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Page 3

by Alicia Masterson

  Back in normal clothing, he stepped out into the now quiet night air, with the faint sound of the distant bass emanating from the parking lot afterparty. He walked around the perimeter of the unlit field, throwing the game ball in the air and catching it in the light of the nearly full moon. His thoughts moved to Christine and her casual comment about Abigail. Immediately, he pulled out his phone and tried to reach her. He was almost surprised that she answered him.

  "Hey Brian," she said, with sadness in each word.

  "Christine, I'm sorry that I ditched you. You saw it for yourself, Abigail came out of nowhere. I didn't mean it, I know you're probably pissed as hell at me…" he said, trying to sound a tinge more pathetic to calm down the inevitable hellfire that was her temper.

  She laughed softly, still speaking with sadness, "Quit being stupid. Don't apologize, I have eyes, and I'm not stupid. You're the school's new big hero, and every hero has his fans. I guess I'm being the stupid one though. I didn't want things to change so quickly."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. I don't get why the school is so crazy over a single touchdown. Nothing's changing!" He said, exasperated that he was called the school's new big hero twice already. "Are you coming to Corey's party?"

  "Are you kidding? You know I don't drink, and I hate being around drunk people," she said, and with an extra shade of sadness in her voice, "A year ago, you didn't drink either."

  "You've never told me that it bothered you before. It's not like I do it destructively. It's just a social outlet," he said, getting defensive. "You don't have to drink there, either. Please? You can be my designated driver if I get carried away. We don't spend enough time together as it is…"

  "As much as I appreciate you trying to manipulate me into coming, I'm capable of making my own decisions. You're right, I'm not going to let you drive and kill yourself. And if you ditch me again, I can at least hang out with Brian, he'll probably have to make sure Lee doesn't drink himself into a coma. Goodnight Brian, you can pick me up in your car." She said, hanging up too quickly for him to say anything in response.

  "Is she that confident that I'm going to ditch her? I was being honest; I honestly hoped that we could make up for lost time this weekend… I haven't changed that much…"


  Brian parked beside her house, and honked his horn softly to let her know he was there. His catcalled loudly when she emerged from door, wearing a form fitting burgundy dress that ended at her feet, with matching pumps, and a white fleece jacket to keep herself from freezing. He waited for her to get into the car before he gave her a hard time.

  "I thought you didn't want to come to this party? When did you get that dress? You're even wearing makeup. Are those real rubies in your ears?"

  "I could ask you the same thing. It looks like you didn't need my help to dress yourself this time. I think a girl is allowed to feel extra pretty every once in a while. I'd feel guilty not being dressed up in the Towers residence."

  He glanced in his mirrors before pulling out and leaving the neighborhood. Christine knew Brian well enough to know that she had to bring her own music if she wanted to hear anything decent. She felt like listening to something that would match her clothing and the party she was about to go to, so she set Fergie to play low, despite Brian's protests.

  "Ugh, are you serious? There's no way we're listening to that the entire way there."

  "The entire way there is a whole twenty minutes. Deal with it. It's not like you listen to anything better, or anything at all," she said, singing softly along with the lyrics.

  "The woman can't even sing. You're ten times the singer than she'll ever be," he said, scoffing at the absurd lyrics that he was being forced to hear.

  "Blah blah blah. Compliments won't make me turn it off, but I'll take it in any case. I know I can sing better," she said, being totally honest.

  He sighed, defeated as usual, before asking what was on his mind, "What did you mean when you said that I was getting into something way over my head?"

  "Rumors are worthless, I'm sorry for worrying you. There's just been this rumor that anyone who manages to go out with Abigail will always go all the way with her on the first date. I was just worried that you weren't ready for that. But obviously it's not true."

  "Yeah… I guess not," he said, somewhat relieved that she wasn't avoiding his question, but curiosity still piquing at him.


  The first thing Brian noticed when they approached his house was the line to enter the fenced property. They waited for a good twenty minutes, and they might have had to wait longer still, if a parking valet hadn't run up to his car.

  "The valets were instructed to keep an eye out for a red Lexus with this license plate number. You guys can go on ahead. Wouldn't want to make Mr. Tower's special guest have to wait."

  They looked at each other with eyebrows raised, but were pleasantly surprised that they didn't have to wait any longer. Everyone else had to wait to enter the front gates, at which point a parking valet took their keys and maneuvered into specific locations along the Towers' lawn. Brian's and Christine's eyes grew wide, both immediately impressed with the preparations that Corey took. They followed the crowd in through the lengthy cobblestone pathway that ended in a circle around a large lit fountain. The sizable entranceway was wide open, warm air gushing out, along the smells of food and the sound of bass and music. The pair looked at each other in confusion when they spotted what appeared to be hired bouncers, but facing towards the inside instead.

  The interior of the mansion was certainly something to behold. The first floor was split between two sections, on opposite sides of the foyer. One side was meant for dancing, and was dark, lit dimly with normal and strobe lights. The other side was bright, and was far enough away that the volume of the music was bearable, and contained the rest of the people, talking, drinking, or eating. Brian and Christine raised their eyebrows as they eyed the upstairs. It was immediately apparent what its purpose was, as couples indiscreetly climbed up, but rarely went back down. If one listened carefully enough, the sounds of splashes confirmed that the presumably heated pool was also in use.

  Christine was awestruck at the sheer magnitude of this party, and the lengths that Corey took to set it up. She put her jacket on the racks set up by the door, and accompanied Brian to the lighter room to try to find Brian and Lee.

  "I have a feeling I know where they are," she smiled, taking him by the hand and navigating through the already crowded light room. Her suspicions were confirmed, spotting them by the bar, Lee trying out a variety of different drinks, with Brian casually drinking from a wine glass. She waved at them to catch their attention.

  "God, Brian, not you too!" She chastised, shaking her head. "I would have thought you of all people would have the sense to not drink."

  "Calm down, mother, it's just a glass of wine. If you're going to yell at anyone, yell at this liver failure waiting to happen," he said, gesturing towards the obviously inebriated Lee, who hadn't even heard them as he was sampling the free drinks.

  "It's not worth it," she said, sighing, "This place is amazing. What's with the bouncers, though?"

  "Oh, them? I asked Corey earlier, before he disappeared with a girl," he said, rolling his eyes. "I was pretty surprised with him, he thought ahead for once. He hired them to not let anyone out if they couldn't pass a breathalyzer test. There's more outside, to stop people from driving out of here drunk. Smart, really."

  "Brian! I finally found you!" Abigail said, words slightly slurred, giving Brian a clumsy hug. "Oh, are these you're friends? I'm Abigail, I think I've seen all you before."

  "Hey Abigail. This is Christine, Brian, and Lee," he said, gesturing to his friends.

  "It's nice to meet you all. Well, I can see you're busy talking, I just wanted to make sure you could come, Brian, I'll see you later, 'kay?" Without waiting for him to answer, she picked up a beer from the counter and walked to the couch where some of her friends were.

; "Quite the charmer, that one is. At least she's not so clingy when she's drunk," Christine quipped, staring in distaste at the girl.

  "Christine, why do you hate her so much?" Brian said. She never got to answer though, because at that moment, the music stopped. People began inexplicably gathering the giant foyer, and the four of them joined the crowd. Brian had to pull Lee by his collar to get him to join.

  At the top of the staircase, Corey stood, arms crossed with an arrogant smile adorning his face. Once a satisfactory amount of people filled the foyer, he decided it was time to go further with his plan. It didn't even matter if Brian didn't hear it himself. Word would spread. But Brian was there, amongst the crowd, wondering what was going on.

  "I hope you're all having fun! Sorry for cutting off the music, I have an important announcement to make. I'm sure all of you know that I'm graduating, going to college next year on a football scholarship. But as a last gift to you all, I have spoken with Coach Stewart, and it's decided. Brian Mannus will your football captain for the upcoming season! I know it's unorthodox for our school to have a running back as captain, but I think we're all in agreement. This guy is great enough to make an exception!"

  Every eye in the room turned to a white-faced Brian, who looked like he was going to pass out in sheer shock. People systematically began to push him towards the staircase, and he obligatorily climbed to the top, giving Corey a pleading, confused look. Corey took him by the shoulders and turned him around, to face the crowd. The school erupted in cheer and pride, welcoming their new football captain. Brian's role in the last game made them extremely warm to him, and not a single face in the crowd looked upset at the decision.

  "Brian, say something, their under your command, now," Corey said, with a look of pure jubilation that mirrored the school's. Brian made a small signal for attention and to his surprise, the noise immediately ceased; each face in the crowd eager to hear the first words of their new hero.

  "Uh… I really have no idea what to say, I didn't see this coming. But I would be happy to lead you guys, if you really want me too. I don't know if I'm cut out to do this job, but I'll be damned if I don't try my hardest," Brian said, his confidence improving with time as the gravity of the event sunk in. "Corey was the best captain our school could ask for. If he thinks I can do it, then I'm sure I can. I won't be the one to let our school down. WHO ARE WE!?"

  "THE PORCUPINES!" The crowd shouted in unison. After his words, the crowd began to disperse once again to both sides of the first floor, allowing Brian a few seconds to breathe. He wanted to talk to Corey, to ask him why. He had no idea how to lead an entire team; he would definitely let them down. But by the time he turned around, he only saw a flash of Corey with two girls by his side as he walked into a vacant room.


  With great difficulty, since it seemed like every single person in the building wanted to be his friend now, he reached the bar where he knew his friends would be. Christine and Brian looked up at him from their conversation, and ran to him.

  "Oh my god, congratulations Brian!" Christine said, just as surprised as Brian was. "It looks like all of your hard work finally paid off."

  "Good job dude," Brian said, taking a look around the crowd and noticing eyes flitting towards Brian's direction, "If the school's reaction is any indicator, we couldn't have gotten a more deserving captain." His eyes momentarily grew wide, quickly reverting back to normal. "If you'll excuse me, I'll be right back. I'll text you if I can't find you guys. Oh, Christine, would mind keeping an eye on Lee while I'm gone?"

  He whispered something in Brian's ear, Brian looking at him strangely, and he whispered back, "First door on the right, but he's in there with some girls."

  "Don't worry about me, I'll check with you guys later." And with that, he pushed his way through the crowd towards the foyer.

  "What was that about?" Christine asked, concerned by his sudden shift in attitude. Brian was saved from having to answer when two of his teammates, Dallas and James, approached him.

  "Brian! Or should we call you captain now? Come on, dude, we have to celebrate. We need one more for a game of beer pong. Show us how it's done!" Dallas said, obviously already drunk. Brian looked at Christine for approval, and she nodded.

  "I can't stop you from having fun, go, I'll have Lee to keep me company," she said, turning to the still drinking Lee. "That's enough for you, let's go dance."


  Once he cleared out of the crowded light room, Brian casually walked up the foyer staircase, his curiosity getting the better of him. He put his ear against the door that Brian told him about, and he wasn't surprised to hear the sounds he did. It was just his luck to have to interrupt him when Corey was "getting into it," so to speak. He swallowed his dignity and started banging on the door, shouting for Corey to get out. The noises took a second to stop. Corey cracked opened the door, ready to beat the shit out of whomever was there.

  "What the fuck do you wa-" he said, stopping when he say Brian there, covering his eyes in anticipation. "I'm decent, dude, but what the fuck do you want, seriously?" Brian pulled his hand away from his face, to be graced with slightly humorous sight of Corey glaring at him through a crack in the door, with only a towel covering his extremities.

  "It's about Brian. I know you're up to something. There was a time when you used to tell me everything, so naturally, my intuition told me that you're hiding something big," Brian said, not giving him any room to try to worm his way out of this one. To his relief, Corey sighed, opened the door wider, and got out into the hallway, closing the door behind him.

  Brian's eyes grew wide for a moment when he was treated with seeing the naked, disoriented girls who were on his bed. The smile faded though when he caught sight of Corey's even more irritated glare, and the obvious wood that he was sporting through the towel.

  "Ya, you saw them? You'd better be happy. I left a pair of drunk, horny French twins for this," Corey said pointedly, patience wearing thin. He composed himself though, because Brian made a good point, he did used to tell him everything that was going on, and he owed him that now too, especially since it involved another one of his friends. He took a second, looking Brian straight in the eye to let him know that he was being serious.

  "Everything I've done, I did to get into bed with Brian," he said, as casually as possible.

  "Come again? I swear I didn't hear you right. Where do I start? Since when were you gay? What do you mean, 'everything I've done'?" Brian said, totally lost.

  "You're not going to tell him, or anyone, that's my only condition for me telling you what I'm about to tell you. I've worked way too hard to make this happen, too long. He's not exactly easy, and he's not gay, either. Or not yet anyway." He said, laughing to himself.

  "Idiot, I have no idea what you're even talking about. You can't turn someone gay. Answer my first question, since when were you?"

  "I experimented a little bit over the summer, broadened my horizons. People really have to try it before they knock it, let's just say that there's a reason that gay people have a reputation for being cheerful," Corey said, smiling at his memories from the summer. Brian shook his head at him, waiting for him to answer his other question.

  "And? You're not done just yet," he said, beginning to get annoyed. Corey became serious suddenly, dropping his voice to just above a whisper.

  "Us almost losing the game, but Brian winning it in the end? That was my work. I asked Coach to guarantee Brian the spot as captain, but he said no. So I decided to lie to the school, and get Brian so popular, that Coach will have to reconsider. All for him. I did it all just to get him to feel some kind of gratitude towards me, and lower his defenses. That's all I need, one night, and I'm sure he'll see things my way," Corey grinned, the plan sounding perfect in his head.

  "Corey, that's got to be the most pointless thing I've ever heard in my life. I'd accuse you of thinking only with your dick, but obviously, this ridiculous plan took a lot of brain power on your part. He's got a gi
rlfriend, too." Brian said, hardly believing the insanity that Corey was spewing.

  "Oh, sheesh, that slut? I don't think anyone remembers, she's had too many boyfriends to name, I dated her once. I dumped her inside of a month, she's clingy and crazy. She spent that entire month bragging to her friends that she was going out with the 'hottest guy on the team'. She's probably just in it for the same reason I'm trying to. He's one fine ass piece of merchandise, that Brian. One fine ass piece of merchandise that also happens to be amazing at football. The school won't regret him being captain. That I'm sure of." Corey paused, returning to his lighthearted self. "I'll give that bitch one thing though, she's great in the sack. But I'd be willing to bet my left nut that I'm better."

  "Like I said, you've probably put a lot more thought into this than I think. Just don't do anything too crazy, I know how you get. And I won't tell anyone, I'll stick to my word. I've got your back."

  It didn't take long after he finished talking that Corey lightened up, looking much closer to his normal, arrogant self. He flashed him a huge toothy grin before turning around with intent on rejoining his girls. Brian sighed again, starting his trek down the long staircase.

  "You big idiot, I know how you can get. Don't get hurt… I'll never forgive myself for not telling anyone if you do."


  "Damn, Lee, you've got some crazy moves. Where did you learn to dance?" Christine asked, barely able to keep up with the inebriated Asian. She barely got a mumble in reply though. Shrugging, she continued to dance to the song, until the pocket in her dress started to vibrate.

  I'm at the bar, where are you guys?

  Christine headed towards the tables on the side of the dance room, assuming that Lee was going to follow her. She texted Brian back, telling him that she was sitting at the tables in the dark room, waiting for him. Once she finished, she came to the realization that Lee didn't follow her.


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