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Regency Romance: More For A Duke (The Fairbanks Series - The Familial Adventures) (CLEAN Historical Romance)

Page 3

by Bennett, Jessie

  Her mind wandered all over as she danced with Lord Draper. She didn’t hear anything he was saying. She managed to agree when it was appropriate and give a few grunts in response to him. She knew it wasn’t as ladylike as she should behave. Nevertheless, she had no interest in the Earl of Braxton. She had already made that clear, and so had her father.





  He looked around the room and spotted Elizabeth heading toward him.






  Shawn found himself exceedingly annoyed that Gerald Draper had cornered Elizabeth and practically forced her to dance with him. He wondered if the young lady was receptive to such a long, tall, spindly man. He hoped not. He chided himself for not having placed his name higher up on her dance card.

  When she cast a desperate look over her shoulder toward him, he almost burst out laughing. It appeared she was not as keen as Lord Draper would like to think. He kept his amusement to himself and watched as they circled the floor. She seemed completely uninterested in what the Earl was saying and the man didn’t even notice.

  He wanted to stride out onto the dance floor and rescue her from his claw-like clutches. However, he restrained himself. She made a beautiful figure, her long red gown sweeping the floor, every now and then revealing a dainty pair of black slippers that she wore on her small feet. He was intrigued. Such small feet. She was probably very slender under that large hoop around her waist. He imagined what it would feel like to place one of his hands on that small waist and grasp her hand in the other. Her hand was going to disappear in his large one. He couldn’t help smiling. It was something to look forward to.

  The song ended and another one began to play. One more and he would be dancing with her. Then he would dance one each with her sisters and then back to her again. After that, there were several other ladies who had cajoled him into placing his name on their cards. He had purposefully written his name on the further end of the cards, forcing himself to stay for longer than he knew he wanted to stay. Now he didn’t want to dance with any of the other women. He wanted to get to know Elizabeth. He wanted to know everything he could about her.

  His eyes narrowed when he saw the Earl of Braxton coming his way. He hadn’t seen the Earl since his return to Fairbanks County. They had not been what one might call “friends,” but they were not enemies either. He was duty-bound to push aside his earlier jealousy. He sighed heavily and put on his smile once again.

  “Your Grace, it is good to see you back home,” the gentleman bowed deeply.

  Shawn nodded at him. “It is good to be home, Lord Draper. How have you been faring?”

  “Well, thank you, your grace. The weather has been good for business, I am healthy and my bank accounts are full. Did you have any good experiences while you were away?”

  Shawn tried not to give the Earl an awkward look. The man made it sound like Shawn had been away on vacation. He’d been at war and even now, in the music being played, he could hear the cannons in the background and the cries of the men around him. The sights were there when he closed his eyes.

  Thinking about it made Shawn realize that since he had met the beautiful Miss Elizabeth, he had not heard the cannons. He refocused on the gentleman in front of him. “I had very few good experiences, Lord Draper. There was a lot of death and noise around me. I had no time to look for good. It is difficult when everything you are surrounded by is bad.”

  The Earl looked sheepish as he realized his mistake. “I apologize, your grace. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “It’s quite all right, Lord Draper. How are you finding the ton this season?”

  “I’ve found it to be most intriguing.”

  “You are seeking a bride then?”

  “Yes, it is necessary for me to find someone now that several years have passed since the death of my dear Lady and wife Daniella.”


  “And are you also seeking a bride, your grace?”

  “Yes. Whom do you suggest? I have not been in the loop for some time now.”

  “There are several fine ladies available this season. I was quite impressed by it. I have my eye on one in particular though, of course.”

  “What do you think of Elizabeth Dowling?” Shawn asked the question on purpose, knowing from the look on Lord Draper’s face while dancing with her that he was highly interested in her. He was not surprised by the look of surprise that swept over Lord Draper’s features, quickly turning to one of terror. He was looking at competition and he knew he had already lost. Then, just as quickly, his face turned to something else, something devious and scheming. It made Shawn’s nerves tingle.

  “That is exactly who I was thinking of, your grace.” Lord Draper’s voice lowered. “She is quite a beauty and her intelligence knows no bounds. She is a young lady who would make a fine wife and mother. I intend to court her.”

  “Have you spoken to her father about it?”

  Lord Draper looked uncomfortable. “He…he has turned me down, but just once. I will continue to pursue, as my father taught me to be persistent and not to give up when I set my sights on something.”

  “That may be good advice when you are dealing with buying a new horse or purchasing land. But when it comes to a woman, you have to know when to let it go. Being persistent is a good trait to have. Courting a woman may not be the best time to apply it.”

  Lord Draper just stared at the Duke, having appeared to have lost all his words. He blinked a few times and then bowed abruptly. “It was wonderful to see you again, your grace. I am glad that you have returned, as Fairbanks County is in need of your wisdom. I’ll take my leave, as I believe the next dance will be starting soon and I have a place on a card Lady Bishop is holding somewhere in this room.”

  The two men smiled at each other. Lord Draper turned on his heel and headed across the empty dance floor. The Duke realized that the distinguished Earl was right. The next dance was about to begin and it was the one he was looking forward to most. He looked around the room and spotted Elizabeth heading toward him. She was wearing a smile that made his heart almost stop. He was amazed by her beauty.





  It did. He was terribly pleased that she was willing to play along with his humor. “Have you learned to ride a horse? Or have you been transported in carriages all of your life?”






  Shawn remained calm while dancing with Elizabeth, though inside he was a bundle of nerves. He enjoyed the sound of her voice and prompted her to speak by asking silly questions. The looks she gave him when he asked the questions were enough to make him feel like a little boy, dancing on the inside.

  “So,” he asked in a very serious tone. “What, may I ask, is your favorite color? I tend to prefer greens myself. There are many varieties that can be seen in nature. What is yours?”

  Elizabeth gazed at him, unsure of how to respond to the question. It seemed so simple. She tried to complicate it by making it more substantive than it actually was. After a few moments of feeling scatter-brained, she answered the question. “I like the color orange, but it must be a deep color of orange, almost a red. Not bright orange, as that tends to make my skin look like it’s a dark yellow.” She smiled at him, hoping her answer amused him.

  It did. He was terribly pleased that she was willing to play along with his humor. “Have you learned to ride a horse? Or have you been transported in carriages all of your life?”

  “I do know how to ride a horse, your grace, as a matter of fact.”

  He smiled at her. “That is wonderful. Shall we go for a ride tomorrow afternoon? I will pick you up and take you to the house. We will ride the horses in my stable and take in the lands. I have not yet had a chance to explore my bel
oved hills and valleys since I returned to Fairbanks.”

  She looked surprised. “Oh? I would think it would be one of the first things you would do.”

  He nodded. “I had intended to do so. But there were more pressing matters I was forced to attend to.”

  “I understand.”

  They moved around the dance floor as though they were the only ones in the room. Eyes were on them the entire time, some amazed, others unhappy.

  “I am supposed to dance with him next,” Jillian’s cheeks were apple red as she spoke excitedly to her sisters. “Oh, it’s going to be something to remember! I’ll be able to tell my children and grandchildren that I danced with the Duke of Worthington. Oh how exciting!”

  “You are acting like a little fool,” Katherine said, shaking her head, making her long blonde curls shake back and forth. Jillian looked at her in stunned silence.

  “What is wrong with you, Katie? Why are you being mean?” Janelle was the one who responded in defense of her sister.

  Katherine frowned, twisting her normally pretty face into an unkind knot. “Nothing is wrong with me. I’m not being mean!”

  Both of her sisters gave her a reproachful look and turned their backs to her, resuming their excited giggling. She huffed and stomped away from them, lifting her skirts slightly so that she could move faster. In her hurry, she almost ran into Lord Draper, who was standing stock still, holding a wine glass in one hand. He was staring at the Duke and Elizabeth with no amount of respect on his face. In fact, he rather looked like he wanted to vomit. Katherine halted just before slamming into him and his eyes darted in her direction. The look of disgust on his face was instantly gone and he nodded at Katherine.

  “Good evening, Miss Katherine.”

  “Good evening, Lord Draper.” She curtsied to him. “I apologize for almost running into you, my lord.”

  “Don’t trouble yourself.” He shook his head. His eyes moved back to the dance floor. His face resumed its previous disgusted look.

  “You are unhappy, my lord. Would you like to talk about it?” Katherine’s eyes weren’t on the dancing couple. She was looking for a server so that she could fetch a glass of wine from his tray.

  “I would rather not be here this evening.”

  “I often prefer to sit at home with a large dish of hot cocoa instead of dressing up and going out.” Katherine spotted the server and lifted her hand to him. He walked toward her.

  “Do you?” Lord Draper gave her another glance. She could tell that he approved. Then he went back to staring at her sister and the Duke.

  “They make a fine couple, don’t they, my lord?” Katherine was unable to keep the tension from her voice.

  Lord Draper’s eyes narrowed. His voice dropped low. “Yes. They do.”

  “Did I hear that you have already asked my father for Elizabeth’s hand, my lord?” She hoped her nervousness could not be heard. Without looking at him, she sensed the man stiffen. He didn’t look at her.

  “Yes. I have.”

  “I have the dance after this one with the Duke. Perhaps…something said or done might sway my sister in your direction.”

  This time, Lord Draper did look at her. His brown eyes were narrow and calculating. He seemed to be assessing her intently in a brief pause before he spoke. “Oh?”

  “Yes. I hope to draw his interest in a different direction.”

  “He is apparently spell-bound. How do you intend to change that?”

  “I, more than anyone, know my sister Elizabeth. I know her well.”

  “I would assume you would.”

  “I have a very good imagination, as well.” Katherine lifted her glass and downed the rest of her wine. She immediately began looking for another server.

  Lord Draper glanced at her, thinking about how devious it was for a woman to conspire against her own sister. It made him only slightly uncomfortable. He desired Elizabeth in more ways than one. He didn’t particularly wish to encourage a public bashing of her character.

  Nevertheless, he wasn’t going to stop Katherine from doing what she wanted to do.





  “Well, the Duke showed interest in several women. Even me.”






  Elizabeth reluctantly handed the Duke over to her younger sister after their dance. He held her hand for a prolonged period of time after bowing and kissing it. He said he’d had a wonderful time chatting with her and was looking forward to their ride the next day. Jillian was within earshot when he mentioned the ride and gave Elizabeth a grin that reached into her wide blue eyes. Elizabeth giggled at the sight of her sister’s excitement.

  The Duke smiled at Jillian, bowed to her and took her hand. He was many years older than her and couldn’t help thinking of her as still just a child, even though she was of age to attend her first season and be courted by the available bachelors.

  “How are you this evening, my dear? Are you having a good time?”

  “Oh yes, your grace! I truly am!”

  Elizabeth could hear no more as the Duke escorted her sister out onto the dance floor. She sighed contentedly, gazing at the handsome features she hoped she would see often in her future. Before he began to dance with Jillian, Shawn got in one more long glance at her, smiling wide. She returned the look and the smile.

  * * *

  Her mind was still swimming in a sea of pleasant emotion when she stepped out of the carriage with her sisters and hopped through the sprinkling rain to get inside the house. Her younger twin sisters were giggling like mad and made a quick dash into the house before any of the servants could unfold an umbrella over their heads.

  “Lady Dowling. Miss Elizabeth.” Jeffrey was by their side in moments, holding up a large black and white umbrella, shielding them from the droplets.

  “Thank you, Jeffrey.” Lady Dowling looked at her oldest daughter, who took the umbrella from the butler and held it between herself and her mother. “How did you find the event, Elizabeth?”

  “I am surprised that they let it go on so long.”

  “Oh? I suppose they didn’t want to close the doors while the Duke was still there.”

  “I was surprised he stayed around as long as he did.”

  “I think he was quite taken with you, Elizabeth.” Her mother was smiling at her. It made Elizabeth proud. She inhaled deeply.

  “Yes, it seemed so. I do hope so. I…was quite taken with him myself.”

  “Your sisters were gushing over him, I must say. As a matter of fact, there were quite a few ladies swooning when it comes to Duke Shawn William Worthington. He is quite a man. A soldier and a gentleman.”

  “Yes. I agree.”

  “I’m sure that you do.”

  Elizabeth wanted to ask her mother if she thought the Duke looked as pleased to dance with the other ladies as he did with her, but she couldn’t bring herself to voice the question. She wanted to believe that his interest was only in her and not in finding a bride as quickly as possible and producing an heir for his family line. He hadn’t given her that impression at all when they had danced together. She’d watched and he hadn’t danced with anyone else twice. Only her. Surely that meant something.

  She said goodnight to her mother and went up to the second floor, passing Jillian’s room and then turning back to look around the corner into the room. Her three sisters were in there, undressing and preparing for bed. She joined them.

  “Did you girls have a good time tonight?” she asked, knowing the answer.

  “Oh yes!” Jillian held the gown she had been wearing against her chest and held out one arm to mimic the dancing she had done. She moved around the room gracefully, humming the waltz that played to close out the evening. “So many handsome men! So much fine music and food! Oh my! I haven’t eaten like that since…oh, I should not eat like that at every event of the season. I will find
myself bursting the seams of the beautiful gowns that Papa bought for me!”

  “Yes, you must watch your waistline, Jill!” Janelle reached out and poked her sister in the ribs gently. Jillian swatted her hand away, gasping in mock horror.

  “Oh! You think I am already in need of gown repair, do you?” She poked her sister back and both of them laughed.

  “Settle down, girls.” Katherine smiled at them both. “I certainly enjoyed dancing with the Duke. Didn’t you?”

  “So much!” Jillian gushed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “He’s so tall and handsome and distinguished. Why I can just imagine…” She giggled and directed her eyes toward Elizabeth. “Oh, I shouldn’t say in present company.”

  Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. “Whatever do you mean, Jillian?”

  Jillian lifted one hand and placed it over her mouth, shaking her head. Janelle picked up the cue from there. “She’s saying that she won’t imagine what it would be like to be on his arm as his wife. That might be you, Lizzie!”

  Elizabeth blushed furiously.

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Katherine spoke up. Her sisters all looked at her in surprise.

  “What are you saying, Katie?” Jillian’s excited look darkened somewhat.

  “Well, the Duke showed interest in several women. Even me.” Her voice took on a haughty tone that her sisters immediately recognized.

  Jillian rolled her eyes again, this time with some disdain. “Oh, Katie. If you couldn’t see his interest in Lizzie, then you are blind.”

  “Or fooling yourself!” Janelle added.

  Elizabeth said nothing.

  Katherine seemed unfazed. She shook her head and shrugged. “All I’m saying is that when he was dancing with me, his arms felt very warm and inviting and he asked the oddest questions. He seemed to be amused by my answers. I kept trying to steer him back to the topics of the day and he kept just asking strange questions.”


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