Covering the Carolinas

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Covering the Carolinas Page 15

by Casey Peeler

  Not wasting another minute, I pull Marleigh to me and we freeze a moment in time.

  Chapter 41


  After the shoot around, Gunnison excuses himself to head toward the locker room and prepare for the game. I sit with Gunner and wait for our families to arrive. This game is intense and I haven’t breathed the entire first half, but as the score is tied and the buzzer sounds for halftime, I expel all the air in my lungs. Tinleigh and Carleigh look my way and just shake their heads.

  During halftime, Daddy takes Gunner to the restroom and I grab him a snack from the concession stands. Looking at the selection, I notice they are completely out of Hershey’s Chocolate bars, but have the ones with almonds. Unsure of if he will like it, I purchase it anyway and then make my way back to the stands.

  Gunner waits until the second half starts to dig into his candy bar. Turning my eyes back to the game, it takes no time for Coastal to fall into rhythm and put points on the board. Glancing at Gunner, he has chocolate everywhere, and as I turn to grab a tissue to wipe his face, I’m not prepared for what finds me when I look back at him. Oh mygosh! Panic sets in as I see that my son is having a reaction to something, but I don’t know what. His eyes fill with terror as he’s having trouble breathing. I grab him and stand, as everyone around me begins to react to the situation.

  As someone from the crowd begins to yell for help, another person calls 9-1-1. Never taking my eyes off him, I hurry from my seat and begin to walk out of the arena with our families in tow. As the officials become aware of the emergency, they call for a time out, and that’s when I lock eyes with Gunnison. He looks toward me with fear when he realizes Gunner is in trouble. He grabs the athletic trainers and EMTs that are on standby and sprints toward us.

  Gunner starts gulping for air and his lips are swollen. They realize they have to act fast and start asking me questions as they pry him out of my arms. “Ma’am does he have any allergies? Has he had anything to eat?”

  “I gave him a Hershey bar with almonds just as the second half started.”

  “From the sound of his breathing I think he’s having an allergic reaction to the nuts,” the paramedic states. “We’ll need to administer an EpiPen immediately and then get him to the hospital.” As tears consume me, Gunnison looks at me.

  “How could you not know he has an allergy to nuts?!” he yells.

  “What do you mean? How can you even ask me that right now?!” I yell louder as Carleigh grabs my forearm to calm me down so I’m not yelling in front of Gunner. I’m ready to duke it out with Gunnison right here for even questioning my parenting skills. He’s been one for like, what, a week?

  “Look, you’ve had him for three years and you didn’t know?”

  “No, I didn’t.” Tears spew from my eyes. How could I have not known? I’m such a bad mother! What if he dies? Oh God, no! Please save my baby! Please!

  Glancing at Gunnison, I know I’ve got to get to the hospital. Looking in the stands, I know he has a decision to make.

  “Ma’am, we’ve got to go. He should be okay, but we need to get to the hospital. It’s right off 501.” Shaking my head, I look to Gunnison.

  “Stay, there’s too much at stake. He will be okay.” With those words, my family and I make our way to the hospital, leaving Gunnison to finish the game.


  Watching my child leave the arena on a stretcher about kills me. Looking towards my dad for help with my decision, he looks over his shoulder and motions toward the top of the bleachers. That’s when I see, the one and only, Michael Jordan. Unsure of what to do, I look toward my team, parents, and then close my eyes and see Gunner. I need to be with him, but this could change our lives, not to mention I promised not to let my team down now that they are in my life. Dad brings me to reality.

  “GC, Gunner is with Marleigh and sometimes as a dad you have to make hard decisions that affect the whole family. Gunner will be okay. He’s in good hands. You have a chance to impact the lives for the three of you as well as your teammates. Think about your future.” All I can think about is Gunner and his safety, but then I think about Michael Jordan in the stands, my team, and why I came to school. If they said he’s going to be okay, I can finish this game. As soon as it’s over, I’ll go to the hospital. Decision made.

  “Mom, will you please go and tell Marleigh and Gunner I’ll be there as soon as I can. Dad, will you please stay and have the car ready when the buzzer sounds? I’ll get one of the guys on the bench to take you to get my stuff and keys.” Mom gives me a hug and runs out of the arena while Dad makes his way to the bench and then is escorted to the locker room. I step on the court, Coach looks at me for reassurance of my decision as well as my teammates, and it’s game time.

  The remainder of the game, I focus on the end goal. Gunner. Without a doubt as soon as this game is over, I have to get to him. I play harder than I have in a long time, and as the buzzer sounds, I look toward Coach and he tells me to go, and that’s what I do. I run like hell to the entrance of the gym and sprint to my truck. Dad doesn’t wait for me to close the door before he takes off, and I pray harder than I ever have.

  Running into the emergency room, I look at the receptionist but don’t ask any questions when I see my mom waiting for us. She rushes me through the doors and toward the room. As soon as I see the door, I freeze. Oh my god. What if Marleigh hates me for not coming with her? What if it was the wrong choice? Dad places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze of assurance.

  Slowly, I turn the knob, walk in and see Gunner lying in the bed with oxygen over his tiny face. Marleigh and her parents are sitting beside Gunner’s bed. Her sisters aren’t here. As soon as her parents see me, they casually leave the room, and Marleigh and I are alone with our son. As she turns toward me, I brace myself for the consequences of my actions. Instead, Marleigh turns to face me and falls apart in my arms. Pulling her as close to me as possible, the tears begin to fall from my eyes as well.

  “I was so scared, Gunnison, and then you didn’t come. I… I…” she says between her cries.

  Brushing her hair from her face, I bring her eyes toward mine. “Mar, I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared. I’m so sorry I yelled at you. It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. I’m so sorry—sorry for not going with you, sorry for yelling, and sorry for any pain I might have caused either of you. Please tell me you still love me? Please tell me I didn’t ruin our future?” She begins to shake her head no, and I’m unsure if it’s a no to us or that I didn’t ruin our future. Panic begins to set in and then Marleigh takes me by the hand.

  “He’s been asking for you. As a matter of fact the epinephrine had him bouncing off the walls and we just got him settled,” she says as she pulls me to the side of the bed. I take a seat in the chair beside him and put his hand between mine. Placing my head on the bed, tears stream down my face. I feel Marleigh’s arms surround me, comforting me. She kisses me sweetly on my temple, and tells me that everything is going to be okay.

  Chapter 42


  Watching Gunnison fall apart in front of me showed me just how human he really is. I knew when I walked away at the game that this would either make or break us. As much as I wanted to have him walk in this hospital with me, I knew that he needed to finish that game.

  As his breaths begin to slow and a relaxation seems to take over, he sits up from the bed. When he turns toward me, I wipe the tears from his face and then bring his lips toward mine. “I love you, Gunnison. You and Gunner are my world.” As he begins to speak, Gunner begins to move. Slowly, he opens his eyes.

  “Daddy? You here,” he says with as much excitement as his worn out body will allow. Gunnison does a one eighty toward him.

  “Daddy’s here. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you asked for me.”

  “It okay. You win?” Just like that, a three-year-old takes a piece of my heart.

  “Yes, we did, but I was worried about you. You scared me and Mommy.�

  “I sorry. Bad chocolate.”

  Taking a moment to explain what happened to both he and Gunnison, I jump in the conversation.

  “Gunner, it wasn’t the chocolate. It was the almonds. You can’t have those anymore.”

  He looks confused. “Bad alllmonds?” he says, with evidence that the sedative is still in full effect. Gunnison and I try our best not to giggle.

  “Yes, bad almonds.”

  “Daddy, tell me about game.” Gunnison smiles and tells us what happened after we left. He makes it sound so glorious, but I have a feeling that he’s only telling Gunner the good parts. When Gunner drifts off to sleep, we sit quietly and when my parents knock lightly on the door, they demand that we get a little fresh air.


  Walking down the hall knowing your leaving your child in a hospital bed is something I’ve never imagined, let alone thought would become my reality. Draping my arm over Marleigh’s shoulder, she leans into me as we make our way to the front of the hospital and outside for a little fresh air. Standing outside, she holds onto me even more as the crisp evening air touches our skin.

  “Mar, are you okay?”

  “I have to be.”

  “No, you don’t. You don’t have to be strong through this. You have me to lean on now.”

  “Thank you, but learning to work through difficult times is something I’ve learned to do. Having Gunner made me grow up quickly. I tried to do everything by the book.”

  “What do you mean?” Because I am clueless as to what she’s referring to.

  She half smiles as she takes me and leads me toward the bench to our right. “When a kid first begins to eat real food, you introduce them to them slowly to eliminate allergies. I did that with him. He’s fine with peanuts, cashews, and he eats enough pecans from our own trees to become one. That’s why I didn’t think about the almonds. I mean, if he’s not allergic to peanuts or most tree nuts, I assumed he would be fine.”

  “Wow. That’s something I never knew parents had to do.”

  “I’m sorry you missed that part of his life.”

  “Mar, I hate it too, but then again, I think about right now, and how our lives have crossed paths yet again. I know that you had your reasons, and yes, it hurts. I also know that you did it because you loved both of us. Just like tonight, I stayed at the game because of one reason. To provide the best future for you and Gunner.” She looks into my eyes with wonder. “I planned on leaving the game, but Dad pointed out that it was my duty to the team, to myself, and to my family to finish the game. Not to mention Michael Jordan was in the stands. Marleigh, since I could dribble a ball I’ve dreamt of playing in the NBA. I don’t know why he was there, but I knew it was a shot for us. I can promise you, if the EMT hadn’t said he was going to be okay, I would have left right then. I swear I would have!”

  Tears begin to spring from her eyes again, and I try to wipe them away but she won’t let me. Instead she takes my hands in hers. “Gunnison, I…I… don’t know what to say. Michael Jordan? Really?”

  “Just tell me it’s okay. That my decision was okay.”

  She quickly nods her head yes. Guiding her lips to mine, our kiss is tender. Her lips are delicate to the touch and have a salty sweetness from her tears. They are my new version of perfect. Pulling our lips from each other, she rests her forehead on mine.

  “Thank you for thinking about our future, and thank you for being here. I want to know more about why Jordan was there today, but we can wait on that.”

  Making our way back into the hospital, we run into her sisters who are exiting the cafeteria. The look on Tinleigh’s face says she’s going to kick my ass. I try to plead with my eyes as she makes her way into my space quickly.

  “How could you, GC? How could you stay and finish the damn game?” When I don’t reply, her anger builds. “Seriously, you won’t even answer. Mar, what the hell? You gonna let him get away with this?”

  As I begin to speak, Marleigh interrupts me. “Tin, please don’t do this. Gunnison had a very good reason for not coming at the time. I’d appreciate it if you’d let us handle this situation. Thank you for being concerned, but everything is okay.” I look between the two of them afraid to say a word. Never have I heard Marleigh talk like that. She’s usually full of fire and runs on emotions. She sounded so grown up. Glancing her way, she laces her fingers in mine and asks if I want to grab something to eat before going back to Gunner.

  “Car and Tin, we’ll be back in just a few minutes. Just let Mama and Dad know. We hope they will discharge him in a few hours. Thank you for being here. I love you.” She hugs them, and we grab a quick snack and hurry back to our baby boy.

  Chapter 43


  After arriving back in Gunner’s room, we insist that our parents get some rest. Our parents and Gunner are all leaving tomorrow. I feel my heart hurt within my chest as I think of Gunner going home without me. Gunnison must sense something is wrong because he holds me tighter. Reluctantly, our parents follow our wishes and leave.

  When they are out of ear’s reach, Gunnison asks me what’s wrong, and as much as I want to tell him, I don’t want Gunner to hear me. I assure him I’ll talk to him about it after we get home… home? Where is that?

  “Mar, where do you want to take him?” he asks reading my mind.

  “I don’t know. I just want the three of us to be together.” He doesn’t say a word, he just pulls me in closely and we drift off until the nurse enters to check Gunner’s vitals. She lets us know the doctor will be in shortly. As she clicks the door shut, Gunnison pulls me in closer and I fall back asleep on his shoulder. When the edge of his jersey rubs my cheek, it dawns on me exactly how quickly he came to our side after the game.

  “What you grinning for, Mar?” he whispers.

  “I just realized you’re still in your uniform.”

  “And…” Shrugging my shoulders, I don’t give him an answer. “Mar…?”

  “I just realized that even though you were playing a game, we were really the ones on your mind.”

  “You better believe it. You guys are what kept me pushing harder in the game. It was like I put my emotions in the game, and prayed they would make the clock tick faster.”

  I don’t say a word; instead I let the words just spoken from his kissable lips soak into my soul.


  Marleigh and I jump from our seats as the doctor enters the room. “Miss Anderson, your son was very lucky tonight. If he had been at home, the outcome could have been different. His situation is unique. Not many kids are only allergic to one type of tree nut. Just be aware of that in the future. Do you have any questions for me?”

  “Thank you. This is Gunner’s father, Gunnison,” she says as she gestures toward me. "I guess I want to know what’s next and how do I handle this in the real world?” She says looking toward Gunner, and as I look at him, my heart feels complete.

  “I’m going to give you an EpiPen. It’s very simple to use, and Gunner needs to keep it with him at all times. I’ll have the nurse show you how to administer it before you leave. It will be the best defense if another allergic reaction occurs. Other than that, just pay attention to food labels and ask questions when you go out to eat. I’m going to refer him to an allergist to rule out any other allergies that you need to avoid. Would you like that to be here?”

  Marleigh takes a minute to process. “I believe since all of his doctors are in Gaffney, I’d like to keep it there for now.” Something about the way she says ‘for now’ makes me think that we might have Gunner with us sooner rather than later. Marleigh asks if I have any questions, but I’m good as long as she is. The doctor gives us the discharge papers and the nurse comes in to remove Gunner’s IV and show us how to use an EpiPen. I’m in awe at the fact she removed t the IV and he didn’t stir. She tells us we can take him home with the hospital gown, and gives us a blanket.

  After she leaves, Marleigh begins to move toward Gunner. Quickly, I
move to her and stop her from getting him. Sliding one arm under his neck and the other under his knees, I pull him into my arms. She wraps the blanket around him and checks to make sure we haven’t left anything. Walking toward the parking lot, I realize I don’t have a car seat. Shit! When I get to my truck, I notice that Gunner’s seat has been placed in the truck bed. A sigh of relief washes over me. Marleigh takes the keys and once she puts the seat in place, I gently place him in it. He moves slightly, but then places his head on the side of the seat and drifts back to sleep. Closing the door, Marleigh laughs as she realizes she has to ride in the middle.

  Opening the door for her, she kisses me on the cheek then winks. “You know, the last time I rode bitch was the first time I met you.”

  “Well, you’re the only girl to ever ride in that seat.” Starting the truck, I look at Marleigh. “My place or yours?”

  “Mine. I think it would be better for him to wake up in his normal room. Today was pretty traumatizing, but why don’t we stop by your place first? I want you to stay, too.”

  “Mar, your parents.” I don’t want her dad to get upset.

  “Gunnison, seriously. Our baby about died today. There is no way in hell I’m letting you go home even if your parents are there.” I don’t argue, I just drive.

  Pulling up to my apartment, I realize there aren’t any lights on. I wonder if my parents have gone to bed already. Marleigh waits with Gunner in the truck as I run inside to get my things. Quietly, I look around for any sign of them but everything is the way we left it earlier today. Making my way to my room, I hurry to grab everything I’ll need for tonight and tomorrow.

  Closing the door, I hurry to the truck and drive to Marleigh’s. The ride is peacefully quiet as Marleigh has fallen asleep on my shoulder and Gunner remains asleep beside her. Letting my mind drift, I replay today’s events and pray that tomorrow is less eventful.

  Marleigh wakes as we pull into her driveway. I notice my parent’s car is in the driveway as well and every light is in the house on. She begins to unbuckle Gunner while I go around to the other side to carry him in the house. As she quietly opens the door to the house, she places her finger over her mouth to tell them to be quiet as we bring him in. I follow her to his bed and gently lay him down. Once he snuggles into the covers, I place a light kiss on his head and Marleigh follows me. We stand there for a moment and thank God that the three of us are together.


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