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Torn from Two

Page 3

by Sam JD Hunt


  “Shh, don’t wake her up, she needs to sleep it off.” It was Rex’s attempt at a whisper—his voice was so deep his whispering never made it to the quiet level.

  “Do you think she’ll be sick? I don’t want to wake up covered in hurl,” Nate whispered back.

  “I think she’ll be okay; she’s been asleep for an hour now, it’s been two hours since she’s had anything to drink.”

  I didn’t open my eyes, my head hurt and I didn’t want to move. I was in bed next to them, on the left as usual, naked beneath the heavenly sheets. Rex usually slept in the middle, our bodies stubbornly draped around him like moss clinging to a tree.

  I could feel them shift, the body that was touching me a second ago had turned to his side—most likely Rex.

  “Come closer—I need you,” the deep baritone of Rex boomed, words so sensual, so erotic, I toyed with the idea of waking up to join them—but the jackhammer beating a tune in my temples didn’t cooperate.

  “Without her?” Nate asked, the excitement in his voice causing it to rise. There was movement again as their bodies rolled together, the crisp crackle of the covers was followed by the raspy sound of skin on skin—one hand gliding across the stubbly face of the other, I suspected.

  “Is that okay?” Rex asked, his voice husky, aroused.

  Over the past year, Rex had let go of his inhibitions with Nate while the three of us made love. But, up until that night, I had always been involved in some way while they were physical. One time the month prior I had asked if I could just watch—Rex struggled with it at first, but agreed. Watching them from a chair at the side of the room was so erotic that I begged them to let me join in at the end. This time, however, I’d try to stay in my alcohol stupor and let them play. Nate was often insecure about his relationship with Rex, and more than once had worried he was the third wheel. Rex initiating sex with just the two of them would hopefully reassure Nate.

  “I love you, and I love her, but I don’t have to have her here to be with you, I’m past that,” Rex said, his voice muffled—I suspected he was nuzzled into Nate’s neck.

  “Let’s move to the floor.”

  “What about germs?” Nate teased, his voice still in a whisper.

  “You’ll just have to clean me off after.”

  The bed moved as they got up, my head spinning for a second from the motion. I could hear them kissing, hard and urgent, wet and eager. Once again, I toyed with the idea of joining in, but my body wasn’t cooperating. I did manage to pry my eyes open and quietly roll over far enough to be able to sneak a glance at them, ready to feign sleep if they noticed me.

  Their naked bodies were bathed in the ethereal blue glow of the television. Rex was on top, their faces immersed in a violent kiss before he pulled away and slid down Nate’s ivory torso to wrap his hand around Nate’s swollen cock, pulling hard as Nate’s head flailed from side to side. He’d been stroked by Rex before, but never like this that I’d seen. This touch from Rex had meaning—he was sending a clear signal to Nate that Nate was his; that they belonged to each other, even without me.

  I didn’t anticipate what happened next, and despite the threat of them catching me watching, my eyes were glued to the wonder of them. Rex wrapped his mouth around Nate’s about-to-explode cock, without hesitation. He wasn’t thinking, he was focused on the selfless act of giving pleasure to someone he loved. Nate’s head snapped to watch—he was as surprised as I was at having Rex’s mouth sucking him. The throb in my head deepened and my stomach lurched as the room spun. No, don’t ruin it by getting sick! my brain screamed—willing my body to obey.

  Nate’s fingers snaked through Rex’s hair, a low moan emanating from Nate as he fought to be quiet. “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he grunted, his whispered words desperate, begging. Rex didn’t let up, his right hand sliding underneath Nate, opening Nate with his fingers as his mouth possessed the man he loved. My eyes went blurry as I fought exhaustion, but I saw Nate shudder as he spilled his seed into Rex’s mouth. I remember thinking how spiritual that moment must have been for Nate before I faded into darkness, my head nestled into Rex’s pillow, the spicy cologne he’d worn that evening enveloping me.

  I have no idea how long I’d dozed, but when I fought my way awake once again, Rex was still on top of Nate, fucking Nate slowly as they kissed, Nate’s fingers digging into Rex’s back as they found their rhythm together. Despite my eagerness to watch, I fell into a deep sleep once more, and that was the last thing I saw before morning.

  The sun streamed in, the television blaring some infomercial as my eyes popped open the next morning. Nate was sleeping next to me, his heavy leg draped over mine. My mouth was cottony and my temples throbbed, but other than that, I felt okay. Nate’s reddish-brown hair smelled like watermelon as he cuddled into me. I didn’t see Rex, but he often sought his own space in the morning to sip his coffee. I wasn’t sure if the lovemaking I’d seen between the men last night had been real or a magnificent dream.

  Nate groaned when I poked him in the ribs. “Hey,” he yawned, “I’m sleeping.” He pulled me in closer, his eyelids forcing their way closed.

  “It’s not my fault you were up all night fornicating without me,” I teased.

  “Mmm, and it was so good. So good I might not be able to walk this morning,” he joked, pushing his morning erection into me as he pulled me closer.

  “Oh my God,” I hissed, rolling to the side to allow him to slide inside me. “Tell me about it,” I begged, as he slow fucked me to oblivion.

  “He sucked me off,” Nate whispered into my ear as he thrust into me, his right hand stroking my swollen clit.

  “Oh fuck,” I moaned, fighting orgasm, “did he swallow? Did King Rex swallow your spunk for a change?”

  Nate pushed hard into me as I bit my tongue to stall my climax. “Yes,” he breathed as he nibbled my ear, “and then, as he fucked my ass mercilessly, he fed it back to me.”

  That was more than I could take—I was gone in my own shuddering climax, oblivious to Nate’s thundering release into me.

  “Well, I guess you’re both awake,” Rex grinned from the doorway, a carafe of coffee in one hand, two mugs dangling from the other.

  “Water,” I begged, coming down from the high of my orgasm. Rex walked toward us, putting the coffee on the nightstand and reaching for a large bottle of water. He gently held it to my lips as he sat on the bed next to me. When I’d finished drinking, he fished two white tablets from his pocket and held them to my lips.

  “Aspirin,” he explained.

  “Yes, Doc,” I teased.

  “Don’t call me that!” Rex was a physician, a highly trained special ops combat doctor when he was in the Air Force, but he hated being called “Doc” for some reason. Much of his time in the military, classified counter-narcotics missions in Colombia and elsewhere, was a mystery to me. He didn’t like to talk about his past much.

  “I see you reveled in some morning sex without bothering to invite me,” he teased, stroking my forehead.

  “You two didn’t mind rolling around the floor last night without me,” I argued, a wide smile taking over my face.

  Nate pulled into me, burying his lips into my neck as Rex slid down next to me. “He wasted no time filling you in while he was filling you, I see,” Rex said, his fingers stroking my leg. I slipped my arms around him, cherishing the sensation of having them both wrapped around me again.

  “I saw you, sort of,” I explained.

  “You could have joined in, Pen, we’re always happy to have some Perfect Princess Pussy,” Nate interjected, his lips against my skin.

  “I was too sick,” I confessed, “but I enjoyed the show from afar.”

  Rex pulled my face to his, his eyes loving, nurturing. “How do you feel now, baby? Can you handle this thing today?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine. The wedding isn’t until tonight.”

  “Yeah, uh, the spry Cousin Madison was just here, she has an entire pre-wedding d
ay planned for you. She wants you downstairs at the spa in a half hour,” Rex explained. I groaned, burying my face into his solid chest.

  “How can I face her?” I asked. “Did she seem pissed?”

  Rex grinned, reaching for the coffee. “She seemed horny as fuck. Pure-as-the-driven-snow Cousin Maddie couldn’t take her lusty eyes off my bare chest,” he chuckled, “and her gaze seemed to rest about here.” He gestured to his pierced nipple.

  “Oh my fuck,” I groaned, horrified that I had to face her.

  “Do you kiss your two adoring lovers with that mouth?” Rex scolded as he handed me a mug of coffee.

  “As often as I can,” I winked, sipping at the steaming hot coffee.

  I got ready for the bridal party spa day with dread—I felt like I was headed to the gallows. I’d made my bed, now I had to lie in it. My bed with two men, that is. The sad part was under normal circumstances I would look forward to this day—my cousin was getting married, my small family was gathered around, I was back in my hometown with two men I loved—but I knew my unconventional setup would upset many, and I also felt a sense of loss that my mother wasn’t there. She and my Aunt Sophie had been close, which made the whole thing even more bittersweet.

  I was fifteen minutes late to the resort’s spa, Isis. Donna, the hostess who’d been there forever, greeted me with a broad smile—I’d spent many hours being pampered at the Isis when I lived in a penthouse suite high above the Strip. It seemed like a lifetime ago, and I didn’t miss any of it. The week prior, I’d been out in the jungle with Rex and Nate—they’d taught me to make fire from sticks, and my hands were calloused and raw from it.

  “They’re waiting for you, Miss Sedgewick,” Donna chirped, pointing toward a dressing room.

  “Do they seem pissed off?” I asked with a cringe.

  She shook her head. “No, they seem. . . anxious I guess is the right word.”

  I made my way to the dressing room and changed into a plush cotton robe and slippers as quickly as I could. After the night before, I was surprised Maddie even wanted me in the wedding. With Champagne flute in hand, I followed an attendant to the massaging pedicure chairs where the bridal party was being pampered.

  “Penny!” Maddie said with a grin as wide as a Pacific sunrise, “I’m glad you made it. How are you feeling?”

  I began to answer that I was fine, but froze when I surveyed the handful of women being groomed. Miss Prude from the night before was hunched into a chair, her lips pursed in a severe pout as she assessed me.

  “So, you’re sleeping with two men, at the same time,” she hissed, the magazine she’d been skimming falling to her lap.

  My Aunt Sophie looked up from her phone with a smile. “Well, that’s a juicy topic for sure. Let’s let Penelope get situated and we’ll have some girl chat. Dawn, this is my niece Penny,” she said with a gesture toward me, “and Penny, this is Chad’s sister, Dawn.”

  Chad’s sister! Shit! Miss Prude smiled at me, a curious smile that I couldn’t read. “Nice to meet you, Dawn,” I said. She didn’t answer, but did continue to grin as I climbed into my massaging chair and plunged my feet into the warm water.

  “You remember everyone else,” Maddie said with a wave to the row of women in the chairs. “Claire, Suzette, and Kylie from UNLV,” she explained, in case I didn’t remember them. I nodded, their open-gaped stares not making me feel any more comfortable. “So,” Maddie said, looking to me as her toes were painted a soft pink, “tell me about these sexy men! Oh my gosh, that inked one! I almost fell on the floor in a puddle when he answered the door shirtless this morning.” I pointed toward a nail color from the samples—a bright cherry red. If I was going to be seen as a slut, I may as well have the nails of one.

  “That’s Rex, he’s um, we met in Colombia and he runs a survival program out there for recovering addicts.”

  Maddie covered her mouth and glanced toward her friends from college and whispered, “He has a pierced nipple!”

  He has more than a pierced nipple, I thought, imagining what sweet, innocent Cousin Maddie’s reaction would be if she saw the metal that ran up and down Rex’s enormous cock.

  I was seated, to my displeasure, right between Maddie and her sister-in-law to be, Miss Prude, or Dawn I should say. She’d opened her magazine again as Maddie chattered with her sorority sisters about Rex’s nipple as if I weren’t even there—as if he were an object. My face burned as they continued, the blonde one, Claire, saying, “He’s a hottie! Did you see how his muscles rippled underneath his—”

  “Stop!” I snapped, the room going silent. Dawn’s head snapped toward me, her eyes, kinder than I expected, locking to mine. “I-I’m with him, I love him! It’s not just some fling—he’s not a piece of meat for fuck’s sake.”

  The row of chairs was silent for several moments until Dawn’s hand floated on top of mine. “You love them both?” she asked with genuine interest.

  “Yes, I do, and they love me. I know it’s not traditional, or the normal thing, but for us, it works. And they love each other, too—and it’s not dirty, or perverted, or whatever you’re thinking.” Dawn nodded, her lips turning up in a smile.

  “I can see how you love each other—I envy you, Penny. Love is love—I’ve never believed in labels.”

  I nodded as she turned her face back to her magazine, her lips returning to the prissy pout that I’d misconstrued as judgment. It hadn’t crossed my mind that those were just her lips.

  Eventually the chatter began again, and we discussed the wedding that evening, the honeymoon in Tahiti, and how we all wished my mother could have been there. I was surprised at how quickly the shock-value of my non-conformist love life faded. Maddie did ask about Nate, and we talked about our relationship, and it briefly touched on the whispered word “bisexual” but other than that, I’d seemed to have gotten past the stigma of my bold, drunken proclamation the night prior.


  “So you broke up with her because she wouldn’t swallow? Dude…” Rex shook his head at Nate and sipped his bourbon. They were on the balcony when I came back from the spa, the French doors opened in the afternoon heat. I looked around the small bar area for a cold bottle of wine as they continued their chatter.

  “Yeah, I mean, who wants to go on with a chick who fucking spits them out?” Nate answered, shaking his head. Rex and Nate had such a different dynamic when I wasn’t around, and sometimes I did enjoy listening.

  “I suppose, but that’s such a specific thing. Was she cute?” Rex was leaned back in the chair, his bare feet resting on the railing. Their backs were to me, crystal tumblers in the air as they watched the bustle of the Strip.

  “Who gives a fuck about cute when your spunk is spat all over your belly, bro,” Nate answered.

  “Well, I guess,” Rex shook his head again.

  “So you’ve always been with swallowers?” Nate asked.

  Rex exhaled. “Um, yeah, I mean I’ve… I was with Evelyn early, you know, as teenagers. She was my first, I never cheated, then Penny and you.”

  “Holy shit that’s bizarre,” Nate said, “I can’t even count how many women I’ve been with.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Evelyn swallowed from the beginning?”

  “Uh, I guess,” Rex answered with a sip of his drink. “We were young, I think so—I don’t remember. But still, to break up with a chick just because she wouldn’t swallow seems extreme.”

  “It’s not—how would she have felt if I wiped my tongue off every time I went down on her pussy?” Nate said with a grimace.

  They had no idea I could hear them. I finally found a bottle of chardonnay in the tiny fridge and searched for a corkscrew. My men were so much cruder alone together than when they were with me.

  “You didn’t spit me out,” Nate said quietly, his eyes on the tourists scurrying below, “last night.”

  “Well, I did attempt that new maneuver in the dark. I wasn’t sure… I figured if shit got too intense I could spit on the floor and you’d
never know,” Rex said with a chuckle.

  “So you planned that,” Nate said with a wink, “and you planned to trick me into thinking you’d swallowed if my jizz was foul?”

  “Hedging my bets, Nathaniel, nothing more,” Rex said with a raise of his glass as I finally found the corkscrew in a drawer. “And besides, I had my trusty Listerine at the ready, just in case.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t need it,” Nate said with a raise of his glass.

  With my freshly poured glass of chilled chardonnay, I joined my shirtless men on the balcony. “We missed you,” Nate said, beckoning me into his lap.

  “I missed you both,” I answered, falling into his embrace as I sipped at my glass.

  “You ever spit out semen, Penny?” Rex asked clinically.

  “Disclaimer—I did overhear your conversation. And only a few times, when it was inedible.”

  “Inedible?” Nate asked.

  “Yeah, lots of beer makes it bitter, or once I had this dude whose spunk was like always stringy and just ick.”

  “Enough,” Rex said dismissively. “I can’t think of either of you with others. How was spa day?” he asked, changing the subject.


  The wedding that night was beautiful—Maddie and Chad were so happy they might explode at any second from bliss. I’m not proud to admit several times during the touching ceremony I wanted them to explode—I was jealous. Every girl imagines her wedding, and the knot deep in my gut told me I’d never have anything as public as my cousin’s declaration of undying love. My melancholy faded as I looked to the audience and saw my two gorgeous men sitting next to each other at the end of the third row. Their eyes weren’t on the bride, but on me, and full of love. I had everything, and felt guilty for coveting a big wedding witnessed by family and friends.


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