A Happy Accident

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A Happy Accident Page 8

by Amelia Wood

  Caroline walked away, her fists clenched. He still loved her. He still wanted her. He would do all he could to fix the situation for Eliza so she could still marry him. What was it about the girl that inspired such devotion? It was intolerable. She was nothing remarkable yet Darcy was clearly willing to do whatever he could to have her. Even involve himself in the sort of sordid affair he would have scorned before back in the good times before any Bennet entered their lives.

  Caroline was too upset to return to the drawing room. Anyone who looked at her would guess at once that something was amiss. She returned to her room where she could think.

  Darcy was clearly too far gone to think straight. He would throw himself away on an alliance that had just become more disgraceful than it was and he was too blinded to see it. He would marry in a haze and within a year he would regret his decision.

  Well, Caroline could not allow that to happen. She would do whatever it took to prevent Darcy making the gravest mistake of his life.

  She walked to the mirror and looked into it, frowning critically. Her eyes were rather wild and fierce. They were the eyes of a hunter, not those of a woman who could win a man’s heart. She brushed her gown over her body as she assessed her figure in the glass. She smiled as she felt her curves. No one could deny she was an extremely attractive woman. Darcy would have to be a fool to resist her…

  Was she really contemplating this? Her heart pounded as she considered the gravity of what she planned to do. Caroline Bingley had not been raised to snare a man through such cheap tricks. She had attended the finest ladies academy in London and had a dowry of twenty thousand pounds. She should have had men like Darcy fall at her feet. How had it gone so terribly wrong that she was now reduced to contemplating such an action? This should never have been her path. Darcy should have approached her on bended knees and pleaded with her to honour him with her hand in marriage.

  But sometimes men could be fools for the worst sort of women. She had seen it in London when perfectly respectable men lost their hearts to harlots and actresses and squandered their families fortunes to cater to their endless demands. Even the prince had a questionable alliance with an actress many people swore was his secret wife. The best of men could fall under a woman’s spell and throw himself away if he were not careful. Or if he did not have a disinterested friend who was prepared to take it upon herself to promote his welfare. Darcy had no idea how fortunate he was. Caroline was swept up in a rush of virtue and she smiled at the image of herself as his guardian angel. Perhaps it was unfair that she had to take such a measure to protect the man she loved, but the world was not fair and she simply did not have it in her to scheme and entrap innocent men as Eliza Bennet did.

  Caroline turned to look at herself in the mirror again and drew a nervous breath. She could hardly believe she was about to do this. How would he respond to her? For a moment, her mind conjured an image of Darcy turning on her in a rage and banishing her from his presence. But no, surely he would not. He was a man after all, and men were foolish when it came to the demands of their bodies. All she had to do was encourage Darcy to slip just enough and he would be hers. She gave herself a small, satisfied smile and set to work to prepare for the evening ahead.


  Darcy had his trunks packed and ready. He determined he would rise at first light and dine with Elizabeth to see her before she left for home. He had contemplated telling her of his plan to find Wickham in London but the more he considered it, the less of a good idea it seemed. He could not make Elizabeth feel indebted to him. Though she had responded to him over the past week in a way that made his heart soar, he could not be sure if what she felt was love or merely gratitude towards him for saving her life. And there was every chance that if she learned he had pursued Wickham and Lydia, she might suspect his motives. He would never allow her to think that.

  Besides, he could not be sure he would find Wickham. Darcy had ideas of where to start searching for him but he could not guarantee he would be there. And he would not risk getting Elizabeth’s hopes up for nothing. Anyway, the only reason Wickham was able to gain access to Lydia Bennet was because Darcy had been so tight-lipped about Wickham’s true colours. If he had been as concerned for protecting other people from Wickham as he was with Georgiana, Wickham would never have been received by the people of Meryton. He would never had a chance to meddle with young ladies. This was partly Darcy’s fault. He must be the one to remedy it.

  Even with a plan firmly in mind, Darcy found it difficult to sleep. Thoughts of Elizabeth swirled continuously through his mind, giving him no chance of rest. How he longed to hold her and wipe the worries from her face. If he was her husband he would have every right to do so. And she would be in his bed now beside him…

  He groaned and rolled over, trying to dampen those thoughts. If anything was guaranteed to keep him awake all night it was that. He had two long days of travel ahead of him. Once he had completed his task, he would enjoy thinking of Elizabeth and maybe, maybe allow a small hope to blossom that she might see him as a different man to the one she considered him to be.

  The next thing Darcy was aware of was the bed shifting beside him. Somewhere in the depths of his sleep, he realised a warm body and slipped between the sheets and curled herself around him. There was nothing strange about that. Darcy had been dreaming of Elizabeth doing such a thing for months and months now. Those delicious dreams had increased in frequency once she was under his roof and only a few feet away in the mistresses room that should have been hers. And he did as he always did in those dreams. He turned to her and drew her into his arms. With a contented sigh, he found her lips and closed his mouth over hers. Her arms wound around him as she responded joyfully…

  Something was wrong. Elizabeth did not feel like this. He had carried her in his arms and studied her form too many times to be deceived. Elizabeth was small and slight with curves in just the right places. This woman also had a pleasing figure but not so agreeable as Elizabeth’s. And she was much taller. Who on earth was he dreaming of?

  A voice whispered his name in the dark. A feeling of alarm flickered through Darcy’s mind. That was not Elizabeth’s voice. And surely that voice was too clear to be a dream. He needed to wake up now, no matter how exhausted he would be in the morning. Because something was very, very wrong.

  He opened his eyes and looked down. His heart lurched in horror. Caroline Bingley smiled up at him lazily, her hands caressing his face.

  “Why did you stop?” she whispered in a husky voice.

  Darcy tried to speak but he felt as though his throat was closed. He touched a hand to her face and then ran it down her body, making her sigh with delight. He drew back his hand, his mind reeling. She was no dream. Caroline Bingley was in his bed and he was holding her. He had kissed her.

  Darcy scrambled backwards out of the bed and stared down at her.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded. It was the first time in his life he had ever cursed before any woman.

  Miss Bingley blinked. “I thought you liked it? You certainly responded to me when I touched you. What is it, Darcy?”

  “Get out of my room,” he said. He was so enraged his voice trembled.

  Miss Bingley lunged back against the cushion, allowing the shoulder of her very flimsy gown to fall away.

  “Come, Darcy. Come back to bed. You know how I feel about you. I felt your response to me. I know you have feelings for me too. Do not deny you have always wanted this.”

  “I do not know what illusion you have been labouring under, madam, but I can assure you I have never wanted you or desired you. Do not flatter yourself that my behaviour when I was asleep and did not know what I was doing indicates any feelings for you. Now get out of my room before your reputation is damaged beyond repair.”

  Miss Bingley’s eyes narrowed. She pulled herself from the bed and looked uncertainly towards the door.

  “If my reputation is damaged, my brother will expect you to do the hon
ourable thing and marry me.”

  Darcy could not help smiling at that.

  “I assure you, madam, your brother would expect no such thing. And even if he did, I will never marry because of such a cheap trick. I thought this sort of thing below even you. Now, get out of my room. Because if you hope I will be forced to marry you, you may think again. If the whole house came here and saw us together, I would not offer for you. And I do not think there is a single person who would blame me for it. If you are fortunate, I will consider not telling your brother about what you have attempted here tonight.”

  “Charles would insist you marry me. He has a duty to me. I am his sister.”

  “Charles would take care of his duty to you but I do not think he would do it in a way you would like.” Darcy leaned forward with such a cold smile on his face that Miss Bingley recoiled. He placed his hands on the end of the bed. “You will be sent away. I believe your aunt in Scarborough is always ready to receive you? You will be the woman who was known to try to coerce a man into marriage and failed. If you want people to know that, that is your affair. But I cannot imagine you would care for such a fate. Now, leave this room at once while you still have some small shred of dignity.”

  Caroline gaped at Darcy. Never, even in all her wildest fears of what might go wrong with her plan, did she imagine him to respond like this. She believed him too honourable to do anything other than marry her. Yet he was happy to throw her away and assured her that her own brother would do likewise. It was intolerable.

  “I suppose you think to marry Eliza Bennet,” she said. “Despite knowing she will bring you nothing but shame. You think you can marry her even though her family has disgraced itself. Oh yes, I know what her sister has done. Everyone will know about it soon. And this is the family you want to ally yourself with? What will happen to Georgiana’s prospects when people know she has a sister who has disgraced herself with the son of a servant? Eliza has cast some spell over you and by the time you realise it, it will be far too late.”

  “I will not tell you again…” Darcy began in a cold voice. Miss Bingley had far more she would like to say but it was clear Darcy was not in the humour to be patient. She clamped her mouth shut and hurried from the room.


  Darcy was not the only one who had struggled to sleep that night. Elizabeth had found it impossible to rest with all her thoughts of her sister running through her mind. Stupid, thoughtless Lydia. Did she care nothing for anyone but herself? But that was a ridiculous question. Lydia had made her answer to that plain by the time she could speak.

  And beyond all that were more selfish thoughts. The idea of saying goodbye to Darcy was more painful than she could express. She had dared to hope he might still care for her but those hopes must be at an end now. Even if he did love her still, he would not ally himself with a family who were disgraced. And disgraced by Wickham of all people. That tiny seed of hope must be crushed beyond repair. Lydia’s actions had seen to that. How would he look at her when he bid her farewell? Would he look regretful? Relieved?

  Elizabeth’s head turned towards the door that led to the adjoining dressing room and beyond to Darcy’s chamber. By rights it should have been scandalous for her to stay in this room but once she had begun to recover, the topic of moving her had never come up again. Darcy was just on the other side of that door. No doubt he was sleeping peacefully. Perhaps he might even feel relieved that Elizabeth had turned down his marriage proposal and prevented him from being involved in her disgrace. He might feel guilty for such a thought but he would not have been human if he did not feel even a little vindicated.

  Oh, this was hopeless. Elizabeth would never sleep at this rate and she would never cope with several days on the road. She needed something to take her mind away from her troublesome thoughts. A book, perhaps. She had read all the ones in the room but the library had plenty more. Something humorous would be just the tonic for taking her mind away until she could sleep. Elizabeth swung her legs out of bed and took the candle from her bedside.

  A few dim lights flickered in the sconces. Elizabeth turned towards the stairs when Darcy’s door opened. Elizabeth froze in surprise. Some instinct made her move back against a statue and shield her candle with her hand. She had no idea what she would say to Darcy if they encountered one another in the middle of the night, and…

  Elizabeth’s heart froze and her mouth fell open when she saw the figure emerging from Darcy’s room.

  Caroline Bingley.

  The lady paused for a moment outside the door. She pulled a wrap around a dishevelled nightgown and released a breath. She glanced up and down the corridor then padded away on silent feet.

  Elizabeth pressed her back against the wall, her heart now working again and pounding madly. Her hand shook so badly the weak candlelight flickered.

  Caroline Bingley had been in Darcy’s room in the middle of the night. Innocent as Elizabeth was, she knew there was only one reason why a lady would do such a thing. How long had it been occurring? She had been so sure Darcy did not care a jot about Miss Bingley. But what if he had been careful to give that appearance so as not to betray their secret relationship.

  But then why would Darcy do such a thing? There was nothing to stand between a match between them. Why would Darcy not court Miss Bingley openly and honourably? Bingley was hardly likely to prevent his best friend and sister from marrying.

  Another thought hit Elizabeth and her heart sank. Perhaps Darcy had sought comfort with Miss Bingley after Elizabeth had rejected him. Perhaps her harsh behaviour to him left him vulnerable to Miss Bingley’s advances. She might have decided that this was the only way for Darcy to ever marry her. And as Elizabeth was clearly no longer an option for a bride, perhaps Miss Bingley had once again taken to visiting his bed. If so, there was no reason to believe there would not be an engagement announcement any day now. And it would be poor comfort to Elizabeth to know Darcy did not marry her for love.

  Once Elizabeth regained the strength in her legs, she returned to her room. Sleep proved impossible. She sat on the window seat and gazed out over the estate that might have been hers until the sun rose above the horizon and it was time to go.

  “We cannot possibly leave without saying goodbye to our host.” Mrs Gardiner looked at Elizabeth incredulously. “Come, Lizzy. You know we owe Mr Darcy better than that.”

  “I left a note thanking him…”

  “You know a note is not sufficient.”

  Elizabeth sighed impatiently. “He may not rise for hours. He knows we plan to leave first thing in the morning. If he wished us to bid him goodbye he would be here personally…”

  “Miss Bennet.”

  Elizabeth closed her eyes at the familiar voice. She opened them again to see Darcy hurrying down the stairs. He did not wear a cravat and his shirt collar was open.

  “I did not know you meant to leave so early,” he said. His eyes were anguished.

  Elizabeth fixed her gaze to the floor.

  “I think we must, sir. It is a long journey and I will not feel easy until I am home as soon as possible.”

  “Of course.” Darcy looked at her helplessly. Mr and Mrs Gardiner exchanged looks then Mr Gardiner offered Darcy his hand.

  “You have been most kind to us.”

  “Thank you for everything,” said Mrs Gardiner. “We are most grateful for your kindness.” She paused. “Are we not, Lizzy?”

  Elizabeth did not raise her eyes.

  “Most grateful. Thank you, sir.” She turned towards the door. “I think I heard the carriage,” she said with a note of eagerness.

  Mr and Mrs Gardiner stared after her perplexed. Mrs Gardiner gave him an apologetic smile.

  “She is most distressed about her family, sir…”

  “There is no need to apologise,” said Darcy quickly. “I know how much Miss Bennet cares about her family. She will wish to be with Miss Jane Bennet in particular to share in her distress.”

  But his eyes were still troub
led as he followed them to the carriage.

  Just before Elizabeth could climb in, he hurried forward and took her hand to help her. She froze and glanced at his bare throat, unable to meet his eyes.

  “I am sorry for these circumstances, Miss Bennet. You must know it has been an honour to have you here.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she mumbled to his shirt.

  Darcy clicked his tongue. He pressed her hand. “What is the matter?” he asked. “I know this is more than worry for your sister. You are being cold to me. Have I done something to offend you?”

  Elizabeth raised blank eyes to his face. “What could you have done to offend me, sir? We are nothing to one another, after all. I appreciate all you have done for me. I will not trouble you anymore.”


  Darcy was forced to stand back as Mr and Mrs Gardiner stepped forward. He could do nothing more but nod to the coachman and then watch helplessly as the carriage pulled away until the groom came forward to tell him his own carriage was ready to take him to London.


  Elizabeth had never been so relieved to see Longbourn come into view. The journey from Derbyshire to Hertfordshire had felt like the longest of her life, not least because Aunt and Uncle Gardiner had spent the journey discreetly trying to discover why she had parted from Darcy on such bad terms. She was sure they did not believe her that it was solely concern for her family that caused her to be so cold and distant.

  Jane hurried out of the door to greet them. Elizabeth jumped from the carriage before it had completely stopped and the sisters embraced one another fiercely.

  “I am so glad you are home,” Jane whispered. “It has been a dreadful week.”

  “I am here now. You do not need to manage everything alone anymore.” Elizabeth released her and looked up at the house. “Where is everyone else?”


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