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Next to Always: Shattered Innocence Trilogy Book Two

Page 13

by A. L Long

  Dylan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. All this time Rade had a brother he didn’t even know about. Looking up at Garrett she asked, “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to tell him. He will believe it more coming from you than from me,” he stated.

  Dylan didn’t agree with what he was saying. Rade needed to hear it from his father. No matter what differences they had, he needed to tell him. “I can’t, Mr. Matheson. He needs to hear it from you. We are going to have dinner tonight at seven o’clock at his penthouse. Join us. You can tell him then,” Dylan said, hoping she wasn’t making a mistake.

  “What makes you think he will even allow me in?” Garrett questioned.

  “Because you are going to be with me and we’ll enter together. Pick me up at six-thirty,” Dylan advised.

  Walking back to work, Dylan thought about her plan. She also thought about getting Richard involved. Richard was the one person who knew both of them and would like to see the two men settle their differences more than anyone. Pulling her cell from her purse, she contacted Richard. Once he answered, she began telling him of her plan. She decided it would be best for him to meet them at the penthouse rather than picking her up. Once the plan was ironed out, she hung up and placed her phone back in her purse. She never thought she would be asking Richard for help. She was glad he agreed to help her once she told him of her plan and the reason behind it. He too was shocked to hear that Rade had a brother. He knew about the affair from Rade, but had no knowledge that a child was conceived from it.


  It was almost seven when Dylan and Garrett pulled into the parking garage at Rade’s. Richard was already waiting there for their arrival. He was the key to them being able to enter the building without going through security. Dylan no longer had her key card to the penthouse, so she had to rely on Richard. Driving his car into a visitor parking space, Garrett put the car in park and exited. Dylan was close behind. Richard walked up to him holding his hand out to Garrett. “Good to see you again, sir,” Richard said.

  “You too, Richard. Thanks for your help,” Garrett replied.

  “I hope everything works out. Don’t be surprised if you don’t receive a warm welcome,” Richard warned.

  The three of them entered the elevator as it rose to the top floor. Dylan was beginning to feel her nerves take hold as the passing floors were displayed on the panel. When the elevator stopped at the top floor and the doors opened, Dylan looked at the men on either side of her. Taking a deep breath, she said, “Here we go.”

  Lifting her hand, she gently knocked on the door. Seconds seemed like hours as Rade opened the door. The look on his face told Dylan exactly what he was thinking as he looked at Richard, then at his dad and finally at Dylan. “What the fuck,” he said, looking straight at Dylan.

  “Rade, I know this is a surprise, but your dad has some information I’m sure you want to hear,” Dylan said confidently.

  “Anything he has to say, he can shove it,” Rade spat out as he grabbed for Dylan.

  “Rade, It’s really important. Please just listen,” Dylan pleaded.

  “You have one minute, then I never want to see you again,” Rade barked as he moved to the side of the door allowing them to enter.

  Dylan was the last one to enter, Before she passed him, she went to her tiptoes and kissed Rade on the lips before saying, “Thank you.”

  “You owe me in a big way, Sweetness,” he said as he pulled her close.

  Rade and Dylan walked into the living room where Richard and Garrett were seated. Taking his own seat in the chair to the right of where Garrett was, he pulled Dylan to him so that she was positioned on his lap. He needed her close in case he lost it.

  “Say what you have to say so you can get the fuck out of here,” Rade said between gritted teeth.

  “Rade,” Dylan said, appalled at his rudeness.

  “I knew this was a mistake,” Garrett said as he rose from his seat.

  “Mr. Matheson, please stay. It’s important that you talk to Rade. He has to know the truth,” Dylan pleaded.

  Garrett took his seat, rubbing his hands together in front of him. Dylan could tell he was nervous about revealing what he needed his son to know. Taking in a deep breath, he began.

  “The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you. I have made so many mistakes in my life that I’m never going to be able to take back. I never should have driven that night. I never should have sent you away. I didn’t want you near me, not because I didn’t love you, but because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to you. I couldn’t take the chance of losing you. I had already taken three lives, I couldn’t risk losing you too. So I sent you away. I’d rather you hate me than...”

  “So you knew that Mom was pregnant?” Rade asked.

  “I didn’t know until later,” Garrett said with remorse. “There’s something else you need to know. Your mom and I were having problems. It was hard on us, what was going on with Isaac. She spent all her time with him. I felt alone. Most of my time was spent in bars and clubs. I knew there’s no excuse for what I did, but it was the only way I knew how to cope. That’s when I met Lauren. The woman I had the affair with. She made me feel special. I felt alive again.”

  “I listen to this,” Rade said, lifting Dylan from his lap.

  “You have a brother, Rade,” Garrett spoke in a low voice.

  “What did you say?” Rade said, closing in on his dad.

  “You have a brother. I only recently found out myself. Lauren got pregnant while I was seeing her. That’s why I’m in New York. I’m asking you to help me find him,” Garrett confessed.

  “Get the fuck out,” Rade said as he grabbed his father by the shirt.

  Dylan was right behind Rade trying to pull him off of Garrett. “Rade, let him go,” Dylan pleaded.

  Releasing him, Rade stepped back “You need to leave,” he said in a calm voice.

  Garrett adjusted his shirt standing a few feet from Rade. “I’m telling you the truth, Rade. You can believe me or not. Whatever you decide, I’m going to find him, with or without your help.”


  Nothing could have prepared Rade for the news he received. He didn’t know whether to actually believe his father or ignore his father’s confession and sum it up as another lie just like the rest of the lies his father told him. When Dylan appeared at his door with his father, he felt like he was being ambushed. The more he thought about it, the more upset he got. Needing to find answers, he looked towards Dylan, who was sitting in the chair he abandoned.

  “Would you like to explain to me how you and my father ended up at my place together?” Rade asked.

  Dylan knew this would be coming. “He contacted me at work. He said that he wanted to meet with me and that it concerned information that I needed to hear, so I agreed to meet him. When he told me, he wanted me to confront you with this information. I told him he needed to tell you himself. That it was between the two of you to work out,” Dylan began. “I suggested he come with me this evening and he agreed. Richard helped us get in the building without having to go through security. I knew if you found out that I was with your father, you wouldn’t have let him in. I’m sorry I pulled a fast one on you, Rade, but this is the only way I could think of to let him tell you want he needed.”

  “Even after I told you how I felt about him?” Rade said feeling betrayed.

  “I know what you must think, but after listening to him, he seemed really sorry for what happened and the pain he has caused you,” Dylan said sincerely.

  “I don’t believe this. He’s got to you. Don’t you get it, Dylan? My father has never felt sorry for anything in his life. He’s a master manipulator. He knows exactly how to play people,” Rade said with such force that his eyes were filled with anger.

  “Why would he lie about you having a brother? What would he have to gain by it?” Dylan questioned.

  “I don’t know. But I’m not going to help him find him.
If I do have a brother out there, then I will use my own resources to find him. He can’t know about this, Dylan. Do you understand?” Rade looked back towards Dylan.

  “But… I,” Dylan began before she was cut off.

  “No, Dylan, I need you to keep this between us,” Rade said sternly.

  “Okay, okay. I get it. I won’t say anything to him,” Dylan said defeated.

  Dylan wasn’t sure that keeping information from his dad was the best plan, but she wasn’t about to go against Rade’s wishes. Realizing all this talking was making her hungry; she needed to lighten the tension. “So how about that dinner you promised me?”

  “I’m still not pleased with you, Sweetness,” Rade informed her as he walked to the stove to turn it off.

  Maria had prepared the most amazing meal Dylan had ever tasted. It was lasagna, Mexican style. The taste was out of this world. Maria also prepared a garden salad and corn bread to go with the meal. By the time they finished their meal, Dylan was stuffed. She had no more space in her stomach to put another bite as she pushed her plate away. When Rade offered her dessert, she had to refuse. Even though it was Mocha Tres Leches Cake, Dylan couldn’t take another bite of anything. She suggested to Rade that they have a piece of the decadent dessert later.

  Taking their place on the couch once the dishes were cleared from the table and deposited into the dishwasher, Rade pulled Dylan to his chest as he stretched his body on the couch. Grabbing the remote from the table, he pushed a button, waiting for the TV to appear from the credenza. While he placed the remote back on the table and grabbed another, the TV came to life. Rade began surfing the channels before being stopped by Dylan as a news report about Spectrum flashed on the screen.

  “Go back, Rade,” Dylan urged.

  Rade knew he had been caught before he had the chance to explain the power play on Spectrum. “Dylan, there’s something you need to know before you hear this on the news.” Looking down at her, he could see her confusion. “RIM Global purchased Spectrum,” he admitted

  “I don’t understand, Rade. What are you saying?” Dylan asked.

  “I made a deal with Spectrum they couldn’t refuse. I spent the last year trying everything I could to buy them out, but they wouldn’t budge. When I heard about them wanting to forfeit controlling shares to BlackStone, I just couldn’t let that happen.” Rade watched as Dylan took in the information he was giving her. He could see the defenseless look she was sheltering. It pained him to see her this way. “Say something, Dylan?” Rade pleaded.

  “I need to go,” Dylan said, pushing from Rade’s hold.

  “Wait, Dylan! Don’t leave. Let me explain,” Rade exclaimed.

  “I think you’ve said enough, Rade. I need time to think.” Dylan stood instantly, grabbing her purse and exiting the penthouse. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. Two blows in one day were way beyond what a person should be subjected to.


  When Dylan finally got to her apartment after trying to get a cab at the late hour, she sank down on her sofa trying to detangle her brain of the information that was overloading it. First, was learning that Rade had a brother. Second, was learning that the man she was beginning to trust again confessed to obtaining the company she put all her efforts into, knowing full and well that she worked for the company that all but secured the deal themselves.

  Exhausted from all her thinking, which lead to her changing her mind about talking to Rade or not talking to him at least a thousand times, Dylan decided to go to bed. Pushing herself up from the sofa, she headed to her bathroom to rid her face of the stresses of the day. As she washed her face, she still had a hard time believing Rade would intentionally deceive her. The more she thought about it, the more she felt maybe she should just let him explain. Applying toothpaste to her toothbrush, she continually weighed her options as she brushed. He knew where she worked. He may not have known that she was specifically assigned to the Spectrum account, but the fact that he knew she worked for BlackStone and that she was their financial analyst should have been a hint. At the very least, he should have asked.

  Looking at herself in the mirror closely, Dylan saw a very tired, confused woman in her reflection. She knew no more now than she did a few hours ago as to what she was going to do. “Urrrr…” she muttered as she turned and flipped the light switch off and crawled into the comfort of her bed. She stared at the ceiling until exhaustion ultimately took over.

  Waking up the next morning, Dylan stumbled into the bathroom, taking a look at her appearance. Her eyes were bloodshot and she had dark circles under them. She wasn’t surprised by her appearance, considering she only managed to get four hours of sleep. Turning the water on in her shower, she knew she had a short time to get ready for work. Standing under the lukewarm spray, hoping it would help her to wake up, she began washing her hair and then her body. She would have loved to take her normal twenty minute steaming hot shower, but she knew a quick shower was all she had time for. She was thankful that she remembered to set her coffee maker the night before, because a hot cup of Java was what her body needed. Dressed and ready to go, Dylan poured coffee into her favorite to-go cup making sure to add her favorite creamer.

  On the way out, her cell began to ring. Even though she didn’t recognize the number, she decided to go ahead and answer it.

  “Hello,” Dylan said hesitantly.

  “Hey, girlfriend. Long time no talk,” Lilly said in a spunky voice

  “Lilly,” Dylan said, excited to hear her friend’s voice. “Where are you?”

  “We just landed. You’re the first person I called,” Lilly confirmed.

  “Listen, I’m on my way to work. Can I call you later?” Dylan asked.

  “Yeah, but call me on this number. I had to get a new phone. Mine was stolen,” Lilly stated.

  “Stolen, what do you mean stolen?” Dylan said with concern.

  “Long story. I’ll tell you about it later,” Lilly said.

  Hearing from Lilly brightened Dylan’s day. It seemed like Lilly had been on vacation with her family forever, even though it was only for two weeks. They had a lot of catching up to do. This conversation was going to take a lot longer than the time it took her to get to work. Before depositing her phone back into her purse, another call came in on her phone. It was from another unknown number. The same number from a couple of days ago. Swiping her finger across the screen. Dylan laid into the caller.

  “Look, I don’t know what your game is, but I’m over it. Quit calling this number,” Dylan yelled, waiting once again for a reply and getting nothing.

  Frustrated, and the day hadn’t even started yet, Dylan made a mental note to herself to refrain from answering calls that came in as “unknown.” Problem solved. Instead of taking the elevator down, Dylan thought it would be faster to walk the five flights of stairs down to the entrance. Opening the door to the lobby from the stairwell, Dylan saw a familiar car parked in front of her apartment building. It amazed her how Rade knew everything about her, even where she lived, especially since she just moved there.

  Hesitantly, she walked up to the SUV and knocked lightly on the window. Richard rolled down the window and said. “Ms. Adams… Mr. Matheson requested that I give you a ride to work.”

  “Well, you can tell Mr. Matheson that I am perfectly capable of finding my own transportation,” Dylan shot back.

  Before Richard could say another word, Dylan was making her way in a cab that had pulled up behind him. He had to admit she was quick. If he had known she would be refusing his services, he would have been standing outside the car waiting for her instead of sitting behind the wheel.


  Rade was at his office when he got wind that Dylan refused the ride from Richard. Even though he wasn’t happy, he couldn’t blame her for still being upset with him. He did have to admit that she was definitely a redhead. Her fiery temperament was unmistakable. Smiling to himself, he remembered the same spunk when they first met. He needed to figure ou
t a way to talk to her and explain that he didn’t purposely hurt her by acquiring Spectrum. Thinking more about it, there was no reason they all couldn’t reap the benefits of the transaction.

  “Gwen, set me up meeting with BlackStone Industries for this afternoon,” Rade demanded.

  “Yes, sir. Anything else?” Gwen asked.

  “Yeah, make sure they include Dylan Adams in the meeting,” Rade requested.

  One way or another he was going to make things right with Dylan. He hoped that his plan would be acceptable to everyone.

  Richard pulled up to BlackStone Industries five minutes before two. The only time Keeve Black and Mason Stone had available on short notice was a two o’clock meeting. Climbing out of the car, Rade walked up to the glass doors. Just as he was entering, an Asian or maybe Hispanic man was leaving. Looking up at him, Rade took in his features. Giving him a good once-over, Rade knew he’d seen this guy before, but couldn’t remember where. “Excuse me,” Alex said as he held the door open for Rade. The minute the man spoke, Rade felt that he may have been mistaken. Rade knew he would have remembered that voice. It wasn’t too often he came in contact with someone who by his account sounded and looked to be gay. Nodding his head, he walked past Alex. Half way inside the building, it dawned on him why he looked so familiar. He remembered seeing him at The Castle the same night he took Dylan. Turning to face the glass doors, he saw Alex talking with someone on the street. Watching Alex, Rade thought he had to be losing his mind. There was no way someone of his caliber would be accepted as a member.

  There was no reception area, so Rade walked to the set of elevators, where he noticed a directory positioned between the elevators. Finding the office of BlackStone Industries, he pushed the up button and waited for the elevator. Rade thought it was odd that as reputable company as BlackStone wouldn’t have a better location for their company. It also concerned him that Dylan was working in a less than secure building. Reaching the fifteenth floor, Rade walked through the already open glass doors. He was quickly greeted by two young girls sitting behind the reception desk.


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