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Seven Days: A young black woman makes a deal with a mob boss.

Page 6

by Diana Hoffman

  "Amber," Nic said, trying his best to be cordial to his wife. But he didn't trust her smile. She wasn't happy unless she was being mean.

  "Funny, how you forgot to invite your own wife to your party," she said, staring at him.

  "I didn't forget," Nic said, as he took another sip of his drink. The comment didn't go over Amber's head. She narrowed her eyes at him.

  "Hey Jimmy, how are you?" she asked, turning to rest her arm around his neck, as she scanned the ballroom.

  "Well, I'm--," Jimmy started, before she interrupted him.

  "Who's that?" Amber asked, while staring toward the food table.

  They all turned to see who she was talking about, but no one said anything.

  "Well, who did she come with?" Amber asked, turning back around to face them.

  "She came with me," Jimmy and Raymond blurted out at the same time. Shit.

  Amber looked from Jimmy to Raymond, before her icy blue eyes settled on Nic. He was the only one who hadn't claimed her, yet he was still staring over toward her. When he finally turned to look at Amber, she gave him a smug smile before she flicked her hair and walked away.

  Victoria walked out onto the patio and stared out into the back yard. It was such a beautiful night, and the lights lit up the landscape. She would rather stay out here than go back into the stuffy party. She couldn't have felt more out of place.

  "Lovely night," Victoria heard a voice say behind her, interrupting her thoughts. She quickly turned and saw an older man with salt and pepper colored hair walking toward her. He stopped and leaned against the patio rails.

  "Yes, it is," Victoria answered back, staring up at the sky.

  "I'm Paul Marconi," the older man said, while offering his hand.

  "Victoria," she said, staring into the man's kind eyes. He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. "Pleasure to meet you."

  Victoria tried to hide a smile. No one had ever done that to her before.

  "Speaking of pleasure, are you here for business or pleasure?"

  "Business, I think."

  "Can I ask what business?" Paul inquired. But when Victoria looked away, he added, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to pry."

  "No, it's not that. It's just that it's embarrassing," she admitted.

  "Then say no more."

  Victoria smiled up at Paul. He reminded her of someone, but she couldn't place it. He had gentle eyes. Such a contrast to Nic's cold stare.

  "I married my wife on a night like this. I know, I'm Catholic, I'm supposed to be traditional...but she wanted a night wedding, and she seemed to be the only person who always got what she wanted from me," he said with a light chuckle. Then he sighed. Victoria could tell he was thinking about her.

  "Wow. I never really thought about a night wedding, but that actually sounds really romantic. Your wife is a lucky woman, considering you caved," Victoria said, smiling at him.

  "Nah, I was the lucky one," Paul said. "She actually passed away last year."

  Victoria's heart went out to him. She didn't even know him, but in their brief conversation, she could tell that he loved and missed his wife. Just the way he spoke of her. The look in his eyes. God, would anyone ever feel that way about her?

  "I'm sorry," Victoria whispered.

  "Thank you. I do miss her, but I have my wonderful son to keep me plenty busy," Paul stated, with a hint of sarcasm. "Speaking of my son, here he comes now."

  Victoria turned toward the patio doors just as Sonny was walking out. She had to quickly hide her look of disgust. How the hell was this nice man related to this bastard?

  "Hey pops. Well, well...hey Victoria. How ya been?" Sonny said, smirking at her, before lowering his gaze to her cleavage.

  "Oh, I didn't know you two knew each other," Paul said, staring at his son skeptically.

  "Oh yeah, Victoria and I go way back. Actually, she owes me a McLaren Roadster," he said with a wink.

  The bastard would be so slimy to bring this up in front of his father. God, she wanted to kick him in the nuts! Just when she was finally feeling good about herself, one sentence from him could tear her down and make her feel cheap all over again.

  "I don't owe you anything, Sonny. Perhaps you shouldn't make bets with someone you know will beat you every time," Victoria said.

  She watched his face as his smile dropped. She figured that losing to Nic was something that happened more than he'd like to admit. Then just as soon as it had disappeared, he gave her an evil grin.

  "Careful little Vicky. Getting a little high and mighty..." then he leaned close to her ear, "for someone who lies on her back constantly."

  If Paul Marconi hadn't been standing there, she would have smacked the shit out of him. Right then and there. He didn't know anything about her! None of these people did. They could assume all they wanted, but she was a hard working, good person. She had never dreamt of doing anything remotely close to what she had done for the past few days. They were judging her on less than two weeks time, instead of the past twenty-three years.

  Sonny leaned up and smiled, now that he had gotten the best of her. "Well pops, I think we're needed inside for some quick business. Have a good night, Victoria," Sonny said, and turned to walk back inside.

  "So nice meeting you, Victoria...?" Paul said.

  "Davis. Victoria Davis. Nice meeting you too."

  "Ms. Davis. Thank you for giving this old man the joy of flirting with the prettiest young woman in the room." He smiled and followed his son. Well, perhaps the dress was a hit tonight. She watched him walk away, right as the tall blond that Antonio pointed out sauntered toward her in her beautiful dark blue dress. No doubt Versace or something like that.

  "Hi, I don't believe we've met. I'm Amber Andretti," she said, as she stared down at her. The woman smiled, but it never reached her eyes.

  "Hi. I'm Victoria. Andretti...are you Nic's sister?" Victoria took in the woman's height and eye color. They could definitely be related.

  Amber threw her head back and laughed. Victoria didn't know what she had said that was so funny, but she smiled out of lack of anything else to do.

  "You're so cute. But no, I'm his wife," she said, smile completely gone. It was replaced by an evil look, as she placed her slender, perfectly manicured hand on her hip.

  Victoria was stunned, and she was sure the expression she had on her face was priceless. She quickly closed her mouth. His wife?! He was married!! And doing what he was doing with her! She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Then she quickly put two and two together...and she remembered what Sonny had said a few days ago. 'Whoa! That's definitely not Amber.' How much of a fool had she probably looked to all of the men in the room that day? Ugh, she hated Nic right then.

  " is it you know my husband?" Amber asked, boring her gaze into Victoria.

  "I don't really," Victoria quickly recovered. She wasn't about to let this woman intimidate her. If she and Nic were having marriage problems, she needed to take it up with him. Not her.

  "Then why are you here?"

  "I was invited."

  "By whom?"

  Victoria wanted to say none of her business, but that would be too much of a giveaway. So instead, she thought of another name. "Antonio. He's the guy serving the appetizers. Over there," Victoria said, pointing to the table. But Amber never took her cold eyes off of her. Instead they slid down to Victoria's chest.

  "Are those real?" she asked.

  "What?!" Victoria coughed out. What was it with this chick?

  "Your tits, are they real? I see so many fake ones that they are so easy to spot. But yours look real."

  "Um, yes, they are real."

  "Nic likes real," Amber stated.

  Both of them stood there for a moment, uncomfortably. Then Amber laughed. "He was so pissed when I got mine done. He said he would have rather they been small and real, than fake and big. But whatever, they made me happy. All that matters, right?"

  Victoria doubted that Amber actually wanted a reply,
so instead, she kept her mouth shut.

  Amber gave her another once over. "That's a beautiful dress. Where did you get it?"

  "I don't know. It's not mine."

  Amber gave an evil grin. "It looks like this dress that I saw at one of my favorite stores. This French boutique that's to die for. All of their designer clothes are imported from Paris. It's a tad expensive...but that's also why I like it. What are the odds that you would have a dress from my favorite store? The only store on the entire east coast," Amber said, scanning over Victoria's body. Letting her words sink in.

  Victoria shrugged feeling more and more uncomfortable by the moment. No more words were needed for either woman to know exactly who the other was to Nic. Victoria NEVER wanted to be that woman. The woman who sleeps with married men. She felt so humiliated. Every mistress's worst nightmare, meeting the wife. Mistress. Is that what she was?

  "Come, you must meet Nic...since this is his house and all. Would be rude not to thank the host."

  Amber grabbed Victoria's hand and practically drug her over to Nic's group before she could even protest.

  "Hey darling, look who I found. This is Victoria. I don't believe you two have met." All eyes around the group went back and forth from Amber to Victoria. "Funny though, you guys said she came with you...yet she said her date was Anthony...or Adrian, something like that. The waiter over there," Amber pointed out.

  Nic couldn't help but look over toward Antonio. He felt an instant pang of jealousy that Victoria would claim that prick as her date. In truth, he didn't really know the kid, but he better not dare touch her. Nic wasn't sure why he was thinking so possessively of her, but fuck it, she was with him—end of story.

  "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Amber said, dragging everyone's attention back to Victoria.

  Victoria exhaled. "Twenty-three."

  "Oh, I was twenty-three when I met my hubby Nic. Innocent, sweet twenty-three year old, until he corrupted me with his lifestyle," she said, giving him a small hug.

  "Amber, you were anything but," Nic said, taking another sip from his drink. Amber laughed loudly. "So true."

  Victoria felt extremely uncomfortable. She didn't belong in this equation.

  "Oh, and by the way time you go to a party like this, don't stand by yourself for too long. People will think you came by yourself, and the only women dressed like you who show up by themselves are call girls."

  "Amber, watch your mouth," Nic warned, slicing into her with his cold stare.

  Amber faked being hurt. "I'm sorry, Nic. I'm just trying to help her out. I mean, we wouldn't want someone thinking she was nothing more than a whore, would we? Excuse me, I see my dear friend Sarah," she said as she stalked off, leaving a pissed off and hurt Victoria in her wake. There were now officially two people at this party that Victoria wanted to bitch slap. Make that three, including Nic.

  Victoria crossed her arms over her chest, blocking off part of her plunging neckline. Maybe Amber was least about the call girl part. Maybe she did look like a tramp compared to the rest of the women. She turned her head to the side, and stared over at Antonio. She wanted to look anywhere but at HIM. She wanted to go back to the loft and take a shower, and forget this whole night. Antonio was right...she didn't belong with this group.

  She quickly wiped a tear before it fell.

  "You look beautiful, Victoria," Jimmy said to her. Then he looked at Nic. "Okay if I take her for a twirl before my wife shows up?" Nic nodded and grabbed another drink from a tray passing by.

  Victoria was thankful for the distraction. She followed as Jimmy led her to the floor. He gently grabbed her around her waist. "Hey kiddo, don't worry. That Amber has claws, and she enjoys shredding anything in her path. You held up pretty good."

  "Has he ever done this before, Jimmy?" Victoria whispered to him, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Was this some sick, twisted power trip?

  "No, never. I mean, he's never had to. You should see the girls pulling each other's hair out to get into his clubs, his house...his bed. Let's just say there is a lot. So, this was all a shock to me. I didn't expect him to be really serious about it. You know, adding days and stuff," Jimmy answered, and then he brought her close to his body. "Shit, I'm drunk. I've said way too much. Please don't tell him."

  Victoria laughed and then sighed. She wasn't sure what to make of that. After a few minutes, Raymond surprised her by cutting in to have a dance. He was so tall and awkward that they both tripped over each other the whole time. Victoria glanced over at Nic. He was staring at her. She quickly looked away. After a few more dances with some strangers, she walked back over to Antonio.

  "You're a big hit tonight. I see all the girls are hitting' on you," Antonio joked, as he served another guest.

  "Please...these women have everything. I'm...well, let's just say they shouldn't envy me in the least."

  "I still can't figure out why you are here," Antonio said, staring at her.

  "Long story," Victoria said, while popping another appetizer in her mouth.

  Antonio stared down at his watch. "Hey Danny," he yelled over at another waiter. "Can you finish this up for me. I got to take off. Going to be late." Danny nodded and Antonio looked at Victoria.

  "You want to go to a real party?" Antonio asked, with a devilish smile.

  At that moment, Victoria didn't really care where she went. She just wanted to get away from this hell hole. "Absolutely."

  In Antonio's beat up Ford Mustang, she felt at ease. She had only just met this guy, and already she was driving off with him. Her normal self...the Victoria from several days ago, would have said no. But she felt like being a little dangerous. Being around dangerous men had its effects.

  "Mind if I smoke?" Antonio asked. Victoria shook her head. He lit a cigarette and placed it between his lips and looked over at her. "You really do look beautiful in that dress. I mean, I don't know what you normally look like, but you are fucking hot."

  Victoria choked out a laugh. "Um, I think that's a compliment...if you're not disappointed with my 'normal' look."

  "So, you going to tell me what you were doing there?"

  "You first. Is this what you want to do, catering and stuff like that?" Victoria asked. She had wanted to open up a catering business...but her father shot that idea all to hell, while he made her work endless hours in a dying restaurant.

  Antonio blew the smoke out of the cracked window. "Nah. I was just doing this as a part of my job. I work for Mr. Andretti. The way he runs his, um...well, his company is that you start from the bottom...kind of like a mailroom. I do odd jobs for him now and then, and judging on how well I do them, I get promoted. The waiter thing was just something I was asked to do if I wanted to make a little extra. I said, what the hell...I have bills. Might as well, right? Plus, I was hoping to be introduced to him tonight. I mean, I've met him once before only briefly. Man, that dude is intense. I would never want to cross him."

  Victoria listened to Antonio talk about Nic like he was a God. So it wasn't just her that he had this effect on. It was everyone. "So, you want to be a criminal too?" she spat out, while staring out of her window.

  Antonio coughed. "Um, well, you shouldn't say things like that," he said, looking uncomfortable.

  "Antonio, I know what he does. He didn't get all that money in stocks and stuff, you know."

  "Well, I mean, it wouldn't be bad to be like him. I mean, he's in his early thirties, and owns so much shit. Everyone respects him...yeah, I could be like him one day." Victoria shook her head.

  "So, don't avoid the question, what were you doing there?" Antonio asked.

  Victoria really didn't want to admit it, but part of her wanted to get it off her chest. To let someone know what a dick Nic really was. To ensure her that none of this was her fault. She was being manipulated by an evil man, which is something she tried to assure herself every day. But as the days passed, it became harder and harder to use that excuse. There were no
bars on his loft. She was staying there of free will. Hell, just be honest.

  "My dad owes him money, so to avoid him hurting my family, I'm sleeping with him," she blurted out, and then turned to see Antonio's reaction.

  His brow furrowed. "So're with Nic?" Victoria shrugged and stared back out of the window. But she felt the car slowing down to a stop.

  Victoria turned to look at Antonio. "What's wrong? Why did you stop?"

  "Um, Victoria, I need to take you back. Shit, I didn't know you were his girl. Fuck!" Antonio shouted, staring into his rear view mirror and then turning around in his seat, looking through the back window.


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