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Page 9

by Alicia Masterson

  'No, it's not a conventional friendship,' he thought again. 'But this is so much better.'


  iBeep. Beep. Beep. Beep./i

  Corey struggled up, slapping half heartedly in the direction of his alarm. Blinking back the sleepiness, he put his hand to his head, trying to stop the room from swaying.

  'God, my head,' Corey looked over at Brian, fast asleep. 'He's a heavy sleeper. I wonder how bad his head is going to be hurting when he comes to.'

  The empty bottle sitting on his bedside table answered his question for him. "Might as well get it over with. Brian, get up, shower, food, school."

  Brian actually responded this time, bracing himself up with his arms, before falling back down again. "Oh, shit, my head, ugh, how much did I drink last night?"

  Corey threw him the empty cognac bottle in response. "You probably had over half of it. I didn't think it would be that strong, I guess it was a better vintage than I thought."

  Brian stared at the empty bottle in his lap. 'No, I've had hangovers before, this is different. I'm different.' Thinking back to the night before, he remembered everything that was said. He didn't go back on what he said. He chose this path willingly, and he was going to follow through with it.

  He got up, following Corey to the shower as he did the day before. 'I feel like I have the strength to do it this time, thanks to him. I just have to give it time; it'll hurt less once they stop wanting me so much, it has to.'

  'Am I being selfish? Am I doing it for the recognition? No, I'm doing it for them. I'll keep disappointing them; I can't be the person they want me to be. I'm not that good.' Brian closed the door behind him, sauntering silently to the shower. 'I'm not the perfect person they think I am. I can't resist this, what Corey and I have. What we do, it makes me feel so good about myself. I'm sorry… Christine, Brian, Mom, Dad.'

  Out of the shower, Brian mentioned the compliments he received the day before because of his new clothes. "Would your brother mind if I kept borrowing from his closet until I get the chance to transfer my stuff here?"

  "He would freak if he found out, but he's never here. He won't know."

  "Are we going to school in the same car?"

  "I wouldn't mind, but don't you think Abigail would get suspicious? Do you still even want to go out with her?"

  He sighed in exasperation. Brian was already getting tired of that girl. "I need her just as much as she wants me. She helps my standing, and if nothing else, she keeps the rest of the girls away. Lesser of two evils."

  Corey hesitated for a moment, trying his best to keep his anxiousness out of his voice. "So you're just using her, you're not attracted to her anymore?"

  "Hmm, I guess I'm not. Is that a bad thing that I'm using her like that? I mean, she's using me, it's only fair, right?"

  "I guess it is," he said, taken aback by the callousness of his logic. 'Could he really change that much overnight? But when he's talking with me, he's so different. It's that Brian that I like. Popularity always brings out the worst in people. Why am I so happy that he's not interested in her?'


  Brian ignored most of the people who greeted him this morning, only waving to a few, and high fiving even less. As expected, Abigail lead the pack, keeping the rest of the girls at bay.

  "Hey, Brian!" She said, kissing him good morning like always, hugging him before taking her place at his side. "New clothes again? When did you go shopping? Oh my God, I'm like, so lucky to have the only guy at school who can dress himself!"

  "Heh, thanks. Sorry I didn't call. I got tied up, parents and stuff."

  "No, whatever, it's fine. Same old same old. We can hang today." She waved apathetically to Corey, Dallas, and James as the five once again proceeded into the building.

  'Everything is exactly like it was yesterday,' Brian thought, watching as girls gave him flirtatious looks, all of them backing off as soon as Abigail looked at them. Brian actually took notice of Corey giving some of the more audacious girls a glare, and raised his eyebrows. 'Is he being ipossessive/i? Na, I'm overthinking it, he's just helping out with keeping them away.

  Rounding the corner, Brian barely even flinched as he saw an expectant Christine, standing obviously in the middle of the hall, her arms crossed, and a look of purpose on her face. None of them even acknowledged her existence as they sidestepped around her.

  "Weirdo," Brian said just barely within earshot of Christine, hoping to get his message across. He didn't even watch her return defeated to Brian's side.

  'Exactly like it was yesterday,' he repeated, kissing Abigail goodbye, and joining Corey into their first period class.

  The school day ended, and Brian nodded to himself, growing more accustomed to his new lifestyle. He texted his parents for what would be the last time for a while, telling them that he was going to be staying at Corey's, and he would come get his things at some point in the future. He erased all of Christine's voice mails without listening to them, and he sighed. 'They'll give up eventually.'

  Looking over at Corey, he smiled, bottling up his guilt and apprehension. "I'm all right, I swear."

  "We're going to meet Abigail at the movies. Are you still sure you want to stay in this relationship?"

  "She's going to be a bitch if I dump her. I don't want the extra drama, and I don't want enemies. I'm fine, trust me."


  Over the week, Brian systematically opened up about his life to Corey, who was more the willing to listen to all of it. It wasn't that his story was amazingly interesting, but Corey knew that Brian only told him all of his old stories so that he could come to terms with giving all of it up. He was okay with that anyway, because he felt like he was starting to get to know Brian better than even Christine at this point.

  Brian still asked for drinks each night, and Corey wasn't the type to deny him. He wasn't going to tell him no, but he was secretly relieved that he drank progressively less and less each night. He didn't drink at all tonight, but that's because Brian had other plans, to Corey's disappointment.

  'Maybe he actually is coming to terms with it. He's stronger than I gave him credit for. I don't think I could ever have handled doing what he did,' Corey thought to himself. He knew he was just lying to himself though, after all, he already idid/i do what Brian did, years ago.

  What's past is past, and what Corey really cared about was the present. Presently though, it was a Friday night and he wasn't getting any hot Brian-sex, so he resorted to moping around to try to guilt trip Brian into changing his plans.

  "Are you isuuuurrrre/i you don't just want to spend the night with me?" He said as cutely as possible, knowing it was a pointless battle.

  "I have to go out with her isome time/i, Corey. Otherwise she'll get suspicious. You dated her before; you should know how she gets."

  "Yeah, I know how she gets. That's why I dumped the leech," Corey reminisced in disgust. "Are you wearing anything special for your hot date?"

  "Why bother, after dinner, it's probably just going to come off anyway," Brian said, too busy getting ready to notice Corey flinch at his words. "If I'm lucky, it'll happen in the car, that way I can just drop her off and come directly here. I just hope her parents are home so she isn't tempted to drag me there. I'd be so pissed if I was kept from you for an extra night. Plus, I'd have to wake up early to sneak out or whatever. So much hassle."

  "Kept from me? What makes you think I'd want to even touch you after she's had her way with you?" Corey asked in feigned insult.

  "Somehow, I don't think you'll mind," Brian teased, a thought suddenly occurring to him. "Wait, I'm sorry for not asking earlier, you really don't have a problem if I sleep with her, do you? Haha, what a weird question, it's not like we're dating. Just figured to ask first though, I don't want to hurt your feelings. It's just that, I know she's in it just for the status and the sex, and whatever keeps her quiet and happy, right?"

  "I'm honored that you care enough to ask, but Brian, honestly, I don't care, it's your life. I a
lready told you I'd support you no matter what. And if that means I turn the other way while you pacify her, than so be it," Corey said, slapping himself mentally for not admitting to Brian that it really did bother him. "Everyone knows that the only way to keep Abigail Sinclair quiet is with a cock in her mouth."

  They both laughed at his joke for a while, before Corey walked Brian to his front door to say goodbye. Brian gave him a tight hug with one arm, squeezing his ass suggestively with the other, before heading off, confidence exuding from each step.

  'What the fuck is wrong with this picture. The infamous Corey Towers is at home sulking because his secret lover isn't home, and inot/i having sex, and innocent Brian Mannus is out hitting the town, sleeping with multiple people. Irony tastes like shit.'


  "Hey Mr. Sinclair, I'm here to pick up Abigail for our date," Brian said, not even feeling intimidated this time around. He felt invincible, it felt good.

  He grunted quietly as he did before, re-appraising Brian. He frowned; it was almost like he was looking at an entirely different person. A person he didn't trust with his darling daughter. He heard nothing but good things from the last date though, so he relented, stepping aside to let Abigail through.

  "Abigail, you're looking lovely tonight."

  "Oh, you're wearing the same clothes? Whatever, you still look awesome, I just thought that you would have like, I dunno, super-surprised me or something. Thanks for the compliment though. Bye daddy!"

  Mr. Sinclair grunted again before closing the door behind them, watching them leave suspiciously through the screens in the windows.

  The ride on the way to the steakhouse that Brian chose went without too many words between them, and mostly consisted of Abigail singing along to music. She was silent and smiling as she clung to his arm on the way into the restaurant, seated immediately thanks to a reservation.

  "So… I'm not going to lie when I say that I'm glad you dropped that O'Hara loser, but like, I didn't expect that iyou/i would actually do it. You don't strike me as that kind of person. Too soft."

  "Whatever, I got tired of her, of them. So I quit."

  "Just like that? Ooh, you're a bitch when you want to be. I think it's hot. When did you and dick on two legs Corey get so close though? I don't have a problem with it, I'm iso/i over him, but I don't think I've ever seen you with him other than like, because of football."

  Brian shrugged, getting progressively more irritated at her questions. He wasn't stupid enough to not smell her suspiciousness from the get go, but he knew that she wouldn't figure it out any time soon. No one in this right-winged school would.

  "I've just never had the time I guess," he said, leaving it at that.

  She eyed him strangely, unused to these short, empty answers. She remembered fondly the Brian from her last date, he was so funny and awkward and talkative. This one reeked of confidence, as if he were too good to be there, with her.

  They ordered their food, and remained there in awkward silence, the only sounds between them a periodic sip on a straw. From the outside, they looked like the perfect couple, smiling fondly at each other, holding hands across the table, but it was just a façade. Whatever eye contact she got from him was cold and distant.

  Her suspicions mounted when the food finally came. Brian was eating slowly and methodically, as if trying to prolong his excuse for silence. There were no words for the rest of their dinner, and he paid for both of them before heading to his car, Abigail still smiling sweetly and clinging to his arm.

  "Do you want to go to the park?" Brian asked as he entered the car, without missing a beat.

  "Oh… sure!" She answered, wondering what he had in mind. The music was on as he drove to the nearest park, parking in the farthest spot possible from the entrance.

  Brian took a moment to look grimly at the bright, moonlit sky. 'I might as well get this over with.'

  She had caught on to his intentions by now. She followed him as he got out of the car, only to reenter in the back. She was surprised, pleasantly, by the sudden ferocity of his kiss, allowing him to push her down so that her head rested on the seat. Clothes didn't even have to come off all the way.


  He got up, taking a furtive glance out of his windows before opening the door and straightening himself out, pulling off the condom, then pulling up his fly and checking to see if his jeans had any stains on them. He stared at the condom hesitantly before curiosity got the better of him and he turned it upside-down, engulfing its contents. He felt slightly embarrassed, throwing the condom aside on the pavement.

  'That wasn't half bad… I can see why Corey does that every time now.' He brushed himself down one last time, before nodding to himself, satisfied with his appearance. 'Wow, no mess, awesome! Well, other than sweat, but there's not much I can do about that.'

  He went back in to check on her, still dazed from her explosive orgasm. "Need help out?"

  "No, I'm fine, just a second," she replied, cleaning herself up and pulling out a mirror from her purse to make sure she looked presentable too. 'He was too smooth, too sure of what he was doing. I definitely don't mind, but I wonder…'

  It took a few more minutes before they were ready to head out. Brian took that time to text Corey that he was going to be home in about a half hour, and then went to open the door for Abigail, helping her into the front seat.

  The music kept playing until he stopped in front of the Sinclair residence. She pulled out her iPod, replacing it in her purse, and got out, waiting for Brian. He gave her a kiss goodbye, which she chose to prolong, aggressively plundering his mouth this time. Her eyes flashed with familiarity as she pulled away from the kiss, waving goodbye as she headed to her door.

  'That taste in his mouth… no, there's no way,' she laughed to herself, but she trusted her instincts enough to know that it was true. 'That's so ikinky/i!'


  Brian didn't get a text back as he drove back to the Towers manor. 'Maybe he's asleep, but it's barely midnight,' he thought, as he parked in the car pad next to the house and he opened the door, surprised that it was unlocked.

  Two steps in, and he was attacked by Corey, who was just in his boxers. "Corey, come on, get off, I reek like sweat and Abigail."

  Corey wasn't paying attention, pinning him to the wall, kissing him like he hadn't seen him for a year. "Don't care… missed you… so much…" he said, his words punctuated by his heavy breathing. He stopped suddenly, breaking the kiss to look up at Brian with a huge grin.

  "You drank down your condom, didn't you?"

  "Shut up," Brian said, the darkness of the foyer disguising his blush. "Let's just go upstairs, I imight/i be in the mood for another round. I need to get these clothes off… I hate smelling like her."


  "Hey!" Abigail shouted, "I need to ask you something."

  Corey raised his eyebrow as he got out of his car. 'Oh, God, she's gotta be up to something annoying. Here we go again…'

  "Don't you usually greet Brian good morning around this time?"

  "He can live. Listen. I know we don't have the best history with each other, but I hope we can put that behind us. Old news, agreed?"

  "So… yeah, in other words, you want something. I'm not stupid, spit it out."

  "Never been one to play around, have you? Fine. If he hasn't already talked to you about it, Brian and I went on a date last Friday."

  "And what? Did he not like what you were wearing? Did he ihurt/i you?" Corey said mockingly, knowing that she would get the full implication of the last statement.

  "Pervert, that's none of your business. Unless you're ijealous/i of course," she shot back, unaware of the truth behind her accusation. "No, I'm only here because whoever I went out with wasn't the Brian that I remember. He was cold, as if he had somewhere better to be than with me."

  "Heaven forbid…" Corey said bitterly. 'Damn, I hate this girl so much.'

  "Get over yourself. I've noticed you two spending a lot of time wit
h each other lately. You must know most of what's going on in his life. As a last favor, can you just let me know if you think he's cheating on me? And with who. That's not too much trouble, is it?"

  "And why the fuck would I do that for you?"

  "Fine. If I find out myself he's been cheating, I'm going to crush him. He won't ever get a date in this city ever again. I'll make sure of that. But if you find out and tell me first, I promise to make the breakup as painless as possible for everyone. And if you do that, I'll consider us even. Deal?"

  "You don't have as much sway as you think you do, but fine, whatever, I'll let you know."

  "Good Corey," she said, patronizing him in victory. "Remember, I was the one who dumped iyou/i."

  'You goddamned never let me forget it either, bitch. So high and mighty just because you said the words first. We were over the day that we went on our first date.'

  He stopped thinking about it, high-fiving Brian as he approached, letting their hands linger together for a moment longer than necessary before gracefully stepping aside to his left, where he usually resided.

  Abigail flashed Corey a fake smile before taking her usual spot at Brian's right.


  As usual, both of them left their respective cars in the pad before heading to the main kitchen to get something to eat.

  "Want anything in particular?" Corey asked, his head in the fridge.

  "No, not really. I guess a sandwich is fine," Brian replied, just happy to be out of school for the day. Life was great after school. No more Abigail (at least usually), he didn't have to see his old friends anymore, just him and Corey, the way it should be.

  They had a general routine, but Brian didn't mind that. He was always busy, and they mixed it up pretty often. Whenever Brian felt that Abigail wasn't being extra needy, they would head to Corey's place for a while for a snack, and then they would usually work out in his small personal gym in the house for a while, or go for a run. They would shower off (Brian really enjoyed that part), then they would try to do homework for as long as possible without getting bored. They would always get bored eventually though, so they usually took that as a signal to leave. Where they went was up in the air, sometimes it was to watch a movie, or a game at school, or a concert. Hell, it wasn't unheard of for them just to drive around and talk. It would always end with the pair returning the house at night, when the real festivities would start.


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