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The Wolf Fount

Page 12

by Gayla Drummond

  He had a great view of the end of the west bar, where Morgan and Thane sat drinking. She drank more than the were-liger as the night wore on, but only left Thane’s side for a few trips to the ladies’. Eventually, they left, and Cal finally moved, realizing he’d gotten stiff from being still for so long. Daniel gave him a puzzled look, and he just shrugged. “I was avoiding a persistent admirer.”

  “Oh.” The explanation didn’t remove the other’s puzzlement, but Cal wasn’t about to say more. He left the DJ booth to hunt down Jake, having seen him stop to talk to Morgan a few times.

  “What was she doing here?”

  Jake leaned back. “Are you pissed at me? Because if you’re not, mind getting out of my face?”

  “Sorry.” Cal straightened. “Why was Morgan here?”

  “Case of cabin fever and curiosity.”

  “Curiosity about what?”

  “Not what, who. Or is it ‘whom’? I always get those two mixed up.” Cal growled, and Jake grinned. “She wanted to know about Thane, what with the fact she’s living with him and all.”

  Was that a good thing? Cal couldn’t decide. “What did you tell her?”

  “The truth. Abbreviated version. She was worried, boss. He’s a big guy, doesn’t talk, and she’s been locked up with him for a week.”

  “Okay, yeah, that makes sense. How do you think they’re getting along?”

  Jake’s grin began to fade. “Fine, why?”

  “Fine enough they’ll stick?”

  “Stick as in be a couple?” Cal nodded, and Jake’s brows drew together. “Little soon for that, don’t you think?”

  “The sooner she’s paired off, the better for everyone.”

  “Uh huh. Everyone, or you?”

  Cal snorted. “I’m part of everyone.”

  “Yeah, you are.” Jake smiled and walked away.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jake dropped into a chair at Sebastian’s table. “You been watching him?”

  “I have.”

  “Something’s going on. Any ideas what?”

  The vampire smiled. “Perhaps.”

  “Mind sharing what they are? Because I’m beginning to worry about him.”

  Sebastian’s smile faded. “It could be the years beginning to take their toll on him.”

  The other scoffed. “He’s the Fount. They were made to weather time. Next?”

  “I didn’t mean the passage of time itself, but the passage of time without his Chimaera by his side.” Sebastian paused for a drink. “Uncle has never spent longer than a few weeks with a woman. He doesn’t believe it would be fair to become too emotionally invested, or for them to, and then have to set them aside if his Chimaera appeared.”

  “I know that. You’re saying he’s waited so long, he’s ready to settle?”

  The vampire frowned. “That’s rather disrespectful to Morgan, don’t you think?”

  Jake rolled his eyes. “I didn’t mean it disrespectfully. Cal was promised a Chimaera. She’s not one, so he’d be settling for not having what he was promised.”

  “What if she is?” Sebastian raised an eyebrow when the other snorted.

  “She’s not. I was there. She’s a wolf. It’s the only thing she changed into.” Jake stretched his legs out. “According to Lucas, she hasn’t changed into anything but a wolf since being sent to headquarters.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “But you think because Cal’s worked up over her to the point he’s acting like an idiot means she could be his Chimaera, unless I’m reading you wrong.”

  Sebastian’s smile returned. “How old are you?”

  “I was a Roman soldier.”

  “Then you weren’t around when the other Founts’ Chimaeras appeared.”

  Jake scowled. “And?”

  “No one knows what happened. Just that from one day to the next, each of those three Founts went from not having to having their Chimaeras by their sides.”

  “They couldn’t have appeared from thin air.” Jake contemplated his statement for a second. “Could they?”

  “We don’t know. The information wasn’t volunteered. At first, Uncle didn’t want to intrude and thought his Chimaera would also appear soon. Later, when it was obvious she wouldn’t, he was too proud to ask, and of course, then all the trouble started with the other Founts. I wasn’t too proud, and did make inquiries before the troubles, but discovered nothing.”

  “You’re telling me no one knows what the hell goes on before a Chimaera appears?”

  “No one.”

  “That’s some grade A bullshit right there. The Guardians didn’t drop a hint at all?”

  Sebastian lifted one shoulder and let it fall. “Uncle was told his promised mate would appear when the time was right.”

  “But,” Jake paused. “That means it could be any of the women, not necessarily Morgan. Or one who hasn’t even Awakened yet.”

  “Exactly. She’s not the first he’s been extremely attracted to, though he’s usually been better at hiding it. Which is why I think all the years alone, anticipating the appearance of his Chimaera, have become too much of a burden for him.”

  Jake scratched the back of his neck, trying to recall the other women Sebastian meant. “What can we do about it?”

  “I’ve already done something about it. I’ve sent a request to Laney to come here when she’s able.”

  “Okay, and how do you expect her to help?”

  Sebastian tilted his head. “The Chimaera, whoever she is, doesn’t know what she is, so finding her by telepathic scanning won’t be possible. Uncle has no idea how to identify his Chimaera, and neither does anyone else.”

  “Then what the hell good is it to bring Laney in?”

  The vampire smiled. “She’s one of the women Uncle is highly attracted to.”

  Jake rolled his eyes again. “She turned him down. I was there.”

  “I’m aware of that, and I’m also aware that Laney is extremely loyal.”

  “She’s not going to change her mind. Laney does not change her mind.” He knew, because she’d turned him down too—twice. She’d been so nice about it the first time Jake had thought she meant just at that time. He’d realized he was wrong the second time, apologized, and hadn’t tried again.

  Sebastian waved the comment away. “She doesn’t have to, just needs to spend some time around him. Her presence will remind Uncle he’s felt the same strong attraction before. That reminder should be enough to return him to normal.”

  Which would be good. Jake didn’t like seeing Cal unsettled to the point of actually hiding from anyone, woman or man. But a thought occurred to him. “What if he doesn’t?”

  “Doesn’t what?”

  “Still feel a strong attraction to Laney?”

  The vampire’s smile would’ve done the Cheshire Cat proud. “Then we may have a solution to determining who the Chimaera is.”

  “Meaning it would be Morgan.” Jake didn’t like the idea. The woman was too volatile. “If that’s the case, I see a hell of a lot more trouble ahead.”

  “As do I.” Sebastian sighed. “However, I don’t see a way to force them to make peace. Uncle’s positive staying away from her is the right thing, and Morgan seems to have developed a rather virulent hatred for him.”

  “Plus, Cal’s hoping she gets attached to Thane.” Jake tapped the table top. “If she does, and it turns out she is his Chimaera...”

  “Let’s not borrow trouble.”


  To Morgan’s displeasure, alcohol didn’t have the same effect on her as it had prior to Awakening. Instead of building and keeping a nice buzz, she’d sobered up completely on the ride home. Guess I don’t have to worry about becoming an alcoholic.

  On the elevator ride down, she poked Thane in the side. “Are you ever going to talk to me?”

  He shrugged.

  “Calhoun said you can talk, so you just don’t. Why?”

  Another shrug in response. She sighed. “W
ell, thanks for taking me out tonight. Think we can do it again...” she tried to pick a time period that wouldn’t seem too pushy, “maybe next week?”

  Thane nodded and Morgan grinned. “Great.”

  She didn’t say “it was fun” because it wasn’t. Jake had stopped several times, checking on them, and there’d been a few times she’d felt like someone was staring at her, but Morgan hadn’t spotted anyone doing so when she’d turned around to look. And of course, Thane hadn’t spoken a word, just listened to her whenever she felt like saying something.

  She hadn’t said much, too busy thinking over what Jake had told her, and trying to figure out what had caused Thane’s scars, and Calhoun’s single scar. Morgan had also devoted more than a few minutes to trying to wrap her head around the idea of living for centuries, but thinking about that too long threatened to cause a headache.

  I have a lot to learn. The elevator doors opened and she followed Thane down the corridor to the apartment. We can heal, but we’re apparently not indestructible.

  Calhoun hadn’t been afraid of her slitting his throat. In fact, he’d joked about it. Morgan went straight to her bedroom to change into an oversized tee. He said only one thing can kill him.

  But that couldn’t be correct. Surely a nuclear bomb would kill anyone. She smirked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror before brushing her teeth. Finished, she wandered out to the living room, and then into the kitchen. Thane was making himself a sandwich.

  He offered to make her one with quick hand wave from it to her, and a lift of his eyebrow. “Yeah, thanks.”

  I’m getting good at figuring out what he’s not saying. Morgan suppressed a laugh, leaning against the counter to watch him. Jake’s information resurfaced, and she knew she’d have to make some changes to her plan. Whatever hell her life had been, Thane had gone through far worse, because big, strong men like him didn’t spend years terrified someone was going to find them. They found the others first, and dealt with the problem.

  She couldn’t purposefully hurt him, not even to get out and away. I’m not a good person, but I’m not that bad of one either.

  Maybe her best bet was to stay? Calhoun was an asshole and she hated him, but what better revenge than living off his dime forever? Or however long she ended up living? It wasn’t as though she had to see him every day. “Oh, shit. I forgot.”

  At Thane’s questioning look, Morgan scowled. “Calhoun gave me a job as his personal assistant, before all the crap happened. I don’t want to do anything that involves being around him.”

  The were-liger nodded and handed over a plate with her sandwich. “Thanks. I guess I’ll have to tell him that.” With a shake of his head, Thane tapped his chest. “You’ll tell him?”

  He nodded again, picking up his own plate. They retired to the small kitchen table. “I’d appreciate it. I can’t stand him. Guess you figured that out, huh?”

  That earned one of his faint smiles. She grinned. “I’d kind of like to see it, since you don’t talk. Will it be an epic game of Charades, or are you going to write him a note?”

  His smile grew, until a hint of teeth showed. Morgan wondered if she’d ever get a full smile out of him, and then if Thane could write. How hard was it to teach someone to read and write if they didn’t speak and came from some unknown time period?

  She couldn’t even ask him such questions, because then he’d know she hadn’t wanted to go to the club just to make nice with Jake. Morgan concentrated on eating, not enjoying the flare of guilt that struck. How else was I supposed to find out anything? He doesn’t talk to me.

  But Thane did treat her well. If she stayed, why not make certain it was with him?

  “Do you like me?”

  The were-liger nodded, chewing a bite. He had good table manners, didn’t chew with his mouth open. Morgan smiled. “I like you too.”

  Damn if that doesn’t sound so second grade. “I really appreciate how nice you’ve been to me. I’m kind of a bitch.” Morgan laughed. “Literally now.”

  Thane chuckled. It was the first sound other than a purr she’d heard from him, and she liked it. “I’m guessing you don’t have a girlfriend, or I wouldn’t be staying here with you.”

  He shook his head, and instead of maintaining eye contact, began to watch his plate. Holy shit, is he shy?

  That possibility hadn’t occurred to her, and could make things more difficult, or a lot easier. If she decided to stay, and to do so particularly with him. Morgan finished her sandwich slowly, trying to decide what her best course of action was.

  If no one was lying, she’d live a long time. That meant she could afford to stay long enough for anyone who knew her to forget her, or even for them to die off. It’s not like she had friends who’d miss her, and she had no idea if her mother was even still alive.

  Didn’t really care either.

  But wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to care about? Someone who cared back? Morgan carried her plate to the sink and rinsed it. Turning around, she looked at Thane. “Are you just following orders, or are you glad I’m here and you’re having to babysit me?”

  The were-liger slowly looked up, and shook his head. She crossed her arms. “You’re not just following orders?”

  He shook his head again. “You said you liked me,” well, he’d nodded yes when she’d asked, “so I gotta wonder if the idea of being more than friends has crossed your mind.”

  Thane’s eyes slid around the kitchen as though he were looking for an escape before he gave a single, tiny nod. Satisfied, Morgan smiled. “I could be persuaded, especially since you’re the first decent guy I’ve met in ages. Even if you don’t talk.”

  He met her eyes, and she watched gold smolder to life in his. “How about we go for a test drive?”

  Thane’s eyebrows drew slightly together. She crossed to stand beside him and bent down to kiss him. Pulling slightly back, Morgan said, “I meant in bed.”

  His response was a real smile that crinkled the skin at the corners of his eyes.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Morgan quickly realized that Thane wasn’t as well-practiced as Calhoun. The were-liger was far more hesitant, his eyes constantly flicking to her face as though seeking her approval. After years of men not giving a shit and fumbling their way around, or less often knowing exactly what they were doing, she found the change both refreshing and strangely endearing.

  She didn’t tell him “Me first or none for you” because it wasn’t necessary. A few words of encouragement, and he was using his tongue like a champ. Eyes closed, Morgan stroked his head, a few moans escaping her. He’s a fast learner.

  Thane’s fingers gently kneaded her inner thighs. Just like a cat. She nearly laughed at the thought, but stopped herself. He wouldn’t know why she was laughing. Morgan didn’t want to hurt his feelings, or put the brakes on the action to explain why, now that he’d gotten the hang of things.

  Jake had warned her not to hurt the were-liger, and since he’d also said Thane wasn’t violent, that had to mean he was important to Jake. If Thane were important to Jake, he was probably important to Calhoun too. And that means being Thane’s girlfriend will give me some protection.

  Morgan had to pause that line of thought as an orgasm built and she came. The second she caught her breath, she made him stop and lift his head. “Your turn.”

  It took a few minutes to convince him to lie down, but once he had, she went to work on his cock, using every trick in her blow job arsenal. Thane was blessedly not the rider type. In fact, he didn’t know what to do with his hands while she licked and sucked. Morgan caught one with her free hand to stop him, because the uncertain fluttering and petting quickly got on her nerves.

  He came in a shorter time than expected, agitatedly tapping her shoulder in warning. She finished him off with one hand, hiding a smile at his strangled groan. Using the sheet to wipe him clean, Morgan crawled up to kiss him, and discovered he was as quick at Calhoun about recovering and being ready for another go.
  Thane didn’t attempt to take charge, even after she rolled a condom on him. Morgan saddled up and slowly rode him, leaning forward to take his mouth from time to time. Now he did know what to do with his hands, without getting in the way of hers as she stroked and caressed him.

  Between kisses, he kept looking at her with an expression Morgan hadn’t seen on anyone before, at least not aimed at her: a combination of hope and wonder.

  Why? I’m nothing special.

  Later, as she lay beside him while Thane dozed off, she thought, Maybe I am to him?

  If so, he’d be the first to ever truly think that.

  Two weeks passed, the days and more specifically, the nights, eroding Morgan’s desire to run away. Not catching a whiff of Calhoun helped quite a bit. Her trainers kept their distance during her various classes unless absolutely necessary. If they did have to touch her for any reason, they were quick and impersonal doing it.

  She didn’t have to bust her ass to stay fed, and had the unusual luxury of having one man doing nothing but showering constant attention on her. Even a hard-assed ex-hooker could tell the difference between being a temporary plaything and an adored lover.

  Thane clearly did adore her, and Morgan was beginning to feel the same way toward him. She’d prided herself on being cold and practical about everything, but he was slipping right through all her defenses and becoming the one person she was certain she could count on, no matter what.

  She passed him the pepper grinder as he seasoned pork chops for their dinner. I think I’m actually falling in love with him. This is some scary shit.

  But not scary enough for her to want it to stop.

  “Hey.” She waited until he looked at her. “We didn’t go out for drinks last week. How about we do that tonight?”

  Sure. He actually just nodded, but Morgan had begun talking for him in her head, trying to imagine what his voice sounded like.


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