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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Vol. 12

Page 5

by Fujino Omori


  “If you don’t learn some tricks before the expedition, you’re really gonna be in the way.”

  Aisha was right. Haruhime was part supporter, part sorcerer. Despite her illegal ability to grant level boosts, her basic combat ability was even lower than Lilly’s.

  “But I can’t move around like Mikoto and the others…”

  Haruhime had learned some defensive moves from Mikoto, but she lacked the makings of a warrior and did not pick things up quickly. Even if she learned how to defeat a low-level monster in the Dungeon, it would be a mere drop in the bucket.

  “Idiot,” Aisha said to the glum Haruhime. “You’re a sorcerer. You must have at least enough magic to merit the name. I expect more from you than clumsy bungling.”

  “Uh…So you mean we’re going to practice to improve my magical powers?”

  “Nope. You’re going to learn new magic.”

  Aisha smiled at the flabbergasted Haruhime.

  “Skills and magic don’t appear whenever people want them to, so we’ll just have to draw them out by force.”

  With a thud, Aisha set down the bundle she’d brought with her in front of Haruhime, and then untied the cloth. Inside was a thick book, the cover of which was decorated with an intricate pattern.

  “This is a…!”

  “A grimoire. I don’t know what magic will come from it, but I doubt that it’ll be worthless, whatever it is.”

  The text would force magic to come forth. Even the unworldly Haruhime knew the value of the tome that lay before her. The miraculous items were never found in ordinary markets. They were so rare that it wouldn’t be strange to call them phantom books.

  “Ishtar would’ve never let you read a grimoire, but that was because she was so fixated on how potent the level boost was. If her sealed renart learned more than one kind of magic, it would be a waste, since the smashed killing stone would only allow a single power to be used.”

  Aisha was explaining Ishtar’s rationale, but the information went in one fox ear and out the other. Gulping at the grimoire, Haruhime timidly raised her face.

  “By the way, where did you get this…?”

  “I waited till my patron deity and the rest of the familia weren’t looking, and then I filched it from our storeroom.”

  After a momentary silence, Haruhime coughed uncomfortably. Aisha waved her hand carelessly, as if to say it was no big deal.

  “It’s fine. They take advantage of me and treat me like a convenient pawn, so this is the least I could do to balance things out.”

  The Amazon, who had converted to Hermes Familia, looked proud of herself. By now, the familia would have noticed the precious volume was missing and was probably going crazy over it. Haruhime had known the senior prostitute was daring since their time together in Ishtar Familia, but all she could do at this renewed reminder of Aisha’s character was sputter in panic.

  “You want to help the boys, don’t you?”


  “Then you don’t have much choice. You’re the weakling, and what you need now is unvarnished greed for improvement.”

  Aisha brought her face right up to Haruhime’s, who stared back at her in shock. Still sitting on the table, Aisha suddenly curled her lips.

  “Read it fast and start practicing. Ten days should be enough to master a new kind of magic.”

  Aisha got down from the table and stepped away from Haruhime to make sure she didn’t accidentally steal the effects of the grimoire.

  Haruhime had been following the movements of the smiling Amazon with her eyes, and then, as she thought back to the conversation with Bell and the others in the living room the other night, she pressed her lips together.

  I’m…I’m part of the familia!

  Her hand clasped the cover of the grimoire and energetically flipped it open.

  “Miss Eina, will you tell me about the Great Falls again?”

  “Uh, um, yeah,” she answered in a shrill voice.

  Bell opened an illustrated book and showed it to Eina, who was sitting across from him. She traced the words on the page with her slender finger.

  It was night, and they were in the reference room of Guild Headquarters. Bell was getting a private seminar from Eina. Drawing on her knowledge, he was hoping to drill into his head as much information as possible about the floors they planned to traverse and the monsters they might meet during the expedition. Since they were heading into new territory, he had decided to spend the entire ten-day preparation period studying.

  When he came across something he didn’t understand, he asked Eina, and when he felt unsure of something, he pursued an answer until he was completely satisfied.

  Even though there was usually a gap between the information in books and the reality in the Dungeon, Bell already knew after five short months as an adventurer that information he gathered ahead of time could save his life, as well as possibly serve as a potent weapon to protect his party.

  He was determined to do everything he could right now. Thinking about what would be needed, Bell looked to both the past and future for hints. He had risked his life in the middle levels, and now he was reaching toward the deeper floors where Irregulars were commonplace. As he examined the material with his far-from-efficient mind, he became greedy for more knowledge.

  He’s changed…

  Eina watched him pore over the information. Her cheeks resting on her hands, she felt her gaze drawn again and again to his rubellite eyes.

  “Miss Eina?”

  He had sensed her eyes on him and looked up.

  “Huh?…Uh, nothing, sorry!” she said in a flustered voice, waving her hands at him.

  He gave her a funny look. She waited until he returned his gaze to the book, then sighed. Her face felt hot.

  I’ve changed, too…

  Eina had been suffering ever since the day the black minotaur defeated Bell. She wasn’t in pain—in fact, it could even be called a pleasant feeling—but she didn’t know how to deal with it, and it made her a little embarrassed. She was astonished by how her heart had soared when Bell asked her to help him study.

  The space between them as they sat on opposite sides of the desk was irritating her. Being so close and yet so far was driving her crazy. Fidgeting at the fact that no one besides the two of them was in the room, she stole another glance at Bell’s face.

  I didn’t realize boys could grow up so much…

  Bell was still absorbed in reading the heavy volume. In the past, he’d been a poor student, but now he was taking the lead in asking for lessons. When she’d given him a pop quiz earlier in the night, he made some mistakes but far fewer than in the past.

  Ever since that day, he’d been trying to shed his old skin. No—perhaps he already had.

  What in the world happened that day? I wish I could ask him…

  Eina didn’t know anything about the incident with the Xenos. She’d wanted to ask him about it but ultimately had found herself unable to form the words.

  In the past, she wouldn’t have had any trouble asking him, much like a concerned sister questioning her little brother.

  But now, Eina didn’t want to bother him. It was as though she was a woman silently protecting her man.

  …This is not good…I’m in trouble.

  Eina surrendered herself to the situation, acknowledging once again the bind she was in.

  She’d never fallen in love before, not as a child and not as a student. Now all she could do was remain aware of her emotions.

  That was the first time I saw a boy, a man, cry out loud.

  Her heart fluttered sweetly as the memory of the events of that night came flooding vividly back to her. Suddenly, her face felt hot again.

  I have to stop this!

  She laid her head on the table and wrapped her arms around her face.

  Bell looked at her in surprise.

  “Uh, um…Miss Eina, are you all right…?”

  “Even though I know you idolize
Miss Wallenstein…”



  She pressed her burning cheek against the cool desk and sniffled.

  And he’s so much younger than me…I can’t even look straight at him. I’m such a child, even at this age!

  Eina felt embarrassed by her own feelings.


  “What’s wrong, Hestia?” Miach asked as the goddess jerked in surprise, her black pigtails twitching.

  “I sense a sweet-and-sour aura bearing down on Bell!”

  “What are you talking about…?” Takemikazuchi said. He looked surprised. Following her deity’s instinct, the young goddess had turned around to scan her surroundings.

  As the stars twinkled in the night sky outside, she and the two gods crowded around a table in a bar on a quiet side street. They’d decided to have a casual meeting over drinks, since their familias were about to embark on a joint expedition.

  “I’m worried about Bell…But thank you again, Miach and Také, for lending us your support.”

  “No need to thank me, Hestia. Just doing what good neighbors do,” Miach said.

  “He’s right. Anyway, when it comes to expeditions, we’re not strangers,” Takemikazuchi added.

  Hestia bowed her head in appreciation. The two gods laughed. They’d become friends because all three were at the bottom of the familia hierarchy, and they’d get together to poke fun at themselves. Hestia was grateful to call such upstanding gods and their familias her friends. She smiled. Without them, neither she nor Bell would have been able to make it in Orario.

  “Still…I do feel a little guilty about leaving all the work to the kids while we go out for a drink,” Takemikazuchi said, reaching for a snack.

  “What else can we do? Bell and the others have everything taken care of. When I tried to help, my supporter said, ‘I don’t want you messing up all my preparations, so why don’t you go to your job or something’! I was kicked out of the house!” Hestia replied with a pout, imitating Lilly’s voice. The two gods laughed wryly.

  “Mikoto has really been working hard, coming to me every day to ask for training,” Takemikazuchi added.

  “Same with Nahza. She’s trying to develop some new medicines for Bell and the others…Everyone is working toward the same goal. Things are going well, I think,” Miach said.

  Lessons, training, magic, studying…Everyone was preparing for the expedition in their own way. Although Miach’s voice was tinged with envy toward the humans who, unlike the deusdea, were able to improve themselves, he smiled brightly.

  “It’s not just Bell…Everyone is growing up. They hardly need my help anymore!”

  “What’s this, Hestia, do I detect a little loneliness?”

  “Of course I’m lonely! I can’t follow them into the Dungeon, can I?”

  Hestia drained her cup and lurched forward.

  “Drunk already?” Takemikazuchi teased, leaning away from her.

  Hestia blushed, then switched moods and smiled.

  “But I’m equally happy! No, proud is a better word for it!”


  “When everyone talks about how much Bell has grown…I get this feeling deep in my chest.”

  She would never reveal such motherly pride to the children, of course. But they’d been through a lot together, she and Bell. He had survived many adventures, tasted frustration, and learned to keep running forward even when he was covered head to toe in mud.

  The familia story she had traced onto his back was a precious treasure.

  Hestia grinned like the young goddess she was, and the two male gods narrowed their eyes as if they understood how she felt.

  “He used to be such a crybaby, but now he’s able to speak his mind clearly in front of everyone. He’s grown up beautifully…I’ve fallen for him all over again! I had butterflies in my stomach just watching him! Damn it, I’ll never hand him over to another soul!”

  “That was real beautiful, except the last bit.”


  The gods sipped their drinks as Hestia threw both hands in the air and crowed.

  “To tell you the truth, I’m a little worried about this expedition…but I have faith that Bell and the others will get through it,” she said.

  “If anyone can do it, that group can.”

  “Yeah, just like Hestia said.”

  The three deities raised their glasses.

  “Let’s drink to Bell and the rest.”

  “Shouldn’t we give them a toast?”

  “Let’s save that for when they get back.”

  The warm light of the magic-stone lamps illuminated the dusky blue atmosphere of the lively bar. A bard struck up a tune for the drunken patrons, the pleasant melody evoking the prelude to an adventure tale.

  “Here’s to a successful adventure for the children—”

  The three deities gathered at the round table smiled at one another and clinked their glasses together.


  The sky that day was nearly cloudless.

  As the sun peeked its face over the massive eastern wall of the city, Orario opened its eyes and leaped into action. Sunbeams poured down from the blue sky where a few white clouds floated. In front of Hearthstone Manor, in the city’s sixth ward, a crowd of humans and demi-humans gathered. They were adventurers from various factions, about to set out on an expedition.

  “Are you all ready?”

  “Yes! I’ve packed as many items, extra weapons, and provisions as I could fit.”

  Lilly adjusted her backpack, which was stuffed even fuller than usual. Aisha smiled at her, resting her huge sword called a podao on her shoulder.

  Nearby, Mikoto and Chigusa ogled Ouka’s sparkling silver weapon.

  “Sir Ouka, has Sir Welf made a new weapon for you as well? Oh my, that looks like a fine blade,” Mikoto gushed.

  “What an ax!…But Ouka, the money…?” Chigusa said.

  “…I’ll make the cost back on this expedition,” Ouka responded solemnly. Welf, who was standing just behind him holding his greatsword, grinned.

  Meanwhile, Nahza was handing Haruhime a sack bursting at its seams.

  “Haruhime, I’ve just finished making these new potions today…Please take them. Fight hard, sister…”

  “Th-thank you, Lady Nahza!” Haruhime said as she accepted the bag from the chienthrope, who had dark circles under her eyes. Touched by the words of encouragement from this member of her race, Haruhime bowed in her hooded black cloak, the Goliath Robe.

  Takemikazuchi, Miach, Hephaistos, and the familia members who would stay home stood at a slight distance from the adventurers headed for the Dungeon, wishing them well on the expedition.

  “Leave it to me to guard our home. Go raise hell!”

  “Don’t do anything too crazy.”

  “Take care of yourself!”

  Nahza and several members of Takemikazuchi Familia were in charge of watching their homes while everyone else was gone. As for Hestia Familia, whose members were all participating in the expedition, Hephaistos planned to assign one of her High Smiths to guard their home. Once word got out that such a fiercely powerful smith was there, not even the dumbest thief would dare approach. The adventurers were able to take part in the expedition only because of this assistance on the home front.

  Bell looked at the two groups—those departing and those staying home—and then glanced up at the sky. The weather was good, and so were the expressions on the faces of his companions. Morale was high.

  Of course, there were exceptions.

  “Daphne…Can’t you stop this expedition?”

  “Huh? Isn’t it a bit late for that?”

  “I had a premonition last night…I have a feeling that something horrible is going to happen…”

  “That again? You know we can’t stop it now!”

  Cassandra was on the verge of tears, having been rebuffed by her partner. She turned to Bell, who was on her other side, as
if to cling to him.

  “Um…I’m sorry…” Bell said, scratching his head.

  Gently turned away by him as well, Cassandra hung her head. Bell directed a strained smile at the girl, who had been pulled back by Daphne, and turned his eyes to his patron deity.

  “Well, Goddess.”

  “Bell, whatever you do, don’t let down your guard!”

  “I understand.”

  “…Fight hard!”

  “…I will!”

  As the sunlight poured down on them, Hestia and Bell exchanged smiles. Bell engraved the image of her smile and the sunny sky into his memory. He would not see either for quite some time.

  When he turned back around, he saw that Welf and the others were waiting eagerly for his signal to embark on their journey. Bell nodded and turned again toward Hestia and the other deities.

  “We’re off!”

  Exactly five months had passed since the boy arrived in Orario. Now, he was departing on Hestia Familia’s first expedition.

  The faction alliance expected the expedition to last one week.

  Aisha assured them that a party like this could easily make it to their destination and back in five days, so they had planned their trip accordingly, including where they would set up camp beyond the safety points.

  Welf, Ouka, and Bell made up the vanguard of the formation heading into the Dungeon. The center was split into two groups: Mikoto, Chigusa, and Daphne would act as floaters to protect the combatants and supporters, while Lilly, Haruhime, and Cassandra served as supporters. In reality, the function of the latter three was more like a rear guard. Aisha, a powerful Level-4 fighter, was stationed at the very end to dispel any attacks from behind.

  Of course, this was the first time Hestia Familia was acting as part of such a large group, so they expected to carefully observe how the coalition worked and make temporary changes in positions as needed.

  Ultimately, they were headed for the lower levels.


  A screech split the air.

  Bell’s Hestia Knife flashed in a violet arc as it cleaved a monster in half.


  Belatedly, the mad beetle’s death cry thundered through the passageway.


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