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In the Ranger's Arms (The Men of At Ease Ranch)

Page 12

by Michaels, Donna

  “Yeah,” he acknowledged after a few beats, his voice low and rough. “There are twenty-two veteran suicides a day. That’s ten times more than the veterans lost to combat operations.”

  Her chest squeezed so tight she could barely breathe. “Is that why you opened the ranch and started your construction company?”

  “Sort of. Brick and I were going to start the company anyway, but when Leo…had his accident, we took a good look at the statistics and decided we need to do something to help our fellow veterans.”

  “I think that’s great.”

  He moved her hair aside and—sweet mercy—kissed the back of her neck, sending another round of shivers down her spine. “I think you’re great,” he murmured against her skin, the scruff of his jaw brushing her nape with a sensuous scrape.

  She knew what he was doing, changing the subject, pushing the pain away to focus on pleasure. Fine by her. She was so on board. It had gotten a bit too intense. The conversation made her feel way too much for the sexy former Ranger.

  “You taste great, too,” he said, nipping her shoulder while his hand slowly glided up her ribs to cup a breast.

  “Mmm…” This time, when she went to shift onto her back to get a look at him, he let her. Hot damn, his five-o’clock shadow had thickened, and her whole body tingled with the need to feel his jaw scrape against her skin again. She lifted a hand to brush her thumb over the delicious stubble.

  “I know. I need to shave,” he said, kissing her palm.

  She shook her head. “Not on my account.”

  Heaven help her, a wicked gleam entered his eyes while a grin rubbed her hand. “Enjoyed the body scratching, did you?”

  “Only a lot.”

  “I seemed to recall you especially enjoyed it near your lower back, upper thighs, and right here, just above your ribs.” He dipped down to prove his point.

  Pure bliss. She closed her eyes and moaned, her whole body suddenly sparking to life. “You have ten minutes to stop that.”

  “Only ten?” He lifted his head to glance at her clock. “Neither of us have to be at work for two hours yet.”

  She trailed her hand down his hot, smooth, hard body, loving how his abs quivered under her touch. “True. Too bad we don’t have another condom.”

  That wicked grin reappeared. “We don’t need one. Trust me.” He winked, and then proved it.

  Chapter Twelve

  At five minutes before noon, Stone arrived back at the ranch and strolled in the front door, feeling lighter and happier than he had in years. Spending the night with Jovy had turned out to be more than an incredible physical release. His mind felt at peace. Transformed. Clearer. Less burdened. And he had no idea why. It was unexpected, but so damned welcomed. Being in the woman’s presence, in her arms…inside her sweet body had brought him a peace he never knew existed. Heaven help him, he wanted to experience it again. And never leave. Which was foolish, dangerous, considering the woman herself was leaving in a few weeks. Still, any time with her would be worth having.

  But now that he was back home, back to reality, a sliver of guilt clawed at his gut for feeling this content when so many others didn’t. Then there was Leo. Stone hadn’t thought about him once since leaving the Beer and Steer last night. Not until his conversation with Jovy this morning.

  No one had alerted him to any trouble or disasters while he’d been with Jovy. Life had gone on. The world hadn’t stopped. Only for him.

  Brick walked out of the office, stopped dead, and frowned. “You just had to go there, didn’t you?”

  Stone’s heart dropped. “You’re the one who pushed me to go. Why? What happened?”

  “Relax.” His brother cursed. “Nothing happened. I meant I could see you’re happy but feeling guilty over it. Don’t go there, Stone. Just cut it the hell out. Enjoy your sex afterglow and get on with life.”

  Once Stone’s heart rate returned to normal, he followed his brother back into the office. “So, Leo is all right?”

  “Yes.” Brick dropped down onto the couch, and as usual, papers crinkled while others flew into the air. “He’s fine. I talked to him an hour ago. He’s having such a great time he’s staying until Monday.”

  “Wow. That’s a first.” Stone stepped over a pile of papers to get behind the desk and sink into the chair. In the past, Leo had usually been in a hurry to escape his family and their well-meaning but prying questions.

  His brother nodded. “I know. So quit worrying. It’s all good. Unlike this office. Damn shame. It was starting to look good, too. Any chance you can persuade Jovy to help you finish organizing this mess?”

  Stone glanced around. How the hell had things gotten so messy again? Papers and receipts littered every surface. And it sure as shit wasn’t because of him. “Maybe if you and the guys would use that app and file like I showed you, this place wouldn’t look like a tornado hit it.”

  “No can do, bro.” Brick shook his head as he rose to his feet. “This is your domain. I run the machinery, remember?”

  He grunted. “You’re not the only excavator.” They both operated the bulldozer and backhoe when required. “No reason I should be the sole paperwork prisoner.”

  “Sure there is. None of us want to do it,” Brick stated with a grin. “So, while you were getting laid, we broke ground on the new bunkhouse. Want to check it out?”

  At the mention of the new women’s quarters, Stone’s aggravation subsided. He shot to his feet. “Hell yeah! You started to dig the footer? I thought we had to start the Hastings job today.”

  “No, he called and asked us to start on Monday. So we switched to plan B and broke ground on the bunk today.” Brick slapped his shoulder as they headed for the door. “The footer is dug, and so is the storm shelter behind it. I finished a half hour ago, helped with the sand and gravel, then stopped to have lunch. The guys are framing the footer and putting in the forms they got from the concrete company for the storm shelter.”

  Excitement quickened Stone’s steps. The men were already framing out the foundation? He couldn’t wait to see the blueprints he’d worked on with Cord several months ago finally come to life. “When will it be ready for inspection?”

  “Today,” his brother replied, walking through the empty kitchen and out the back door. “I already called city hall and sweet-talked the inspector to stop by this afternoon at three.”

  Stone shot his gaze to his brother, pleased to see the laid-back guy take the initiative.

  “I also scheduled the concrete for first thing in the morning.”

  Shit. Not that much initiative. He grabbed Brick’s arm and brought them to a halt in the side yard. “What if it doesn’t pass inspection? We can’t afford a cancellation fee. Hell, we can barely afford the concrete.”

  “Relax. You need to have faith. Besides, I know what I’m doing. This isn’t my first foundation, you know.”

  Stone blew out a breath and released his brother. “I know. It’s just that everything is so tight. We can’t afford even the smallest slipup.”

  “Then we treat this like a mission,” Brick said. “Prepare the shit out of it. Double-check our triple-check. No mistakes.”

  He nodded and fell back into step. “No mistakes.”

  “Speaking of no mistakes…” His brother glanced sideways at him. “Are you going to see Jovy again? I kind of like what she’s done to you.”

  So did he.

  Stone loved what Jovy had done to him. And with him. Heat skittered down his spine at the memory of their incredible night and morning. “Yes, I’d like to see her again. In fact, I’m seeing her tonight. Why? What exactly has she done to me?”

  Brick laughed. “She’s removed that stick from up your ass. You’re not as stiff, bro. You’re more relaxed. It looks good on you.”

  This time Stone laughed. The woman had magic hands. He loved the feel of them on his skin. But it was more than that. It was the woman herself. She was addicting. Being in her presence made him feel whole. Something he hadn’t
felt in a damn long time. And he had no idea anything was missing until he met the beautiful northerner with a heart of gold, who stood by her word, even if it meant tattooing a rival Major League Baseball mascot onto her mouthwatering ass when she lost a bet.

  Letting Jovy go was going to be tough as fuck, but staying away for the remainder of her stay would be even tougher. Stone wasn’t that strong. Or stupid. Tonight couldn’t come fast enough.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Two mornings later, Jovy scrambled through the café, smoothing her shirt over her hips on her way to unlock the door to let Blanche and Cece in. Yesterday, the ladies had offered to drop by two hours before opening to help make the special of the day. One of Cece’s recipes. And since both ladies had worked in the food service field, Jovy had taken them up on their offer.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, stepping back to allow them inside. “I slept through my alarm.”

  True, but then Stone woke her up with his very talented slow hands. She really needed to learn to resist the Ranger’s morning recons. Too bad it’d be easier to resist breathing. She was such a pushover when it came to that man and his lips. And hands. And…

  “Oh, honey, don’t you worry about.” Blanche waved a hand, envy gleaming in her eyes. “I wouldn’t even show up to work if I had a hot former Ranger in my bed. Especially on a Saturday morning.”

  Jovy nearly swallowed her tongue. Had they seen his truck out back? “It wasn’t—”

  Cece laughed. “No sense in denying. That satisfied glow gives you away.”


  “No.” She shook her head. She didn’t need gossip to spread. “I really did hit snooze on the alarm, except it never went off.” But she did. Twice. Thanks to Stone, who was upstairs grabbing a shower before he headed to work. Hopefully, by the back door.

  “I hate when that happens,” Cece said. “I can’t tell you how many times I was late getting the kids up for school…back when they were still in school.”

  Before Jovy could comment, the side door opened and Stone walked in, stride determined, gaze sinful, body hot as hell, effectively stealing her breath. “Morning, ladies,” he said.

  So much for keeping him a secret.

  He stalked her, his heated gaze never leaving Jovy’s face as he backed her up against the wall and kissed her stupid.

  An equal opportunity kind of guy, he attacked brain cells and strength with a ferocity that made her tingle. When finished, he drew back and smiled. “Now that’s what I call a good morning.”

  Releasing her with a wink, he turned and strode from the café, leaving her dazed and heated. As Jovy inhaled several deep breaths, she slapped her palms against the wall for balance and blinked the room back into focus.

  “Dayam, girl.” Cece fanned herself. “That man is hot.”

  “Yeah.” Blanche sighed. “I want one.”

  Cece snickered. “I think that one is taken, Blanche.”

  Laughing, Jovy shook off her stupor and headed into the kitchen to join Leslie and get started on the day’s special with the women following close behind. “Morning, Leslie.”

  The petite, pregnant mother of two smiled as she opened a package of almond flour. “Morning, ladies.”

  “Hey, Leslie.” The blonde turned her attention back to Cece and shook her head. “And I didn’t mean that exact man. I want a hot guy of my own who could put that after-sex glow on my face Jovy seems to be wearing all week.”

  Jovy frowned, resisting the urge to hold a stainless steel pot up to check her reflection. She had a glow?

  “Don’t mind her.” Cece smiled. “It’s nice to see you happy. And Stone. He’s a great guy. It’s been a long time—too long—since we’ve seen him smile.”

  Jovy wanted to comment, but that was getting too personal. And she wasn’t in the market for personal. She was happy to just enjoy the physical with Stone. Although it had already gone way past that this week. The man engaged her heart as well as her body every time they met.

  Besides, she already knew what had stolen Stone’s smile. Leo’s attempted suicide.

  “Happy?” Blanche squeaked. “Jovy looks more than happy. As a matter of fact, I want to know where the hell you got your alarm clock, because if that’s what happens when you hit snooze, honey, I’ve been missing out. Big-time!”

  She laughed and opened a cupboard to get a jar of coconut oil.

  “It’s not for lack of opportunity,” Cece pointed out, grabbing carrots, celery, and onions from the refrigerator for a homemade ragout. “Guys are always coming on to you, Blanche. Just last week at your son’s college baseball game several of the hot studs were tripping over themselves to get your attention.” The woman smiled, setting the vegetables on the counter with a thud. “You should’ve seen it. The coach had to yell at them to ignore the heads in their crotch and focus on the ones on their shoulders.”

  Leslie chuckled. “Bet that went over well.”

  “Sounds like you made quite a stir, Blanche,” Jovy said.

  Cece nodded, peeling a batch of carrots. “She usually does.”

  “Pfft.” The blonde waved them off before she picked up a knife and started to attack the onions. “First of all…eww…they’re boys. Young enough to be my sons.” Distaste puckered the woman’s pretty face as her body shook. “I want a man. One who has lived life, experienced ups and downs, and doesn’t need me to stand on his own two feet. You know, a guy who appreciates me for more than sex…although, don’t get me wrong, sex is a good place to start.”

  Having just crossed that exact road this week, Jovy was inclined to agree. It was nice to spend time with a man who wasn’t concerned about his status, or worse…hers.

  Stone was refreshing. Even last night, after talking about family and life growing up in different environments, he couldn’t care less about the Larson empire or Jovy’s bank account. The only thing that concerned the diligent man was pleasuring her to see how many times she’d scream his name.


  That morning he’d made her scream three times. Heat flooded low in Jovy’s belly at the memory. But she also remembered how his face had lit up whenever he talked about the progress on the second bunkhouse. It was almost under roof, and he hoped to have enough money next week to finish stage two. His excitement was infectious. Jovy was drawn in and unable to distance herself from the man when he opened his heart and talked so freely about something he was so passionate about. He made her want to be a part of it. Made her want to please him. To give him a reason to be passionate. She wanted to help him help others.

  Running with that train of thought, she set the bowl down and turned to the women. “Listen, Cece, Blanche. I have a proposition for you two.”

  “Ooo…” The blonde smiled and leaned closer. “I’m all ears.”

  Cece nodded. “Me, too.”

  “How would you feel about working here, assisting Leslie with the cooking and running the café?” The more Jovy thought about it, the more she really liked this idea; she just hoped the women would, too. “I’d like to help out at At-Ease while I’m in town.” Lord knew the men needed rescuing in that office. She still twitched at the thought of straightening only half of the mess last Sunday. “I’m dying to get my hands on Stone’s business.”

  Blanche snickered. “Is that what they’re calling it these days?”

  Cece jabbed the grinning woman in the ribs. “Behave.”


  Heat rushed into Jovy’s face as she realized what she’d said. “I can’t pay you a lot, but it would give you a chance to try the place out to see if you want to keep it going after I lea—”

  “Yes.” Blanche cut her off and grinned. “I’ll do it, but I don’t want any money.”

  Cece nodded. “Me, too.”

  Jovy frowned and started to shake her head. “That’s not right. I can’t do that. I have to pay you something.”

  Cece reeled back. “Are you kidding me? I’d pay you for the chance to finally get some healthy
food into the bellies of the people in this town. And this way you don’t have to worry about filling in if Leslie needed an unscheduled day off.”

  The young mother rubbed her protruding belly and nodded. “Yeah, sometimes my doctor’s appointments get rescheduled.”

  “And I’d pay you for keeping me from dying of boredom.” Blanche snorted. “This is great. Thanks, Jovy.” The blonde pulled her in for a quick hug. “There’s only so many reruns of Criminal Minds I could watch during the day.” She released her and stepped back. “Unless Shemar is shirtless, then I could sit and drool…I mean watch until the cows come home.”

  Cece snickered. “You don’t have any cows, Blanche.”

  “I know.” The woman winked, and the four of them laughed in unison.

  The rest of the day flew by. Jovy gave her two new employees a key and spent the time showing Cece and Blanche the ropes, supervising while the eager women took over in the afternoon. Even though only a handful of customers stopped in, Jovy got a good sense of how they would manage unsupervised. Efficient and personable, the women passed with flying colors. After coming up with an agreeable schedule and discussing a few recipes, Cece and Blanche left with Leslie, excited about starting work in the morning, which was the young mother’s day off.


  Jovy smiled as she flipped the sign on her door to Closed and locked up, bringing an end to her first week. A mildly successful end. It would’ve been nice to have sold more, but considering the numbers increased every day, she was hopeful that by the end of her run she’d meet her goal.

  Thanks to Stone.

  The handsome cowboy Ranger was like her private rescuer. Ever since they met—no, even before they met—the man had saved her ass. Agreeing to lease his property to her on a weekly basis was not normal. Not many would.

  He’s a good egg, her grandfather had stated.


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