Enchanting the Duke of Demoon (Touched by Fire Book 4)

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Enchanting the Duke of Demoon (Touched by Fire Book 4) Page 11

by Jenn Langston

  “Did I hurt you?” Her voice was breathless. And, curious.

  “No. It—” He sucked in his breath as she slid her hand along his length. He swelled to the point that he threatened to break free of his breeches.


  “Carolyn, I’m warning you. If you don’t stop right now, I’ll have you on your back right here, the cold be damned.”

  “As threats go, that’s not very good,” she purred as she continued to stroke him. “You’d never do such a thing.”

  The challenge sat between them, and he refused to allow it to go unanswered. “There are other ways. Don’t push me, or you are going to find out exactly what I mean.”

  She laughed as her hands moved to the top of his breeches. “You act as though I’m a virginal maiden, but if you recall, I’m a woman of experience.”

  “You may no longer be an innocent, but you are far from experienced.”

  As he watched her, he silently begged her to touch him. To give him a reason to take her right now. His body was so tightly wound, he would perish if he couldn’t sink inside her. The cold had no effect on his desire, for he was as hard as he’d ever been.

  When her finger dipped inside his breeches and grazed the top of him, he growled in triumph. Before she could protest, he nudged her knees apart and hefted her into his arms. As her legs straddled him, he ground his hardness against her sensitive flesh. She let out a moan that set him on fire. He captured her lips as he walked her forward until he had her against a tree.

  Lust overwhelmed him as Carolyn clung to him. Bracing her against the trunk and his knee, he slid his hand up her leg and found her warmth. As he sank his finger into her slick folds, he lost control. She was ready for him.

  He couldn’t wait any longer. He needed to be inside her right now. Freeing himself, he thrust inside, enjoying the moans escaping her lips. Denied passion overruled all of his senses as he mercilessly pounded into her.

  Watching her face was blissful torture as he fully entrenched himself again and again. He couldn’t hold off any longer, then she screamed his name as the evidence of pleasure bathed her face.

  The sound, as well as her spasms around him, pushed him over the edge as his release drove him deeper. He nearly cried out as the mind-numbing sensations altered his entire being. Never before had it been like this, and he didn’t want it to end. His thrusts stilled and his breath mingled with hers. Then he froze, still dazed by the most intense experience he’d ever had in his life.

  His eyes shot open as the full reality came crashing down. What the hell had he just done? Fury rushed through him, so strong he felt he would burst from the pressure.

  Without a word, he set her down and righted his clothing, still staring at her with his jaw clenched. He wished this had never happened.

  Her eyes widened as she looked down at her skirts, then back up at him. Of course she would have noticed. She gazed upon him with questions, but he had no answers.

  Rage simmered, and he shook his head, willing her not to speak. He knew if he opened his mouth, he’d regret every word. Needing distance, he turned from her and made his way to his stallion.

  After mounting his horse, he rode off without looking back.

  ~ ~ ~

  Carolyn stared out the window at the white blanket of snow covering the beloved garden she’d grown up tending. She’d always hated the cold for forcing her to remain indoors, but this winter proved to be more difficult than the last. As she sat in the drawing room, the conversation swirled around her like normal. They just had no idea how horribly drastic her life had changed. Nor did she want to tell them.

  “Miss Ashford?”

  Tearing her gaze away from the bleak vision outside, she focused on Mr. Avery. To her surprise, she noticed he was the only other occupant in the room. She swallowed. What had she missed?

  “Yes? Where has everyone gone?”

  “The baron and baroness have gone for a walk. I think they believe I can help you. Will you talk to me? These past eight weeks or so, you have been distracted and distant. I’ve even noticed you are dressing more appropriately for the day, and without putting up much of a fight.”

  She forced a smile. “It’s the weather. When I can’t enjoy my garden, I find myself in a sad state.”

  He sighed and took her cold hand in his warm one. “I wish I could help. As I was telling your brother, I leave for London tomorrow. I don’t know when I will be able to return.”

  “We shall be distressed to see you go,” she uttered, unable to dredge up any emotion.

  He looked down at their hands. “I want you to know that I’ll be returning with a wife. My mother is adamant that I find one, and seeing as I have failed, she will select one for me.”

  The terror on his face said so much more than he did. Her heart went out to him, and she squeezed his hand. “I’m so sorry. That is horrible.”

  “I will ask you one more time. Will you marry me? I will do my best to make you happy.”

  She pulled her hand from his and crossed the room, wrapping her arms around her midsection. This wasn’t what she needed right now. She couldn’t marry him even if she wanted to. She let out a sigh. It was time to end this.

  “I can’t marry you. And, once you learn the truth, you will not want me in any case. You see, I’m no innocent.”

  He lifted an eyebrow as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “Although I’m shocked, I’m not deterred. I don’t care that you—”

  “It’s worse. I’m with child.”

  His mouth fell open as his eyes landed on her still flat stomach.

  “Surprising, I know.” She chuckled, a mirthless sound. “You are the first that I’ve told, so I expect your discretion.”

  “Of course. What about the father? You haven’t told him?”

  She pressed her lips tight. Edmund had made his stance on children very clear just as he did his thoughts on being forced to marry. Besides, the way he acted after his blunder made it blatantly obvious. He felt she was to blame.

  “He will never know as I have no intention of seeing him ever again.”

  As Mr. Avery swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbed. If she didn’t know better, she’d think him to be excited.

  “Is your only objection to marrying me your current predicament?”

  Caught off guard, she shrugged. “I suppose so.”

  “Then, let me help you. Come away with me tomorrow. We’ll go to Gretna Green. If you bear a son, I’ll have my heir. Then, my duties will be done.”

  Her brows furrowed. “You don’t wish the next duke to be of your blood?”

  “I don’t have a care, and I suspect His Grace agrees with me.”

  Feeling as though she were somehow in a different conversation, she sat down. “So, you wish to marry me and allow my bastard son to inherit?”

  “No. Your son—my son—shall not be a bastard. Besides, you and I will be the only ones who know the truth about the child’s parentage. You can have everything your heart desires at Moonlight Castle, and I promise to never touch you. We will be married on paper only.”

  Her rational side fought to calculate every eventuality. “And, what if I carry a daughter?”

  He looked away and took a deep breath. “I require a son. I will only ask enough of you that I have one.”

  Glancing down at her stomach, she made her decision. This child was her responsibility now, she would provide for it. “Then, yes, I will marry you.”

  A slow smile broke out across his face. “Thank you. I promise you will not regret this. I will be good to you. I can pick you up tomorrow at—”

  “No.” She shot to her feet. “I can’t do that to Gordon or Annalise, or even to Claire. Please, I need more time.”

  He ran a hand throu
gh his sandy blond hair. “I don’t have more to give.”

  “Then, I can’t marry you. I must have the time to accustom myself as well as my family.”

  “I suppose the duke does owe me for this, I will insist he send the carriage for you. Then, we can meet in London and go on to Gretna Green together from there.”

  Although terrified, she nodded. This was the right decision. “Three days.”

  He nodded back. “Three days.”

  Once he saw himself out, Carolyn cupped her face in her hands. She had no idea how she was going to tell her family, but it had to be done.

  In one week, she would be married to Mr. Avery while carrying Edmund’s child. A child who would never know his father and would become the next Duke of Demoon.

  Chapter 9

  Edmund held his head in his hands as he rested his elbows on his desk. His head pounded. One of the many side effects of too much brandy. He’d thought the bottle was the only thing on his side, but with the pain pounding through his head, he realized he’d been betrayed.

  “You look terrible.” Thomas sounded strangely cheerful for someone who’d been encouraging the consumption of spirits.

  “Why are you so happy? I still don’t understand why you never suffer the effects of brandy.”

  “That’s easy. I don’t drink as heavily as you do. I can pace myself, whereas you seem incapable of allowing me to put a stopper in the bottle.”

  Edmund groaned as he leaned back in his chair. “Are you here to bother me about my drinking habits? That you began, I must add.”

  “No. I have a favor to ask of you, and as you owe me, you can’t deny me.”

  Lifting up a challenging eyebrow, Edmund stared at his cousin. “I can do as I please.”

  “You can, but I would think you’d like to help me in this particular situation. After all, I will have my obligations to Demoon settled in a matter of days.”


  Thomas puffed out his chest. “Miss Ashford has agreed to marry me.”

  Shock widened Edmund’s eyes. “How did this come about? Has your intention to leave tomorrow convinced her she can’t live without you?”

  “No. Actually, I . . . um, I have gotten her with child.”

  The absurdity brought laughter bursting from Edmund’s lips, then the resulting pain made him regret it. He knew Thomas better than to think him capable of ruining innocents. Not to mention, Miss Ashford’s reluctance to wed him couldn’t have been an issue had they been together in that way.

  Edmund took a deep breath. “You can lie to everyone else out there, but for me, I will have the truth.”

  With a shrug, Thomas leaned forward. “Considering how she won’t speak of it, I suspect the lady was forced against her will. Now, she finds herself with a child and no husband.”

  “And, this is the heir you will provide for me? Not an ounce of our grandfather’s blood to hold onto the title?”

  “At least the blood won’t be bad. Miss Ashford is pure. Surely, her goodness will offset that of the child’s father. Besides, we don’t have a guarantee that the child will be a boy. I may still have to make a contribution.”

  Although not entirely pleased by the situation, Edmund realized this could be a good compromise to provide all three of them with part of what they wanted. Thomas would have his handpicked wife, but not the life he wanted. Edmund would have his heir, but not of his grandfather’s blood. And, Miss Ashford would have a name for her child, but not a husband’s attention.

  “Then, what is this favor you need? I certainly will have no part of that particular contribution.”

  Thomas rolled his eyes. “I leave tomorrow, and if I don’t, my mother will come here to collect me. And, considering Miss Ashford’s condition, I need to get her to Gretna Green.”

  “I don’t see the problem. Skip London and go straight to Scotland. When your mother arrives, I’ll tell her where to find you.”

  “I would, but my betrothed isn’t impetuous. She needs three days to accustom her family to her new circumstances. I simply need you to collect her and bring her to London. Once you arrive, I will take her to Scotland, and you can return home.”

  Edmund shook his head. “I won’t leave Moonlight Castle. I can’t. Have a maid collect her.”

  “The girl is slight and will be nervous. I need you to assure her. Besides, this will give you that opportunity to speak with her as you requested weeks ago. Edmund, I don’t trust anyone else. I need you to do this for me.”

  Reluctantly, Edmund nodded. His cousin was right. Two ladies riding in a carriage across England for several days, in the Duke of Demoon’s carriage no less, simply asked for trouble. He would be better protection as his fighting skills had been honed to perfection over the years.

  ~ ~ ~

  Three days later, as Edmund sat in the carriage, he secured a scarf over his face after settling his mask in place. He refused to allow anyone to gaze upon him without hiding his deformity. Besides, it wouldn’t do to scare Thomas’s intended before the man had a chance to legally bind her to him.

  When the carriage rolled to a stop, Edmund climbed out and quickly saw the winter-bundled figure waiting for them. The single woman standing on the road with her trunk beside her shot a pang of pity through him. Considering the location and the time, she hadn’t intended for her family to know when she left.

  As the footman loaded her trunk, Edmund lifted her up into the carriage. Looking up the road to Dailey, he clearly saw the tracks in the snow where the woman had dragged her belongings. He smiled. Perhaps Thomas’s girl was made of sterner stuff than he originally realized.

  Once inside, he claimed the seat across from her, and banged on the roof to indicate they were ready to begin this journey. Miss Ashford didn’t make any indication she’d realized another person sat across from her. She kept her cloak around her form while she stared out the window.

  He knew he should say something, but discomfort kept him quiet. Not only did he have no idea what to say, but he’d never been skilled at small talk. The only person not related to him that he felt an ease with was Carolyn.

  His fists clenched at the image of her that filled his mind. He didn’t want to think about her. Nor did he like the fact that he wouldn’t be able to make his trip to the garden as he had every day since he’d last seen her. It had been pointless all these weeks, but he refused to chance missing her the one time she chose to visit. He had to find her.

  “I suppose you are to be my companion for this journey.” Her muffled voice struck him as familiar.

  Perhaps Thomas had been wrong, and the girl had been at the masquerade. He must have shared a dance or a conversation with her. The thought that Dailey hadn’t shunned his invitation brought him comfort. For too long, he’d felt guilt for how the baron and his friends had suffered, and he sincerely hoped they didn’t regret their choice.

  She faced him, and he realized she expected a response. As he opened his mouth to reply, she pushed back her cloak, and the air left his lungs. He blinked, trying to clear the sight of Carolyn before him. Was he dreaming?

  “Although Mr. Avery isn’t here for an introduction, I think this situation allows for some concessions. I’m Carolyn Ashford. May I have the pleasure of your name?”

  His hands trembled as shock and rage ravaged his body. Banging on the carriage, he jumped out before the driver had a chance to fully pull the horses to a stop. This couldn’t be happening.

  Unable to control his boiling anger, he tore through the still darkened forest, needing to push himself as hard as he could to get away. Carolyn was marrying his cousin. The thought wrenched a growl from his throat. He wanted—no, needed—to hit something.

  Seeing a large rock, he grabbed it and threw it as far as he could. When Thomas’s words came back to him, he fel
t the color draining from his face. She finds herself with a child and no husband.

  His stomach rolled. Carolyn was pregnant. With his child. His child. The thought was enough to take him down, but nothing compared to the crushing blow that she’d delivered to him.

  After all, she had no intention of telling him. Instead, she had hidden from him, then agreed to marry his cousin. His bloody cousin. He yelled at nothing in particular, simply to release some of the rage pounding through him.

  When his emotions had run their course, and the only thing left was a blessed numbness, he made his way back to the carriage. He had no idea what to do about this whole damn situation, but he knew one thing for certain. Carolyn was not going to marry his cousin.

  ~ ~ ~

  Carolyn took her breakfast in the room she been given for the night. After three days of traveling, she was beginning to go mad. The weather must have slowed their journey as she had hoped to have arrived in London by midday the day before yesterday. Perhaps there had been a change of plans, and she was to meet Mr. Avery somewhere else. She couldn’t be certain, though, since no one had spoken to her.

  The carriage had been cold, and not just from the weather. The man Mr. Avery had assigned to accompany her was frightening, both in his bulk and in his silence. No matter what she’d said to him, he’d kept his face hidden in his cloak, and his thoughts to himself.

  Forcing down the last of her breakfast, she tried to think positive. After all, they had to be ending their journey soon. Although she wasn’t thrilled with her final destination, at least Mr. Avery was an amusing companion.

  A rush of nerves danced in her stomach. She could hardly believe she had agreed to this. Soon, she would be married. This wasn’t at all like she’d envisioned.


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