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Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two

Page 8

by A. L Long

  While the nurse was busy changing her dad’s gown and bed linens, Dylan stepped out and called Lilly to give her an update on how her dad was doing. Several times she offered to fly down to be with Dylan, but Dylan assured her that there was no need. Lilly did make Dylan promise to let her know if things got worse. She would be on the next plane out. Dylan also contacted Keeve and Mason to let them know what happened and that she wasn’t sure when she would be returning to work. They were very sympathetic and told her to take as long as she needed. They also told her that the meeting with Spectrum had been postponed until further notice seeing as how the other competitor had some sort of family emergency. Dylan was thankful for small miracles.

  Dylan was sitting in the chair next to her dad reading the newspaper to him when she felt a strange sensation come over her. Looking up, she saw the most beautiful blue eyes staring back at her. Her father was awake.

  Standing, she said, “Rade, get the nurse.”

  Rade looked over to the bed and saw a smile that he hadn’t seen in weeks. Sixteen long days to be exact. Pushing from his chair, he went to the glass door and waved to the nurse behind the counter telling her she was needed.

  “He’s awake,” he said as he looked at the nurse.

  The nurse immediately stood and hurried to the room. In a matter of minutes she was taking his vitals and asking him questions. It was music to Dylan’s ears as she heard her dad speak.

  “Can you tell me your name?” the nurse said as she looked at Dylan’s dad.

  “Raymond Berlin Adams,” he said with confidence.

  “Do you know when you were born?” The nurse countered.

  “November 6, 1965.”

  “How about where you live?”

  “Beaufort, North Carolina.”

  “Address?” she asked with a grin.

  “Sorry,” Raymond said as he rattled off his address. “6919 White Sand Avenue.”

  “Good. I’m going to test your reaction to touch. Just let me know if you feel anything and where,” the nurse said as she stepped to the end of the bed. Lifting the covers she placed the pointed end of her pen on the heel of his right foot.

  The nurse tested every part of his body for feeling. Dylan’s face lit up when Raymond felt every poke of the nurse’s pen. When she was done poking, she went on to his motor skill. For the most part he did very well. For the skills that he didn’t do so well, she assured them that he would get better with time.

  “I’ll let the doctor know you’re awake. Good to have you back,” the nurse said before leaving the room.


  It had been three weeks to the day since Dylan’s father was admitted to the hospital. She was thankful that the day had finally come when he would be going home. Raymond Adams was on his way home with the use of a walker. Rade was unwilling to let him argue when he refused to accept the care of a home health provider to help take care of him. Rade found out exactly where Dylan’s stubbornness came from. Needless to say, Rade got his way.

  Rade called ahead to make sure the jet was fueled and ready to go. He thought it would be more comfortable for Dylan’s father to ride on the jet than to fly coach with the airline ticket the power plant had provided for his return. It turned out, after doing a little digging into the accident, Rade found that the power plant was negligent in allowing Dylan’s father to climb the generator tower, especially when he didn’t pass the employee testing. Rade contacted his attorney to begin the process of filing a negligence claim on Raymond’s behalf. Little did the plant know that they would be paying a lot more than the cost of a plane ticket back to Beaufort.

  As soon as they boarded the jet the stewardess came around offering drinks and snacks. Rade requested his drink of choice while Dylan settled on water. Raymond would have loved to have a good light beer, but he knew with the medication he was on, that would not be a good idea, so he decided to have a diet soda instead.

  As they sat together enjoying their drinks, out of nowhere Raymond asked. “So how did you two lovebirds meet?”

  Looking at her dad in shock, Dylan said, “Dad, we aren’t lovebirds. We’re just friends.”

  Rade chuckled at Raymond’s question as Dylan struggled with how to answer. “I would say we are more than just friends, Mr. Adams.”

  “Oh please, please call me Ray,” he said, looking at Rade with a smile as he continued. “So how did you meet?”

  Rade answered, not giving Dylan a chance. “We actually met under unusual circumstances. You could say we were both at the right place at the right time.”

  “I see,” Ray began, “So I guess it is safe to say that it was a chance meeting of sorts.”

  “I don’t know what the big deal is. Rade and I met at a club. Lilly wasn’t ready to call it a night and Rade was kind enough to offer me a ride home. You two are making it sound like more than what it actually was,” Dylan interjected, setting the story straight.

  Dylan rose to her feet, needing an escape as Rade and her father continued their little conversation. She wasn’t sure what the big secret was. A lot of girls leave bars with men they hardly know. At least that’s what she kept telling herself. Looking back at that night, Dylan couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t accepted his dance invitation, or if she hadn’t accepted his offer to give her a ride home.

  Rade’s jet landed an hour later in New Bern. It was the closest airstrip that could accommodate the flight schedule. As the door to the jet opened, Dylan saw a black stretch limo waiting on the tarmac. She couldn’t believe the car was waiting for them until she saw Frank getting out. It amazed her how everything Rade did was so well planned.

  “Mr. Matheson, I hope your flight was good. I have arranged for your accommodations while in North Carolina. A nurse will be waiting for Mr. Adams at his Beaufort home,” Frank said as he assisted them with their luggage.

  “Very good, Frank. I’m sure Ray is more than ready to get home,” Rade said as he looked toward Dylan’s father.

  After everyone was settled, Frank got in the car and headed out towards I-70. It seemed only yesterday that Dylan was on her way to her dad’s home in Beaufort. The more she thought about it, neither one of her visits to North Carolina had been under pleasant circumstances. It was ironic how things worked out. The first time was to get away from Rade, and this trip was bringing them closer. Even though she told Rade that she forgave him, she still would never be able to forget that awful night.

  An hour later the limo pulled up to the small beach house that Ray called home. There was a blue sedan sitting outside, along with a red truck that Dylan knew belonged to her father. An older lady with a petite frame exited the blue sedan as the limo pulled in. Dylan didn’t recognize the older women, but knew instantly by the way she was dressed that she must have been the nurse Rade requested. Exiting the car, Dylan walked up to the lady. Once she got closer, Dylan could see that she was very attractive for her age. Her hair was shoulder length, brown and very curly. Dylan wondered if it was naturally that way or if she spent hours on it. She guessed it was natural. Seeing Dylan coming towards her, the lady made her introduction.

  “Hi. You must be Dylan. I’m Sally Ferguson. I was sent by the agency to take care of your father,” she politely said as she held her hand out to Dylan.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Dylan said as her dad came up behind her. “This is my dad, Raymond Adams.”

  Dylan could tell by the look on her dad’s face that he was attracted to the nurse. His blue eyes sparkled when he looked at her. Dylan couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen her dad look at a woman that way. Come to think of it, she couldn’t remember him ever being with another woman. As Dylan looked at the two of them, she could see there was definitely something electric between them.

  In the time it took for everyone to get acquainted, Frank had the limo unloaded and the luggage in the beach house. Rade suggested they go inside to get Ray off his feet. Dylan saw that her dad did look exhausted
and was ready to relax in his favorite recliner. Dylan held the door for everyone as Sally assisted her dad through. Rade was close behind them, waiting until everyone was inside to enter himself.

  It was getting late and Rade thought it best for them to head to the hotel. As they were leaving, Dylan made sure Rade gave her dad and Sally the hotel information in case there were any problems. Since Beaufort was such a small town, the closest available hotel Frank could find was at Atlantic Beach; at least, a hotel that would meet Rade’s standards. Dylan didn’t want to leave her dad, but she knew he was being well taken care of. Sally was instructed to stay with Ray 24/7. Before leaving, Rade made sure Ray and Sally had everything they needed. He even went so far as having their dinner brought in so that Sally wouldn’t have to cook for them. Dylan thought it was very thoughtful for him to do that. What she didn’t realize until after they left the beach house was that Rade had an ulterior motive. He wanted to give Ray and Sally a chance to get to know each other better. He didn’t miss the look Ray had given Sally either.


  Dylan was too exhausted to go anywhere once they got to the hotel. The only thing she wanted to do was to take a long bath and relax. She was glad when Rade called on the way to the hotel and instructed the front desk to have the keys to their rooms ready so that all they had to do was pick them up. Dylan had barely walked into the lobby when Rade had produced her key for her.

  “I know this hotel isn’t the five-star you’re accustomed to, but it was all Frank could find on short notice,” Rade apologized as he handed Dylan her room key. Rade was used to staying at five star hotels with the hotel staff at his beck and call. Even though this was the best hotel in Atlantic Beach, it was still below his standards.

  “It’s perfect, Rade. All I need is hot water and a comfortable bed,” Dylan confirmed.

  Their rooms were once again adjoining suites on the top floor. The rooms each had a view of the ocean, which Dylan missed. Stepping onto the balcony, Dylan took in the cool ocean breeze as she watched the sun slowly set. She was in heaven. She could have stayed on the balcony forever if it hadn’t been for the knock on her door. Closing the sliding glass door to the balcony, Dylan walked to the entry door to the room. Opening it, she saw there was no one there. As she closed the door, the knocking began again. It was then that she knew the sound was coming from the adjoining door. Closing the door, she sauntered over to the door joining another room. When she turned the knob and opened the door, Rade was standing on the other side with his shirt off displaying his magnificent upper body. Dylan couldn’t help but look at him. He was as perfect as she remembered. She wanted so badly to reach out and touch his chiseled chest, kiss every inch of his exposed skin.

  Rade knew he was able to get to her. He took a chance in exposing himself to her so quickly. His decision was justified by the look on Dylan’s face as soon as she opened the door. Only one word could describe it: Desire. There was no mistake about that look.

  “I thought we could order something in,” Rade said as he tried to hold his thoughts.

  “Um… that would be heavenly… I mean beautiful,” Dylan babbled as she tried to focus on the right word, “Great, fine… I’m starving for you…. I mean food. I need a bath.” “A nice cold bath,” Dylan said under her breath as she turned her flushed cheeks in the direction of her bathroom.

  With Dylan out of view, Rade left the connecting doors and walked back to his bedside table to call room service. Once the order had been placed, he found it necessary to take a shower. The hard-on he was sporting was beginning to overtake the confined space in his trousers. He was aware of the effect he had on her, but he wasn’t ready to showcase the effect she had on him

  He had barely finished his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist when a knock on the door sounded, signaling that their dinner was being delivered. Rade opened the door and stepped to the side, allowing a young man pushing a cart to enter the room. Placing the cart near the glass door, the room service waiter began readying the table set for two by removing the silver domes covering the plates. Rade had chosen filet mignon, bacon-wrapped asparagus, and garlic potatoes for dinner. The waiter held up a bottle of wine for Rade’s approval. When he gave a slight nod, the waiter uncorked the bottle and filled the wine glasses. Taking a small bow, he crossed the room to the door. Before the waiter could leave the room, Rade placed several hundred dollar bills in his hand.

  When Dylan appeared in the doorway of the connecting room, Rade just about lost it. She looked beautiful with her wet hair pulled to the side and her face completely clear of make-up. If he thought she would accept him, he would have taken her in his arms and made love to her to satisfy his hunger instead of eating the feast he was awaiting. It was only after he heard her apologize that he realized he had only a towel wrapped around his body.

  Looking down at his nakedness, Rade humbly said, “I think I better take care of my attire before we eat.”

  Dylan couldn’t take her eyes off him as he walked to his suitcase to grab a pair of jeans and a white shirt. She was speechless. Taking in her aroused state, she also realized that she had been inappropriately dressed, wearing only the robe that was provided by the hotel. Rushing back to her own room, she quickly changed into something less revealing.

  Entering Rade’s room wearing a cream colored blouse and a tan skirt, Dylan took a seat at the table set for two next to the balcony door. Rade was close behind as he walked behind her saying, “I thought it would be nice to enjoy dinner with the ocean view.”

  Dylan placed her cloth napkin in her lap, taking in the scene of the ocean that Rade had been taking about. “It is quite a sight, isn’t it?”

  Rade held up his glass to her. “Indeed it is.”

  Dylan wasn’t sure if he was referring to the scenic view out the glass door or if his remark was directed towards her. Smiling along with him, they clinked their glasses together and began enjoying their meal.

  With both of them fully satisfied, another knock came at the door. Rade slowly rose from his seat and placed his napkin over his plate. Opening the door, he saw a waiter with a cart displaying two healthy portions of cherry cheesecake along with a carafe of coffee.

  Before Rade could refuse, the waiter said, “Compliments of the hotel.”

  Rade moved to the side and allowed the waiter to wheel the cart into the room. His only thought was that this would be the last interruption for the evening. Rade instructed the waiter to take the other cart with him as he left, but to leave the wine and glasses. Pulling a couple of hundreds from his jean pocket, Rade tipped the waiter and closed the door behind him.

  “Well, this is an unexpected surprise. How about we take our desert to the living area?” Rade suggested as he handed Dylan her dessert while grabbing the wine and glasses.

  “Aren’t you going to have any?” Dylan asked.

  “Cheesecake is not a favorite of mine,” Rade declared.

  Rade never thought that watching a woman eat cheesecake could be such a turn on. Every moan that escaped Dylan’s mouth was beginning to have an effect on him. He could tell she was enjoying every bite as the flavor reached her palate and her eyes began rolling in pure ecstasy. He only wished it was him she was consuming at that moment. Dylan scooped her last bite into her mouth when a small dab of the cherry topping didn’t quite make it in. Reaching over, Rade gently wiped the remnants of the juice from her bottom lip with his thumb. Without a second thought he brought his thumb to his mouth and sucked the red substance from his finger.

  “I thought you didn’t like cherry cheesecake,” Dylan said, whirling from Rade’s touch.

  “I don’t, but you make it taste better,” Rade said, reeling in Dylan’s expression.

  “I think I’m going to call it a night,” Dylan said reluctantly as she stood.

  Just when she thought she was in the clear, Rade gently grabbed her arm, pulling her towards him. Dylan closed her eyes as she felt his hard chest against her back. Gliding his hands up
her arms, over her shoulder, stopping at the base of her neck, Rade softly whispered in her ear, “Please don’t go.” Those three words were all it took for Dylan to lean into him as he cupped her cheek and tilted her head so that he could take hold of her lips. The lips he had been dying to kiss for what seemed like a lifetime.

  Dylan knew the minute his lips met hers, she was his. She could no longer resist the pull he had on her. She missed his touch so much that she was totally consumed by him. Their kiss deepened as the emotion between them took over. Rade knew that it was only a matter of time before they would come together again. Unable to control his desire for this woman, he gently spun her and lifted her from the floor, holding her tightly as her legs wrapped around his waist. Nothing but the two of them mattered. All of his thoughts were on her. Moving his hands to her thighs, he began caressing the soft skin. Their bodies were so tight together, but all he wanted was more. He needed to be inside her. Lifting her skirt, he began working his hand down the front of her panties. Just the feel of her made his cock throb. He felt her desire for him as he gently slid his index finger between her folds. “God, you feel so good,” escaped from his mouth as he slowly pushed his finger into her tight channel.

  Rade was on fire with need. There was too much clothing between them. With animalistic hunger, he began tearing at his clothes. Not even the buttons on his shirt could survive his need to escape. Dylan too was clawing at him, desperate to feel his skin beneath her hands. Breaking their contact was the only way they could rid themselves of the barrier between them. Before anything could be said, Rade had Dylan on the king-sized bed. Taking a step back, he looked down on her, marveling at the beauty that lay before him. Even in her disheveled state she was breathtaking. Rade couldn’t resist her any longer. He quickly removed the remainder of his clothing. Crawling onto the bed, he began to carefully remove Dylan’s clothes. Starting at the top, he lifted her blouse, making sure to kiss every inch of her as more of her soft skin was exposed. The next article of clothing to be removed was her lacy bra. He was thankful that the clasp was in the front. He didn’t want her moving an inch as he worshiped her. Pushing the cups to the side, he tenderly took her breast in his mouth as he lightly sucked on her pink nipple until it came to a hardened peak. Moving, he softly kissed his way to the other side as he gave her other breast the same attention. When both nipples were hard, he moved his lips up her chest until his mouth was met with her succulent lips. Even as he kissed her, he could feel the heat running through her body. He tweaked her nipple between his fingers while continuing his assault on her soft lips. Her need for him began to unravel as the moisture between her legs began to pool. “Rade, please…” she said, in a soft whimper.


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