Book Read Free

Covering the Carolinas

Page 24

by Casey Peeler

  “Yes, sir. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Sunshine. Now, knock ’em dead out there.” He mocks a “High V” with his best spirit fingers. Gah! I love him!

  Grandaddy takes his reserved seat and talks to his buddies while the teams warm up. As I make my way down the stadium steps to the track, I see Jace on the field. Why can’t I be that girl? The perfect cheerleader for the perfect quarterback. It’s not that I want that, but life would be so much easier. I shake away my thoughts as Jordyn yells for me. I hurry to her on the track.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “So, how did the ride home go?” she asks with her eyebrows raised.

  “Dang, not beating ’round the bush, huh? It was a ride home, nothing else. I worked in the house, and he helped Cole. They left, end of story.”

  “For some reason I feel like you’re not tellin’ me somethin’,” she says. She’s right, but it’s not about Emmett. It’s about Grandaddy.

  “Nope, nothin’ to tell,” I say as I brush her off.

  “Come on now, Rae! That boy is smokin’ hot, and the way you just offered to give him a ride means something in your world. You don’t do that, but whatever.”

  Deciding that I can’t keep this info from her, I have to let her know. “J, we were standing on the porch and I swear his eyes were boring a hole through me. I think I might have been as red as a hot tamale. I can’t believe Grandaddy or Cole didn’t call him out.”

  “I’d loved to have seen that.” She snickers.

  Turning my attention to the field, I see Jace looking right at me. I smile and he smiles back, making his way off the field and toward me on his way to the field house.

  “Raegan, thanks for being my biggest fan, and make sure you save me a dance tonight.” He winks and continues to jog to the field house. I just give him a half-smile without a reply as I call the squad to get ready for the start of the game.

  At exactly seven-thirty, the Chargers make their way onto the field, the stands go crazy, and the game is underway. Friday night is the best night of the week. I enjoy every minute of cheering on my high school team while watching my grandaddy relax with his friends and smile down on me from the stands, but tonight is different.

  As I look into the stands, a pair of baby blues catches my attention, followed by his sandy blonde hair that is calling for my fingers to run through it. What pulls me to him even more is the fact that Emmett knows me better than anyone else in this town, and he has been gone since seventh grade. When his eyes catch mine, I turn from him, but it’s too late. He caught me, and deep down, I pray he’s at that field party tonight.


  As the fourth quarter comes to an end, we have another victory under our belt. With the sound of the buzzer, we cheer in victory before shaking the opposing team’s hands. Jordyn and I turn to head back to the stands when Jace yells for me.

  “Hey, Raegan, I’m lookin’ forward to tonight,” he says with his helmet held underneath his arm.

  “Look, Jace. I’m just not interested, okay? I’ve tried to be nice about it, but you don’t seem to get it.”

  A look of pure shock covers his face. “It’s because of him, isn’t it?”

  “No, it’s not because of him. I’ve been turning you down for what feels like an eternity. I’m not a prize you get to win. I don’t have time for anyone but Grandaddy, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be you.”

  “Damn, Raegan, when did you turn into such a bitch?”

  “The day I realized the only way for me to get through that thick skull of yours was to be one.” I turn and walk away.

  Jordyn and I don’t say much as we make our way to her car. “Um, Rae, did you forget something?” she asks.

  “Crap! I left my bag in Grandaddy’s truck! Will you run me by the farm?” She nods. “I guess I should just follow you to the house; that way you won’t have to drive me back tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” she says with concern etched in her voice.

  Once Jordyn and I are in her car, I know I’m about to get an earful. She is trying her best to hold back, but she’s about to unload on me. I can feel it.

  “Rae! What happened to you back there?” she asks. I just shrug my shoulders. “Seriously! What the hell? I’ve never seen you act that way before. You are never mean to anyone. What aren’t you tellin’ me?” she says, almost like she’s hurt.

  “I’m fine. I’m just so sick and tired of playing games with Jace. I want to go and do as I please without having him hit on me every time I turn around. I don’t want him. I have other things to worry about.”

  “Like what?” she asks, trying to bait me.

  “Grandaddy. He’s not as young as he used to be, and I have more responsibilities than ever. Jace doesn’t get that. He never will, either.”

  “But Emmett does?” she probes as she turns to me.

  “I’m not saying that, but heck, at least he’s not scared to get a little dirt on his hands.”

  “Just admit it, Rae. It’s okay to finally find someone you like. You deserve to have a guy in your life. We both know that Jace is totally wrong for you, but Emmett, girl, he’s the best thing since sliced bread in this town.”

  I giggle. She’s totally right. “Yeah, I might like him a little, but don’t you dare say anything to Ridge!” I say with my finger pointed at her.

  “I pinky promise,” she says as our fingers lock. “Now, let’s get your stuff.”

  Jordyn drops me off at the house, and I hurry to Grandaddy’s truck to get my things. Then, I hurry inside to tell Grandaddy why I’m back. He is sitting in the living room, waiting on Friday Night Football to air on the local cable channel and is startled when he hears the door slam behind me.

  “Sorry, Grandaddy! I forgot my bag. I’m just gonna drive to Jordyn’s, so she doesn’t have to bring me back tomorrow.”

  “A’ight, Sunshine. Be careful and remember what I said.”

  “I will.” I kiss his forehead and walk to the truck. As I place my bag inside, my phone chirps.

  Cole: Be careful tonight. Call me if you need


  Me: Thanks


  Cole and I take our seats in the stands behind the student section. With ten minutes to go, we sit back and watch as the team makes its way to the field house. What I wouldn’t give to be playing tonight. My arm is aching to pass a football down the field into the receiver’s hands for a touchdown, but I guess I’ll have to wait until next year for that.

  I see Jace and a few other guys that I played ball with for years, but it’s what Jace does that makes the anger rise within me. He looks at me and gives me a friendly nod, but not before he smirks and makes his way to Raegan. That douche bag doesn’t deserve a girl like her. I’m just glad Raegan sees through him, because not many girls around here are able to get past “Mr. Quarterback”.

  When I think the steam is about to blow from my ears, I feel a sense of peace looking directly through me. Raegan. She is staring at me, and as my eyes catch hers, she tries to act like she wasn’t looking. I can only hope she decides to go to that party tonight, but I have a feeling my friendship with Jace will be short-lived.

  Once the Chargers pull out another victory, Cole and I make our way to the truck. We make a stop by the convenience store for a case of beer for him before we head to the house so I can get to the party. Lucky for me, George and Mom picked up my truck after we left for the game. Now, Cole can quit giving me shit about getting a ride with Raegan, even though I’d love to be in the passenger side again watching those long legs peer underneath her short skirt as she presses in the clutch.

  Cole drops me off at the house to get my truck. Undoubtedly, he has other plans tonight that involve a case of beer, friends, and probably a few of Pleasant Hill’s finest girls. There’s one thing about Cole; he’s always had to work hard in life, except in one area—girls. For as long as I can remember, he’s had the best girls in town after him, but for some reason, he just keeps them
at a distance.

  “Hey, Emmett, here’s a couple of cold ones to take with ya.”

  “Thanks,” I say as I reach for the beers.

  “Just limit it to this, and you should be fine. I’m sure there’ll be a keg, but be careful. The law will be watchin’ as y’all leave tonight.”

  “Thanks,” I say, walking toward the truck.

  Backing out of the driveway, I roll down the windows and turn up the radio. I take my time getting to the farm. You never want to be one of the first people there. Before realizing where I’m going, I’m driving past the Lowery farm. Raegan’s truck is missing, which makes me hit the gas pedal a little harder. I can’t wait to lay my eyes on her tonight.

  Chapter 4


  After pulling into Jordyn’s driveway, I park and grab my things. I should have changed at home, but we need a little girl time before she’s swept away by Ridge all night. I knock as I enter the foyer and make my way to her room.

  “Hey, J!”

  “Well, aren’t we a little happier than when I dropped ya off?” she inquires smartly.

  “I’m just ready to cut loose a little.”

  “Awesome! I told Ridge he could just pick us up, so we wouldn’t have to worry about drivin’.”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I turn to face her. “Really? I thought you weren’t gonna be with him all night?”

  “Hey, we have now and when we get back later.” She smirks.

  Rolling my eyes, I go to my bag and grab a pair of Daisy Duke cutoffs and a simple white tank top.

  “Please, tell me you brought something other than that?” Jordyn states flatly.

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “Never mind.” She says with an eye roll.

  “No, really? Why not?”

  “Rae, I know you will look perfect in that, but don’t you wanna step it up a little with Emmett?”

  Laughing, I then pull out what I had actually planned on wearing, a pair of cutoffs with a one-shoulder chevron tank, complemented with a pair of boots.

  “Thank goodness! I was about to lose it, Rae! Not to say you couldn’t pull that off. Hell, I’m sure half of the school would come dressed like that on Monday since you’re the official trendsetter of Cleveland High. I want to see Jace’s mouth on the ground when he realizes you were serious.”

  “J, it’s not about Jace or Emmett; it’s about me. I just want to have no worries for tonight. Did you get our drinks?”

  She grins, and I know her older brother has come through, yet again. That’s why Ridge is driving. He barely drinks, and if he decides to tonight, we can always call Cole to pick us up.

  “I think it’s time to get tipsy and do some tailgate kissin’. Whatcha think, Rae?”

  “I think that sounds like a perfect plan to me,” I say as I put the finishing touches on my makeup. Within twenty minutes, Ridge has arrived, and we are on our way to the Phillips’ farm.

  Stepping out of Ridge’s Chevy with a lift kit, I take my time getting down, brush my hair with my fingers to remove the windblown look, and partake in a little shine.

  “Is that one pink lemonade?” I ask Jordyn.

  “Yup! It’s sooooo good! But, go easy, Rae. That stuff will bite you in the ass if you’re not careful.”

  “Thanks for lookin’ out for me,” I say as I take a deep gulp of the chilled liquid that quenches my thirst, hoping it hides the emotions that are lying underneath. My luck, I’ll be a crying mess by the time the night is over. This charade with Grandaddy has just begun, and I already feel like I’m drowning.

  “Dang! Raegan, slow down, or I’m gonna be carrying your ass back to the truck before the party starts,” Ridge says with sarcasm.

  “I got it. No worries,” I say as I place the lid back on top of the jar and pass it to Jordyn as we walk toward the fire.

  As we make our way through the moonlit field, I smile as the sound of country music fill my ears, along with the laughter of people who are now coming into view. It’s time to put on my game face and be that all-American Southern Belle they claim me to be.

  I see the football team near Jace’s Jeep and give a friendly wave as we approach them. As Jace turns around, my eyes meet his, and I see the pleading look in them. Does he want me to continue this game? Make him look like the guy he wants them to think he is, instead of the arrogant ass I told off at the game? Looking toward Jordyn, I try my best to get her to move toward another crowd, but I know it’s hopeless with Ridge by her side.

  “Hey, Jace,” I say pleasantly.

  “Hey, Raegan, are you coming to tell me you’ve saved me a dance?” Rather than answering out loud, I let my eyes do the talking. “A’ight, I see how it is.” He laughs. Still cocky in front of his friends, which is exactly why there is no us.

  Not wasting another minute, I grab the jar from Jordyn, take another large gulp, and lick my lips to get the last drop. As I begin to notice our surroundings, I smile when I see Emmett staring directly at me. Instead of breaking our stare like at the game, I hold it until he makes his way toward me. My soul begins to tingle, and it’s not from the shine.

  Keeping the jar in my right hand, I take a few strides toward him.

  “You sure that stuff’s a good idea?” Emmett asks.

  “It’s the best idea Jordyn’s had all night,” I reply in my sweetest voice.

  “Look, I don’t know how you usually roll ’round here, but Cole is going to party elsewhere tonight. So, if he’s your ride home tonight, you might want to rethink your plan.”

  “That’s sweet of you to worry about me, but I guess it’s a good thing Ridge doesn’t drink. You wanna sip?” I say, as I bat my eyelashes.

  “Nah, I’m good. I have a beer, but thanks,” he says before taking a swig.

  I stand there like I should say something else to him, but I’m clueless. As I turn to walk back toward Jordyn, I hear his deep, rich voice. “Rae, if things get outta hand, I’ll be glad to take you home tonight.” I think I like the sound of that!

  I stop mid-stride and look over my shoulder. “Thanks.” I smile and walk back toward the crowd, when really all I want to do is get lost in those perfectly chiseled arms.

  Once I reach Jordyn, I pass the jar back to her. I’m done for the night. No matter how much I would love to lose myself in a bottle of shine, I know tonight’s not the night.


  As I approach the Phillips’ farm, I notice there aren’t many people around. Then, I realize that only cars are parked near the road. Not thinking too much about it, I continue driving up the dirt road until it becomes obvious why the cars are parked below. The dips and valleys in the road, along with the steep incline, make it impossible for anything without four-wheel drive to make it. I stop my truck, lock the wheels into four-wheel drive, and then slowly make my way to the party.

  As my truck reaches the peak of the road, I hear the sounds of country music and people talking. I’m glad to know I’m not the first one here. Once the ground begins to level, I see a huge bonfire, trucks everywhere, and a small log cabin at the edge of the woods. This honestly has to be the best place for a party, ever. There’s no way the cops can make it up here, but I’m sure they’ll be waiting as we leave.

  I park my truck alongside some of the others and take the beers with me as I sit on the tailgate. My eyes scan the crowd for the girl with chocolate hair and long, perfectly sculpted legs, but I don’t see her. Taking a beer, I pop the top and try to relax while I wait for “Miss Southern Perfection” to arrive, because those are the textbook words to describe Raegan Lowery.

  To my right, I notice Jace and some of the team have arrived. I toss my head back in a friendly nod as he makes his way over.

  “What’d you think about that seventy-yard pass straight to the end zone?”

  “Not as good as what I’d done, but it was a’ight,” I say without a care as I take another swig of my beer.

  “I guess I’ll just have to wait around until next year t
o find out.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Cole didn’t come with ya?” I shake my head no. “Too bad, I hate you’re gonna have to leave here alone tonight.” He laughs, and I realize the more and more I see of Jace, the less and less I want to call him my friend.

  I take another long pull on my beer and try to ignore Jace, as headlights appear on the horizon. Ridge. Knowing there’s a possibility of Raegan, I try my best to get rid of Jace. That’s a losing battle, because he’s thinking exactly what I’m thinking.

  Jace removes the beer from his mouth, and I wait for him to make some smart-ass comment, just like any prick would do to stake claim on something that has never been his.

  “I don’t know what crawled up her ass today at the game, but she basically told me to go to hell,” he says with irritation in his voice.

  I spew the contents from my mouth. That wasn’t what I thought he’d say. “Sorry, man, I just wasn’t expectin’ that.”

  “Yeah, me either. I don’t know what it is about that girl, but she’s got my mind all messed up. Hell, I sound like a girl, don’t I?” he questions, and I smile. “Well, shit, just forget this even happened. She’s gonna come ’round. Once she gets a little taste, she won’t be able to stop.”

  “Dude, don’t talk about her like she’s a piece of meat. She’s a good girl and way too good for you.”

  Jace looks at me as he tightens the grip on his can while stepping forward. “You listen, Emmett. She’s gonna be with me one day, and you better not try to get in the way.”

  I ignore him and push myself off the tailgate as I make my way to the other guys from the team, but that’s not before the back passenger side door of Ridge’s truck opens, and I see flawless, sun-kissed legs exiting, and I know exactly who has arrived. The question is, will she even realize I’m around?

  Watching Raegan walk toward the fire is like watching a swimsuit model run down the beach in slow motion. Her legs move with ease as her long chocolate hair waves behind her. Shaking my head, I try to get her out of my mind, but it is no use, especially with her right in front of me. Too bad she walks up to Jace instead of me, but the look in his eyes shows defeat rather than victory. I know it’s my time to move, but I’m frozen as I watch those perfectly voluptuous lips press against that jar, and I have to take a minute to adjust myself.


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