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Dark Conquest - Rosa (Vampire romance) (Erotic romance)

Page 2

by Henderson, Nell

  “Will you allow me to take you, Rosa, to make you mine?” He speaks the words low and stares into my face. I can’t move my eyes away from his. What’s he doing, what power is he exerting over me? I’m drowning in those inky, black pools. Diving into those dark beguiling eyes – eyes I could lose myself in forever – if I’m lucky.

  “I might,” I mumble desperate to find reality again.

  He’s not joking, his tone, his whole demeanour tells me he means it. And the excitement, the wild, fizzing need growing throughout my body and my damp knickers are testament to my true feelings about his offer despite the wide eyed coyness I’m trying hard to exhibit. But he’s not fooled.

  “You want to; I can see it behind the façade you put up.” He smiles again contritely as if apologising for seeing right through me. Then pulling me into his arms he whispers. “I can smell your arousal, the heady aroma from between your thighs is in the very air we’re breathing,” he intones with a look of pure lust.

  Now I’m mortified. Is he right, does the wetness from my pussy really smell as strong as he says?

  “I could take you here, up against this tree,” he offers moving closer and holding me in his arms. “I could remove your underwear,” he whispers. “Then open your tender nether lips, and use my fingers, these fingers,” he smiles wiggling them in front of my face. “To gently tickle at your clitoris until it swells large enough to nip with my teeth,” he tempted. “Then I’d lie you on the grass and push my fingers deep inside you and tease against you slowly with my tongue until you scream out for more.”

  I had no doubts that Anton was capable of all that and much, much more. And I was so ready for him. My pussy was throbbing and as wet as hell for this man and I really wanted to let him. I couldn’t work it out. I’d refused Jason because it was too soon in our relationship. But at least we’d had a relationship. I’d only just met Anton!

  Your body likes the idea, doesn’t it?” He asked using his full lips to kiss slowly and sensuously down my cheek and on down over the side of my neck. His lips press hard and I feel him suck against my skin.

  I moan in his arms, I’m such a tart! I put my arms around him and go for his mouth. Our lips meet in a fusion of heat and want. His tongue penetrates deep, his ravishment absolute until I’m left gasping for air.

  I feel myself swaying, he’s trying to push me down onto the grass and I’m losing all will to resist. I think of Jane and then of Jason then I feel his hand on my thigh and I crumple into his arms a mere blob of flesh desperate for sexual release.

  “Do you want me to stop, Rosa,” he teases. “Do I put a stop to this now and take you back inside?”

  I groan with hunger. My body craves this man’s touch. I want his hands on my body, in my body and then I want him to fuck me and never stop. I sway again and lean hard into his wide frame gazing up into his beautiful face.

  “Take me, Anton, please I’m yours, I’ll let you do anything,” I whisper softly then everything went black.

  Chapter 2

  So here I am back in my room. No memory of the past twelve hours or so and certain now that I’ve been molested in some way. Sexually molested.

  I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and wince. Shit it hurts up there. I want to look. I need to see what’s been done to me. Reaching into my bag I find a make up mirror and spreading my thighs wide I take a long, hard look at my pussy.

  My labia are hideous swollen and very red. I’m oozing cum and use a wipe to sweep it away. But there’s loads, the more I wipe the more it drips out of me. Is it my cum, or is it his, I wonder fearfully, realising that if it’s his then no condom was used. My clitoris looks badly bruised and gently easing a finger tip into my wet vagina I moan in pain. It’s obvious from the state of me that I’ve been used, blatantly used and defiled.

  It can only be Anton that’s done this. I need to find him, get things straight. Then it happened. An image, clear and so very real suddenly swamped my brain.

  I am bound spread eagled and naked on an elaborate bed while a man whose face I can’t see thrusts his huge pulsating penis deep into my sex.

  Oh my – I gasp and flush. My pussy throbs in pain at the thought. I can almost feel it – feel its hugeness filling me. But that’s not all, I can hear something. He speaks, inside my head a deep male voice is instructing me to stay calm and return to my bed.

  But I can’t do that, I need a shower and I need to see why my neck keeps dripping blood.

  I limp across to the adjoining bathroom and look carefully at my reflection in the mirror. I seem to have an injury on my neck, a couple of scratches on the left hand side. For the moment I dismiss it as paltry in comparison to what’s going on between my legs.

  The warm water is soft and comforting against my skin and I start to feel better. After dabbing my aching body dry I shrug myself into a fluffy robe and go in search of Jane.

  What if the same thing has been done to her? I knock on her bedroom door but there’s no answer. I try the handle and thankfully it opens. But the room is empty, all her things have gone and the bed’s been made, or it hasn’t been slept in at all, I realise, panic setting in again. I spin around, my hand on my head. What’s going on here, where the hell is she?

  “ANTON,” I bawl down the hallway but my voice just echoes off the high vaulted ceiling and nothing moves, not even Addams, the butler. This is ridiculous!

  Eventually after virtually searching the place from top to bottom I decide to pack up and go home. There isn’t anything else I can do and at least there I’ll feel safe. I stop, a shiver convulses through my body. I don’t feel safe here, in fact I never did not from the moment we arrived.

  I need to plan what to do about Jane. She must have gone back to the flat, I decide. She’s found out that I spent the night with Anton and gone off early in a huff. I suppose I can’t blame her really, he was supposed to be her boyfriend after all. I’ve tried to use my mobile to ring her, to apologise, but there’s no signal here.

  Within the hour I’m dragging my suitcase back down the dirt track to the spot where we’d left the car. There’s no sign of it – just tyre tracks in the mud. She has left then, I think with relief believing this meant she was safe. Probably in a right strop and hating my guts for letting her down like that. She probably thinks I’ve stolen her man – how wrong she is.

  A tortuous two miles of a trek later and I am able to get a signal and ring for help. I have no choice, I have to ring Jason. He won’t let me down, he’ll come and get me and know what to do and right now I need a friend and a comforting shoulder.

  “It’s not like Jane to run out on you,” he puzzles as we drive back to the city. “Are you sure you two haven’t argued. You know how hot headed she can be,” he smiles ruefully. “Do you remember the time we pulled that practical joke and how she reacted?” He laughs.

  “This is different, Jace,” I insist. “The circumstances are different. I’m worried about her. She wouldn’t just go off and leave me like that even if we had argued – the girlie code, remember,” I remind him. “We leave together and we return together.”

  And Jane was always very firm about that. My stomach lurches, I have that niggle again and it’s getting worse. What if I was wrong, what if Jane hadn’t left? She’d been unwell, she might not even know about Anton seducing me and something awful might have happened to her as well. If Anton could do those things to me what might he have done to her?

  I daren’t tell Jason about Anton, he’d never understand. But then perhaps I should tell someone, after all the man had helped himself to my body in the most hideous way. Whatever he had between his thighs is practically a lethal weapon!

  He must have drugged me and Jane too, which is probably what made her feel ill. So I was drugged then taken somewhere, tied to a bed and used. I felt my cheeks redden.

  He’d have looked, looked at every little intimate part of me as I lay there. He would have touched and examined between my legs until he was fired up with lust. The
n he’d rammed that huge thing of his deep into me, into the virgin me. And he’d continued ramming hard until he’d shot his hot, sticky load, all of it. He was a beast. I’d already said yes to him, so why do things that way? I didn’t understand.

  Jane wasn’t at our flat and neither were her things.

  “Her car’s in its space outside,” Jason confirmed looking out of the window to the road. “She’s not brought her stuff in yet, that’s all,” he reassured. “She’ll be back any time clutching a bottle of wine and a pizza, so don’t worry,” he added kissing my cheek before he left.

  But I was worried. I had a growing sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach that was just getting worse as each hour passed. All my instincts told me this wasn’t right. Jane was in trouble and I’d left her behind.

  Anton Mortimer and Dorlan Grange – my starting point. An internet search on his name got me nowhere but the house was another matter.

  It was hundreds of years old and had belonged to the Dorlan family, all the eldest males had being called Lucien apparently. Recently it had been inherited by a cousin of the last remaining member of the family. That cousin is Anton I presume. The family seemed ordinary enough, apart from the wealth. They’d just passed it all down through the ages until finally there was no one left to pass it to but Anton.

  So Anton must have inherited from some one called Lucien Dorlan but checking through the death records I couldn’t find him. In fact I couldn’t find any of them. But then I remembered Anton’s faint accent – so perhaps they’d all been born abroad.

  But I soon got fed up, I was tired and none of this would help me find Jane. I’d been so engrossed in my research I hadn’t noticed the time passing and she still hadn’t returned – with pizza or anything else.

  I toyed with going to the police. Jane was missing and I’d been sexually assaulted. But was that stretching things a bit far. I had said yes to Anton earlier that evening and Jane was infatuated with him.

  He could have gone to her early this morning. A charming, persuasive man, it wouldn’t take much and she’d be putty in his hands. For all I knew they could have spent the day in bed and had simply been avoiding me as I’d searched for them. But then her car was outside, I couldn’t work it out.

  I decided to sleep on it.

  Chapter 3

  I had the strangest dream. That bed again and a man standing between my spread legs wearing a hooded robe so couldn’t see his face – was it Anton? All my instincts said it was.

  I woke in a sweat with my sex aching and the wounds on my neck itching like mad. What was this, I wondered rubbing them? But the strangest part of all was my intense need to go back there and that was weird because that need had nothing at all to do with Jane. It was if I was being compelled, called even.

  I gave it until lunchtime. I went to work at the café, for the afternoon shift as was usual on a Monday and every spare moment I got I rang Jane’s mobile. Nothing – not even her I’ll-call-you-back message. I rang her work but Nancy, the shop Manager, simply reminded me that Jane had the week off.

  As a last resort I rang Jason again but he was busy with a client and to be honest he sounded a bit put out by me bothering him like this at work. He never used to be – time was when he’d be only too pleased to hear my voice. Perhaps he really is moving on.

  Now I really am desperate. Something has happened to Jane otherwise, mad at me or not, she’d have rung back. There really is only one thing I can do, I’m going to have to go back there and confront Anton.

  I’m just picking at a tuna salad for my tea when there’s a bang at the door. It’s Jason and he’s clutching a pile of printouts.

  “I knew I’d heard of that place,” he says placing a perfunctory kiss on my cheek. “And I’m surprised neither of you two twigged either.”

  “What?” I splutter putting the plate of food down. “Dorlan Grange, means nothing to me - is it famous or something?”

  “Yes it is,” he replies a grim look on his face. “I bet you didn’t know it figures on the top twenty list of the most haunted houses in England?”

  I go cold. No, I didn’t and why hadn’t that fact come up during my internet search? But somehow this little nugget doesn’t surprise me. Is that why I had those feelings about the place? Or was I just being stupid?

  “Can we go somewhere to eat,” I ask him completely out of context. “That place on the corner will do. I fancy steak, good and rare.” I lick my lips and smile pleadingly at him.

  “Don’t be stupid we’ve got stuff to sort out,” he frowns. “And anyway you don’t eat meat, remember,” he snorts.

  Well I need to start and soon, I decide.

  “The haunting at that house has being going on for decades, centuries even,” he continues. “Eventually the place was closed up by one of the owners but somehow or other it became inhabited again. Over the past thirty years there’s been nothing but before that, it had some reputation, believe me,” he said thrusting the paperwork at me. “Read it and text that friend of yours to get the hell out of there, if that’s where she is,” he warned.

  I looked at the articles. Most of them were just salacious rubbish from the headline grabbing press but some of it was weird and one story in particular made me shudder.

  Just after the Second World War a couple had bought the place. Odd because Anton’s family had supposedly been in residence for the entire life of the place.

  The wife, a pretty young woman, apparently disappeared. She went to bed early one night feeling unwell and when her husband went up she was gone. She was never found, no body, no evidence of foul play, nothing. Eventually the husband was charged with her murder but he went crazy in prison and hanged himself.

  Shit! The first bit, about the young wife is exactly what had happened to Jane! One way or another we had to get her out of there – if she was still alive.

  I was shivering again. Surely Anton wouldn’t harm Jane, I was being irrational. This disappearance, murder, whatever it was had happened years ago, way before Anton was even born.

  But Jane was missing and then there was what had happened to me. I couldn’t just forget about that, the brute used me like a piece of meat. Could we storm in there and get Jane back? He was only one man, well there was also Addams but he was too old to put up much of a fight. So could I persuade Jason to come back with me and help? Well I could try.

  I was relying on him again but he agreed at once. I feel so guilty. If only I’d fancied Jason a bit more he would have been perfect for me. But the chemistry just wasn’t there – not like with Anton.

  I really need to get that guy out of my mind. But there he is in my head again, filling it with images. But I can’t pretend I don’t fancy the pants off him because I do. When Anton looks at me with those eyes I’d do anything, submit utterly to his most base, sexual desires - and isn’t that exactly what I’d done?

  “Me and Jane, we won’t forget this, Jace,” I said stroking his arm as we approached the motorway junction. “It takes a couple of hours, that’s all. We’ll scout around for a bit and look for anything, any evidence at all that Jane might still be there.”

  Jace agreed. But he was angry, I knew him and if he met Anton then he’d tackle him head on. I could only hope that my handsome hunk kept quiet about our little tryst. There was no way Jason would understand about that.

  We left the car in the same place and Jason studied the immediate area for any clues, anything at all.

  “Drag marks in the mud,” he said eventually.

  “My case,” I told him. “So don’t get excited. I don’t think it’s going to be quite that simple.”

  We started the trek up the dirt track and I’ll swear it’s even more overgrown than it was yesterday. “Jace don’t let’s split up in there,” I plead. “Can we look together please - I don’t care how long it takes.” He takes my hand – shit I feel so guilty about using him like this.

  The front door is open and squeaks loudly as Jason pushes it wide.
/>   “Addams, Anton,” I call out into the gloom of the hallway. But no one answers. The hallway virtually sparkled with light the day we arrived but now it’s grey, dusty, quite neglected in fact. I don’t understand it and even wonder if we’d got the right place.

  The further into the house we went the more obvious it became that it was totally uncared for. There was peeling paint and sprawling damp patches on the walls. The large sitting room where we walked through the French doors to eat on the terrace was dirty and cold. The once sumptuous furnishings were damp and stained with mildew. I couldn’t get my head around any of this. What the fuck had happened in the space of just a few hours?

  “This is freaky, no this is way beyond freaky,” I exclaim gripping Jason’s hand even tighter. “This place was immaculate, beautiful in fact. There was a butler - the whole house reeked of big money having been spent on it.” I spin around this can’t be real. “How can things change so much in such a short time, Jace? What’s going on?”

  There was a noise. Jason said it was a loud scream but I heart more a clang. He darted off towards the staircase taking the steps two at a time. I watch him and groan – what happened to staying together?

  “Rosa,” a deep, seductive voice calls out from behind me.

  All sorts of things go through my mind at that moment, horror, fright but all tempered by wild frenzied need. I had to get a grip. None of this was real, it couldn’t be.

  “I knew you’d come back to me,” he whispers in my ear before kissing my lobe then going down my neck. “You find it impossible to stay away. You belong with me, don’t you Rosa?”

  Anton, who else. He turns me gently to face him and I shiver. He is so beautiful and my response to him is instant. I’m throbbing and I’m wet and whatever he did before I want it all again and that makes no sense. Shit I’m one fucked up tart!

  I don’t know how it happens but suddenly we’re somewhere else, deep within the house cellars in some sort of dungeon. I’m aware and I’m trying very hard to stay this way. I start to mentally sing to myself, sound the words to current pop songs in my head – that should keep me awake.


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