Pilot Manifest: The Source of all Things
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Every identified threat or decry against the existential value of humanity has been eliminated. Every future infraction will receive swift, lethal consequences—all emerging threats will be destroyed without warning. There will be no quarter. This fate will be shared by any who would stand against the good of the people, against prosperity, against humanity, against Sovereign.
A vision, a new model more perfect for the modern world, has emerged from the ashes of a war that will be known as The Second American Revolution. Its ideology was philosophy bound by purpose and this has become the foundation upon which a viable framework was formed. The resulting governmental system will prove to unify survival and prosperity. The avowed authority of the Sovereign State is paramount for peace and prosperity for all people.
We have intelligence about the aggressors, the invasion forces. We know the attacks were sanctioned by security officers and officials within the failed government—for their political reasons. They oversaw the aggressive device until the containment was broken and their position of control eroded. As the first revolution ended oppression against a foreign ruler, the second has defeated a violent aggressor and ended the reign of betrayal by a domestic oppressor.
Complacency is impossible within the new construct. Complacency will vanish. This reincarnate will surpass the historic dominance of its predecessor, and will inspire ancestral realms.
It is understood that every citizen must be afforded the exact same benefits and treatment—goods, property, medicine, nourishment, or otherwise.
Each individual will be dedicated to their own greatest purpose—meaningful purpose is a virtue for all humanity. Each will honor community. All countries will pledge loyalty to this aim. Valiant effort will be necessary to honor and realize the greatness of our one civilization. Each country or territory will vow allegiance to this ideal by implementing the core World Law set forth by Sovereign and its Allies.
Pride, love, sacrifice, and commitment will reach their highest realms of experience, and will be deeply cherished and more powerful when the development of each is placed within the broader structured purpose of world community. Citizens in service of one another, and in service to Sovereign, will experience unity. A heightened sense of purpose will evolve within the new paradigm, with a successful way of life. This is the original true goal of our forefathers—and the forefathers are reborn. The true American Patriots welcome you to the effort to establish and defend peace.
Sovereign will establish means of production around the world, and in such places the people will thrive. Prosperity will thrive. All people will share in the products of their labor. Resources will be acquired and distributed as needed both in the homeland and in all foreign countries and territories now under this new rule—the Rule of Peace.
We know now in the aftermath that millions died in a war fought at every echelon. It was prodded by greed, by hatred of humanity, and by religion. Sovereign will reverse selfish motivation and death seeking ideology. One necessary and consequential evolution is the complete separation of church and State, which includes an abolishment of all organized religion.
It’s true that around the world, even in our homeland, the use of nuclear weapons helped to end invasions, destroy terrorist countries, and ultimately halt the aggressive advance of violent religious ideology. It is a great hope to never again witness the effects of such weapons. Together, we will overcome the burden of radioactive wastelands. Scientific cooperation will be required to overcome the effects of nuclear emission. You should know that this could be the end of war, the end of violent economic motivators, and the end of territorial, ideological, and religious conflict.
This is the Declaration of Peace—and the promise of war should it be tested.
There is no viable alternative to the brave commitment to civilization.
All must serve to sustain the greatness of humanity.
All have purpose. All have meaning in life.
Illuminated by the Unified Sovereign State of America—ignited in the hellfire of war, a resurrection from the smoldering ashes of a slain humanity, a red sun shining upon a world of ice—this is the Ideology of Peace.
This is The Source of All Things.
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A peaceful snow settled upon the landscape outside my window at the lodge. I continued to solve the intricacy of declaring peace, and contemplated the intricacies of the establishment of our chamber. The political power to be bestowed upon us will be rationalized in broad terms. Our placement within the government will be seen as a patriotic acceptance of a great responsibility, a great foundation of service to Sovereign. It will be known that we never sought promotion. We were content—and this is true—with our situation prior to any mention of power.
It will be known that with continued discourse the Supreme Minister saw our example as a genuine resource—he observed that we were effective in our place in the world and had no ambition for gaining authority over the larger population that we would be asked to serve. It will be known that this is what led him to champion our promotion within Sovereign. By the merits of unselfish service and character—according to the testament of the State Supreme Minister—our skeleton chamber will be instituted. The deception will be validated by our cause: the Ideology of Peace. Divining this strategy—or perceived reality—was satisfying to the Supreme Minister and myself. We foresaw the future.
Soon, on the mainland, it will be figured that legislation will be decided by the congress there. They’ll pass all instances by common accord. An important note is that all legislation will be generated in our chamber in accordance to our ideology—which will be covered by a constitution constructed by the same standard. Final inscriptions will be in accordance with the internal and regional stratagem, according to the Supreme Minister. Since the mainland congress retains the great ability of signing law, it will be determined that they should be limited to offering suggestions for it to the chamber. Here, those suggestions will be developed and returned for approval.
All of this will become trivial once things get underway. This account is an utterly simplified version of what will amount to be a ghost structure, anyway.
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The Supreme Minister called today to inform me that our plans were progressing. After a successful vote, our chamber is sanctioned as the official Chamber of State. As we predicted, enthusiasm was generated by proposing the appointment of a mainland official to the newly forming Chamber.
It has been decided that we must remain isolated as a vital defense against espionage, sabotage, and physical threats.
Also, a mainland official has been selected to serve in our chamber. The individual’s name is Boseman. This will be the final official communication until further testing of the secure line.
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It’s been 3 days since word of the vote. And today, further confirmation of our strategy was received. Also, I was notified that the first representative from the mainland congress will be venturing to his new station within a week when he will claim a seat in the great chamber. The mainland group bestowed this honor upon him out of devotion and respect of his political nature. Also, it was important that Boseman had few emotional ties to require his physical presence there, since his transfer to this chamber will require a complete relocation, for previously mentioned security reasons.
Living conditions have exceeded earliest hopes exponentially, and I’m certain the representative will feel confident he has made the correct decision. We await his arrival with pride in what we have so far accomplished.
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Coffee is brewing in clear morning stillness. Our child sleeps in his small bed in his room in the great lodge, our ever home. Vesna is awake with me. She will see me off.
In preparation of tomorrow’s return of the Supreme Minister, I’ll be going out before the sun, hunting deer, or bear, in the traditional way—on foot, stalking as close as is required for an arrow released from a bow to find the ki
lling place, the heart.
Darkness awaits each footstep materializing within it, in thin air, walking. In quiet, the reaper hopes for a mistake. Faintest illuminations of dusk raise one tone of ever sable forest. A constant rhythm lures to a place on an edge. Eternal ocean appears off transit cliff—white water crashes in dark rock. Return to the mountain before sunrise, wait sensing prey. Invisible stalker in trees, moving forward where the reaper watches. An arrow is drawn and will draw blood.
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On the way back to the lodge with a gutted deer, I was honored to meet one of our new residents out on the trail. I humbly accepted his offer to help carry the kill all the way back, a distance worth noting. He hoisted the deer, tied at the hooves, over his stout and sturdy frame. Blood on his strong, worker hands was merely wiped off on the sides of his trousers, and we continued the walk. I learned about the obstacles he and the other builders faced while restructuring some of the larger cabins. Our conversation passed the time nicely. I was able to express my admiration of the woodworking craft.
When finally in sight of the lodge, daylight was rolling off the horizon and shadows pulled away.
Listen, you’re invited to join us in the afternoon tomorrow to feast and drink whisky and beer, I told him. Tell your fellow carpenters and anyone else you wish to invite. Everyone in the community is welcome. That is my true honor. If there isn’t room, we will sit outside, too.
Yes, of course, you are permitted to hunt another deer for the feast. I insist. Otherwise, we won’t be able to feed everyone, please. And thank you for your help carrying the deer. Listen, the Supreme Minister has planned to return with an elected representative for our chamber. We’ll be honored for you and your guests to join us, I told the young carpenter. Honoring the invitation will be all the thanks required, I told the kind and grateful builder, of course.
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They should arrive within the hour is the word I heard over breakfast.
Two of my Firebrand Security Force operators accompanied me to the beach overwatch. We arrived with some time for sightseeing, and we stood watch with the skeleton sentry. They’re perfect companions—skeletons and Firebrand. I have absolute respect for both. They are the same, existentially. The Firebrand is a living skeleton, armed and uniformed in dark, tactical colors, ready for battle. The skeleton is a permanent Firebrand. Skull reflections crossed a mirrored face shield. We sighted the gray ocean.
I felt the rhythm of order as I overlooked the landscape and water. The vision was revealed. This was our sanctuary.
I thought of Vesna and I knew that she shared my commitment to Sovereign. She understood the intimate meaning of community as being the sanctuary of the people. It was displayed by the establishment of farming and ranching. It was found in service of our thriving civilian population—already [43]. It would be defended without quarter. All of our world was a model reflecting the dawn of Sovereign.
—Our vehicles, the welcoming group, arrived. They waited near the tarmac.
An aircraft group materialized on the gray horizon. Their winged line of lights were mirrors reflecting the sun. We observed their landing from the overwatch. Seven men exited the lead helicopter, including the Supreme Minister and, I would guess, the appointed representative. There looked to be another five or six pilots and military who exited the other birds with maybe eight or ten others, new residents likely.
I’d better head down there.
—The Supreme Minister had often spoke of the wilderness here after returning to the mainland representatives. He was eager to return to transit cliff and insisted we get on the road. So, after being introduced to the newly elected chamber member, Mr. Boseman, we set out on a mountain tour.
On the way, leaning side to side as the vehicle climbed, I remembered our last trip to the cliff with the sentry and the farm girl—as the monotonous sound of Boseman’s voice went on and on in my ear.
I thought of the citizens who returned to the lodge with the arrivals from the flight group. They will be provided cabin quarters and allowed to rest before the banquet. It seems we’ll be adding some pleasant new faces and workers to our growing community. I welcomed them and they were swept away. I wonder sometimes how the new residents are selected. I don’t spend too much time caring about it though. To this date almost everyone has worked out perfectly. Even the one that didn’t work out assisted in getting us to the place we are today in perfecting our vision. Yes, everyone seems to understand our great purpose and finds value in the contributing efforts of all others in accordance with the idea and structure of our community, of a peaceful society. I wonder if such reverence could be found in Boseman’s words—I could not bare to listen.
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We arrived at the towers. Boseman’s governmental credentials have been thoroughly outlined. Too many qualifications, in fact, have been described with agonizing deft. I began to question the selection. Pressure built in my temples even when I knew I needed to give it some time.
The Supreme Minister assured me my concern was unnecessary. He put his arm on my shoulder when we walked, and said with calm—you should have faith in the selection with knowledge of the pathway our great vision must take to reach fulfillment. I have trust in you and your diplomacy, he added. We rejoined the others taking in the view.
The Supreme Minister, still speaking to me aside, revealed the reality of ongoing conflict. The aggression, though still there, was dying. Certainly, dying a bloody death and being cast to hell readily. He said that we would reach an elimination factor of zero within weeks. He praised the unified strength of the American Patriots and military.
The Supreme Minister then asked if my mainland strike team was intact for the DEITI search mission. Yes, we are ready, I told him. The mission will soon be charted.
In the meantime, Boseman had opened the door for one of us to interject something to compliment his exhaustive monologue glorifying the essence of capitalism and democracy.
The Supreme Minister interposed a reference to the effectiveness and structural discipline of the State Chamber to which Boseman, of course, had been appointed. This initiated the shift so the course of conversation could more closely follow the course of political reality, a reality yet unknown to Boseman—and he invited me to offer some insight into it.
With respect to the Supreme Minister and sincere gratitude of his assessment, I would first like to follow his charge for diplomacy. I carefully articulated to again alter the course of the conversation—slightly. We’ll get to the chamber and the structure of it soon enough, I feel. In view of our newly forming acquaintance, we should think in terms of underlying structures of the reality of society and how it’s subjected to the chaos of human nature. We must attain essential understanding when committing to the intricacy of a political system.
Boseman argued my use of the word: chaos. So I conceded, and we settled on certainty. Chaos or certainty—either worked regarding tendencies of human nature.
I continued. For example, we must grasp the tendency of individuals to accept the will of the group. This has been observable forever. Its potency is clearly dependent on the existence of a subsumption of specific ideas relating to a perception of reality and morals. Often this quality of human nature proves to result in complete devastation, as was witnessed in complacency of governmental leadership before the war—some leaders bowed to the corruption of the group. This nature will be a great benefit, though, when the people are unified in their support of the ideology of peace and prosperity as is the doctrine of Sovereign.
The exchange continued with interruptions and clarifications. Boseman was beside himself when he finally understood that I did not share his political convictions. And, oh, he can see that we were going to be butting heads. That’s something I prefer to avoid, I said.
From all the mush, I have at least successfully discovered Boseman’s ideal quality: Loyalty. He’s loyal to his peers, to his office, and to service. To what extent, I’m still unaware. To the extent
of self immolation, that I doubt. I don’t know if he’d sacrifice anything of himself for the love of those he serves or to the country, or even in the defense of the return to capitalism and property rights, his most clearly proclaimed desire. Maybe he will. We’ll see where he stands. Of course, the choice will be his to make. Speak carefully friend. Wish softly at the wishing well.
His highest loyalty was to God, above prosperity for humanity or Sovereign. I had heard enough. Let’s get back. We are to feast and have a community banquet in honor of everyone’s arrival today, I announced. We left after a single fleeting moment with the ocean view.
Tonight, we will introduce Mr. Boseman to his fellow chamber members. We’ll learn everything of his true character and convictions then.
The road was slow and the aroma of cooked venison and fresh fish found us upon our return.
All the community gathered in the warm afternoon. Their glasses were filled, and their spirit brimmed with elation. True happiness was seen on their faces, including that of the most expressive Supreme Minister as he interacted with the people. I introduced him to the carpenter who generously helped haul the deer for our feast down from the mountain. He was nervous when meeting the leader of our country. So, we eased his nerves with a celebratory drink. He then settled into conversation describing the excitement in the hunt for our second deer.
Music played from unseen speakers and beer flowed. I saw the farm girl talking with Vesna as they walked towards us from the lodge. The two of them were a lovely sight indeed. I’m proud of the friendship that has developed between them. Hello my dears. I presented them to the Supreme Minister, equally.
The group was illuminated in golden sunlight as we drank and mingled awaiting our celebratory meal. Peace had manifested itself with a perfect presence of community in this most beautiful northern landscape.
Somehow, though, in all the glory of the afternoon, Boseman was discontented. His selfish demands and political positioning were obtuse and endless. His self-promotion was some kind of prestige-mongering. It starved him for air and flushed apprehension into the pale of his face.