk and tell Jared, who they'd left in the back seat, that Chad was hurt. She looked to the back seat…but Jared was gone. Frowning, she stood from the car after popping the trunk and looking around the street for the boy. She froze when she caught sight of him coming out from around the warehouse and ducked when he turned her way. She watched from the cover of the car frame as he stepped toward the car, not failing to notice that he shoved something into his pocket as he came closer.

  He noticed the trunk was up and the driver's side door on the car was open along with the back door he'd left open. His footsteps faltered, as he approached the car, Kat staying very still, wanting to see what it was he had in his other hand. It was black, and she could have sworn she recognized the shape. Realizing what it was when he stopped ne
xt to the car to examine it, she drew her handgun from its holster, keeping it out of view as she stood. Jared jumped when she suddenly appeared and she smiled, leaning on the roof of the car with one arm, hiding her armed hand.

  "Hey, kid," she smirked, noting that he moved his hand to hide the thing he was holding. "Whatcha doin'?"

  "Oh…" Jared replied, trailing off for a moment as he leaned on the other side of the car at the open back door. "I was…lookin' for a place to take a leak. That orange juice I had with breakfast caught up with me." He glanced over her before nodding, "What are you doing?"

  "Gettin' the first aid kit," she replied. "Chad got a nasty bite on his arm."

  "That's why I hate Dobermans," Jared replied, heading toward the trunk to get the first aid kit.

  Kat tried very hard to hide her smirk of triumph as she slammed her door shut and sauntered toward the trunk as he leaned into it.

  "How'd you know it was a Doberman that bit him?" she questioned, heading toward him slowly and she noticed him stop. "Or that there was more than one? You were in the car the whole time, right?"

  She didn't wait for an answer before she lifted her gun and aimed it at him as she stood next to the car.

  "Drop the tazor, Jared," she ordered, keeping a good distance away from him as she kept her gun trained on him. "Come with me, and you can explain everything to Detective Villa and Chad."

  "Detective," he sighed, slowly standing to face her, but kept his tazor in hand. "We're way past explanation, I'm sorry to say."

  "Come on, Jared," she urged sternly, not lowering her pistol. "I don't wanna shoot you. Drop the weapon and my boss might go easy on you if you cooperate."

  "Don't you get it?" he questioned, his voice cracking. "I'm going to jail for what I've done, and my parents are probably dead already because of this guy! If I stop now, he'll kill me too!"

  "Who, Jared?" Kat questioned. "This Nemo character? We can protect you, kid. Just drop the tazor, and come inside, and we'll explain everything to Detective Villa."

  "No," Jared shuddered, bowing his head as he shook it. "No one can help me now."

  Everything that had happened since that night Chad and Nicky spent at his house had been eating a little more out of him with every action. Now, he'd gone too far for redemption. It had been to protect his parents, but after everything they'd uncovered about this guy, Jared was sure his parents were already dead, and he was working for Nemo for nothing but his own life now.

  "I won't…" he ground out, tightening his hand on the tazor and making Kat stiffen a bit more at the tone of his voice. "I won't be…his puppet…anymore." He looked up at Kat, tears welling in his eyes. "Tell Chad and Nicky I'm sorry, ok?"

  "Don't do it—!"

  She cut herself off when she had no choice but to pull the trigger of her pistol as he charged at her.


  The three sitting in the room of the warehouse stared at each other in wide eyes, all filled with confusion and terror at what might have happened outside when they heard the gunshot. Kat hadn't returned, and Jared was nowhere to be found. Parker instantly thought of her hatred for the teens, but he knew she wouldn't shoot one of them without provocation.

  Surprisingly, it was Chad to scramble to his feet first, as best he could, Nicky and Parker hurrying after him as he ran outside, seeing a car parked outside the warehouse they were in. Nicky and Parker skidded to a stop behind him when he stopped at the curb, seeing Kat aiming her gun at Jared, the barrel smoking, and Jared growling in pain as he cradled his right hand, the tazor on the ground next to him.


  "Don't, Nicky," Chad ordered, making her look up at him in disbelief.

  "He's bleeding, Chad!"

  "He wanted to be dead," Chad replied, making Nicky frown with wide eyes before turning her gaze to Jared as he turned around to face the three in the doorway as Chad continued, "That's how he's always a step ahead, isn't it, Jare? You've been working for him the whole time. You sicked those mutts on me in there too, didn't you?"

  He didn't wait for an answer as he marched toward the younger boy and gripping Jared's collar with his good hand to bring him close and look him in the eyes.

  "Nicky was in there with me, ya traitor!" Chad growled, shaking him by his collar then lifting his wounded and bleeding arm in front of his face. "You see this? This could've been Nicky's arm. Or her neck! And there is no measure to how fast I would've killed you if I had put two and two together when that happened."

  "Chad, stop it!" Nicky cried, hurrying toward him and trying to pull him away as Kat holstered her gun and Parker stepped toward the teens to take Jared from Chad's grip. "You're hurt! We have to get you to a hospital!"

  "We'd better get Jared there too, before he can't use his hand," Parker advised.

  * * *

  Seattle Grace Hospital...

  Chad examined his bandaged arm as he sat on the edge of his gurney in the open ward of the hospital, Nicky sitting next to him in a chair and Kat sitting in another chair on the other side of him, looking around the ward. Parker and Jared were in another ward, taking care of his gunshot wound. The three were silent for a moment as Chad stared at his arm, Nicky staring at him.



  Nicky hesitated for a moment before taking in a breath and saying, "What are we gonna do about Jared?"

  The question caught Kat's attention, making her look up at Nicky, glancing at Chad's back as he lowered his arm to his lap with a sigh.

  "Well, now that he's been found out, Nemo won't wanna use him anymore," he theorized. "That gives us an advantage."

  He turned his head to look over his shoulder at Kat and asked, "Is he gonna be arrested?"

  "Aiding and abetting a murderer is a crime," Kat nodded, sitting forward in her chair to talk shop. "But, if it goes to trial, there's a good chance that because he felt his life and his parents' lives were in danger that he'll catch a break. If you're worried about him goin' to jail, that is. He might not even be tried as an adult, so there's another break."

  "That's good, right?" Nicky smiled, slightly as she looked to Chad, but he had turned his gaze ahead again to stare down at the floor under his dangling feet. She sighed hopelessly before standing and stepping toward him to take his hands, gently and he looked up at her with a slight frown. "I know he betrayed us, but he was afraid of this guy, just like us. He probably remembered what happened to your parents and didn't want the same to happen to his or himself. You can't blame him for wanting to protect his family can you?"

  "I'm not even thinking about Jared right now, Nicky," Chad groaned, lifting a hand to rub his face, feeling his eyes becoming heavy.

  Nicky glanced to Kat before leaning closer to him to murmur, "You're thinking about what he called you, aren't you?"

  Chad sighed with a nod as he lowered his hand again and Nicky stepped between his knees to slip her arms around his neck and hug him close. He wrapped his good arm around her to hug her in return, feeling her shudder as she buried her face into his shoulder.

  "How could such a demented man be your brother?" she whispered.

  "I don't know, babe," he replied, just as quietly. "I plan to find out though, I swear."

  Nicky glanced at Kat and shifted her face to whisper into his ear, "Please don't do anything stupid."

  "It's a bit late for that speech, Nicky," Chad chuckled, then looked up to see Parker heading toward them from across the ward.

  He released Nicky as she turned around, hearing the detective's footsteps and Kat stood to head toward him.

  "How's Jared?" Nicky asked, not leaving Chad's side.

  "He'll be fine," Parker replied, and the three noticed something in his hand. "It was a through and through. The doctor did some surgery on it so he'll be able to use it again, hopefully." He held up the recorder in his hand. "He gave me this."

  "That's the recorder he left for Chad," Nicky explained. "Did you listen to it?"

  "I did," Parker nodded
before looking to Kat and saying, "Johnson, I think it's time we took these kids back to California. I'll stay here and catch this guy Nemo, and you take the kids home."

  "Whoa. Hang on. Time out," Chad replied, drawing everyone's attention to him, but he only looked to Parker. "I didn't come this far just to go back home without getting this guy. I'm not going anywhere without seeing him and talking to him myself."

  "Take a good look at your arm, Chad," Parker begged, nodding at him. "If he can do that, what do you think he's gonna do when you meet. I heard this tape. I know you want answers, and I promise, you'll get them, but I think it's time you let the professionals take care of this now."

  "I left it to the professionals for a year and you guys got nowhere," Chad retorted. "He called me. Not you guys, not the FBI, not the CIA…he called me, and I plan to find out what the hell possessed this psycho to do what he did. No one else. Me."

  "This isn't a negotiation anymore, Chad," Parker replied, sternly, pocketing the recorder and turning to Kat again. "As soon as these two are discharged I want the four of you on the next flight to California. I don't care if you have to drag them to the airport, get them home."

  "Yes, Sir," Kat nodded as Chad sent a burning glare at Parker as he stepped closer to Chad.

  "I don't blame you for being pissed off, but I'm doing this for your own good," Parker explained. "He killed your parents, and if given the chance, he'll kill you, too. I don't want another murder on my hands." He placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and pleading, "Trust me."

  "I don't trust anyone anymore, Villa," Chad replied in a low tone, sending Nicky's emerald gaze wide at him as Parker only nodded slightly in understanding, but Chad continued. "I trusted the cops to find this guy and they pegged me for the murder instead. I trusted Jared and look where that got me. I'm not gonna trust anyone else but myself and Nicky for a long time."


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