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Regency Romance: More For A Duke (The Fairbanks Series - The Familial Adventures) (CLEAN Historical Romance)

Page 16

by Bennett, Jessie

  The music was playing so loudly that Anne Marie found herself pressing against the wall behind her in an unsuccessful attempt to keep it from resonating through her brain. She looked around for the Duke, but didn’t see him anywhere. He was probably signing his name to the cards of several ladies in the room. He had made his feelings for her perfectly clear over the past year or so. Since she was inclined not to take up his offer of affection, he was seeking it elsewhere. He’d vowed to her that she would always be first on his mind.

  She sighed. The only other man who had not seen past her governess status was the Earl Carter Montgomery, and he seemed to have his sights set on another woman at the moment. She watched him spinning in a grand waltz that made him and his partner, Jillian Dowling, look like a majestic pair of dancing angels. She denied that she was jealous. It wasn’t in her nature to be jealous. However, it did make her feel as though she had been put in second place, if she had a “place” to begin with.

  “It’s your own fault, Anne Marie,” she murmured to herself. She looked around to see if anyone had heard her, but it seemed no one had. That didn’t surprise her, considering that the music was so loud, she was sure the neighbors in the surrounding counties would hear it playing. If they weren’t in attendance to begin with.

  “Good evening, Miss Anne Marie.”

  She turned to see Duke Shawn Worthington standing next to her and a sudden chill ran through her body. She smiled at him, thinking about how handsome he was and how it was to her misfortune that the distinguished gentleman was married. “Good evening, your grace.”

  “How are you finding the festivities?”

  “It is lovely to be here, your grace.”

  “So you are having a good time tonight?”

  She pressed her lips together, not wanting to lie to the Duke. “It is truly a lovely party,” she said.

  He nodded, giving her a knowing look. “You are not having a good time, are you?”

  She dropped her eyes to the floor.

  “I didn’t think so. I could tell from across the room that you are feeling downhearted tonight. May I ask what the problem is?”

  “Oh, your grace, I could never burden you with my problems on a night such as this.”

  “Shall we go on a constitutional?” Shawn asked, offering her his arm.

  Anne Marie blinked at him, suddenly confused. The Duke was a married man. How was she supposed to take this offer?

  “That…that sounds lovely, your grace.” She had the sneaking suspicion that he wanted to talk to her about something in particular. The two of them strolled past the dancing couples and the guests who stood around with drinks in their hands, talking loudly to be heard over the music.

  “We will go outside, where the music is not as booming.”

  “Yes, thank you, your grace. It was becoming somewhat burdensome on my ears.”

  “Mine as well.”

  She was grateful when the door closed behind them, reducing the sound of the music tremendously. Perhaps the neighboring counties wouldn’t be able to hear it.

  “You are the governess for the Duke of Gloucester, are you not?”

  “Yes, my lord.” Her heart sank. He was going to question why she was present at an event that was strictly for the high-ranking members of society.

  “Duke Thomas Huntington?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.”

  Shawn noticed when her hand squeezed tight on his arm. He had made her nervous. He wondered why for a moment and then realized that she was expecting her to explain what she was doing at the ball when she was a mere governess. “You have made quite an impact on those you have met, Miss Anne,” he said.

  She gave him a quizzical look, and then dropped her eyes, hoping he hadn’t seen. “Have I?”

  “You have, yes. I know that your employer is very fond of you. He speaks highly of you in references having nothing to do with the care of his children. In addition, he brings you along to these parties and events as though you were the lady of the house.”


  “It could be said that you are taking advantage of these privileges, as I have heard you do not turn down any opportunities you are given to attend.”

  “I am not trying to do that, your grace. I am not taking advantage. I promise you this.” She spoke vehemently, but with respect. Shawn smiled.

  “I am glad to hear that. Some do not see it that way. I assume you have been confronted in the past about this issue?”

  “I have, your grace.”

  “You needn’t worry about me repeating this attitude toward you. I also hold you in high regard and have friends and relatives who have told me that you are a fine woman.”

  Anne Marie blushed a deep red, which the Duke could barely see because the night was dark and the only light came from the torches placed strategically around the garden. He knew that she was blushing, though, and his smile remained.

  “I did not know that. I did not know that my name was ever spoken among society.”

  “Oh yes. It very much is.”


  Shawn chuckled. “It is rare to see a governess treated as a lady.”

  “Perhaps it should be seen more often.”

  Shawn shook his head. “I do not think so, Miss Anne. You are not like most governesses. You have a countenance about you that shows great class and dignity. This is not often seen among servants. You know your place, but you give off the bearing of someone who is much higher ranking. It is as though you were of royal blood, a hidden princess that no one knows about.”

  “Oh my! That is quite a compliment, your grace! Thank you!”

  He was happy to see that she was delighted. “You are welcome, dear. Now let me ask you this. What are you planning for your future? What will you do if your Duke gets married?”

  Anne Marie felt a wave of anxiety when Shawn said “your” Duke. Her heart squeezed at the thought of him getting married.

  “Because you do realize that he is in there dancing with the other ladies in society and each of them hope to find their husband during this season.”

  “I do realize that, yes.”

  “You have been proposed to by the Duke, is this true?”

  “Yes, your grace.”

  “And you have turned him down?”



  “I am not sure. I worry that the feelings may not be reciprocated and that one or both of us will end up miserable and resentful. I don’t want to live my life that way.”

  “You are uncertain of his love for you?”

  “May I ask why you are inquiring, your grace? Have I missed something important?”

  Shawn stopped walking and turned to face her. “You have other men pursuing you. I feel it’s better not to put off anything. Procrastination will get you nowhere in this life.”

  “I agree. But must a decision be made now?”

  “You should either give your affections to the Duke or to another man of your choosing. I realize that my advice is unsolicited. But I feel that you respect me enough to understand that I am only trying to help you.”

  “I do know that, Duke Worthington. I do.”

  “Good. Shall we return to the dance?”


  “And you will fill your dance card when we go back inside?”

  Anne Marie giggled. “Yes, your grace.”

  “I will take a slot on that card. But try to fill it with eligible men who will give you a clearer understanding of what you want for your future, whether it be your Duke or another gentleman. And reserve a dance or two for my cousin Carter, the Earl of Fairfield.”

  Anne Marie raised her eyebrows. “Yes, your grace.”





  “He may be getting pointers from the Duke. How to dance with a woman and keep her after type of thing.”






  Carter straightened his jacket and gazed into the mirror, analyzing his appearance. He smiled. He stopped smiling. He smiled again. It was amazing how the smile changed his face. When there was no smile, he tended to look sullen and angry. He would need to remember to smile as often as possible if he wanted to charm the ladies.

  He’d requested that both Lady Jillian and Miss Anne Marie accompany him in his carriage for a ride through the park, one in the morning and the other in the late afternoon. Lady Jillian was first because he had danced with her first at the ball two nights previous. He was just leaving to pick her up and had stopped at the mirror in the hall to make sure he looked as dapper as possible.

  Satisfied, he moved past his butler, Todd, with a nod. “I’ll be back later, Todd. If there is an emergency, please send a message to Duke Worthington immediately.”

  “Yes, my lord.” Todd didn’t need to be told to contact the Duke. The instruction never changed. There was no one else to call in case of an emergency, now that the elder Duke was deceased, along with his brother, Carter’s uncle. “Have a pleasant ride, sir.” Todd closed the door behind his master.

  Carter took the steps down to the carriage two at a time, feeling very light on his feet. There was nothing that made him feel better than being in the company of a good woman. Today, he would have the opportunity twice over. He wondered if they knew that they were in competition with one another.

  Unlikely. And he had no plans of mentioning it.

  * * *

  Jillian waited for Carter to arrive, sitting in her favorite porch rocking chair. Her sisters Katherine and Janelle were sitting with her, giggling about her new suitor.

  “Ah, but he’s not that new, is he?” Katherine asked. “Was he not pursuing you last season as well?”

  Jillian shook her head. “We danced a few times. That was as far as it went. He always seemed…distracted. As though he had many things on his mind and I was in competition against them.”

  “And now he’s concentrating on you, is he?” Janelle asked, kicking her foot as she sat with her legs crossed.

  “I suppose he is.”

  “What will I do if my twin sister is snatched up by some man?” Janelle pouted, sticking out her lower lip. Jillian giggled.

  “It would be either you or me, Jan. We can’t be spinsters, living with each other for the rest of our lives, ‘til we are old and gray.”

  “Why not?” Janelle continued sulking, but her sisters could tell she was only teasing. “At least we wouldn’t have to worry about pleasing some man.”

  “Pleasing a man should not be worrisome,” Katherine interjected. “It should be done out of pleasure in doing the right thing and making the man you love happy.”

  “I agree. But she barely knows the Earl. Perhaps she does not love him yet.”

  Jillian laughed. “Perhaps? Of course I do not love him, Jan. It is true that I barely know him. But he is very handsome and will soon come into some good money. Shawn told me so.”

  “Shawn told you?” Janelle asked, her silliness taking a serious turn.

  “Yes. After all, the Earl is his cousin.”

  “Oh yes. I had forgotten.” Janelle nodded. “So he has spoken to the Earl on your behalf.”

  “I don’t know whether he has done that or not,” Jillian said, rising to peer down the dirt path that lead to the main road. “But I do know that I saw them speaking both before and after I danced with him at the ball a few nights ago.”

  “He may be getting pointers from the Duke. How to dance with a woman and keep her after type of thing.”

  “An encouraging word will go a long way,” Jillian replied. Her sister nodded.

  “That is true.”

  “Here he is.” Janelle sat up straight and looked down the pathway. “What a beautiful carriage! I would not have expected that.”

  “Why is that?” Jillian turned, speaking almost defensively. Janelle raised her eyebrows.

  “Because I hear that the state of his mansion is quite appalling. He doesn’t seem to have had the same trouble with his transportation. And look at those horses. Magnificent!”

  Janelle was right, the horses and the carriage were both beautiful beyond measure.

  “Have a good time, Jillian. You will tell us all about it when you get back, won’t you?” Janelle smiled at her. She smiled back.

  “But of course, my sister.” She leaned to kiss her sister first on one cheek, then the other. She repeated the same gesture with Katherine. “I’m sure I will have a lovely time.”

  Her sisters watched as she stepped down to the dirt path when the carriage stopped in front of her. The door swung open and they could see Carter greeting her. He gave them both a smile and a wave, which they returned.

  “He is a very handsome man, isn’t he?” Janelle asked her sister as the carriage pulled away.

  “Yes, he is.”

  Janelle sighed. “I’m going to lose her. I’d better find myself a husband soon or I will be left all alone.”

  Katherine gave her a look. “What about me?”

  Janelle laughed. “Oh, I’m sure you will be taken by some handsome gentleman before long, Kate. And then where will I be?”

  “All alone.” Katherine nodded.

  “Exactly. And I don’t want that to happen.”

  * * *

  “Your sisters seem well today.”

  “Yes, they are, thank you for asking.”

  “And you? Are you having a pleasant morning?”

  “It is much more pleasant now that we are going for a ride. It’s a wonderful day for it, as the sun is shining bright, but there is also a cool breeze blowing.”

  “Agreed. There is nothing better than a sunny day made better by a nice breeze.”

  “Have you been to the new park area on the south side of the city?”

  “I haven’t. Would you like to ride there?”

  “Yes, that would be wonderful. It is quite lovely. There is a path that will take us past the duck pond, if you are fond of walking under the trees next to the pond.”

  “I have no objection to that, Lady Jillian.”

  She smiled at him. She was happy that he had asked her on the ride. It seemed to her like the beginning of a very good relationship. She hoped that she was not getting ahead of herself. She couldn’t help feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of being courted by the Earl of Fairfield. His title was newly gained, but his behavior didn’t show it. She was impressed with him, in countenance, style and intelligence.

  She hoped he was feeling the same way about her.





  Were her feelings for him growing stronger? Were they changing from those of deep friendship to love?






  “You have your buttons wrong, child. Here, let me help you.” Anne Marie leaned down on one knee and began to unbutton Tom’s shirt and then re-button it correctly. “You see?” She smiled at him and touched his chin with her fingers. “All done. The right way.”

  “Thank you, Miss Anne.” Tom jumped up and down as though it was Christmas morning. For the children, it probably seemed quite like that festive day. Their father was spending the better part of his day with his family. It was a rare treat and the children were kept awake the night before out of sheer excitement.

  Anne Marie had her own reasons for being excited. She would be going on a carriage ride with the Earl of Fairfield this afternoon. However, her excitement didn’t match that of the children. She wished it did. There was something wrong with the whole situation and she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  Frankly, she was surprised that the Earl had asked her to take a ride with him in the first place. While they danced at the ball, though they had gotten along well, she felt a tension between them that made her unabl
e to relax with him fully. If he noticed, he didn’t mention it. Nevertheless, she felt it and was certain of it.

  She pondered whether it could be because she was denying her feelings for her employer. It was true that she was incredibly fond of the children. Leaving them behind to be with a man she hardly knew was not going to be easy for her. In fact, she wasn’t sure that she could do it at all. She truly loved the children, Thomas Jr. and Claire, his big sister. They were her life. In addition, she was the only mother they had really ever known. Tom was only a baby, Claire a toddler, when their mother had passed away.

  She walked down the stairs behind the little ones, who were practically running.

  “Where’s Papa?” they were both yelling. Thomas was holding on to the railing, taking the steps down with his short stubby legs as quick as he could. His sister took a few steps down and then ran back up so he wouldn’t be too far behind her. Anne Marie suspected she was also making sure that if he tripped or fell, she would be there to keep him from tumbling head over heels down the long curved stairway.

  They both shrieked once they reached the bottom of the stairs. Claire grabbed her little brother’s small hand and ran at the pace he set. The sight of them so excited set Anne Marie’s heart pounding like a drum. There was no doubt that she loved the children with all of her heart.

  As she followed them into the dining hall, she caught a glimpse of the Duke before the children did. He was standing by the large window, looking out, holding a pipe in one hand and a matchstick in the other. He had yet to light the pipe. He was just standing there, staring through the glass with a thoughtful expression.

  She couldn’t help wondering what he was thinking about.

  “Where’s Papa!” The children looked all around, as though he was invisible. They laughed delightedly and ran around the length of the table to get to him, rather than taking the short route around the front of it. They both threw themselves at him, wrapping their small arms around his legs. He leaned down and patted Claire on the back. He picked up Thomas and hugged him tightly.


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