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Tarizon, Conquest Earth, Tarizon Trilogy Vol 3

Page 45

by William Manchee

  Chapter 36

  Quiet Dinner

  Lt. Muri, wearing a press pass bearing the name Aerial Smith, arrived at the West Wing of the White House with Agent Hamilton. The press conference was set to begin in about fifteen minutes. She was dressed in a short black silk dress with spaghetti straps and wore high heels. Many heads turned and stared in admiration as she walked by. Hamilton felt exhilarated as her escort. Her scent, partly the product of potent seafolken pheromones, was intoxicating, and almost made him forget the very serious purpose of their visit. When they reached the door of the Press Briefing Room he held his breath, fearing her credentials might be challenged, but they were not.

  The room was packed with noisy reporters anxious to size up the new President and find out how he was handling the most vicious terrorist attack the nation had ever faced. Hamilton led Aerial to her seat and then returned to his assigned security position for the press conference. Security was extremely tight as this was the first time President Rubio had ventured out of the bunker for a public appearance. The arrest of two Secret Service agents in connection with the assassinations of the President, vice president, and Speaker of the House had made everyone suspicious and paranoid. Nobody trusted anyone.

  When the press secretary made his entrance, everyone quieted down. As he got to the podium he adjusted his glasses and nodded to someone in the first row. “Ladies and gentlemen, before the President comes out here I wanted to let you know that this will be a very brief press conference. As you know, the President was sworn in less than twenty-four hours ago, has had very little sleep, and is obviously very tired. But he knows the American people are understandably concerned about recent events and need reassurance, so he has consented to this press conference. Accordingly, tonight he plans to say a few words and take four or five questions before returning to the bunker to get some sleep. So with that said, let me introduce the President.”

  President Rubio walked briskly to the podium and smiled broadly. He was a handsome, lean man who appeared proud and confident. Not a man who’d unexpectedly been thrust into the limelight.

  “Ladies and gentlemen. I know it must be a great shock to see me standing up here as the leader of the Free World. Well, let me just say that I’m as shocked as you are that our security was so lax that terrorists could kill our president and two of his successors. It is scandalous that we let our guard down and allowed this atrocity to occur. Let me assure you that as long as I am president that will never happen again.”

  Hamilton looked across the room at Aerial Smith. She smiled wryly back at him. President Rubio stood tall and continued.

  “The persons responsible for these terrorist attacks will be brought to justice quickly, and their punishment will be swift and harsh. We cannot allow terrorism in America to flourish as it does today. We must give our law enforcement agencies the power that they need to combat it effectively. This may mean a temporary relaxation of some of the civil rights we all enjoy, but our very existence depends on our ability to seek out, find, and destroy our enemies.”

  The press broke out in excited chatter. Reporters started asking questions. Rubio interrupted them. “Just one more thing and then I’ll answer questions. As you know, when a new president takes office it is customary for the entire cabinet to resign. Well, in keeping with that tradition, the entire cabinet has submitted their resignations. I know that it is often the case when a sitting president resigns or dies that the successor retains the old cabinet. I do not intend to do that, however. I am accepting all the resignations that have been tendered to me.”

  Now the room broke out in chaos. Reporters shouted out questions to the president but he raised his hand. “One more thing. I have already made one new cabinet appointment. I felt there could be not one moment of delay in filling this important position, so I am proud to announce that the new Secretary of Defense will be Commander Ziegfield Kulchz.”

  There were many frowns and gasps of utter dismay at the appointment. President Rubio smiled. “I know most of you don’t know Commander Kulchz, but he is quite an astute military tactician who has worked closely with the United States Army over the past twenty years. He knows our military quite well and, I’m sure, will serve quite effectively. Now I’ll take your questions.”

  “Mr. President,” a reporter asked. “Has it been established for certain that the IJA is responsible for the abduction and assassination of the President and the others?”

  “Yes. I’ve talked with the FBI and the Secret Service, and they tell me they are quite certain that the IJA is behind the abductions. After all, why would they claim to have done it if it were not true?”

  Many hands rose, and reporters began screaming out more questions. “Mr. President, why would you appoint an unknown to such an important post as Secretary of Defense in this time of crisis? Don’t you think the American people would have preferred the appointment of someone they knew and had faith and confidence in?”

  Rubio stiffened. “Commander Kulchz is well known to our military leaders. He has been the liaison officer between the military and the defense industry for many years, as I said, and I have full confidence in his abilities. . . . That’s all for now,” the President said and started to leave the podium.

  Aerial Smith got up and raised her hand. “Oh, Mr. President. Just one more question, please.”

  President Rubio was about to decline the request summarily when he noticed Aerial’s beauty and grace. His annoyance vanished. A smile came over his face. “Well, just one more for the pretty lady.”

  Aerial smiled back meekly. “Mr. President, I just wondered if it got lonely way down there in the bunker.”

  Several reporters snickered.

  The President hesitated then shrugged. “Well, I am surrounded by Secret Service agents, so I’m not alone.”

  “Oh, I know that. But, I mean at night with no family or friends to talk to.”

  The President nodded. “Yes, it is a little lonely down there, but until we can find out how the IJA managed to breach White House security and take the President, there’s really no other choice.”

  Aerial nodded. “Thank you, Mr. President.”

  The President left the room, and Aerial rushed over to where Agent Hamilton was stationed. He immediately escorted her down the corridor to a place he knew the President would soon be passing. When he approached, Aerial and Hamilton stepped out.

  “Oh, Mr. President,” Hamilton said, “I’d like you to meet Aerial Smith from the Dallas Herald.”

  President Rubio smiled. “Yes, you asked that last question.”

  “Yes, I did,” Aerial replied. “A lot of women worry about things like that.”

  The President laughed. “Really?”

  “Yes, of course,” she said and looked around to make sure nobody was listening. “Listen, if you do get lonely down there here’s my phone number. I could take care of that problem.”

  She handed him a piece of paper. The President blushed and looked around nervously.

  “Agent Hamilton is an old friend,” Aerial added. “I’m sure he could sneak me in if it was a matter of national security.”

  They all laughed.

  “Ah, thank you, Ms. Smith,” Rubio said, taking the paper.

  “No. Call me Aerial. I insist.”

  “Aerial. It’s a nice thought, but highly inappropriate.”

  Lt. Muri feigned great disappointment. “Oh, well. Just trying to be helpful,” she said and leaned over and gave the President a kiss on the cheek. As she withdrew she nicked his skin with her tortiac, sending feelings of immense sexual pleasure throughout his body.

  He closed his eyes and moaned with pleasure then stepped back, alarmed by his reaction. “Ah, well. I must go,” he said, looking in Aerial’s eyes with great fascination. His aide took his arm and whisked him down the hall to the Oval Office and closed the doors.

  Hamilton chuckled. “What did you do to him? He looked like he wanted to take you into the nearest closet

  “He did,” she said, “but obviously that wouldn’t do. He’ll be calling for me soon, though.”

  “No doubt,” Hamilton said. “So, what are you going to do in the meantime?”

  “Get a hotel room and wait for the phone call.”

  “All right. Call me when you get settled, so I know where you are.”

  “I need some money,” Aerial said. “I didn’t get a chance to get to a pawn shop and sell some stones.”

  Hamilton laughed and opened his wallet. “Okay, take this credit card. I don’t have enough cash on me. Don’t go crazy with it.”

  “I won’t. Just a few clothes and the room.”

  “I’ll get you a cab.”

  They went to the reception area, and Aerial waited while Hamilton got her a cab. She felt exhilarated by the way things were turning out. She was sure she was going to get her revenge, and then some. The cab took her to the Watergate Hotel where she got a room and then went shopping for nightgowns and underwear. When Aerial got back to her hotel room she turned on the TV. Reaction to the press conference was being discussed by a panel of experts.

  “Diane. What do you know of Commander Kulchz?” the moderator asked.

  “Not a lot. He was a middle-grade bureaucrat in charge of procuring state-of-the-art technology for the Pentagon.”

  “That doesn’t seem to qualify him to be Secretary of Defense, does it?”

  “Well, he was very successful. They say he’s the one who secured the stealth technology for the Air Force’s new bomber.”


  “Yes, and that’s just one of many impressive acquisitions.”

  “Still, that’s not the kind of person the President should be appointing if he wants to instill confidence in his judgement. What do you think, John?”

  “Well, apparently Kulchz and Rubio were good friends, so I think it comes down to a matter of trust, like the President himself said at the press conference.”


  Aerial switched off the TV and called down for room service. She was famished, needed sleep, and figured she’d better get it now. She wanted to be alert when she got the President’s phone call. When the food arrived she ate voraciously, took a long bath, and went to bed. Hours later the phone rang.

  “Ah, Ms. Smith.”

  “Yes, is this who I think it is?” Aerial asked, recognizing Rubio’s voice—and his tone.

  The President chuckled. “Yes, it is. Ah. You know. You and I just hit if off so well, I couldn’t quit thinking about you.”

  “Good. Because I felt the same way when I met you.”

  “You said you might like to keep me company?”

  “Yes, I hate the idea of you being all alone down there so deep in the Earth.”

  “Good, because I’ve got the dinner menu right in front of me and I needed to know what you like.”

  “Fish,” Lt. Muri replied. “Sushi if they have it.”

  “This is the White House, my girl. We have everything.”

  “Great. I’ve always wanted to have dinner at the White House.”

  “Okay, then. You call your friend, Agent Hamilton, and tell him you’re coming to dinner.”

  “I will, Mr. President. See you soon.”

  Lt. Muri hung up the phone and then smiled proudly. She knew being part seafolken had definitely given her an advantage in life. She’d always been able to manipulate men at will, which often had saved her life. Now perhaps it would allow her to save Earth. Perhaps, she hoped, that would make up for all the evil she’d been forced to be a part of as a Loyalist spy, living and working in the enemy camp. She picked up the phone and dialed Hamilton’s number.

  “Yes,” Hamilton said.

  “I got the call,” Aerial advised him.

  “Good. I’ll alert the others and come get you. When are you supposed to be there?”

  “For dinner. He didn’t give me a time.”

  “All right. Then I’ll be there in an hour.”

  “Good. I need time to get dressed.”

  She hung up and went into her bedroom to get changed. Her new purse was large enough to carry a nightgown, perfume, and makeup. She debated whether it would be better to kill the President in his bed or in the dining room. They’d have cameras in the bedroom, but it might be better to do it immediately and get it over with. If there were an emergency the President could be called away and she’d miss her opportunity. If the murder was taped she’d just have to make it look like an accident, she decided. She worked hard, making sure she’d be as alluring as possible. Before she knew it there was a knock on the door. After making a few adjustments to her outfit and makeup, she grabbed her purse and went to the door.

  “You ready?” Hamilton asked.

  “Yes, let’s go,” she replied, stepping out and letting the door shut behind her.

  It was a cool, clear night. She looked up in the sky, wondering how Admiral Cystrom had taken her escape. Would he suspect she’d been a spy all along? She thought she’d been pretty convincing with her false outrage at Vice Admiral Brunns’ demotion and the admiral’s murder, but she couldn’t be sure. If they knew she was a spy they’d know she’d defected to the Loyalists and would be looking for her. She looked around warily at the people entering and leaving the hotel and then followed Agent Hamilton to his car.

  They drove straight to the White House and entered the West Wing. Nobody asked Hamilton whom he was bringing into the White House with him. Aerial wondered if they already knew she was the President’s dinner guest, or if they just trusted Hamilton. When they got to the elevator that led down to the bunker, there was a Marine posted there. When Hamilton started to push the elevator button the guard stopped him.

  “No one is allowed in the bunker tonight,” the Marine advised him.

  “But the President is expecting Ms. Smith,” Hamilton said.

  “I’m sorry, but I have my orders.”

  Hamilton stiffened up. “Who has more authority than the President?”

  The Marine didn’t flinch. “My orders came from Defense Secretary Kulchz.”

  Hamilton shook his head. “Well, I think the President outranks the defense secretary, wouldn’t you say?”

  “I don’t have any orders from the President.”

  “Well, call down and ask him if he would like his dinner companion allowed into the bunker.”

  The Marine coughed uneasily then picked up the telephone. He spoke to someone and then put the phone on the receiver. “All right, you can go down.”

  “Thank you,” Hamilton said curtly and pushed the down button.

  A few minutes later the elevator door opened, and Hamilton and Aerial stepped inside. When they got to the bunker they were surprised to see the President was being guarded by soldiers rather than Secret Service agents. They looked at Hamilton suspiciously. Then Aerial froze. Across the corridor she saw into another room and recognized the man talking to the President. It was Commander Kulchz! She wondered if he’d recognize her. She’d only met him once, but few men forgot Aerial Muri.

  “We’ve got a problem,” she whispered to Hamilton. “That’s Kulchz standing next to the President. He might recognize me.”

  Hamilton looked over through the open door at Kulchz and then turned to one of the soldiers. “Ms. Smith needs to use the ladies’ room before she sees the President. Can you direct her?”

  The soldier frowned and then shrugged. “All right. Follow me,” he said.

  Just as they rounded the corner the President came out with Commander Kulchz. Hamilton smiled and nodded.

  “Oh, Agent Hamilton. This is Commander Kulchz, my new defense secretary. Where’s Aerial . . . ah, Ms. Smith?”

  “Oh, she had to powder her nose,” Hamilton replied. “She’ll be right back.”

  The President smiled. “Well good, then, Commander. I’ll see you first thing in the morning to discuss the other cabinet positions.”

  Kulchz nodded and turned to leave. Then he looke
d back. “Pay my respects to Ms. Smith. I would wait to meet her but I have important business to attend to.”

  “Of course,” Hamilton said. “You’ll have plenty of opportunity to meet her later, I’m sure.”

  The President winked. “Hopefully.”

  They all laughed as Kulchz walked into the elevator and the door closed. Hamilton took a deep breath and sighed.

  “What is it, Agent?” President Rubio asked. “Long day?”

  Hamilton nodded. “This last week has been something else, Mr. President.”

  “Well, you can go now. I’m sure Aerial and I can take it from here.”

  Hamilton nodded and began walking back to the elevator. Before he’d reached it, Aerial appeared. “Leaving, Agent?”

  “Yes. I’ll leave you two to your dinner.”

  Aerial smiled and took the President’s hand. He turned to her in surprise. Hamilton smiled and pushed the elevator button. Soon he was gone and Aerial and the President were alone. Rubio turned and pointed. “Well, the kitchen is this way.”

  The soldiers gave her a disapproving look but said nothing. Soon she was alone with the President in a small conference room where dinner had been set for both of them. She took off her jacket, revealing bare shoulders and a plunging neckline. Then she sat down. The President licked his lips unconsciously. Aerial smiled.

  “This looks wonderful,” she said. “Wow! Our own little private party.”

  The President took off his coat and sat down across from her.

  “So, you’re from Texas?” he asked.

  “Yes, Arlington to be exact,” Aerial said, sticking her fork into some sushi and putting it into her mouth. “Right in the middle between Dallas and Ft. Worth. Comes in handy when you have to cover events in both cities.”

  “Yes, I bet it does,” the President said, beginning to eat as well.

  “So, you skipped a few rungs on the ladder,” Aerial observed. “What a stroke of good luck, huh?”

  “Well, I didn’t expect it. Nor did I wish for it. Who would have thought the American president and two of his successors would be the victims of such a vicious terrorist plot?”

  “Yes, that is quite extraordinary,” Aerial agreed. “You wonder how an unruly bunch of terrorists like the IJA could pull it off.”

  “Yes. Well they did, apparently.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Aerial said. “We should be talking about something more pleasant. I came down here to take your mind off terrorists. How can I do that?”

  The President looked at her and shrugged. “Well, just having you here with me is wonderful. You’re quite a beautiful young lady.”

  Aerial watched the President intently, and just as he put a generous piece of steak in his mouth she eased out of her chair and moved slowly around the table inching toward him. He froze as he watched her move toward him, his mouth still full of food. When she was standing over him she fell into his lap and kissed him passionately. They kissed for a long minute, and then she plunged her tongue deep into his mouth. He gasped in delight as she bit him with her tortiac. But she didn’t withdraw it as she normally would have had she cared about her lover. No man could take more than one bite, but Aerial bit him again and again until he was thrashing around like a fish out of water. When she finally withdrew, she acted surprised by his physical reaction. The President looked up at her wide-eyed, holding his throat as his tongue swelled. And as she watched, he slowly began choking to death.

  “What’s wrong?” she exclaimed, playing to the camera she suspected was recording the incident. “Oh, my God!”

  She acted as if she were trying to help him, sticking her fingers down his throat. But in reality she shoved the piece of steak in his mouth as far as she could into his throat, to make sure he didn’t cough it up. Then she waited as if in shock until he quit struggling. Then she screamed.

  “Help! He’s got something in his throat! He’s choking! Do something.”

  Two soldiers bolted into the room and assessed the situation. One of them grabbed him and turned him around to do the Heimlich maneuver. He got his arms around the President and pulled inward in perfect form. The steak shot out of his mouth, but it was too late. Aerial continued to scream hysterically as more soldiers rushed in, and finally a paramedic made it down to the bunker. Aerial stood in a corner. Then she saw Agent Hamilton and rushed over to him.

  “Let’s get you out of here and let the paramedics work,” Agent Hamilton said and escorted her to the elevator. Upstairs there was chaos as more medical personnel arrived, responding to the emergency call. Hamilton escorted Aerial out of the West Wing to a waiting cab and then went back to the Secret Service office where he was supposed to be working. He saw Commander Kulchz rush by with two soldiers. He wondered if they’d believe the President had choked or would figure out he’d been assassinated, but it didn’t matter. President Rubio was dead, and the alien plot to overthrow the U.S. government had been derailed.


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