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Michigan (The Sevion Brotherhood)

Page 12

by Vicktor Alexander

  He swiped his tongue over Lucas’s clenching hole, moaning at the taste of his lover’s most intimate of areas. The sounds of pleasures falling from Lucas’s mouth enflamed Michigan and he pushed the tip of his tongue into Lucas’s body. He shifted his body closer in order to get his tongue deeper into Lucas’s passage as he whimpered, his hands clenching and twisting the sheets next to his hips.

  “Mich, please,” he pleaded.

  Michigan pulled his tongue out of Michigan’s ass and lifted up onto his knees in between Lucas’s legs, lowering his legs. He picked up the bottle of lube and flipped open the lid, pouring a generous amount of the viscous liquid onto his fingers. He rubbed it around, warming it so that it wasn’t too cold for Lucas and reached forward to press a finger against Lucas’s entrance. He groaned in stereo with Lucas as the man’s guardian muscle relaxed enough to pull his digit in. The tight heat of Lucas’s body surrounded Michigan’s finger all the way down and he twisted his wrist before slowly sliding his finger back out. He pressed a second finger against the opening to Lucas’s body and pushed. He moaned as his fingers were swallowed within Lucas’s hole and pulled the digits until only the tips remained, pressing them back in. He thrust them in and out, twisting his wrist, scissoring his fingers, stretching Lucas’s opening to accept his erection.

  “I-I’m ready, Mich,” Lucas panted.

  Michigan clenched his teeth, struggling to maintain a semblance of control as he acknowledged his lover’s words. He gently removed his fingers from within Lucas’s passage and poured more lube in the palm of his hand, smearing it along the length of his shaft. He hissed and shivered as pleasure rocked him as he stroked himself from base to tip, rubbing his palm over the tip, the lube mixing with the precum that oozed from the slit in head of his cock. Once his dick was sufficiently covered, he rose and pressed the tip against the entrance of Lucas’s body and pushed forward gently.

  When the head of his prick popped inside of Lucas’s guardian muscle, Michigan groaned and held himself still, his body shaking with the effort to keep himself still. His hands shifted into claws, burying themselves into the mattress on the sides of Lucas’s head as he waited for his lover’s body to relax to the point that he could move.

  “Move, Michigan. You can move now,” Lucas told him after a moment.

  Michigan shook his head. Lucas’s body was still tense and he wouldn’t do anything to cause his sufletul pereche pain. “N-no. Not until you’re ready,” he said between gritted teeth.

  “I’m ready now.”

  Michigan blew out a breath and pulled his hips back slowly before pushing forward gently. Bliss wrapped itself around his spine and Michigan’s head fell forward. He moved in and out of Lucas’s tight channel, the hot passage gripping his cock like a velvet glove as he moved his hips unhurriedly. Inch by inch, grinding his pelvis until finally he felt Lucas’s body relax and only then did he speed up his plunges. He groaned Lucas’s name as their bond flared to life blazing within him, heating his body from the inside out.

  The flame from the red mating candle grew brighter and brighter until the room was engulfed in blue flames though it burned nothing. Michigan stared down into Lucas’s green eyes seeing nothing but desire darkening them. He leaned forward and took his mate’s lips with his own, kissing the man passionately, telling him without words how much he was wanted, needed even, as the flames grew brighter in the room, surrounding them, touching their skin, but not burning them. Michigan’s skin felt too tight for his body and he grunted as his groin slapped against the curve of Lucas’s ass, the sound of skin against skin sounding loud in the room, a beautiful accompaniment to their groans, grunts, and cries of pleasure.

  The advance and retreat in and out of his mate’s hole caused the conflagration in the bedroom to burn brighter and hotter turning it into a kaleidoscope of colors. The fire spun around them quicker and faster until it became one long strand, impenetrable, never-ending, piercing first Lucas then Michigan, connecting them and joining them together. They were now bonded together. Michigan felt the bond snap into place, Lucas’s childhood memories, his pain and past hurts, his passion and thoughts combining with Michigan’s, heightening his arousal. His fangs itched and he looked down at Lucas and growled when his mate, his sufletul pereche tilted his head to the side, trusting him to be who he said he was. Trusting that he was Michigan and not Razvan. Michigan swallowed the lump that rose in his throat and leaned forward again.

  He licked a spot behind Lucas’s ear, preparing the area for his bite, delighting in the taste of Lucas’s sweat and basic body chemistry. “Thank you,” he whispered into Lucas’s ear. “Thank you for trusting me with this,” he said as he continued to thrust deep and hard within Lucas’s channel before sinking his fangs beneath the skin of Lucas’s neck. Lucas’s blood poured into his mouth and Michigan drank the sweet ambrosia, the coppery taste filling his mouth connecting with his every cell, making him one with his mate. His love. He could feel the half of his soul finally completing itself, joining with the half of Lucas’s. Lucas shouted his name filling the space between their bodies with his cum, his hole clenching so tightly on Michigan’s shaft that he couldn’t thrust forward any longer. But that grip and his name on Lucas’s lips, as well as the scent of Lucas’s seed was all it took for his own orgasm to burst forth. Electricity zipped its way up his spine, his head spinning as his fingertips and toes went numb, his cock twitching deep within Lucas’s chute as the wet heat of his spunk flooded Lucas’s hole. When the bond was completed, Michigan slid his fangs free and licked the wounds in Lucas’s neck closed.

  The rainbow fire that joined Michigan with Lucas melted away into oblivion and Michigan’s arms trembled as he tried not to collapse on top of his lover. His hands returned to normal and as his cock softened, he slid free of Lucas’s body with a hiss, pushing himself onto his back. He gathered Lucas into his arms and rubbed his hand up and down the man’s back in a gesture of comfort.

  Lucas panted even as Michigan himself struggled to catch his breath.

  “Wow.” Michigan said.

  “Yeah.” Lucas replied, nodding his head.

  Lucas lifted a hand and swirled a finger through the hairs on Michigan’s chest. “So is it always like that?” he asked after a moment.

  Michigan laughed. “No. I don’t think so.”

  “Well that’s disappointing.”

  Michigan continued to chuckle. “I think vampires and their mates would die pretty young if every time they had sex it was like that, don’t you think?”

  Lucas sighed. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

  Michigan leaned down to place a kiss on the top of Lucas’s head. He thought of the leather wristbands on the nightstand and pushed himself up into a sitting position. “I have something for you.”

  Lucas sat up and raised his eyebrows. “You want to go again?”

  “No.” Michigan shook his head. “I mean. Yes.” He nodded. “But, not right now.” He reached over and picked up the two leather bracelets. He turned to look back at Lucas who watched him closely.

  “I made these a while ago. I didn’t know who I was making them for when I made them. I just knew that one was for me and one was for my sufletul pereche. It’s sort of like our own personalized wedding bands.”

  Lucas stared at the strips of leather in Michigan’s hands before looking up at him, unshed tears in his eyes.

  “You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to,” Michigan told him.

  “I want to,” Lucas assured him, holding out his wrist.

  Michigan breathed out a sigh of relief and secured the bracelet on his mate’s wrist. He and Lucas may have had a shaky start but it looked as if things were actually looking up for them.

  § § §

  Michigan thrust in and out of Lucas’s body. His hands skimming up and down his body. Leaving behind tiny flickers of passionate fires behind. Lucas moaned, pressing closer to the man. He buried his hands in Michigan’s hair pulling his face closer to his
neck. “Please Mich. Bite me. Bite me again.”

  “Are you sure?” Michigan asked.

  “Yes. I need it. I want you to claim me again,” Lucas pleaded.

  “Good.” Michigan buried his fangs in Lucas’s neck pulling his life-giving blood from his body and Lucas groaned as pleasure swamped his body. He trembled as his seed shot out from the tip of his cock. His pleasure changed to fear as Michigan continued to drink from him. He became lightheaded and bliss quickly turned to pain.

  He lifted his hand and tapped Michigan on the back of the head. “Mich. S-stop. You’re taking too much. Stop. Y-you’re hurting me.”

  Michigan lifted his head and stared down at Lucas, his hazel eyes changing and glowing a bright red. He grinned evilly at Lucas. “That’s the point, my little chef. I’m a vampire. I’m supposed to cause you pain. What? Did you think I loved you?” He chuckled. “You poor deluded fool. I don’t care about your pleasure or your feelings. You’ll never matter to me. Ever.” Michigan’s face changed then, turning into Razvan’s lean, evil visage. “You’ll never escape me Lucas. No matter how many times you let Michigan fuck you or let him fuck you. I was in you first. I bit you first. You’ll never forget that and neither will he.”

  Lucas screamed as Razvan lowered his head and buried his fangs in his neck once again.

  § § §

  “Lucas! Wake up! Please inima mea, wake up. It’s just a nightmare. I’m here. He can’t hurt you.”

  Lucas’s eyes snapped open and he found himself in Michigan’s arms. Terror wrapped itself around his being and he shoved Michigan away from him and hopped off the bed and ran towards the wall uncaring that he was nude. His heart pounded, his chest tight as tears rolled unbidden down his cheeks. He panted as Michigan held up his hands in a placating manner, sliding slowly off the bed.

  “No! Stay back,” he yelled.

  Michigan stopped. “Luc. It’s me. Michigan.”

  Lucas shook his head. “How do I know it’s you?”

  Because you can hear me in your mind, right?

  Lucas gasped and pressed his hands to the side of his head. “How the fuck are you doing that?”

  Michigan sighed and rubbed his face with his palms. “It’s one of the benefits of the mating bond, Lucas. I’m sorry, I thought you knew. That maybe Nimo or Tracy would have told about it by now,” Michigan said.

  Lucas shook his head. “But that still doesn’t prove that you’re not… That you’re actually… That you’re not R-Razvan,” he stammered.

  Michigan growled, his hazel eyes flashing at the mere mention of Razvan’s name before he ran his fingers through his hair. He strode forward and took Lucas’s face with his hands, holding him tightly even though Lucas trembled. “It does prove it. Razvan can’t talk to you using the mind link because he’s not your mate. I am. Only true mates can use the mind link. Well, true mates and twins, but it’s different. We can use the mind link and sense memories and things.” Michigan lifted Lucas face and placed his lips down on his mouth gently. “You’re mine. I belong to you and you belong to me. You only share that link with me. That’s how you know it’s me.”

  Lucas trembled in Michigan’s embrace and pulled his hands down away from his face, he pushed him away. He bobbed his head and swallowed nervously. “Thanks, but… I mean, I’m glad that’s how I’ll know it’s you, but… I just need some more time I think. Can we—I mean, will you be alright if we—” he shrugged.

  Michigan assented. “How about this? We’ve bonded and I really think that maybe you need to talk to someone, like a professional, about what happened.”

  Lucas shook his head. “What professional can I talk to and tell that I was raped by my mate’s uncle who changed his shape to look like him? They’ll lock me up.” Lucas ran his fingers through his hair and marched over to the bed to pull the quilt off the bed. He was not going to have this conversation in the nude. He just wasn’t.

  “There are vampires who are therapists, psychiatrists and psychologists as well, Lucas. My brothers and I know some who work at the hospital with us. I’m sure I can find you a really good one.”

  Lucas nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared at Michigan and processed his words. Maybe he should talk to someone. Not just about what happened with Razvan but about what happened to his parents as well. He looked up at Michigan, trying hard not to see the face of the monster superimposed onto his mate’s body, but it was difficult. When fear began to grip him again he knew that Michigan was right. He needed to have a few counseling sessions, not just for their mating, but for himself. He slowly inclined his head in agreement and heard Michigan exhaled in relief. Lucas almost laughed at the sound but knew that if he did that his lover would think him hysterical, so he smiled instead.

  “Do you think you could sleep in my arms tonight?” Michigan asked.

  Lucas stepped towards Michigan then stopped. His eyes slid closed as he forced himself to be honest with not only Michigan but himself. “No. I don’t think I can,” he said.

  “Okay,” Michigan replied, his tone understanding. He stepped forward and placed his palm on Lucas’s cheek, jerking it back when Lucas tensed. “You sleep in here and I’ll go and stay in the guest room.

  “No. I should go and sleep in the guest room, or go back home.”

  Michigan disagreed, moving his head side to side. “No. I want you here, just in case you need me. Please, stay here.”

  Lucas sighed and agreed turning back to the bed. He climbed onto the bed watching as Michigan gathered clothes from his drawers, his heart hurting at the very thought of sleeping without the man next to him. A thought crossed his mind and he opened his mouth to ask the question before he even had a chance to question himself.

  “Why didn’t you move into Nimo’s parents’ place with everyone else?”

  Michigan froze in the doorway and turned to face him. He gave Lucas a soft smile and walked back towards the bed stopping before the chest that sat in front of the footboard. “I didn’t want to move in there without you.”

  Lucas’s mouth fell open at the man’s words, stunned speechless and his heart yelled out for him to beg Michigan to stay in the room with him. To sleep with him, even if he slept in the chair or on the floor, but his mind, which was still fragile and a little fractured shied away from the very idea. So instead of speaking up, he said nothing.

  “Goodnight,” Michigan said softly.

  Lucas lifted a hand. “Night.” He watched as Michigan walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Lucas wasn’t sure why the sound of the latch clicking into place sounded so… final to him but it did and he rolled over onto his stomach and cried himself to sleep.


  At the sound of a knock on his office door, Michigan looked away from the whiteboard he’d been staring at for the past two hours and groaned.

  “Come in,” he called out. He grinned as his brothers Jersey, Washington and Carolina strode into the room and flopped down on the various chairs and sofas in the room. “Please, doctors, make yourselves comfortable and don’t even pretend to be professional.”

  Washington raised his hand. “I would like to point out that I am a lawyer, not a doctor.”

  Carolina shook his head and tsked. “The black sheep of the Sevion family. Completely fucked up the brotherhood, man.”

  “A complete waste,” Michigan joined in the teasing.

  Jersey wiped his eyes as if he were crying. “Broke Tată and Mamă’s heart with your deplorable career choice, Wash. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Washington chuckled and tossed a pen at Jersey. “Fuck off, asshole.”

  Jersey tossed his stethoscope back at Washington and Michigan clapped his hands. “Hey! You kids cut it out or I’m going to get Zona in here to straighten you out.”

  Jersey and Washington held their hands up in a gesture of surrender and settled back in their seats. Michigan laughed and turned back to the whiteboard, looking at the symptoms of the patient, trying to figure
out what was wrong with the little boy. He was one of Michigan’s patients from the orphanage that the Sevion Foundation treated whose condition had grown considerably worse over the past few days. History of leukemia. Current symptoms include headaches, loss of coordination, clumsiness, aphasia, memory loss, vision problems, and weakness of the legs and arms which is getting worse. Michigan hummed as he continued to study the board trying to figure out what could be wrong with the eight-year-old boy.


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