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Trent (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance)

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by Maia Starr

  "Stop here," she said, opening the door before I could even come to a complete stop. She jumped out of the vehicle and ran toward a rock wall. She moved her hands over it. I followed her and asked, "What is it?"

  "I just wanted to touch the rock wall. It is my first time touching an alien landscape. It is beautiful. Look at the colors," she said in an excited manner.

  "Yes, it is beautiful. I thought the same thing when I first came to Sala," I said to her as I placed my hands on the wall as well. She turned and looked at me and smiled. We were quiet as we stared at each other. It was a moment of appreciating the land and it was bonding us together. I had never experienced anything like it with any other female, be it human or Drackon.

  She broke away from the stare as though trying to distract herself as she said, "Do you think I can dig around and maybe take some samples?" She grabbed her bag of tools.

  "I'm not sure about that," I said teasing her.

  "Why is that?" Her eyes went wide.

  "Normally, a human would have to fill out many forms and they would have to be approved by the Land Sentinel before any collection could take place," I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  "But isn't that you? You are the Land Sentinel." She asked.

  I laughed and said, "Oh yes! I forgot that is me!"

  "Well? Do I have your permission?" she asked me.

  "I don't know. It's going to cost you."

  "What do you want?" She asked.

  "A kiss right here," I pointed at my cheek.

  She gasped, and it grew quiet. She stepped towards me and pulled herself up on her tiptoes as her hands pressed against my chest to keep her balance. She tilted her head back and I lowered my face and turned it. Just as her lips were going to make contact with my cheek I turned my face and I locked my lips onto hers. She moaned into my mouth as I kissed her. It was a dirty trick but I could not help myself. She quickly pulled away from me and stepped back toward her tools.

  "Now, do I have your permission?"

  I cleared my throat and forced myself to calm down and said, "You have my permission, Dr. Adams."

  She smiled a big grin and went to work. She took out a notepad and began taking notes. She was focused. She was driven. She made drawings of the strata of the rock wall, and I knew exactly what she was doing. As she went along I decided to help her, "This layer here that is a darker yellow, we call that the cruit layer."

  She looked at me, shocked, and then she smiled, "Tell me more, Sentinel Vuna," she picked up her pen ready to hear my lecture. I was excited to share that knowledge with her. Before I knew it we had spent an hour as I gave her a lecture about the geology of Sala as she collected rocks and soil. We truly were a real match. And to think we came so close to actually being matched without any problems between us. If Captain Mordikye had not gone to Earth and picked her out himself, she would be on a ship from Earth to be with me as my wife. But that was not how things had progressed, and for the time being I would have to deal with that until I could figure something out.

  "You know, when you and the Captain shifted and fought, that was the first time I had ever seen a weredragon shift," she said out of nowhere.

  "Did it scare you?" I asked her.

  "No! I thought it was very fascinating. I was in awe of it. I had never seen such a beautiful thing before. Does it hurt? Does it hurt when you shift?" She asked.

  "No, in fact it feels great. It releases all this tension and energy that builds up inside of us."

  "It must be an amazing thing to be able to fly," she said as her eyes began to water.

  "It is," I said, as I stepped away from her. She looked at me in confusion.

  "Grrr" I growled as I shifted into dragon form. Then I moved my wings, flapping them up and down and taking flight. Adriana watched from below with awe in her eyes. Then I swooped down and picked her up in my arms. She let out a little squeal as I took flight, holding her in my arms close to my body. Now she too was flying. I could hear her giggling and it made me smile. I took her flying high over the desert and over the mountains. It was more fun than I had flying any other time, and it was because she was with me. After a few minutes I set her back down near the vehicle.

  "That was amazing!" She shouted as she jumped up and down in excitement.

  "Yes it was," I said as I stepped toward her. Her mouth fell open, as she looked me over.

  "Can I touch it?" She asked.

  I raised an eyebrow at her and said, "Touch what?"

  "Your scales… Your wings…" she said moving toward me. Before I could give her an answer the palms of her hands were flat against the scales on my chest and stomach. She moved over them with a soft motion, and it was more than I could handle. She was turning me on. I took a deep breath as she continued to fondle me. Then she moved around me behind my back and began to finger my wings.

  "They are so beautiful and shiny," she said.

  "So are you," I said to her.

  She walked around to my front side and before she could speak again I pulled her into my arms and kissed her fiercely. My lips pressed firmly against her… and she pressed her body against mine, putting her hands around my abdomen. I picked her up off the ground so that she could better reach me. I held her firmly against me as I ravaged her mouth. Her hands roamed over my shoulders.

  Then she pulled her mouth away from me and said, "Put me down please."

  I set her back on her feet and she moved away from me toward the vehicle. She turned to me and said, "I'm sorry. It is not that I don't want to, but it seems wrong. I am still betrothed to another. Is it not wrong for us to engage in this type of behavior when I am still promised to another?"

  "You are right. I am sorry. It will not happen again. We do have laws against this, and technically you still belong to Captain Mordikye… for now. Let us go back to the base," I said as I shifted back from the dragon. I got into the vehicle and we drove quietly back to the base. Neither of us said anything. There was so much that I wanted to say to her, but I locked it up inside. She had been right. King Jarith Rykor would look down on my behavior if he knew what I was doing.

  Chapter 7


  After my flight over Sala in the arms of the powerful weredragon Sentinel Vuna, I could think of nothing else. I had almost forgotten about my mission to seek out a cache of flagion rocks. I had to remember why I was really here. I had an entire life back on Earth that was about to get so much more interesting when I got to study the flagion. But now, for some reason, all of that seemed very small in the grand scheme of things. My heart wanted Sentinel Vuna… Terik.

  The flight from Sala to Mooreah on board a small space pod with Terik and a guard was a very quiet trip. I could feel the tension between Terik and I yet none of us said anything. It was a short flight and when the pod entered the Mooreah atmosphere my mouth fell open. It was beautiful and lush with lots of greens, blues; forest and water. The pod flew near a grand castle that looked like a medieval English castle. “What is this place?” I asked breaking the silence.

  “This is the capital city of Cerista. That castle is where the King and Queen live,” Terik answered.

  After landing we left the pod and Terik walked me toward the castle. It was then that I saw a weredragon youngling flying over the castle grounds sweeping and diving fast. There was something very different about him.

  "That is Prince Caspin," Terik said.

  "He is different; why?" I asked.

  "He is a tricolored. He is the offspring of the human female Queen Marissa and King Jarith Rykor," he replied.

  That was interesting. I had heard that the offspring between human and Drackon was different but it wasn’t until I saw it in person that I really understand how special it was.

  We entered the castle and, even though I knew there was a human female queen, it was still astonishing to see her sitting on the throne. The throne next to hers was empty.

  "Welcome back, Land Sentinel Vuna," she said as she sto
od up and moved toward us. She gave him a big hug and then looked at me and said, "You must be Dr. Adriana Adams. I am glad to meet you. You must excuse my husband's absence; he is out on a mission and will be back this evening."

  "Very well, then we shall join you for dinner. If you don't mind, Queen Marissa, I have promised to take this one on a flight around Mooreah."

  "Of course not. You two enjoy yourselves and we will see you at dinner," she said.

  I looked at Terik with a smile. He had remembered my interest. I felt a tinge of guilt that he was trying to please me out of caring for me, while I was using him to find the flagion rocks.

  Minutes later we were outside on a grand veranda and Terik shifted into Dragon form. “Wow,” I whispered. I would never get tired of watching it happen. It was beautiful and it was powerful. It really turned me on. He scooped me up into his arms and together we took flight over the lush planet of Mooreah. We visited many areas that were his favorite places. But none of these places had the familiar shiny orange flagion rock that I was seeking.

  We took flight again and now that the sun was at a different angle I saw something in a ravine below us that was glowing and orange.

  "There! let's go there," I shouted to Terik. He swooped down and landed on the ravine floor. I looked around and twirled as the gleaming flagion orange color surrounded me high on the walls.

  "What is this place? It is amazing," I said to him.

  "Yes, it is one of my favorite places. It is known as Duton."

  "I love it. What is all the orange shiny stuff?" I asked him.

  "That is known as flagion. It is a strong stone with many purposes. It is one of the reasons why I love this place so much."

  "I love it too."

  “You look very sexy when you get excited over the natural elements of the land,” he said to me, taking a step forward. His silver wings spread out behind him, framing his gorgeous body. I was so turned on by finding the flagion, the adrenaline from the flight, and this gorgeous alien in front of me that I shocked myself by my aggressive behavior. I moved toward him and said, “You are sexy when you speak like that to me.”

  He gulped down air as though inhaling my scent. I bit my lower lip. I had decided. If I was only going to be on Mooreah a short time than I was going to have some fun and there was no better place than where we were to do it. I pulled off the outer coat that Luqan had given to me. I dropped it on the ground.

  “What are you doing, Adriana,” Terik’s voice was raspy as he asked me that question.

  “I think you know what I’m doing. Don’t pretend like you don’t want me. I see the way you look at me,” I said as I pulled off the skintight top. I wasn’t wearing a bra under it and my breasts were now free. The cool breeze of the ravine made my nipples instantly hard.

  “Fuck,” he whispered as he took a step closer.

  “No! Stay right where you are. I want you to watch,” I said to him. His eyes grew wide and then a mischievous grin came over his face. He cleared his throat and crossed his strong muscular arms over his chest. I smiled at him and pulled off my boots. Then I pulled my pants down slowly over my hips, down my thighs, until I was kicking them off my feet. Now, I stood there completely naked with an alien weredragon warrior staring at me while I was surrounded by the amazing flagion rock. It was extremely erotic and exciting.

  “What do you think? Have you seen a human female naked before?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow as I played with my long black hair.

  He gulped again as his gaze looked at me up and down, “No, not in person.”

  He took a step toward me, but I stopped him again, “Wait! Stay there. Now it’s your turn.”

  He let out a soft growl of frustration. He unbuckled the belt around his waist that held his weapons and it dropped to the ground. He pulled off his boots and then his derets, or pants. My mouth fell open at the sight of him. He was truly half warrior and half dragon. The shiny scales moved from his broad right shoulder across his chest and abdomen to his left hip. The silver wings protruded from his back. But the rest of him was much like a human male. My gaze moved directly to his hard cock. It was smooth and stood straight up. It was proportionate to his body size of eight feet tall and I swallowed hard as I took in the size with my eyes. It was perfectly light pink and he grabbed it in his hand as he said, “See something you like?”

  I moaned in response because I could not find the right words. I walked to him and placed my hands on his scales. They were hard as metal. My fingers roamed over his toned body and warm flesh. He was the perfect form.

  “My turn,” he said. I looked at him as his hand moved to my breasts. His large hands cupped one breast each and his fingers tugged at my nipples. “Mmm…oh Terik. That feels good.”

  Terik growled and he picked me up and placed me on the soft grass. He moved between my thighs and kissed me on the mouth. His body was almost twice the length as mine and I had never felt so small and delicate. I could not believe that I was underneath and alien weredragon. Even though this is what I had set out to experience, the real thing was magical.

  “I wanted to kiss you for a long time now, Adriana,” he moaned.

  “Then kiss me everywhere,” I whispered. He growled as his lips moved from my lips down my chin. Then he licked and flicked at my nipples as he moved lower and lower. I arched my back up in response to the overwhelming excitement my body was feeling. His tongue moved further down until it was licking my sweet wet center up and down. “Ah!” I shouted at the contact. It was sensory overload. I could feel him smiling. I picked up my head and looked down at his face between my thighs. I pushed my fingers into his long dark hair and his silver wings were spread wide above us. “Oh yes, yes,” I moaned as he continued to lick me. Then his tongue moved to my clitoris and he applied pressure and I knew that I was on the brink. “I’m going to cum Terik. I’m cumming!” I shouted as my body tensed and released in erotic pleasure.

  “Mmm…you taste so good, Adriana,” he said as he drank of my nectar.

  Then Terik moved his body forward as he licked from my belly back to my mouth where he kissed me. “Are you sure Adriana?” he asked as I felt the tip of his hard rod press against me.

  “Yes, Terik. Take me please. I want you inside of me,” I moaned as I put my hands on either side of his face over his rugged stubble. He positioned himself and the tip of his cock entered me as he moved his body forward. He was so tall and long that now his chest was aligned with my face. I opened my mouth and licked his strong chest silver scales as he pushed in another inch. His cock was wide and thick. It felt better than anything I had ever experienced on Earth.

  “Are you alright? You’re so small I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.

  “Yes, I am fine. Don’t stop,” I said. Terik moved forward, slowly sliding in until he was completely inside of me. We both let out a moan as he reached the depths of me. I opened my thighs wider. “You feel so damn good, Adriana” He moaned out the words as he began to sway his hips back and forth, allowing his cock to slide in and out of me. I grabbed onto his arms, holding on to keep myself centered. Terik moved faster and faster and as I stared at his majestic form I knew that I was once again on the brink. “I’m going to cum again. Shit. Oh fuck. I can’t stop it.”

  “Then don’t, Adriana. Enjoy it, enjoy me,” he groaned as he moved faster and faster pounding me.

  “Yes, yes!” I shouted as the warmth flooded out of me and my whole body felt like it was vibrating.

  Terik slowed down, and looked down at me as his hand moved through my hair. Then he lifted himself up higher in a sort of push up position and angled his hips. He looked down and I realized that he was watching. He was watching his cock go in and out of me. It was so damn hot and I didn’t know how much more I could take in my sensitive state. His hips moved in short burst of movement back and forth over and over. Then finally I felt him tense. His wings spread out at full length as he shouted, “I’m cumming. I’m going to release!”

p; Then I felt the warmth of his juices flood my body as he moved in and out of me. Finally, we were both satisfied and he lay on top of me. I didn’t know what I had just experienced but I knew that it was special. When we finally pulled apart and I had put my clothes on, I took the opportunity to collect a few flagion. Now the rock was even more exciting because it would forever remind me of this erotic moment with a weredragon alien.

  “We should get back. The King and Queen will be expecting us,” Terik said as he put his hand out to me. Moments later we were in flight and I was so extremely happy I must have look like a fool with the grin on my face that would not go away.

  When evening came, Terik and I sat with the king and queen at dinner. Terik and King Jarith Rykor were having their own conversation, while Queen Marissa and I had our own private conversation. She asked me many questions about Earth, and about my life on Earth. But there was one particular thing that I wanted to speak with her about. When I had all her attention I quietly whispered, "Queen Marissa, I wonder if I may speak to you about my predicament with my match?"


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