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Michigan (The Sevion Brotherhood)

Page 14

by Vicktor Alexander

  Fuck is that his other thumb? So full. So fucking full.







  All his.

  All mine.

  On and on it went until his mine was filled with nothing but the chanting babblings of Michigan’s name and Michigan’s possessive claims all while Michigan thrust his thumbs in and out of his passage and licked around his spread pucker. Finally, just when he thought he couldn’t take any more, Michigan pulled his thumbs free and rose to his feet. He snatched up the bottle of lube and with his hazel eyes blazing as he stared down at Lucas, he flipped the top and poured the viscous liquid onto his fingers.

  Lucas panted as he stared up at Michigan, his heart pounding and his stomach clenching. This was it. He was going to have Michigan inside of him again and he would know it was Michigan. He wasn’t going to freak out afterwards either. This was Michigan. The man he was bonded to.

  The man he was falling head over heels in love with.

  At that thought, Lucas gasped and stared at Michigan with a lump forming in his throat. He watched as Michigan stroked the lube over his cock with his hand and felt warmth fill him. He loved this man with his patience, kindness and his wacky sense of humor. Michigan had been extremely understanding after everything and was possessive and protective without being controlling. He genuinely cared about Lucas and would die for him. Lucas knew that with every fraction of his body. Michigan felt deeply and while his brothers didn’t know exactly how responsible Michigan was—Michigan had gone to great lengths to maintain his bad-boy, laid-back, devil-may-care attitude around them—Lucas did and it made him love him even more.

  Lucas hissed as Michigan spread some lube onto the wrinkled pucker of his entrance, the liquid slightly cool on his skin. He felt an ache in his chest as Michigan smiled down at him softly. He was so lucky to be mated to this vampire. To this doctor. No. To this man.

  Michigan placed the head of his cock against Lucas’s hole and began to slowly press the tip inside. Lucas relaxed his muscles to accept Michigan within his body and groaned when he felt Michigan’s dick finally pop inside. Michigan pushed his hips forward and Lucas lifted his hands to wrap them around Michigan’s neck and pull him closer. He could see Michigan’s eyes focused on the area where they were joined, his gaze one of awe and it made Lucas’s pleasure ratchet up a notch. When Michigan finally looked up at him, Lucas let everything he was feeling show in his own expression and if the way Michigan grew completely still was any indication, he understood. But just in case he didn’t, Lucas wanted to tell him so that there was no confusion.

  I love you.

  Michigan sighed and lowered his head, his eyes sliding close, his arms trembling on either side of Lucas’s head. “Thank you,” he whispered. He lifted his eyelids and stared at Lucas, the emotion in his hazel eyes blazing hotly. “I love you too. So much.”

  Lucas’s mouth was taken in a powerful kiss, though every kiss he’d shared with Michigan had been powerful and filled with lust and desire, this one was different, this one was filled with love. It was tangible, real, and so damn exciting that it scared him a little. Through it all, Michigan never ceased his movement inside of Lucas’s channel. Though his thrusts were long, slow, and deep Lucas felt them nonetheless. His mind was just so consumed with the revelations of the moment that when Michigan began pounding his cock in and out of his passage, hard lunges that caused Lucas’s teeth to rattle, Lucas’s orgasm took him by surprise. His seed shot out of the slit of his erection filling the space between them and he let out a surprised cry of Michigan’s name as he gripped his hair, yanking Michigan’s head back by the strands.

  Michigan grunted, then shook his head, freeing his black and grey tresses from Lucas’s grip, before leaning over and baring his fangs to Lucas as he growled. A thrill shot up Lucas’s spin at the animalistic display of aggression in his lover. His body trembled with the after effects of his orgasm even as he thrilled with the knowledge that he had caused Michigan’s control to snap. He stared into Michigan’s eyes and knew what the man wanted, what he needed without even needing to be asked and he tilted his head to the side. Michigan’s head lowered and his fangs pierced the flesh behind Lucas’s ear, sliding beneath his skin.

  Pain burst like a shooting star streaking across the sky eventually turning into an explosion of pleasure so intense that Lucas’s cock which had begun to soften let forth another volley of seed, covering his stomach and his pecs to puddle with previous fluid that had begun to cool there. He screamed Michigan’s name as his second orgasm ripped through him, his throat going raw from the force of his shout. His bond with Michigan thrummed stronger and brighter within him causing his fingertips and toes to go numb and his eyes to flood with tears. They spilled over and rolled down his cheeks unchecked as he sobbed out his bliss, babbling out how much he loved the man with his fangs currently in his neck.

  Michigan pulled his fangs free of Lucas’s skin and tossed back his head roaring out Lucas’s name and Lucas delighted at the feel of wet heat flooding his channel. His limbs jerked and his cock gave a half-hearted twitch as if it considered hardening again but had been drained to the point of death. Lucas watched Michigan’s Adam’s apple bob as the man swallowed then gave Michigan a smile when Michigan stared down at him, his hazel eyes dark. He leaned down and swiped his tongue over the puncture wounds in Lucas’s neck and placed a gentle kiss there causing Lucas to shiver.

  “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too,” Lucas answered.

  And for the first time in a long time, Lucas felt safe and at peace.


  Michigan whistled as he closed the door on the U-haul truck that held all of his and Lucas’s furniture, boxes, clothes, and possessions inside. They were finally moving into the “Big House,” with the rest of his family. While he had enjoyed spending time in his home with Lucas, he was looking forward to finally being with the rest of the Sevion brood. Lucas would be surrounded by Michigan’s brothers, his family and they would have support, back-up…


  Because while he hadn’t said anything to Lucas, and he’d been extremely diligent about keeping the particular thought away from his mind-link with his mate, Michigan had been waiting for the other shoe to drop since he had reclaimed Lucas and they’d confessed their love for each other days before. Razvan was still out there, plotting, scheming, planning to kill his family and Michigan wouldn’t be able to really rest until the monster was killed, destroyed, incinerated, thrown into the Rift never to return.

  He froze midstep and scratched his head. Rift? Where the fuck had he heard that word before?

  Rolling his eyes, he sighed and yelled out Lucas’s name. “Luc!”

  Lucas walked out the door, pulling on his jacket, and glanced up at him, his brown hair blowing across his face and his green eyes shone brightly in the sunlight. Michigan’s breath caught in his lungs as he stared into his mate’s brilliant emerald gaze, watching as Lucas reached up and pushed his hair back behind his ears. Striding forward, Michigan pulled Lucas into his arms and lowered his head to kiss him deeply. Their tongues twirled and twisted together lazily in each other’s mouth, the taste of Lucas’s mouth coating Michigan’s tongue and making him hungry for more. He inhaled and his nostrils were filled with scent of Lucas’s cologne, Cool Water, along with his mate’s own deeply masculine aroma. Reaching down, Michigan lifted Lucas up into his arms and wrapped the man’s legs around his waist, all without breaking the kiss.

  Turning he walked until he had Lucas pressed against the side of the U-haul truck and he delved deeper into his lover’s mouth, exploring every inch. He pressed his jean covered cock against Lucas’s own and moaned as their erections rubbed against each other, separated by layers of fabric. Finally needing air, Michigan lifted his head and stared down into Lucas’s face. He grinned at the dazed and hazy look in his mate�
��s eyes, extremely proud to know that he had put that expression on his man’s face.

  “What. Um. What was. That. For?” Lucas panted out.

  Michigan grinned and ran a knuckle down the side of Lucas’s face. “That was for being you. For being strong. For letting me love you. And for getting me so addicted to Torchwood that I’m thinking about the Rift to myself.”

  Lucas’s mouth dropped open and then snapped closed. His eyebrows scrunched together and pulled down as he gave Michigan a look of adorable confusion before it cleared and he let out a laugh. He shrugged and lifted his lips for a kiss which Michigan gladly gave him. “Well, I don’t know why you were thinking about the Rift, but whatever makes you happy to be addicted to Torchwood is fine by me. Maybe now we can join that role-playing group I was telling you about that meets at the Lewiston Convention Center every week. They discuss the show and possible outcomes, they travel to the cons together, they wear costumes and—”

  Michigan let Lucas slide down the front of his body and shook his head. “Nope.”

  “Come on Mich.” Lucas reached out to him as Michigan backed away.

  “No.” Michigan was adamant. He was a doctor. He rode a motorcycle, worked with his hands and in construction on his days off. He worked with leather in his free time. He had long hair. He had big muscles. He was cool. He was not a geek or a nerd. While he loved his mate and his friends, and thought Nimo was perfect for his brother Dak, there was no way in hell he was going to some nerdy sci-fi group with a bunch of virgins. Nope. It absolutely wasn’t happening.

  Lucas started chasing him around the yard pleading with him and Michigan laughed as he ran from him, aware of his brothers, those who could come out to help, standing around watching him play around with his mate. When Lucas stopped running, Michigan halted as he looked around. Was there something wrong? Had Lucas seen Razvan? He spun in a circle but seeing nothing, he turned back to his lover and raised an eyebrow.

  Lucas twirled his hair around his finger and swayed his hips provocatively as he sauntered over to Michigan. Michigan watched his mate carefully, licking his lips as lust pooled in his groin. He imagined Lucas wearing a pair of leather boy-shorts and nothing else and groaned softly. Lucas smirked at him and Michigan realized he’d sent the image to the man via their mind-link. Lucas smoothed his hand up Michigan’s shirt and grabbed onto his ponytail.

  “If you go to this with me, we can act out that fantasy you keep having every night when you think I’m sleeping,” Lucas said softly.

  Michigan’s breath caught and an image rose unbidden of Lucas wearing a pair of leather chaps, sitting backwards on Michigan’s motorcycle, impaled on his shaft as Michigan opened the throttle and roared down the road. He wasn’t sure if it would be safe. They would have to try short distances first, but the thought of Lucas riding him, as they rode his Harley had him sporting wood so hard, so fast that he grew a little dizzy from it.

  “O-okay,” he choked out, clearing his throat.

  Lucas smiled and released his hair, patting his chest and turned to walk away, rolling his hips as he did. Michigan watched his mate’s pert ass and his mouth filled with saliva. God, he wanted to just sink his teeth into the man’s firm, round bu—

  The sound of a whip cracking made him jerk and Michigan looked toward his front door to see Jersey, Arizona, Washington and Tennessee laughing and holding up their phones. Michigan growled and ran towards them.

  Fuckers. Every last one of them.

  § § §

  They were on the road fifteen minutes later and Lucas was quite proud of himself. He was more than aware of the constant looks that Michigan kept shooting his way as they drove and each one made him want to preen with pride. He’d done that. He’d made the man so crazed with lust that he couldn’t even focus.

  Which was something he regretted the instant the trees on either side of the road began to fall into the road and Michigan slammed on the brakes in order to prevent the truck from crashing into them. Unfortunately, his brothers weren’t paying such good attention and collided into the back of the truck. Lucas threw out his arms, crossing them across his face seconds before the airbag deployed. His breath was pushed from his lungs and he was jerked forward and back, trapped by the seatbelt.

  He groaned as the truck came to a shuddering halt, and he turned to check on Michigan. He grew concerned when he saw the blood dripping down the man’s face until he noticed that the wound was slowly healing. He blew out a breath. Thank God for vampiric healing. Lucas reached over to unbuckle his seatbelt and pressed the release button, grunting when nothing happened. He groaned in frustration when he tried again, pushing as hard as possible, to no avail, and sighed. He’d just have to wait until Michigan came to and have the man free him from his confinement. He looked in the side mirrors and saw Michigan’s brothers stepping out of the SUV behind them. When they started to wave their hands frantically, he frowned, wondering what they were trying to say. He looked back out of the front windshield and saw Rasvan peering through the front windshield at him, a malicious grin on his face. He wiggled his fingers at Lucas and Lucas’s heart began to beat erratically.

  “Mich? Michigan? Please. P-please wake up,” he pleaded, trying hard not to cry. He could do this. Razvan did not have control over him. He was not weak. He was strong. When Razvan changed his form so that he looked exactly like Michigan, Lucas couldn’t help but let out a small whimper. He reached a hand out and grabbed Michigan’s limp hand and glared at Razvan who crouched on the hood of the truck. He exhaled and reminded himself that his Michigan loved him, while Michigan a la Razvan wanted to kill him. “My mate is going to fucking kill you Razvan!” he yelled through the window.

  “Such language from such a puny human,” Razvan said, his voice sounding so much like Michigan it made Lucas’s stomach curdle. He shook his head. “How optimistic you are. Too bad you’ll be dead before he ever gets that chance.”

  Lucas tried to keep his face implacable as he felt Michigan’s hand twitch within his own and knew that his mate was awake and listening, poised to strike. He bared his teeth at Razvan as the man plunged his hand in through the hood of the truck yanking out parts. When the engine started to smoke, Lucas knew what he was doing, he was going to cause the truck to blow up with them trapped inside. He felt Michigan squeeze his hand a second before his mate launched himself through the windshield and collided with Razvan. The two of them sailed through the air, Razvan landing on a protruding branch. Lucas watched as the man let out a pained wail and Lucas let out a triumphant shout as his mate started to slice and pummel the man beneath him.

  When smoke filled the interior of the truck, Lucas ignored it at first, but as the flames flickered at the hood of the vehicle, he began to struggle against the restraint of the seatbelt.

  “Michigan!” he yelled out. He saw Michigan’s brothers who had been standing around watching as Michigan ripped into Razvan’s body turn to look at him. Razvan was no longer fighting back, but just hanging there, impaled on the tree branch, blood pouring from his wounds. They ran towards him and he saw Michigan swivel his head and stare at him, his eyes widening as he jumped up from on top of Razvan’s body and ran back towards the vehicle. The roar of the explosion drowned out Michigan’s yell and Lucas stared into his mate’s eyes, then he knew nothing.


  A lionous roar ripped from Michigan’s chest as he collided with Razvan and they flew through the air. He hadn’t aimed for the tree branch, but the sound of the wood puncturing the monster’s body was satisfying to him. As was Razvan’s cry of pain. The stretch and pull of his claws extending from his fingers took mere seconds and with a battle cry of his mate’s name, Michigan unleashed a torrent of fury upon Razvan’s body. Blood splattered his face and chest, his claws ripping through the flesh like butter. He watched with sickening fascination as pieces of Razvan’s skin stuck to his claws as he tore into him, Lucas’s tear-filled eyes and screams echoing in his mind.

  He had ever
y intention of continuing his assault upon the limp form of this demon who had so haunted his lover but hearing his brothers running away and then the cries of his mate as well as his name being screamed from Lucas’s lips, pulled him out of his rage-filled haze. He shoved away from Razvan’s body and spun around towards the truck, now filling with smoke, flames licking up from the hood.

  Lucas’s eyes were filled with tears as he stared at Michigan and the bottom dropped out of his stomach. No. No. There was absolutely no way he was going to lose his mate again. He and Lucas had been through too much. Endured too much for him to lose the man to a fire. To a fucking explosion. Michigan would not accept that. He ran towards the truck, ignoring his brothers calling him back, his focus on Lucas, who was telling him that he loved him as if he were saying good-bye.

  “This is not good-bye,” Michigan growled as he leaped onto the flaming hood of the truck and leaned in to grab his unconscious mate. Lucas must have collapsed from too much smoke inhalation. The roar from the engine preparing to explode filled Michigan’s ears and he ripped away the seatbelt keeping Lucas chained to the seat. Crawling all the way into the truck, he pulled Lucas into his arms and turned his body so that he could kick open the door. He jumped down, holding Lucas close to his chest and ran away from the truck, his family close behind. The truck exploded, causing a chain reaction as the SUV behind it exploded soon after.


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