Knocked Up... Again!: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance

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Knocked Up... Again!: A Secret Baby Second Chance Romance Page 8

by Lilian Monroe

  “I might stay and watch the band a bit longer,â€� I say as Sam and Ronnie stand up to leave. Owen is leaning against the wall, talking to someone else in the back corner of the bar. Sam spreads her arms and gives me a hug. “Good to see you, Jess. You seem really happy.â€� “I am. And congratulations again, to both of you.â€� Ronnie gives me a big bear hug and I watch them walk away, hand in hand. I sit back down at the table and within a few moments, Owen is sliding into the chair across from me. I grin. “Are you sure you should be doing that,â€� I say with a raised eyebrow. “You’re starting rumours already.â€� “I don’t give a shit about rumours,â€� he responds. He’s staring at me with half-closed eyes and he leans forward. I lift drink to my lips and take a sip. When I put it back down he speaks in a low voice, barely above a whisper. “You’ve been driving me wild all evening.â€� “Me?â€� I answer innocently. My eyebrows shoot up towards my hairline. “What have I done?â€� “Swanning around here with that dress and those eyes,â€� he answers with a grin. “I can’t stop thinking about this afternoon.â€� “How long do you have to be here?â€� I ask, taking another sip of my drink. “I was thinking of going to bed soon,â€� he answers with a grin. I nod slowly, flicking my eyes towards his and trying not to smile. “That’s too bad. I thought we could spend some time together this evening. But if you’re tired…â€� “I could be convinced.â€� I laugh. “You go first, I’ll meet you up there in ten minutes.â€� “Does it have to be this top secret? Surely no one would care?â€� I glance over at the bar and see Mary staring at us. I shrug. “I’m not the one who’s living here, you’re the one who will have to deal with the fallout.â€� He shakes his head. “You know these people better than I do. See you in ten.â€� He stands up and I realise my heart is hammering against my ribcage. I force myself to not stare at him as he walks away, instead looking over at the band. The minutes tick by so slowly it hurts. All I can think about is Owen and what his body feels like when I was running my fingers all over it. Now that he’s gone, the room feels colder and darker than it did just moments ago. I glance at my phone again and sigh. I look up my friend Rosie’s number. You’ll never guess what’s happening right now. I put my phone down and sip my drink slowly. Within a couple minutes it buzzes again. ??? I type away quickly and hit send. Foxy new hotel owner. May or may not have had the hottest sex of my life this afternoon and may or may not be heading up to see him in a couple minutes. This time it only takes a couple seconds to buzz in response. 😂😂😂 You hussy. What about your arch nemesis, is she there? What’s her name again? And how’s your grandma? You told me your hometown was boring. It sounds better than New York! She’s giving me the stink eye as we speak. I respond. Gram is good, but seems a lot older. Ok gotta go, my lover is waiting. Say hi to little Jack and Lucas for me. Can’t wait to hear the details xx I smile and put my phone away. Rosie just got married to the love of her life, Lucas, after having an unplanned pregnancy with him. Between her and our other friend Harper, I’m the last one to be unmarried and not have any kids. With Sam getting married now it’s starting to feel very lonely. Not only am I unmarried, but I don’t even have any prospects for a real relationship anywhere on the horizon. I shake my head and stand up. I might not have any husband prospects on the horizon, but I do have an incredibly sexy man waiting to screw my brains out upstairs. I walk out the front of the hotel, waving goodbye to Old Man Howard. I turn left and take the long way around the block before glancing around me and darting down the alley behind the Lex. I find the backdoor and slide through, creeping up the back stairwell. I make it to Owen’s floor and walk to his door. I lift my hand and knock gently. Tap-tap-tap. It only takes a couple seconds for it to swing open. Owen reaches over and grabs me by the waist, pulling me inside and slamming the door behind me. He pulls me close and crushes his lips against mine, tangling his fingers into my hair and dipping me backwards. Our kiss is electric, and my whole body feels like it’s buzzing. I wrap my arms around him and sink my fingers into any piece of him I can find. Finally, we come up for air. I brush my hair back and pant as Owen grins. “What took you so long,â€� he growls, rubbing his nose back and forth against mine. I close my eyes and breathe in deeply, inhaling that spicy cologne and musk that drives me insane anytime he’s near. “I had to take a walk around the block to avoid suspicion,â€� I answer. He laughs and I smile. “I came up the back stairs.â€� “Are you that embarrassed to be with me?â€� He asks. There’s a pang in my chest at his words and I shake my head. “I’d show you off to everyone I meet,â€� answer softly, stroking his cheek with the back of my fingers. I run my hands across his temple and back into his hair and he groans. “You don’t know what this town is like,â€� I add. “They can be ruthless.â€� “They seem pretty nice to me,â€� he says as he places a gentle kiss on my lips. “It’s better this way,â€� I say, staring into his eyes. “Trust me.â€� He nods but I’m not sure he understands. There’s a certain way of doing things around here. He kisses me again and the thoughts evaporate from my head. For now, all that matters is his hands on my body and his kiss against mine. Chapter 26 – Owen

  All the tension inside me explodes at once. I can’t get enough of her. I can’t touch her enough, or taste her enough, or hold her enough. Somehow our clothes evaporate and she’s straddling me on top of the bed. I feel like I’m drunk, even though I’ve only had two beers tonight. It’s just looking at her body that does it to me, and hearing those little moan she makes when my thumb passes over her clit. Her nails are digging into my shoulders and she’s biting her lip. I sink my teeth into her shoulder and grab her closer. I’ve never met a woman like this. She lets go completely, her face betrays only complete ecstasy. This time when I come, it feels like fire burning through my veins. My whole body contracts at once and I lose control. She gasps but it’s like it’s muffled, I can’t hear properly. I can’t think and the edges of my vision go blurry and all I can see is her on top of me until the air invades my lungs again and I can breathe. I can’t breathe though, not really, I can only pant. Shallow, jagged breaths drag in and out of my lungs and I can’t speak yet. I hear her chuckle softly and I feel the kiss she lays on my cheek, but I can’t do anything about it. Not yet. Not until my body comes under my control again and I turn to the side and drape my arm over her body. She sighs and wriggles under my arm as I stroke her back up and and down. “How do you do that,â€� I whisper. She opens her eyes and stares straight at me. “Do what?â€� “That,â€� I answer, dipping my chin down. “What you just did.â€� She laughs. “Just let go and move my hips, I guess. It’s not an exact science.â€� She smiles again and I lean forward to kiss her lips. She makes a little moan and I run my fingers up and down her spine. “Did you come?â€� I ask. Jess smiles. “Not this time, but that’s ok.â€� I shake my head. “it’s not ok.â€� She laughs. “It is ok. Stop worrying.â€� I trace her cheek with my finger and pinch her earlobe gently before tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear. “I like that you’re honest about it,â€� I say. She looks at me and frowns slightly, still smiling. “Honest about what?â€� “About not having an orgasm. I like that you didn’t fake it.â€� She laughs and wraps her fingers around my neck, bringing her lips to mine and kissing me more gently than she has before. “That’s one thing you don’t have to worry about,â€� she says. “I’m no porn star and I’m definitely never going to fake it.â€� I grin. “You’re not a porn star? You had me foole
d with those moves.â€� She laughs and smacks my shoulder gently. I move quickly, rolling myself onto her as she giggles and yelps, then kissing my way down her body and spreading her legs. My head hovers over her mound and she lets out a sigh. “You don’t have to do that, Owen. I don’t need to come every time.â€� I look up at her and see she’s looking at me, her hand running gently through my hair. “I want to do this. It’s not some chore to eat you out,â€� I say, kissing the crease between her hip and her leg. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to do this?â€� Suddenly she seems embarrassed. “I don’t know, I’ve never been with anyone who.. who enjoys that.â€� I lift my head up and frown. “You… what? You’ve never been with someone who enjoys going down on you?â€� She shakes her head slowly and I exhale slowly. “Well, Jess. Ever since the day I met you down at the bar I have been dreaming about lasting your pussy,â€� I growl. Her eyebrows shoot up but she says nothing. Her chest is moving up and down with every breath and I grin as I bring my lips down to her slit. I wasn’t lying. I have wanted to taste her ever since I laid eyes on her. Now, with my head buried between her legs and my tongue exploring her slit I’m finally doing it, and it’s better than I could have imagined. She whimpers as I move my mouth back and forth, and I feel her tremble as my tongue surrounds her bud. I wrap my arms around her legs and I feel her grab my hair in her fist. “Owen,â€� she breathes. I moan in response. I’m not taking my mouth away, not yet. She tastes too good, and the noises she’s making are driving me wild. Her hips start to move with me and I groan again. Her hand fists into my hair and the tiny needles of pain in my skull only make me want her more. My cock is hard again, but it doesn’t matter. My fingers grip her legs as I devour her, and I’m not going to stop until she’s screaming my name. Chapter 27 – Jess

  I was telling the truth when I’d told him that no man had ever enjoyed going down on me. And now, here is the sexiest man I’ve ever met with his head buried between my legs. The sensations flowing through my body are indescribable. I whimper again and he groans, sending small vibrations running between my legs. “You taste so good,â€� he growls as he looks up at me. I know my eyes are wide and I’m panting, but I can’t think of anything to answer. The fact that he’s enjoying this is turning me on more than what he’s doing. He slides a finger inside me and dips his mouth back down towards my clit and I gasp. My walls grip down on his finger and I tilt my hips towards his mouth until the ball of heat in my stomach feels like it’s about to erupt. He groans again and I grab his head, pushing it down between my legs. I don’t know what he’s doing – sucking and licking and tasting me. I can’t tell the difference between his fingers and his mouth, all I feel is pleasure. It doesn’t matter because whatever he’s doing is enough to send me over the edge. No, it’s more than enough, way more than enough. His fingers curl up and find my most sensitive spot and suddenly the heat inside me is spreading at light speed through my body. “Owen,â€� I gasp, and then cry out. I lose myself and lose my voice and my back arches as the fire fills my veins and spreads through my body. I close my eyes and gasp, gripping his hair as he tastes me and touches me until nothing exists except him, me, and my pleasure. The world could end and it wouldn’t matter, not right now. The earth could open up underneath us and swallow us whole and I wouldn’t know what was happening. I let the tidal wave of pleasure crash over me again and again and again until the swell dies down and I can think again. Owen lifts his head up and smiles at me. His lips are moist and there’s a hint of wetness in his stubble. “Did you enjoy that?â€� “Fuck, Owen,â€� I manage to say. I bring a hand to my forehead and hear him chuckle. “Good.â€� He stands up and grabs some water, taking a long drink before handing me the bottle. “Thanks,â€� I say, taking a sip. The cool liquid tastes so good as it fills my parched mouth. I groan in satisfaction. “That’s good.â€� “I know,â€� he says. He climbs over me and lays down on the bed next to me. I cuddle in beside him as he drapes his arm over my body. I groan. “This is so comfortable. I don’t want to leave yet.â€� “So don’t,â€� he says softly. “Stay.â€� I open my eyes and see him looking at me. He’s looking at me softly, and he leans over to kiss my forehead. His hand runs through my hair and he massages my scalp gently for a few moments until I groan. “What are you doing to me,â€� I groan. “You have me under a spell or something, I can’t move.â€� “Stop trying to fight it,â€� he laughs. “Just stay. Come closer. Sleep. We can have breakfast tomorrow and then you can go back to your grandma’s place.â€� I look at him again and see the sincerity in his eyes. My body is still buzzing from the orgasm and I shift a bit closer to him. “Ok,â€� I say. “If you insist. But I have to leave early before everyone wakes up and sees me do my walk of shame.â€� “Deal.â€� I smiles at him and he strokes my cheek again. He shifts his head to look at me. “I didn’t know you went to Columbia. You said you just left as soon as you could.â€� I nod. “I got a scholarship. It’s the only way I could afford to get out of here, otherwise I don’t know what I would have done. Resorted to petty crime, probably.â€� He laughs that big belly laugh that I’m starting to love. “So your choices were successful intelligent college grad or criminal?â€� “Basically,â€� I answer with a shrug and a laugh. He doesn’t realise how true that statement is. The pressure in this town when everything happened with before I left for college was incredible. I was seventeen, alone, and a pariah. The only thing that kept me from falling into an unending depression was Gram’s tough love, and school. “You’re the most intriguing woman I’ve ever met,â€� Owen says as he lifts his head into his palm, looking me up and down. “You’re incredibly intelligent and beautiful and resourceful, and you’ve made something of yourself. Why does this town scare you so much? Why are you so afraid of what people think? It doesn’t make sense.â€� I sigh. How can I explain it? How can I explain the torture I went through as a teenager, trying to keep Mary Hanson and her gang of bullies away from me, all the while being better at her in school and having a boyfriend before her. I know she liked him, and sometimes I wonder if that’s what started it all off. Just plain old teenage jealousy that snowballed into psychological warfare between the two of us. “They just turn on you quickly around here,â€� I finally say. “It’s easier to just stay out of the headlines.â€� He grunts in response and nods. “You can say that again.â€� “You’re lucky I’m only here for a couple more days,â€� I say with a grin. “It’s the only redeeming thing about this whole situation.â€� “Doesn’t feel like luck,â€� he says gently. I open my mouth to answer but can’t think of anything. Owen wraps his arm around me and I put my head on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. Chapter 28 – Owen

  I feel like the luckiest man alive. I wake up as the sun is streaming through the window and look over to see Jess snoring softly on the pillow beside me. I still haven’t bought any blinds, but this morning it doesn’t seem to bother me. We’re both still completely naked, and I run my fingers down her side and over her hip. I sigh as I feel the curves of her body. She shifts and groans as her eyes flutter open. “Morning,â€� she says. “Morning.â€� She rolls onto her back and stretches her arms overhead, groaning in satisfaction. “I slept so well,â€� she says. “Better than I’ve slept in months.â€� “Orgasms do that to a person,â€� I reply with a chuckle. She laughs and then glances at the window. Her smile fades and she sits up. “What time is it??â€� “I’m not sure
. Relax,â€� I say. “It’s ok.â€� “It’s definitely not ok,â€� she says, jumping up and flipping over her phone. “Fuck! Shit! It’s almost 9am!â€� She hurries to the bathroom and when she comes out her hair is brushed and her face is washed. She pulls on her clothes and I sit up in bed. “Relax, Jess. Come on,â€� I say, holding out my hands. She shakes her head. “I have to go. Owen,â€� she says, placing both hands on my shoulders. “You should listen to me. People don’t like change around here. People don’t like me around here. You’re playing with fire.â€� “That doesn’t make any sense. I see how people talk to you! Howard seemed to love you! And Sam and her fiancé… No one hates you.â€� “Howard likes me because he likes my grandmother. The other two are my only friends. People like Mary Hanson have more pull than you realise around here. She can cause a lot of damage…â€� She trails off and turns around, picking up her dress off the floor. She pulls on her dress and sighs. “Thank you for a great night.â€� I stand up and wrap my arms around her. “Don’t worry about Mary Hanson. She’s probably just jealous because you’re beautiful and intelligent and funny, and she’s not.â€� Jess smiles softly. “You’re playing with fire,â€� she repeats as she lays a gentle kiss on my lips. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.â€� “That doesn’t make me want you any less.â€� “It’s not supposed to,â€� she answers with a grin. “See you tonight?â€� I laugh and nod as she kisses me one last time and slips out the door. I flop back in bed and fold my arms behind my head, staring at the ceiling. I breathe in deeply and close my eyes. I don’t remember the last time I woke up with a beautiful woman in bed beside me and I didn’t want to run away. This time it was her who wanted to run away. I mull over her words. In one breath she’s warning me against her and in the next, she’s telling me she’ll see me tonight. What does she mean, Mary Hanson can cause damage? What could that have to do with anything? The town seems to have accepted me. Ever since the grand opening, the restaurant and bar have been full every night, and the rooms are starting to fill up with tourists for the start of the summer season. Within a few months I should be able to put it back up for sale and turn a profit. Hell – maybe someone from the town will want to buy it up again. I sigh. Jess is probably just paranoid because of what she’s been through. Coming back here and facing all the people who shunned her must be difficult, and she can’t see that it’s different now. I’ll just have to show her it’s different. Maybe I can convince her to go out with me in public, and she’ll see that there’s nothing to be afraid of. I only have a few more days with her, and I don’t want to waste them hiding away in my room. I stretch my arms overhead and sigh. I have another long day of work ahead of me, but it doesn’t seem so bad when I think of Jess’s goodbye kiss and her saying she would see me tonight. It’s only a few short hours to fill before I can have her in my arms again. Chapter 29 – Jess


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