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distance is specified in light-units, most frequently in light-seconds.
CSF ships mentioned, by class
First ship in class is underlined
Battleships (BB)
CSS Amazon
CSS Boadicea
CSS Cleopatra
CSS Jean d'Arc
CSS Kriegsmädchen
CSS Lakshmibai
CSS Tomoe
CSS Zenobia
CSS Alexander
CSS Genghis Khan
CSS Julius Caesar
CSS Napoleon Bonaparte
CSS Zheng He
Heavy Cruisers (BC)
CSS Aluna Kamau
CSS Donal McNee
CSS Gerald Ansen
CSS Guadalupe Rivera
CSS Hu Mingli
CSS Ikaika Kalani
CSS Jane Paxton
CSS Jacques Cotillard
CSS Manfred Koch
CSS Matheus Oliveira
CSS Mineko Kusunoki
CSS Nils Isacsson
CSS Patryk Mazur
CSS Sania Mehta
CSS Willard Dempsey
Light Cruisers (CC)
CSS Aquitaine
CSS Catalonia
CSS Gujarat
CSS Kansai
CSS Midwest
CSS Provence
CSS Schwarzwald
CSS Sichuan
CSS Tuscany
Destroyers (DD)
CSS Brenau
CSS Clermont (DD-ST)
CSS Emery
CSS Howard
CSS Maryville
CSS Pomona
CSF ship capabilities, by class
Battleships (BB)
Classes: Cleopatra, Alexander
Crew Complement: 2400
Maximum Acceleration: 1.1 gravities
Guns, number: 6
Guns, type: 'battleship-grade', 'super-heavy'
Guns, range: 10 light-seconds
Heavy Cruisers (BC)
Classes: Gerald Ansen
Crew Complement: 1200
Maximum Acceleration: 1.4 gravities
Guns, number: 3
Guns, type: 'heavy'
Guns, range: 7 light-seconds
Light Cruisers (CC)
Classes: Tuscany
Crew Complement: 800
Maximum Acceleration: 1.7 gravities
Guns, number: 3
Guns, type: 'medium'
Guns, range: 5 light-seconds
Destroyers (DD)
Crew Complement: 400
Maximum Acceleration: 2.1 gravities
Guns, number: 3
Guns, type: 'light'
Guns, range: 3 light-seconds
Major Awards and Decorations to Jan Childers
The Commonwealth Charter Medallion
Battle of Kodu
CSF Combat Medal, with three clusters
Battle of Parchman
Battle of Feirm
Battle of Kodu
Battle of Earth
CSF Science Medal, with cluster
Calculation of the system periphery; hyperspace modulation
Calculation of the inner and outer system envelopes
Distinguished Service Medal, with three clusters
Battle of Valore
Battle of Saarestik
Battle of Calumet
Battle of Feirm
Victorious Action ribbon, with one gold and one silver star
Battle of Valore
Battle of Parchman
Battle of Saarestik
Battle of Pahaadon
Battle of Feirm
Battle of Kodu
Battle of Earth
Theater of Service Ribbons
Waldheim (with star)
The Earth Medal
Acronyms and Terms
AAR – After Action Report.
AO – Area of operations.
ATO – Assistant Tactical Officer.
ATS – Advanced Tactics School.
below decks – cylinders on a ship containing enlisted quarters and mechanical areas such as propulsion, weapons control, etc.
bogey – an unidentified contact, such as on radar.
BTS – Basic Tactics School.
building book – designing a book of maneuvers.
bulkhead – wall on a spaceship.
CCM – CSF decoration, Commonwealth Charter Medallion.
CFP – Commonwealth of Free Planets.
CIC – Combat Information Center.
Class 1 secured facility – the highest rated facility for the use or discussion of classified materials.
CM – CSF decoration, Combat Medal.
CNO – Chief of Naval Operations.
Commonwealth – Commonwealth of Free Planets.
CPS – ship prefix, Commonwealth Passenger Ship.
CSF – Commonwealth Space Force.
CSL – Commonwealth Star Lines, commercial passenger company.
CSS – ship prefix, Commonwealth Space Ship.
deadhead – make a trip aboard ship while not serving; guest; ferry.
deck – floor in a spaceship.
deckhead – ceiling in a spaceship, with a room directly above.
division – half of a squadron; in CSF, four ships.
DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid; a molecule of genetic instructions.
door – physical closure on a doorway; may not be airtight.
doorway – opening in a bulkhead.
DSM – CSF decoration, Distinguished Service Medal.
ENS – ship prefix, Earth Navy Ship.
Enshin – martial art combining karate and judo, founded in 1988.
Exam – Citizenship Exam of the Commonwealth of Free Planets.
Fleet Book (of Maneuvers) – CSF standard book of maneuvers.
flotilla – two squadrons under one command; usually destroyers.
g – one gravity, the amount of gravity one feels on Earth.
geosynchronous – west-to-east orbit in 24 hours; geostationary.
Goat Locker – Chief's Mess on a ship.
hatch – airtight cover on a hatchway in a deckhead or overhead.
hatchway – opening in a deckhead or overhead, with a hatch.
HQ – Headquarters.
inner envelope – calculated volume inside the published system periphery allowing hyperspace cruise but not transition.
JAG – Judge Advocate General, the legal arm of the CSF.
JTO – Junior Tactical Officer.
ladderway – opening in a deckhead or overhead, without a hatch.
light-second – distance light travels in one second; 186,282 miles.
light-year – distance light travels in one year; 5.88 trillion miles.
low-g – low gravity; gravity under 0.2 g.
metroplex – city and its suburbs; metropolitan area.
LNS – ship prefix, Lautadan Navy Ship.
MP – Military Police.
NOC – Naval Operations Center at Sigurdsen Fleet HQ.
OCS – Officer Candidate School.
outer envelope – calculated volume inside the published system periphery allowing hyperspace cruise and transition.
overhead – ceiling in a spaceship, without a room directly above.
PhD – Doctor of Philosophy; the most advanced degree in a field.
PR – public relations.
PSS – ship prefix, Paradiso Space Ship.
R&R – Rest and Recuperation.
SM – CSF decoration, Science Medal.
squadron – group of ships under one command; in CSF, eight ships.
SSN – shi
p prefix, Samaran Space Navy.
STO – Senior Tactical Officer.
system periphery – published boundary inside which hyperspace cruise and transition are dangerous to the ship.
topside – cylinder(s) on a ship containing officer's quarters and command & control areas like the bridge, CIC, etc.
TNS – ship prefix, Tenerife Navy Ship.
UCS – Unarmed Combat School.
UJ – University of Jablonka.
VA – CSF decoration, Victorious Action ribbon.
VR – virtual reality.
XO – Executive Officer, First Officer.
zero-g – completely weightless; in free fall.