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Craving Stassi (Fantasies Unmasked Book 2)

Page 4

by Erica Lynn

  Jen stayed silent on the line for a few seconds, and the grateful tone in which she next spoke melted his heart. “Okay. Thank you, big brother.”

  “Always, baby sis.”

  “I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

  “Oh that’s an easy one. You’d spend years fighting with that loser ex-boyfriend of yours in court, and in the end you’d come out with nothing because you can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.”

  “Loser is right. Freaking Jared. Who knew things would turn out the way they did? Not this chickie, that’s for sure.”

  “Well you should have known from the beginning.”

  “Oh yeah? And how’s that?”

  “Jared. Jennifer. Both your names starting with “J”s? Nothing good can come from cutesy shit like that.” Alec smiled as Jen giggled over the line. His sister had had a tough go of it. She’d gotten pregnant her senior year of college and the jerk had left her high and dry. But severe morning sickness and loneliness hadn’t stopped her from getting her teaching degree, and he’d always admire her for that. Jen wasn’t one to throw in the towel so easily. If anyone was a kick ass chick, it was his sister.

  Now she taught first grade reading and writing, and worked her ass off to support her thirteen-year-old daughter, Grace.

  Or Gracie, as he liked to call her. He’d even named his restaurant after her. Gracie’s Steakhouse was doing better than ever. The tables were booked every night with reservations, the customers always left with full bellies and satisfied smiles, and it made enough money that Alec was able to live a pretty nice lifestyle. He wasn’t what he’d consider rich by any means, but he did well. Damn sure enough so that he could float his sister some money every month without really missing it. Hell, if Jen and Gracie could live more comfortably based off his restaurant, then life was good.

  “I’ll remember that for the next guy I meet. If I ever meet one.”

  “You will, baby sis. Prince Charming is right around the corner, and his name doesn’t start with a J.”

  “Got it.” He heard the jingle of her keys and Gracie’s jabbering in the background. “Hey, have you talked to—”


  Jen remained silent for a few beats, then conceded. “Okay. We’ll see you tomorrow, then?”

  “Of course. Wouldn’t miss it. Tell my tater tot I said hey.”

  “She’ll kill you if you ever call her that in public. I hope you’re aware…”

  “She loves it. See ya.”

  Alec hung up the phone and placed it on his desk. He stretched his legs and arms, then glanced at the clock. Gracie’s was due to open in about an hour, and he needed to make a final walkthrough and make sure everything was up to snuff.

  He grabbed the few applications he’d set to the side, then made his way into the kitchen. “We ready for tonight, gentleman?”

  The kitchen staff answered him with a few whoops and hollers, then went back to chopping fresh vegetables and preparing for the evening’s orders.

  “Gregory, you all set?” Gregory was the head chef, and a major pain in Alec’s ass, but he could cook a steak like nobody’s business.

  “Sure am, boss-man. Just tell everyone else to stay on their toes.”

  “Everyone knows what they’re supposed to do. We’re good. It’s going to be a great night.” Alec called the last bit over his shoulder as he walked into the dining area. The dark wooden tables were all set and ready to go with deep red tablecloths, the plates and silverware impeccably placed and the wineglasses ready to be filled. The light gray walls and dim lighting gave the room a soft, romantic atmosphere, but dammit, the walls. The walls remained bare, and try as he did, he couldn’t figure out what to put on them. He assumed some sort of pictures, but nothing seemed right. It was the one thorn in his side since the damned place had opened.

  “Hey, Frank.” He stepped up to the hostess stand and handed Frank the applications. “These kids are way too green, don’t you think?”

  “They’re in their mid-twenties. I hardly consider them kids.” Frank shrugged and busied himself straightening out his shirt and slacks. “Plus they all have experience in nice restaurants. I thought it’d give this place a bit of a younger, fresher vibe.”

  Alec considered Frank’s words and looked over the dining room. A bit of youth wouldn’t hurt the place, but he still wasn’t fond of hiring younger servers. Lots of the customers held business meetings at the restaurant, they even had the occasional celebrity sightings, mostly athletes and such, and if he wanted them to stay loyal to his establishment, he couldn’t have some young-blood spilling red wine down the front of someone’s shirt simply because they were star-struck. But Frank had been with him since he’d opened Gracie’s, and if he trusted anyone with his business, it was him. “All right. We’ll try it. But they’re going to start part time for a month or two, first. I want to see how they fit in before I commit to hiring them full time.”

  Frank nodded and slipped the paperwork under his arm. “I’ll make the calls tomorrow morning. Get them in and get the training started.”

  “Thanks. Sounds good.”

  “Oh, on a less optimistic note, the wine guy came by and said he wasn’t able to completely fill the order.”


  “I told him you weren’t going to be happy about it, and that if we were going to continue doing business with him, we needed to know we can trust him to get what we need.” Frank nodded toward the bar area. “He said he knew you wouldn’t be pleased, and took it upon himself to throw in some bottles of a new blend they have, free of charge.”

  Alec checked his watch and then looked back at Frank. “That’s something, I guess. I’ll go check it out. Do me a favor and do a quick walk through. I did one, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a second pair of eyes on everything. And get the music going.”

  “Yes, sir. Will do.”

  Alec had just stepped into the bar when the soft chords of the piano began to play over the loud speaker. He loved the piano. Soothing and romantic. Erotic, even.

  His head suddenly filled with thoughts of a luscious blonde as he pulled a bottle of the red blend from the shelf. He poured himself a sip or two into a small glass, then swirled it around. Nice, thick ribbons streaked down the inside of the glass, showing the wine to be a nice, full-bodied choice. He skipped the smelling part and chose instead to bring the glass to his mouth and take a taste, the rich blend like velvet on his tongue. Oh yes, good choice indeed. He smiled as he thought of their new wine dealer. He’d done well, that was for damn sure.

  Alec allowed himself the last sip of wine, and as he took a moment to appreciate the delicious taste, he couldn’t help but imagine Stassi on his bed. Naked. Panting. Squirming and writhing while he placed little droplets of wine all over her body, then slowly lapped them up with his tongue.

  With that image rolling around in his brain, his cock began to wake up, and Alec quickly shook his head in an effort to clear it. No time for such things right now.

  He smiled and replaced the bottle, then washed and dried his glass.

  Stassi, Stassi, Stassi. Fuck. Her name was like a chant in his head. In his blood. His bones. He had to see her again. It wasn’t an option, really, it was more of a necessity.

  He took out his cell phone and considered texting her, but eventually decided against it and put it back in his pocket. He’d gotten her number from his files earlier that day, but he had a feeling Stassi was used to men chasing her around like puppy dogs. While he wasn’t trying to play any childish games, a puppy he was not. He’d shoot her a text after work and see when she’d be interested in meeting him again. Leave the ball in her court. Alec smiled as he watched Frank unlock the front door. Today, tomorrow, next week… Bottom line was he’d be seeing her again. Definitely.

  “How are you folks, tonight? Did you enjoy everything?” Alec smiled and made small talk with the guests as the dinner rush fully set in. Tables were packed, wine glasses filled, and chatter and laughter s
oon followed.

  So far the night had been a success. The customers seemed happy and, shockingly, Gregory hadn’t had a meltdown over something the kitchen staff did or didn’t do.

  Alec continued to walk around the dining room, visiting with tables here and there, making small talk with the guests and inviting them back. He’d been just about to check on the kitchen when Frank placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “The Richardson party canceled their reservation tonight, but there’s a party waiting to be seated for a woman’s birthday. Do you want me to upgrade them to the VIP table?”

  Alec looked at the empty table Frank referred to. The VIP table, as they called it, was really just a large table in the back corner of the room that was slightly elevated. It offered a perfect view of the restaurant while also managing to seem more private than the rest of the tables. The Richardsons, a somewhat famous family in the Houston area for their hugely successful night clubs, automatically got the table whenever they made any reservations. However, it looked like tonight the birthday girl would be getting a special treat. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Put the party there and offer them a bottle of the red blend on us.”

  “Will do.” Frank nodded and motioned toward the hostess to bring the party. “Oh, Gracie called about five minutes ago. Said she needed to talk to you and you weren’t answering your cell phone.”

  He narrowed his eyebrows and checked his phone. Sure enough, three missed calls from Jen. “Hmm. Okay, let me talk to her real quick. Get the party situated and I’ll grab the wine on my way to greet them.”

  Alec walked to his office and quickly dialed Jen’s number. Gracie answered on the first ring. “What’s hot, tater tot?”

  “Sarah’s mom thinks you’re sexy.”

  Alec couldn’t help but chuckle. “Gracie, I really don’t have time for this. I—”

  “Please don’t go out with her, Uncle Alec. She’s a hootchie.”

  “Hey, now. Does your mother let you talk like that?”


  “So what makes you think you can get away with it in front of me?”

  “Because you’re Uncle Alec. And Sarah’s mom is a—”

  “Stop. How do you even know what that is?”

  “Mom. It’s what she calls Claudia.”

  Alec let out a booming laugh. Claudia was his ex-fiancé, and if one were to call a spade a spade, she was, in fact, a hootchie. “I’ve got to go, kid. But I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Yes, sir. And Sarah’s mom?”

  “I won’t go out with Sarah’s mom. I promise.”

  “All right. Love you, Uncle Alec.”

  “Love you lots, tater tot.”

  “I hate that.”

  “You love it.” Alec smiled as he ended the call and placed his phone back in his pocket. Gosh he loved that kid. At forty-two, chances were he’d missed out on having kids himself, but if the only hints of fatherhood he’d be able to have was spoiling and loving on his niece, then he’d be just fine with it.

  Once upon a time he’d planned to have a family, but he and Claudia always seemed to disagree on the subject. To him, a successful family unit would include her, him, and their children. To Claudia, it included other men on nights he worked late. Thankfully Jen had come to him with the information as soon as she’d found out, and he’d been able to dodge the bullet. Needless to say, Jen had never been and would never be a fan of Claudia.

  Alec didn’t waste time grabbing a new bottle of the red blend from the bar and heading toward the VIP table. He fished around for the wine opener in his pocket, then looked up with a smile at the guests, but stopped short when he laid eyes on her. A gorgeous blonde with piercing blue eyes that matched her strapless dress stared back at him, a mixture of surprise and unmistakable desire on her face. Stassi.

  Chapter Five

  “Alec, what’s up, man?” Cameron reached across the table and shook hands with Alec, not seeming surprised to see him in the slightest. “Decided to give this fancy place of yours a try for my sugar’s birthday dinner.”

  “Hey, good to see you.” Alec smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, the movement making Stassi’s heart flutter. “Lacey, how are you? Happy birthday. You look beautiful, as always.”

  “Thank you so much. This place is amazing. I can’t believe I’ve never eaten here before.” Lacey snuggled into Cameron’s side and motioned toward the rest of their party. “You’ve met Jackson and Gigi, haven’t you?”

  “Of course. Hello.”

  “And I can’t remember…have you met my friend, Stassi?”

  Stassi held her breath as Alec’s eyes found hers. Eyes. Yeah right. They were deep, dark pools of delicious passion, and Stassi wanted to jump into them and never come out. Wow. Where had that come from? Stassi shook her head against the thoughts. This insanity needed to stop right now. She quickly raised her hand and spoke up before he had a chance to. “No, I don’t believe we have. It’s nice to meet you, Alec.”

  He cocked an eyebrow and stared at her for what felt like an eternity, even though in reality it was probably only a second or two. Then he smiled and took her hand in his, his grip warm and sensual as he ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Oh, trust me, the pleasure is all mine.” He turned her palm over and placed a sinfully light kiss in the center of her palm.

  “Oh my…” Gigi mumbled from beside her.

  Stassi smirked and took her hand back. With the moment between them broken, she placed it in her lap. Leave it to Lacey’s pain in the ass sister to not stay quiet for more than five seconds at a time. Of course in this case she should probably tell her thank you. If Stassi wasn’t careful, she could develop feelings for Alec rather quickly. Something about him spoke to her on an extremely primal level, and that was dangerous.

  Alec turned back to Cameron and placed his hand on his shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming tonight? I could have had something ready so you wouldn’t have to wait.”

  “We didn’t want any special favors.” Cameron crossed his arms and nodded his head toward Lacey. “I’ve been meaning to check your restaurant out for a while, and my babe’s birthday seems as good a reason as any.”

  “Absolutely.” Alec nodded and smiled at Lacey. “I hope you enjoy your evening, birthday girl. Your waiter, Darren, will take excellent care of you tonight.”

  “You going to join us?” Jackson asked as he placed his arm around Gigi.

  “Oh, no, I can’t. Someone’s got to run this place.”

  “Are you the manager?” Stassi asked.

  Alec smiled and opened the bottle of red wine he’d brought to the table. “No, I’m not. I own it.”

  “This is your restaurant?” Stassi didn’t try to hide how impressed she was. She’d heard about Gracie’s from her bosses and many of her clients, but she’d never been. It was definitely one of the hottest places to eat in Houston, and in its short time being open, it had absolutely created a name for itself. And Alec owns it. “Wow. Impressive.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” Alec leaned over and poured her some wine, his eyes never leaving hers as the dark red liquid filled her glass. “Truly.”

  Holy hell, the man is as sexy as it gets. His charcoal gray suit fit perfectly, just as the one he’d worn the night before had, and a small patch of stubble covered his chin and cheeks. Not so much that he looked scruffy, but just enough to make him a walking, talking, panty-melting dreamboat. Stassi’s sex began to pulse as thoughts of feeling that stubble scrape across her stomach and down to her center filled her head. Running her fingers through his hair. Grabbing it. Filling her mouth with his perfect cock. Him sliding into her slick, wet—

  Lacey cleared her throat, and Stassi’s face heated as a flush crept across her cheeks and down her neck. Dammit. She looked up at him, suddenly aware of his gaze on her bare shoulders, and was incredibly happy she’d chosen her sexy new dress.

  “Anyway, it was good to see familiar faces. I’ll let you get to your dinner. Lac
ey, again, happy birthday. Enjoy your meal.”

  Stassi fidgeted with the bottom of her dress as Alec smiled at everyone, let his gaze linger on her for a few more seconds, and then left the table.

  “He is such a nice guy,” Gigi said when he’d left. “And handsome. Goodness gracious. That shouldn’t be legal.”

  “Right here, babe.” Jackson waved his hand in front of his fiancé’s eyes. “Feel free not to drool too hard.”

  “Oh come on, he’s got nothing on you, stud-muffin.”

  “Um, yuck.” Lacey made a grossed out face that did nothing but send Gigi into a fit of laughter.

  “Sorry, Sis.” Gigi shrugged and kissed Jackson on the cheek. “I call it like I see it.”

  “Yeah, I bet you do. Look, Cameron and I love each other, but we don’t feel the need to gross out everyone at the table.”

  “Says who?” Stassi asked.

  “No kidding,” Gigi agreed and picked up her glass of wine. “Plus, his sexy factor only increases his odds of being a serial killer.”

  “Here we go…” Jackson rolled his eyes.

  “No, seriously.” Gigi nodded her head enthusiastically. “This new podcast I’m listening to…”

  Gigi’s words about her new favorite true crime show faded into the background as Stassi took a sip of wine, then snuck a peek at Alec. He walked from table to table, laughing and talking with the guests, charismatic as ever. She couldn’t help but smile as he leaned down to speak to a young girl with blonde ringlets and a red, frilly dress. She immediately felt her heart pound, followed by a noticeable tug in her uterus. Oh hell no…

  “Hello? Earth to Stassi?”

  Stassi snapped out of her head and looked at her friends, their expectant gazes switching between her and the waiter at their table. “What?”

  “What can I get you, ma’am?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I…um…” Stassi flipped open her menu, then let out a small laugh and shut it again. “You know what, I’ll have whatever she ordered, please.” She cocked her hear toward Lacey and smiled. The two had extremely similar tastes when it came to food, often times picking off each other’s plates and insisting they should have gotten what the other had, so chances were pretty high Lacey had ordered something Stassi would thoroughly enjoy. And if the reviews of Gracie’s were in any way accurate, a wrong choice couldn’t be made.


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